Project Zero -

Project Zero
Presentation 7:
Theoretical/Background Knowledge
Priorities in Problem Solving:
POLITICS: Every individual is most affected by the state of political authorities,
their methodologies, their policies and their general impact. When there is social
justice and righteous governance in place, people have less reason to complain
about smaller things, and even if they have success in smaller areas, i.e. personal
life/finance/religion, they still have reason to complain about the prevailing
governing system.
ECONOMY: It may seem that people are affected by psychological/spiritual issues,
but these usually link with their perception of where their sustenance originates,
and psychological issues are usually secondary to this major cause.
TRADE/INDUSTRY: The rectification of industry/trade is linked with employment,
which links with perception of attainment of sustenance, and affects an
individual’s allegiance/satisfaction with existing political authority.
ENVIRONMENT: The manner in which the environment is cared for/neglected
equally impacts perception of wellbeing/prevalence of justice, if it is neglected,
people are seen to generally become more reckless with the way they treat the
Earth and resources, and thus greed is cultivated in Industry/Trade, which impacts
Economics and again, perception of reception of sustenance.
PERSONAL MATTERS: Is the final sphere we believe affects the general state of the
world, which relates to psychology, health, education and religion. People who
work in these fields tend to think that their job is the most important, and they
tend to justify this through a metaphysical view on how the world operates, i.e.
justice starts from the individual, and spreads outward.
• Justice is about necessity and not morality, therefore any individual
should consider himself responsible to strive for social and political
justice and work to prevent discord and tyranny in society.
• Those of us living in the West should try, within attainable means,
to strive for socio-political justice and oppose tyranny in favour of
those less politically fortunate in other countries, using intellectual
pressure upon tyrannical governments and also working together
with our own governments to put pressure on them.
• In this regard, Project Zero acts as a central platform for facilitating
expression of opposition to events/actions/groups seen to
perpetuate injustice and tyranny. Providing a bridge between
ordinary citizens and those in political authority can help to speed
up the communication process and aid in enabling both parties to
feel able to contribute more towards what is currently being done.
• Project Zero aims for removal of corrupt and stale institutions, and
creating initiatives and reform that seek to redirect efforts towards
just norms and general progress, also to end cycles of
greed/exclusive profit.
• In striving for global justice, Project Zero seeks to avoid affectation
and fake behaviour, or only pursuing this aim superficially. Its
purpose is to avoid cyclical and dichotomous problem solving
through comprehensive, pre-emptive activity that seeks out the
root of problems.
• We seek implementation of just objectives in the main spheres of
activity using readily available and just means.
• We seek to add uniformity and order to the existing pseudoanarchist/truth movement, in order to create a more balanced
political scenario in Western nations.
• We seek to move people away from generic/Romantic
conceptions of ‘good and evil’, and ‘self righteousness’ and
replacing them with realistic conceptions of effective thought
and action.
• We seek a shift away from generic/inherited conceptions of
enjoyment/boredom and to replace these with endeavour for
social/global justice.
• Tyranny is to be opposed and democracy upheld, but not
according to the perspective of only one nation or culturally
dominant force, but from the perspective of all groups who
are adversely affected by tyranny. This means that both ISIS
and Israel are equally blameworthy as perpetuators of
tyranny, and enmity towards either of them is not indicative
of either anti-semitism or Islamophobia.
• -The enemies of humanity are not those who directly oppose justice, they
are harmless as they at least reveal their intentions clearly, the enemies of
humanity are those who obstruct justice by delaying and preventing
inevitable processes of truth, obstructing it by their own subconscious fear
and cowardice.
• -The creation of bureaucracy and elaborately long-winded organisational
structures can pose an obstruction to justice and an aid to evil.
Sometimes, bureaucracy is put in place to delay good work and pursuit of
progress, this must be opposed.
• -The creation of bureaucracy can represent slowing down the inevitable
process of punishing the corrupt and rewarding the deserving.
– The Battleground: Governments and regulatory bodies have
within themselves the power to affect change when combined
with the will of the people who they serve. When the will of
these two forces combine, satanic/subversive cells will have no
escape and they will no longer be able to dupe others into
supporting their activity. Remember that Satanic groups always
require on outside support/consent in order to pursue their
aims, without this, they are left vulnerable, as they are unable to
operate independently.
– Satanic/subversive units/groups only prosper when
governments and the public lend them an ear. All that needs to
be done by any well intended think tank/organisation is to unite
governments and their citizens against a common threat through
knowledge and education. This is the only way to achieve justice
on a widespread and long term basis.
-Until the means to deliver the knockout blow are revealed to
you, stay low and avoid your enemies so that they cannot catch
you off your guard or disrupt your flow, then when the time
comes, you strike in a way that disables them from the root, as
all that which is not based on truth can be easily uprooted.
-As long as the information is on the website and the agendas
are clearly described and understood, this is the greatest
achievement, since there are none who can reject the truth/the
correct course of action once it has been etched in his mind as a
potential pathway. It doesn’t matter if a person implements all
the solutions at once, because it will inevitably manifest over a
certain period of time due to the build-up of subconscious
intentions held by the vast majority of people who will find our
activity appealing.
– The danger is only that this potentially vast and successful
endeavour gets cancelled/muted before anyone ever had a
chance to hear about it, it is this outcome we aim to avoid and
which we consider to be the greatest loss possible.
-Every proposition has got to be heard once, this is a universal
law, every man with an idea deserves to have it considered at
least once.
• To be significantly remedied, all groups who operate under the name of
Islam should work towards the following objectives, according to Project
• Identifying and helping authorities to identify extremists.
• Fixing theological and legal problems.
• Working to rectify general and specific affairs in the Middle East and
Pakistan based on the main agendas of ‘Global Islam’.
• Opposing ISIS, Wahhabism and extreme deviations from Islam in matters
of Caliphate/Jihad, and other issues.
• Providing information on correct Islamic law and theology in context of
cults/false prophetic movements + aberrant philosophy.
• Promoting the theological and legal structures of classical Islamic thought
for use in modern situations in a way that makes an impact, in opposition
to trends that attempt to over liberalise Islamic thought, or solve the
problem by ignoring key issues.
• Creating culture of scholarly discussion on philosophical matters based on
classical Islamic intellectual tradition.
• Rectifying activities in Mosques in accordance with Sunni thought and
removing the influence of Wahhabism from Mosques.
• Rectifying sectarian issues without sweeping aside important issues
or compromising the integrity of Islamic thought; creating a unified
discourse that will filter cult members from the ranks of
membership to Islam.
• Promoting correct historical Islamic understanding of the following
main elements of philosophical thought that Sunnism was
classically based on:
• God/Divinity/Predestination/Prophecy/Definitions of Faith +
• Ethics/Laws/Heresiography/Eschatology.
• Dealing with News/Internal affairs within the Islamic community.
• Providing training for scholarship, creating educational circles
in Mosques based on Sunni thought, distributing leaflets on
correct understanding of Islamic thought in order to oppose
aberrant thought of Wahhabism.
• Promoting the elevated principles of Islamic spiritual thought,
a.k.a. Sufism and opposing deviant trends that have emerged
among its members.
• Advocating Islamic spiritual practices in a way that flows with
contemporary living.
• Monitoring content of Imams’ speeches and lectures to
remove elements of defeatist/depressing preaching.
• Facilitating academic protest against aberrant thought.
• Removal of mental illness/ depression/ anxiety through promoting
awareness of prophetic wisdom and Islamic theory on mental health.
• Promoting general wellbeing and physical health.
• Working with UK govt. to create diplomatic and broad religious
constitution that promotes beneficial elements of Sunni thought and
eliminates harmful and detrimental aspects of religious thought in the UK,
especially among those who claim to represent Islam.
• Working with key groups in society in the areas of law enforcement,
housing, education, medicine, employment, finance, manufacturing, food
service, travel & tourism, business, leisure, and attempting to make a
positive contribution to these areas.
• Predicate: That you are discontent with existing social structures and the
manner in which affairs are conducted, and that you have vision for how
things can be improved. That you are a vibrant soul who has a high
expectation of what human beings are supposed to achieve, and that you
are aggravated with stubborn minded, backward groups of people, in both
the Islamic world, and the West, who resist change, who force stupidity
and backward thought on others, who cling to ancient ideals with no
scientific relevance, and who think they run the world, their rule is about
to end.
• “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution
inevitable”- JFK.
• Standard Method:
• Peacefully affect change in major areas of activity through
advice/demonstration/Education, considering for welfare of bystanders,
adhering to standard conduct as the masses are used to acting in
accordance with, using protocol and etiquette to invite others to heed
useful information as much as possible. This will most likely not appeal to
many who are of revolutionary mindset, as it is many of these taboos and
norms they are here to destroy, but we advise them to do so, it facilitates
growth and maturity, and if we can do it that way, we should.
• Extreme Method:
• Radically affect change in major areas through drastic action,
bending procedures and ignoring etiquette and protocol,
using information and demonstration in a way that is slightly
bothersome to the general social order to the extent that
does not merit legal action, i.e. a large number of people have
their afternoon poetry recital disrupted by angry marching, or
maybe some University professors have their lecture
interrupted by an angry hoard of revolutionaries who want to
‘commandeer’ the stage, but not more than that, i.e. you are
still classified within the boundaries of ‘civilized society’.
• Last Resort:
• Violently affect change in major areas through violent civil
disobedience, chaos, and anarchy, bending all rules and procedures,
giving no consideration to the feelings/physical health of your
fellow man due to his stubborn participation in perpetuating
humanity’s worst cycle of decline through either his physical deeds,
verbal affirmation or silent consent to prevalent norms of depravity.
At this stage, you will undoubtedly be branded a ‘radical’ or
‘terrorist’ by the prevalent social order, and you are likely to have all
of your essential needs cut off, i.e. money, housing, employment,
social circles, etc. This is the most disliked form of revolution to us,
as described in the quotation above, and we are trying our hardest
to bring around revolution through as peaceful means possible, but
if stubborn zealots/ignorant individuals persist, we have no
hesitation to bring them to the right way with force.
• Tyranny is to be opposed and democracy upheld, but not according
to the perspective of only one nation or culturally dominant force,
but from the perspective of all groups who are adversely affected
by tyranny. This means that both ISIS and Israel are equally
blameworthy as perpetuators of tyranny, and enmity towards either
of them is not indicative of either anti-semitism or Islamophobia.
• The eradication of the influence of the following groups would
certainly bring forth an immense shift in the political climate of the
world and would possibly be the eradication of the main major
impediments to the implementation of lasting justice.
• Project Zero serves the global population as a platform for
strategic activism, collaboration, and networking.
• Its focus is to make it easier to pursue beneficial enterprise.
• Project Zero is primarily based to address:
• Countering Islamophobia and mental health problems.
• Extreme aberrance and sources of disruption to general
• Inaccurate methods of striving for justice/selfish agendas.
• -Project Zero targets the most difficult and dangerous
situations that other groups cannot deal with, it keeps broad
function as a default, but this is so that it can specialise when
it is required to operate in a very specific area, if we specialise
at the beginning, then it would not work, you need to start off
general, and then when a problem presents itself, chisel down
your operation to make it specific.
• In all areas we operate in, we take on the tasks that people consider most
difficult and pressing, this gives us satisfaction, in fact, we find average
and procedural problems as stressful, but we find radical situations as
much easier to deal with.
• Channelling our energy in a large problem area is much easier.
• The fact that Project Zero performs some area of activity does not
challenge the current individuals engaged in that area of activity or their
market, rather it is supposed to alleviate the burden of the individuals
who are currently engaged in that sort of activity, and they should use it as
a reference.
Its Structure:
• Project Zero is divided into many different compartments and divisions
allowing for broad activity, but it is mainly divided into two halves, each of
which connect to make a circle, representing ‘Zero’, and also representing
unity, in the sense that if this project is successfully launched, there will be
‘zero’ problems that the world cannot work together to solve strategically,
and that a sense of unity, even if it means just joining an organisation, can
eventually be achieved. The two halves are of course designed to
represent a) the Islamic world, which has been at the centre of many of
the world’s problems for the past two hundred years, and Western
civilisation, which is now considered by many to be at a state of nearcollapse, if it has not collapsed already.
Its Structure:
• These two represent the largest and most influential
civilisations in our view, and many view that there is an
upcoming clash between the two. We are deliberately playing
on those sentiments through our organisation, to
demonstrate that perhaps problems in both civilisations are
generally similar and are possible to be solved with enough
sobriety and reflection.
• It deliberately emphasises that not everyone is the same, and
that there are cultural nuances which mean that certain
problems are solved differently in different environment, and
that a homogenisation/robotised view of the world prevents
effective problem solving.
Its Structure:
• It is demoralising/embarassing that many problems persist in
various areas that average citizens, despite possessing
abilities, have no reach to contribute to, it breeds
despondence and apathy, which in turn breeds chaos and
aggravation. We are supposed to be the answer to the
question: ‘What can you do?’. Our organisation represents
everything that is legally possible for the world’s citizenry to
take part in and contribute towards solving problems in the
two largest problem areas: the Islamic World, and Western
Its Structure:
• If it is seen that our scope of activity is too broad, understand that the
operations method explains how running this organisation is easy, why the
divergent branches are not essentially confusing and that it is generally a
manageable task. Having more responsibilities gives us more energy and
goals to conquer and thus improves the life span of the organisation.
People become afraid and choose the easy way out at the beginning stage,
but later everybody wants more scope of activity and problem solving, and
wish they could have made a difference, we provide a platform for that.
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