Daily Lesson Plans WEEK: Virtue is: caring for self 8:15-8:21homeroom Lunch 12:02-12:30 Period 2: 9:11-10:06 Social Skills Period 3: 10:09-11:04 Period 4: 11:07-12:02 Complete the lessons from last week Objectives: Describe what happens during the process of photosynthesis. Tell what fermentation is. Describe the events that occur during respiration. Explain the differences between photosynthesis and respiration. Procedures: Bellringer, Lecture burst on cell cycle, cell processes and cancer video clip, Homework (pg 60 1-4) Check homework for day Review points and bingo chips from yesterday with each student http://www.wikihow.com/ImproveYour-Self-Confidence-Right-Now Have a discussion on the above sites. Compare and contrast the two. Discuss as you read aloud. Complete attendance March 11, 2011 http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/mit osis-incancer/19d60ac243aee5cdbae219d60ac243ae e5cdbae2399057616899?q=cell%20cycle%20in%20ca ncer%20cells pg 60 (1-4) graphing activity, pipecleaner activity with cell cycle. Review points and goals Visit to CS Rehab. Center Beach ball fun with the clients Review points and goals FRIDAY Procedures: http://www.bing.com/videos/watch /video/how-the-cell-cycleworks/da3f2c63f6c20c1d4a82da3f2 c63f6c20c1d4a82424857698875?q=cell%20cycle onion root tip online lab, crossword puzzle. , 2010 March 10, 2011 WEDNESDAY March 9, 2011 THURSDAY http://www.mindtools.com/self conf.html Science- Jane C. Visit to CS Rehab. Center Beach ball fun with the clients -finish up crossword puzzle Study for test Open book and notes test Next weeks lessons: genetice clashcards 5 genetic vocab. 10 class survey lab 10 genetics with smile 10 spongebob WS#1 http://www.bing.com /videos/watch/video/t he-cellcycle/dbe4c7185fa2d bd88f5edbe4c7185fa 2dbd88f5e396417369004?q=cel l%20cycle http://www.bing.co m/videos/watch/vi deo/learn-aboutthe-mitosis-cellcycle/b59fb4cd9be d1853d167b59fb4c d9bed1853d167417181139340?q=c ell%20cycle LUNCH http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/20425 248/ March 7, 2011 TUESDAY March 8, 2011 MONDAY Tutorial 8:24-9:08 12:02-12:30 Feb. March 7-11 Daily Lesson Plans Period 5: 1:05-1:37 Math- Jane C.and Cody B. Science/Social Studies w/Cody OBJECTIVE- TSWBAT use divisibility rules and to identify prime and composite numbers PROCEDURE- Lesson 7.1-7.2 Watch video from Mrs. Goldsmith’s Wikispace on the CSHS home page Push into English with Christina, Jacob and Dyanna (Brenneman) OBJECTIVE-TSWBAT write a composite number as the product of prime factors Push into English with Christina, Jacob and Dyanna (Brenneman) Students read silently from AR book for 20 minutes MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Period 6: 1:37-2:37 PROCEDURE: define prime factorization -with teacher complete on the board pg. 169---3 through 22 Homework: P 7-3 OBJECTIVE- TSWBAT to find the least common multiple and greatest common factor of numbers and use them to solve problems PROCEDURE- use prime factorization to find the LCM and GCF common multiple and greatest common factor of numbers and use them to solve problems PROCEDURES: Complete Section 5A Review as a practice test OBJECTIVE- TSWBAT take a test on chapter 7 concepts without assistance PROCEDURE- TEST 2:40-3:24 Tutorial Mrs. Baker with Jane in Reading Mrs. Baker with Jane in Reading Push into English with Christina, Jacob and Dyanna (Brenneman) Mrs. Baker with Jane in Reading Pg. 172 Numbers 23-38 OBJECTIVE- TSWBAT use divisibility rules, to identify prime and composite numbers, to find the least Period 7: Push into English with Christina, Jacob and Dyanna (Brenneman) Mrs. Baker with Jane in Reading Push into English with Christina, Jacob and Dyanna (Brenneman) Mrs. Baker with Jane in Reading 3:10-3:15 Prepare for dismissal/ 3:20 dismissal Check Assignment Books SSR 12:351:05