Nuclear Regulatory Infrastructure in Malaysia NUCLEAR ENERGY REGULATORY POLICY IN MALAYSIA Department of Atomic Energy Licensing Board Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) MALAYSIA Safe, Secure and Safeguarded OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION Introduction of AELB Act and Regulations Function of AELB NPP Planning Current Licensing of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Installation Legislation Development Towards Supporting NPP Supervision of NPP: Inter-agency Involvement Treaties, Convention and Agreement Resources: Staffing Human Resource Development Program Infrastructure: Emergency Response Centre, and Monitoring Infrastructure Conclusion 2 Nuclear Installation. Div Policy, Codes & Standard Div Licensing Div National Radiological Centre Source: Google Earth Enforcement Div & ICT Centre Auditorium ATOMIC ENERGY LICENSING BOARD 3 AELB, ACT AND REGULATIONS Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984 (Act 304) Regulatory Body: • To provide for the regulation and control of atomic energy; • For the establishment of standards on liability for nuclear damage; and • For matters connected therewith or related thereto. • AELB was establish under Section 3 of the Act 304. • Ensuring safety, security and safeguarding peaceful nuclear activities. Minister of Science, Technology & Innovation Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (General Secretary) The Board (5 Members) Executive Secretary Standing Safety Committee Substanding Safety Committee 4 Director General AELB Department Nuclear Installation Division Policy, Code & Standard Division Technical Support Division Licensing Division Administrative Services Division Enforcement Division MISSION VISION Encouraging innovation culture to ensure the safe and peaceful uses of radiation and nuclear technology Remaining a relevant regulatory authority with credibility in radiation and nuclear safety, security and safeguarding its peaceful uses for national sustainable development BOARD FUNCTIONS TO CONTROL AND SUPERVISION APPLICATION AND USE OF ATOMIC ENERGY AND MATTERS INCIDENTAL THERETO (AKTA 304) TO ADVISE MINISTER AND GOVERNMENT OF MALAYSIA ON MATTERS RELATING TO THIS ACT TO DO SUCH OTHER THINGS ARISING OUT OF OR CONSEQUENTIAL TO THE FUNCTIONS OF THE BOARD UNDER THIS ACT TO PERFORM AN OBLIGATIONS ARISING FROM AGREEMENTS, CONVENTION OR TREATIES RELATING TO NUCLEAR MATTERS OR ATOMIC ENERGY TO ESTABLISH, MAINTAIN AND DEVELOP SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION AT NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL LEVEL 5 HIERARCHY OF LEGAL SYSTEM Act 304 Regulations • Act: provides the basic law concerning the development and utilization of atomic energy and safety regulations. • Regulations: provides more detailed provisions entrusted by the Act. Orders and Conditions of License • Provides additional requirement which not stated in the regulations or special matters related to provisions entrusted by the Act Guidelines, Codes and Standards • Provides guides, codes and standards to comply with and achieve goal impose in regulations 6 NPP PLANNING Cabinet decision on 26 June 2009: Nuclear Energy is an option of energy source for electricity generation post 2020 Preparation of National Nuclear Regulatory Policy Strengthening Nuclear Regulatory Authority (AELB) Development of technical guidelines related to NPP activities Potential power operator engaged Triga Mark II Puspati - upgrading project to enhance technical capability NGOs engagement to support NPP 2 or 3 Universities engaging in Nuclear Engineering and Safety Courses Sitting planning in the process Reviewing the international conventions ensuring compliance to peaceful uses of nuclear energy RADIATION PROTECTION (LICENSING) REGULATIONS 1986 LICENSE FOR NUCLEAR MATERIAL CLASS B - license to manufacture, trade in, produce, process, purchase, own, possess, use, transfer, handle, sell or store nuclear material Class B License Organization Technical Requirements - Registered company - OBTL - RPO - Radiation Workers - Approved Registered Medical Practitioner - Nuclear material - Storage facility - Radiation detector - Personal monitoring - PPE 8 Radiation Safety - Radiation Protection Program - Safety Analysis Report (SAR) Ref: P.U. (A) 149 RADIATION PROTECTION (LICENSING) REGULATIONS 1986 LICENSE FOR NUCLEAR INSTALATION CLASS F - license to site, to construct or to operate a nuclear installation Class F License Siting and construction Operation Temporary Full ●----------●-------------●--------------●---------------●----------------● siting construction commissioning operation shutdown decommissioning. 9 Ref: P.U. (A) 149 LEGISLATION DEVELOPMENT TOWARDS SUPPORTING NPP LEGAL FRAMEWORK 2007 Q1 Q2 Q3 2008 Q4 Amendment of Act 304 Revision of Current Regulations Development of New Regulations Bilateral Cooperation Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2010 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2011 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Projected Act 200_ Licensing Regulation 1986, Basic Safety Standard Regulation 1988, Transport Regulation 1989 Waste Management Regulation 2009, Nuclear Installation Licensing 2009, Safeguard Regulations 2010, Nuclear Security Regulations 2011 Establishment of Licensing Mechanism of NPP Adoption of IAEA Standards Q1 2009 Inter-Agency Meeting with relevant Regulatory Authority (MHLG, EC, DOE, DOSH) 49 documents related to RR and NPP Development of regulatory criteria, guidelines, standards for regulatory review of site assessment report MoU with BAPETEN, Indonesia (2008) 10 Development of regulatory criteria, guidelines, standards for regulatory review of design, construction and operation of NPP MoU with: - CNCAN, Romania - AEA, Hungary - KINS, Korea - USA - UKM CURRENT INITIATIVE ON LEGAL INFRASTRUCTURE A comprehensive Atomic Energy Act is being reviewed (IAEA Standard) and AELB is discussing with various agencies in strengthening legal infrastructure of nuclear activities in Malaysia. Anticipate to come out with a more comprehensive and effective act on nuclear activities e.g. CPPNM, AP, export control, compoundable offences or its criminalization etc. Adoption of 49 IAEA Standards related to RR and NPP. Developing more guidance documents for licensee. 11 LICENSING OF NPP : LEGISLATION MAP Energy Commission Electricity Supply Act 1990 Non-nuclear Island AELB Atomic Energy Licensing Board 1984 Nuclear Island Application for siting, construct and operate NPP for electricity generation Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, Factory and Machinery Act 1967, Petroleum Act 1984 Individual Certification (e.g. SHO)/ machine & equipment, pressure vessel and boiler DOE Environmental Quality Act 1974 EIA & environmental management plan MHLG Town Planning Act 1976 Fire Services Act 1988 DOSH 12 License / Approval for land use and Enforcement SUPERVISION OF NPP: INTER-AGENCY INVOLVEMENT AELB Atomic Energy Regulatory Aspect DOSH ROYAL MALAYSIAN POLICE Occupational Safety and Health Aspect Security Aspect ENERGY COMMISSION DOE Nuclear Energy Policy Aspect Environmental Aspect NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL MHLG Local Authority & Public Participation National Coordinator for Disaster 13 TREATIES, CONVENTION AND AGREEMENT Title In Force Status Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the IAEA - Non-party Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage - Non-party Optional Protocol Concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes - Non-party Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material - Non-party Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material - Non-party Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident 2 October 1987 Signature: 1 September 1987 Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency 2 October 1987 Signature: 1 September 1987 Joint Protocol Relating to the Application of the Vienna Convention and the Paris Convention - Non-party Convention on Nuclear Safety - Non-party Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management - Non-party Protocol to Amend the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage - Non-party Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage - Non-party Revised Supplementary Agreement Concerning the Provision of Technical Assistance by the IAEA (RSA) 13 February 1981 Signature: 13 February 1981 Third Agreement to Extend the 1987 Regional Cooperative Agreement for Research, Development and Training Related to Nuclear Science and Technology (RCA) 26 March 2002 Acceptance: 26 March 2002 Application of Safeguards in Connection with the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (with Protocol) 29 February 1972 Signature: 29 February 1972 RESOURCES: CURRENT EXPERTISE AND STAFFING Bachelor Degree Holder Mathematic (1) Electrical Engineering (2) 8% 4% Chemistry (1) 4% Environment Science (1) 4% Geophysics (1) 4% Nuclear Science (15) 60% Physics(4) 16% Masters Degree Holder Bioprocess Engineer (1) 7% Environmental Science (4) 29% Radiochemistry (1) 7% Medical Phycisc (3) 21% Nuclear Science (5) 36% RESOURCES: STAFFING Position 1984 – 2003 Director General 2003 2007 1 Deputy Director General 2007 – current Full Strength Occupied (till Nov. 2009) On Application (2009) 1 1 0 0 0 2 Management and Professional Staff 20 51 51 43 46 Technical and Supporting Staff 41 111 113 103 36 Total 60 163 165 147 84 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Application of Strategic Approach to Training Development and adoption of a guidance document for AELB Human Capital Program – LPTA/SPP/10 (14 Mac 2008) Internal trainings Certification Program for AELB Assessors and Inspectors. Includes national policy and strategy on HCD 17 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM External trainings – to ensure AELB is up-to date. Starts with TNA in 2007 and followed by design, development and implementation in 2008 & 2009. Evaluation Stage will be in 2010. “Computer Based Training / Evaluation” – for identified core competencies (Radiation Protection and Malaysian Nuclear Law). 10 trainings identified (based on 2007 TNA) planned in 2008 especially on critical knowledge areas. 2 seminar organized in 2008 for knowledge sharing among AELB officers. This will be an annual event (at least 2 seminars a year). 18 TNA OUTPUTS AND HRD PROGRAMME Identification of Competency Standards for all AELB Technical Officers based on IAEA TecDoc 1254 Identification of Competency Gaps A Training Master Plan for 2008-2009 Identification of Internal Trainers and Re-engineers Identification of AELB Required 15 Technical Disciplines and Resource Persons Revised Masters/PhD program for all AELB Technical Officers Draft Development Plans for AELB 5 Job Disciplines 19 National Emergency Response Centre INFRASTRUCTURE FOR MONITORING OF 3’S’: SAFETY, SECURITY AND SAFEGUARDS - Incident - Accident - Sabotage - Illicit trafficking - Misused Environmental radiation monitoring system Illicit trafficking and border control 20 WAY FORWARD Independency of Regulatory Authority: Amendment of current Act Establishment of new Act Ratification and implementation of relevant International Obligations Public Confidence and Participation: Public participation at the very beginning (outreach programme) Provision under current Act 304 and projected Act 200_ 21 Thank you