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The Final Frontier…
Behold, I create new
heavens and a new earth
(Isaiah 65:17, NKJV)
Scott Huckaby
Today’s Discussion:
What are the extraterrestrials?
What is the mission of the aliens?
What extraterrestrials should we
look forward to encountering?
How does the Bible’s revelation of
extraterrestrials help us?
The Truth
is out there…
God will send them strong delusion,
that they should believe the lie
(2 Thessalonians 2:11, NKJV)
Why do people desperately want to find
proof of extraterrestrial life?
We long to know the truth
about our origin
How does it reinforce the
theory of evolution?
If life just happened on earth,
it could happen elsewhere
How does it give people license
to live however they want?
It proves the Bible wrong about:
• The uniqueness of mankind
• The uniqueness of the earth
How is mankind
God created man in His
own image, in the image
of God He created him;
male and female He
created them.
(Genesis 1:27, NIV)
We are the only creatures made in God’s image.
Genesis 2:1 - Thus the heavens and the earth,
and all the host of them, were finished. (NKJV)
How is the earth unique?
Then I saw a new heaven
and a new earth, for the
first heaven and the first
earth had passed away,
and there was no longer
any sea. I saw the Holy
City, the new Jerusalem,
coming down out of
heaven from God,
prepared as a bride
beautifully dressed for
her husband. And I
heard a loud voice from
the throne saying, "Now
the dwelling of God is
with men, and He will
live with them.
(Revelation 21:1-3, NIV)
God will reside with men on
the new earth for eternity.
…and they will reign for ever and ever.
(Revelation 22:5, NIV)
Are we being prepared for alien disclosure?
Vatican chief astronomer Father Jose Gabriel Funes said there is a
certain possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. (2008)
Another Vatican astronomer, Guy Consolmagno said that chances
are mankind will discover extraterrestrial intelligence. (2005)
Monsignor Corrado Balducci said ETs were actually already
interacting with earth and that some of the Vatican's leaders were
aware of it. (2001)
In 1997 Father Malachi Martin said why the Vatican was studying
deep space at Mt Graham Observatory in Southeastern Arizona:
"Because the mentality... those at the highest levels of Vatican
administration and geopolitics, know that, now, knowledge of
what's going on in space, and what's approaching us, could be
of great import in the next five years, ten years."
Is this part of a Vatican campaign to demonstrate that
they embrace science, or something else? WHY NOW?
What could be approaching earth from space?
Immediately after the
tribulation of those
days… Then the sign
of the Son of Man will
appear in heaven, and
then all the tribes of
the earth will mourn,
and they will see the
Son of Man coming on
the clouds of heaven
with power and great
(Matthew 24:29-30, NKJV)
All the world will see the
Lord approaching earth
before He sets foot here.
He is coming with the clouds,
and every eye will see Him.
(Revelation 1:7, NIV)
Why else are we being prepared for alien activity?
I tell you a mystery: We will
not all sleep, but we will all
be changed— in a flash, in
the twinkling of an eye, at
the last trumpet.
(1 Corinthians 15:51-52, NIV)
To explain away the rapture of
the church… space aliens
zapped them (so now we all
need to work together)
they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For
this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so
that they will believe the lie (2 Thessalonians 2:10-11, NIV)
Jesus said when He returns it would be
"as the days of Noah were" (Matthew 24:37)…
So what does
Genesis 6:4 tell us?
The Nephilim were on the earth in
those days—and also afterward—
when the sons of God went to the
daughters of men and had children
by them. They were the heroes of
old, men of renown.
(Genesis 6:4, NIV)
Nephilim: legends of the Greek gods?
Nephilim were also described as giants; angels?
What do we know about angels?
And of the angels
He says: "Who
makes His angels
spirits and His
ministers a flame
of fire."
(Hebrews 1:7, NKJV)
Angels are spirit-beings, they are non-corporeal,
without physical bodies...
Like fire: no substance; powerful and consuming
Like energy: only their effects can be seen
How could spirit beings have a body?
Do not forget to
entertain strangers,
for by so doing
some people have
entertained angels
without knowing it.
(Hebrews 13:2, NIV)
While angels are non-corporeal spirit
beings, they can manifest themselves
as having physical bodies.
What does this tell us about angels?
And war broke out
in heaven: Michael
and his angels
fought with the
dragon; and the
dragon and his
angels fought
(Revelation 12:7, NKJV)
The holy angels and fallen angels fight in the heavenly
realm. The dragon here is a reference to Satan, the
head of the fallen angels or demons.
What does this tell us about demons?
His tail [of the
fiery red dragon]
drew a third of
the stars of
heaven and threw
them to the earth.
(Revelation 12:4, NKJV)
Satan not only deceived Adam and Eve, he lured his own
kind, other angels to reject God and took them with him.
This passage indicates that a third of the angels became,
or will become fallen, following Satan.
How do demons attack Christians?
Put on the whole
armor of God,
that you may be
able to stand
against the wiles
of the devil.
(Ephesians 6:11, NKJV)
They cannot possess Christians who are indwelt by
the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19, 2 Cor 6:14, I John 4:4).
However, they can tempt and oppress Christians.
Where do demons reside?
We do not wrestle
against flesh and
blood, but against
against powers,
against the rulers
of the darkness of
this age, against
spiritual hosts of
wickedness in the
heavenly places.
(Ephesians 6:12, NKJV)
Heaven: the atmosphere (Daniel
7:13), outer space (Gen 1:14-18),
and the spiritual realm (2 Cor 12:2).
Satan is described as “the prince of
the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2)
What angels were on earth in Noah’s day?
The angels who did not
keep their proper domain,
but left their own abode,
He has reserved in
everlasting chains under
darkness for the judgment
of the great day.
(Jude 1:6, NKJV)
These fallen angels (demons) incited wickedness
They mixed it up with mankind to cause people to
defy God after the pattern of their leader Satan.
Why would demons mask their identity?
Satan himself
masquerades as
an angel of light.
(2 Corinthians 11:14, NIV)
They are driven to defy
God so they seek to
deceive and destroy
His creation.
1 Peter 5:8 - Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary
the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he
may devour. (NKJV)
What describes these three evil spirits?
Then I saw three evil spirits
that looked like frogs; they
came out of the mouth of
the dragon, out of the
mouth of the beast and out
of the mouth of the false
prophet. They are spirits of
demons performing
miraculous signs, and they
go out to the kings of the
whole world, to gather
them for the battle on the
great day of God
(Revelation 13:13-14, NIV)
Looked like frogs…
Smooth faces, no
nose, big eyes…
What people expect
aliens to look like!
What will the three evil spirits do?
They go out to the
kings of the whole
world, to gather them
for the battle on the
great day of God
Almighty… they
gathered the kings
together to the place
that in Hebrew is
called Armageddon.
(Revelation 13:14-16, NIV)
There will likely be a visitation of "good" aliens who promise
deliverance from the "bad" aliens who threaten the earth and
incite the nations to join together in the battle of Armageddon.
Why couldn’t alien visitations be
angels that are faithful to God?
Every spirit that
that Jesus Christ
has come in the
flesh is from
God, but every
spirit that does
not acknowledge
Jesus is not from
Faithful angels help people
to know Christ, demons draw
them away from Him.
(1 John 4:2-3, NIV)
…this is what UFO experiences do
When should a person choose sides?
He who believes in the
Son has everlasting
life; and he who does
not believe the Son
shall not see life, but
the wrath of God
abides on him."
(John 3:36, NKJV)
The longer it takes for a person to align
themselves with the Creator God, the more likely
they will suffer the fate of the alien demons…
Matt 25:41 – “Depart from Me, you cursed, into the
everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels”
What awaits those who follow Jesus?
He who overcomes [the
deception of this world]
shall inherit all things
(Rev 21:7, NKJV)
The heavens declare
the glory of God
(Psalm 19:1, NIV)
Will we be limited to viewing God’s glory in the
heavens from earth? God’s glory will increase
the more we know Him through His creation…
Of the increase of his government and peace
there will be no end. (Isaiah 9:7, NIV)
Why will God enable His children to
explore the stars?
I will come back and
take you to be with
me that you also may
be where I am.
(John 14:3, NIV)
Jesus promised us that
we would be able to go
where ever He may be;
and He can go
Where can I go from your
Spirit? Where can I flee from
your presence? If I go up to
the heavens, you are there
(Psalm 139:7-8, NIV)
Is it only science fiction to think God
will enable us to explore the stars?
Now to Him who is
able to do exceedingly
abundantly above all
that we ask or think,
according to the power
that works in us
(Ephesians 3:20, NKJV)
Sci-Fi has a propensity to come to fruition. It is the result
of mankind’s God-given sense of adventure, wonder,
creativity, and imagination…
Is God’s imagination less than that of His image-bearers?
Psalm 37:4 - Delight yourself also in the LORD, and
He shall give you the desires of your heart. (NKJV)
How else do we know we will have
access to the
Do you not know
that we shall
judge angels?
(1 Corinthians 6:3, NKJV)
To have authority over angels we need access to
where they are, the heavenly realms…
1st Heaven – Earth’s Atmosphere
2nd Heaven – Outer Space
3rd Heaven – Spiritual Realm
What kind of celestial conveyance will
we need to visit the stars?
Suddenly a
chariot of fire
appeared with
horses of fire,
and separated
the two of
them; and
Elijah went up
by a whirlwind
into heaven.
(2 Kings 2:11 , NKJV)
Elijah did, but he still had a mortal
Note that Jesus demonstrated a
Star Trek style transporter ability
in John 20:19 & Luke 24:31.
We might choose to go in a
Celestial Winnebago to take
certain creature comforts with us.
What creatures besides angels will we
encounter among the stars?
I saw heaven standing
open and there before
me was a white horse.
(Revelation 19:11, NIV)
It certainly looks like
there will be at least
horses in heaven…
And there is also this:
Around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were
covered with eyes, in front and in back. The first living creature
was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like
a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. (Revelation 4:6-7, NIV)
Will we see our beloved pets in heaven?
Creation eagerly waits
for the revealing of the
sons of God… because
the creation itself also
will be delivered from the
bondage of corruption
into the glorious liberty
of the children of God.
(Romans 8:19-21, NKJV)
While animals do not have spirits like people, they do
have souls (emotions, personality, thinking ability)...
He who sat on the throne said,
"Behold, I make all things new."
(Revelation 21:5, NKJV)
O LORD, You preserve
man and beast.
(Psalm 36:6, NKJV)
What kind of relationships will people
have with animals in eternity?
Then I heard every creature
in heaven and on earth and
under the earth and on the
sea, and all that is in them,
singing: "To him who sits
on the throne and to the
Lamb be praise and honor
and glory and power, for
ever and ever!"
(Revelation 5:13, NIV)
Relationships will be enhanced because at least some
will speak. Eve did not think it strange that a snake
spoke to her, Balaam’s donkey spoke in Numbers 22,
an eagle announces the trumpet judgments in Rev 8:13.
How may we use an interest in
discovering extraterrestrial life help
people to consider God’s Word?
Point out that the Bible prophesies that
extraterrestrials will indeed invade
earth prior to the return of Jesus.
Tell them how they can be ready…
Believe in the Lord Jesus,
and you will be saved.
(Acts 16:31, NIV)