The Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory LIGO at the threshold of science operations Albert Lazzarini LIGO Laboratory 22nd Meeting of the Indian Association for General Relativity and Gravitation (IAGRG) 11-14 December 2002 Pune, India LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 1 Acknowledgements: LIGO Laboratory Hanford, WA Livingston, LA Caltech MIT …just a few of the many individuals that have contributed to LIGO LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 2 LIGO Scientific Collaboration LIGO I Development Group: 22 Institutions, 26 Groups, 281 Members US Universities: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Caltech Carleton College Cornell University California State University Dominguez Hills University of Florida Hobart & William Smith College Louisiana State University Louisiana Techinical University University of Michigan MIT Oregon Pennsylvania State University Southern University Syracuse University University of Texas-Brownsville University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee LIGO-G020551-00-E US Agencies & Institutions • FNAL (DOE) • Goddard-GGWAG (NASA) • Harvard-Smithsonian International Members: • ACIGA (Australia) • GEO 600 (UK/Germany) • IUCAA (Pune, India) International partners (have MOUs with LIGO Laboratory): • TAMA (Japan) • Virgo (France/Italy) LIGO Laboratory 3 The LIGO Laboratory Sites Interferometers are aligned along the great circle connecting the sites Hanford, WA MIT Caltech Livingston, LA LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 4 LIGO Observatories GEODETIC DATA (WGS84) h: -6.574 m X arm: S72.2836°W f: N30°33’46.419531” Y arm: S17.7164°E l: W90°46’27.265294” • Livingston Observatory Louisiana One interferometer (4km) Hanford Observatory Washington Two interferometers (4 km and 2 km arms) GEODETIC DATA (WGS84) h: 142.555 m X arm: N35.9993°W f: N46°27’18.527841” Y arm: S54.0007°W LIGO Laboratory LIGO-G020551-00-E l: W119°24’27.565681” Hanford, WA -> 5 Interferometric GW Detectors Principle of Detection: • A gravitational wave causes the interferometers arm lengths to vary by stretching one arm while compressing the other, in the plane perpendicular to direction of travel. Time LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 6 LIGO First Generation Detector Limiting noise floor Interferometry is limited by three fundamental noise sources seismic noise at the lowest frequencies thermal noise (Brownian motion of mirror materials, suspensions) at intermediate frequencies shot noise at high frequencies Many other noise sources lie beneath and must be controlled as the instrument is improved LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 7 The Early Years: Caltech 40 Meter Interferometer •1/100th scale prototype for LIGO. •Characterized fundamental noise sources. •Critical as a technology proving ground. LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 8 Interferometric GW Detectors Vacuum better than 10-6 torr 1.22 m aperture x 4000 m arms ~9.4 x 103 m3 (each site) ~109 Joule of stored energy 10 kg test masses <1 nm rms surface error @ l =1.024 mm Q ~ 106 R>0.99999 @ l =1.024 mm 5m LIGO-G020551-00-E Seismic isolation of ground motion by > 10-6 10 W @ l =1.024 mm ~1020 g /s to split fringe to 10-10 dn/n~10-10 New Window on Universe GRAVITATIONAL WAVES WILL GIVE A NEW AND UNIQUE VIEW OF THE DYNAMICS OF THE UNIVERSE. EXPECTED SOURCES: BLACK HOLES, SUPERNOVAE, PULSARS AND COMPACT BINARY SYSTEMS. LIGO-G020551-00-E POSSIBILITY FOR THE UNEXPECTED LIGO Laboratory IS VERY REAL! 10 Timeline to Science 10-17 LLO (LHO) strain noise at 150 Hz 1999 1Q 2Q 10-19 10-2010-21 2001 2000 4Q 10-18 3Q Inauguration E1 4Q E2 One Arm 1Q 2Q E3 E4 2002 3Q E5 1Q 4Q E6 E7 Now 3Q 2Q E8 Power Recycled Michelson Recombined Interferometer Full Interferometer Washington 2K Louisiana 4k Washington 4K LIGO-G020551-00-E First Lock Washington Earthquake LIGO Laboratory LHO 2k wire accident First Science Data 11 Sensitivity has steadily improved throughout commissioning LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 12 LIGO Sensitivity at Start of S1 LIGO S1 Run ----------“First Upper Limit Run” Aug – Sept 02 LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 13 In-Lock Data Summary from S1 Red lines: integrated up time H1: 235 hrs H2: 298 hrs Green bands (w/ black borders): epochs of lock L1: 170 hrs 3X: 95.7 hrs •August 23 – September 9, 2002: 408 hrs (17 days). •H1 (4km): duty cycle 57.6% ; Total Locked time: 235 hrs •H2 (2km): duty cycle 73.1% ; Total Locked time: 298 hrs •L1 (4km): duty cycle 41.7% ; Total Locked time: 170 hrs •Double coincidences: •L1 && H1 : duty cycle 28.4%; Total coincident time: 116 hrs •L1 && H2 : duty cycle 32.1%; Total coincident time: 131 hrs •H1 && H2 : duty cycle 46.1%; Total coincident time: 188 hrs •Triple Coincidence: L1, H1, and H2 : duty cycle 23.4% ; •Total coincident time: 95.7 hrs LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 14 LIGO First Science Run Synopsis • LIGO is now more sensitive than any prior broadband instrument • Analysis is in progress » First pass analysis used ~2.5% of full data set to optimize thresholds, refine algorithms, techniques » Collaboration is now analyzing full S1 data set Not yet ready to quote astrophysical results Results are being reviewed internally by the collaboration – Pre-prints should be available by February 2003 – First papers to be submitted by the end of March 2003 LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 15 Organization of data analysis working groups according to source characteristics • Signals with parametrizable waveforms » Deterministic Periodic : Inspiral: » Statistical Stochastic background: • Unmodeled sources » Bursts and transients: LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 16 Time-Frequency Characteristics of GW Sources Frequency Stochastic GW broadband background Compact Binary BH Ringdown Inspiral (After Inspiral) (Chirp,SNR~30) LIGO-G020551-00-E time frequency Burst (Sine-Gaussian) Burst (Broadband) df 2.6 10 4 f frequency Time Continuous Wave Source (GW “Pulsar”) Modulation due to Earth motion LIGO Laboratory w.r.t. barycenter df 4 10 6 f time 17 LIGO Data Analysis • Different source searches -> different analysis methods • Searches for (short) transient signals Non-hierarchical Search » Inspiral: optimal filtering. » Bursts: time-frequency methods. • Searches for (long) periodic signals » Fourier transforms over Doppler shifted time intervals. • Search for stochastic GW background » Optimally weighted cross-correlated data from different detectors. • Detector characterization » Provide understanding of instrumental couplings to GW channel. » Provide calibration for data analysis LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory LIGO’s computational needs dominated by binary inspiral … 100 GFLOPS @ 1 Solar Mass 18 Burst Sources gravitational waves Rate 1/50 yr - our galaxy 3/yr - Virgo cluster LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 19 Time frequency characterization of signals - Exploiting a broadband detector - merger chirp ZM SN bursts Bandwidth vs. duration ringdown ZM SN burst Generic statements about the sensitivity of searches to poorly-modeled sources can be made from the t-f “morphology”… • longish-duration, small bandwidth (ringdowns, Sine-Gaussians) • longish-duration, large bandwidth (chirps, Gaussians) • short duration, large bandwidth (merger) • In-between (Zwerger-Muller or Dimmelmeier SN waveforms) •These SN waveforms are distance-calibrated; all others are parameterized by a peak or rms strain amplitude LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 20 Astrophysical Search Pipeline - example: burst group analysis - L L O Strain Data Quality Check Data split Aux Data (non GW) Burst Analysis Algorithms (DSO) Feature Extraction LDAS, DB (T, dT, SNR) Glitch Analysis Algorithms (DMT) Feature Extraction DB (T, dT, SNR) … Aux Data (non GW) GW/Veto anticoincidence Event Analysis Tools Sanity Checks Simulated data Based on Astrophysical Source Knowledge L H O Strain Data Aux Data (non GW) … Aux Data (non GW) LIGO-G020551-00-E Quantify Upper Limit Quality Check Data split Burst Analysis Algorithms (DSO) Feature Extraction LDAS, DB (T, dT, SNR) Glitch Analysis Algorithms (DMT) Feature Extraction DB (T, dT, SNR) Quantify efficiency IFO-IFO Coincidence And Clustering GW/Veto anticoincidence Event Analysis Tools Compact Binary Sources LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory V. Kalogera (population synthesis) 22 Inspiral search • Dual approach - uses a pipeline process similar to burst search » Conventional optimal Wiener filtering with chirp templates – Flat search • Implemented for analysis of 1994 40m data, TAMA data » Fast Chirp Transform (FCT) – Starting with stationary phase approximation to phase evolution, linearize phase behavior locally to recast filter as multi-dimensional FFT – Generalize FT: FT (t) df h[ f ] e2 ift CT (t) df h[ f ] eif ( f ) – Express phase as series in f: f ( f ) 2f df ( f );df ( f ) k m [ f m ]m m1 – Discretize to FFT, FCT: N0 1 FFT (k ) h[ j] e j 0 jk 2 i ( ) N0 N0 1 p jk j 2 i lp N0 p 1 N0 FCT (k,{lp}) h[ j] e j0 • Hierarchical search - under development » IUCAA group is a key contributor to this effort • Multiple interferometer coincidences at the event level » Coherent processing of strain vector from multiple interferometers still to be implemented LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 23 Stochastic Background Sources ? ? Analog from electromagnetic spectrum LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 24 Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background • Detect by • Good sensitivity requires > »(GW wavelength) ~ 2x (detector baseline) »f < ~ 40 Hz h[f], 1/Sqrt[Hz] »cross correlating output of Hanford + Livingston 4km IFOs LIGO I Adv. LIGO • Initial LIGO sensitivity: >10-5 »W ~ • Advanced LIGO sensitivity: > 5x10-9 »W ~ LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 25 Stochastic Upper Limit Group Activities • Analytic calculation of expected upper limits (~100 hrs): Wfor LHO 2k-LHO 4k will provide the most stringent direct observational upper limit to date • Coherence measurements of GW channels show little coherence for LLO-LHO 2k correlations • Investigation of effect of line removal for LHO 2km-LHO 4km correlations (e.g., reduction in instrumental correlated noise) • Injection of simulated stochastic signals into the data and extraction from the noise to validate end-to-end capability of analysis • Correlations between LLO with ALLEGRO bar detector » ALLEGRO was rotated into 3 different positions during earlier E7 run » Analysis in progress LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 26 Coherence plots (LLO 4km - LHO 2km) of strain channel for a few minutes of data LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 27 Measurements of the Stochastic Background E7 S1(?) Goal LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 28 Periodic Sources Target signals: slowly varying instantaneous frequency, e.g. rapidly rotating neutron stars in different moments of their evolution. hc: the amplitude of the weakest signal detectable with 99% confidence with 4 months of integration, if the phase evolution were known. 8.5 kpc f 0 zz h 2.3 10 25 c R 500 Hz 10 5 10 45 g cm 2 2 I Data must be corrected for each source position on the sky * Graphs from Brady, Creighton, Cutler, and Schutz, gr-qc/9702050 LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 29 Periodic source searches Upper Limit Group 3 source categories and 4 algorithms » All sky unbiased – Sum short power spectra (no doppler correction) » Known pulsar – Heterodyne narrow BW – Coherent frequency domain » Wide area search – Hierarchical Hough transform LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 30 THE CHALLENGE Generally the phase evolution of the source is not known and one must perform searches over some parameter space volume • The number of templates grows dramatically with the coherent integration time baseline and the computational requirements become prohibitive: 1 kHz source, spindown = 40 yr 0.2 kHz source, spindown = 1000 yr On a 1TFLOPS computer it would take more than 104 yr to perform an all-sky search for f < 1000 Hz for an observation time of 4 months. * Graphs from Brady, Creighton, Cutler, and Schutz, gr-qc/9702050 LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 31 LIGO First Science Run Synopsis • • Quick-look based on ~2.5% sampling of data over 17 days plus Monte Carlo simulations injected into data subset is complete -- results under internal review Compact object inspiraling waveforms » » • Coverage will include the Milky Way, plus LMC, SMC Typical sensitivity for a binary neutron star population. Bursts/transient events » » 96 hours of 3X coincidence 2 different (complementary) filters applied to data – frequency-time clustering algorithm (“tfclusters”) – time-domain slope detector (“slope”) – Calibration/efficiency using astrophysically motivated SNe waveforms, wavelets, etc. • Continuous wave sources » Initial searches target known EM sources, e.g.: - PSR J1939+2134 (P= 1.557 ms, search and analysis in progress) – Sco X-1 (in progress - 500 Hz - 600 Hz, multi-parameter search) • Stochastic background » Limiting sensitivity for Wwill be better than previous direct GW observational determinations with resonant bars (narrowband) LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 32 Growing International Network of GW Interferometers GEO: 0.6km LIGO-LHO: 2km, 4km VIRGO: 3km TAMA: 0.3km LIGO-LLO: 4km AIGO: (?)km LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 33 Event Localization With An Array of GW Interferometers SOURCE SOURCE SOURCE SOURCE GEO TAMA VIRGO LIGO Hanford LIGO Livingston cosq = dt / (c D12) Dq ~ 0.5 deg q 1 2 LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 34 LIGO Run Schedule • Science runs are interspersed with engineering runs and commissioning to bring interferometer to design sensitivity Now Nov E10,… Oct Sep Aug Jul LIGO Laboratory Jun E9 S2 May Apr Mar S1 Feb LIGO-G020551-00-E E8 Jan 2003 Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan 2002 E7 S3 35 LIGO Interferometer sensitivities continue to improve!! Recent LIGO Hanford 4 km sensitivity data LIGO-G020551-00-E Targeted Noise Spectrum for S2 angular alignment controllers digital-analog converters mirror actuators shot noise (@ reduced power) S1 S2 LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 37 A Look to the Future: Advanced LIGO • Inherent facility limits » » » Gravity gradients (seismic waves) Residual gas (vacuum) Provides room to improve sensitivity, increase bandwidth • Advanced LIGO » » » » R&D underway Seismic noise 4010 Hz Thermal noise 1/15th Shot noise 1/10th LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 38 Advanced LIGO: Cubic Law for “Window” on the Universe Improve amplitude sensitivity by a factor of 10x… …number of sources goes up 1000x! Virgo cluster Initial LIGO LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory Advanced LIGO 39 Conclusion • LIGO scientific operation started with S1 Aug-Sep 2002 » LIGO has started taking data !!!! » Collaboration is currently carrying out the data analysis – – – – Periodic (CW) sources Compact binary coalescences Bursts Stochastic background • First results should be announced in Feb-Mar 2003 • Detector performance, commissioning continuing to improve towards design sensitivity • Second run scheduled 14 Feb - 15 Apr 2003 » Sensitivity should be almost 10x better than S1 • Planning for second generation interferometers is ongoing » Proposal for an Advanced LIGO interferometer is under preparation now » Will include significant GEO participation with UK/German funds LIGO-G020551-00-E LIGO Laboratory 40