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SINTEF Health Research
March 2006
Cross-disciplinary research to optimize the delivery of health care.
Bridging the gap between quality, solidarity and sustainability of health systems and advanced medical technology.
SINTEF Health Research, with about 130 employees, is one of the major health research institutions in Norway.
Our strength is found in our experience and extensive knowledge within the fields of health, health services and
research methodology. Our forte is a comprehensive view in analyses and problem-solving, through close cooperation with all stakeholders; NGOs, professionals, industries, universities and authorities. Though we are a
contract-based research institute, we keep end-users in mind and strive to follow our principles of improved health
and quality of life for all citizens.
SINTEF Health Research is concentrated in four strategic areas:
- Medical technology
- Health services research
- Consultancy services and the management of data-registers
- Preventive health care
Medical technology
SINTEF, in close co-operation with surgeons at St Olav University
Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Trondheim,
is a leading international research institute within ultrasound
assisted surgery. Researchers are concentrating on the
development of "the operating room of the future“, where our
scientists collaborate with the surgeons in developing better methods
for laparoscopic surgery. This also includes remote communication
between operating surgeons and external experts.
In the area of innovation, our staff is both actively initiating and
providing consultancy services for industrial development in the
health sector. These key players act as co-ordinators between
research, manufacturers and public industrial support programs.
SINTEF also administers the clinical evaluation of certain
pharmaceutical products and medical technological innovations at
several Norwegian hospitals.
Health services research
Our main research area is the evaluation of health services both
within specialized health care and municipal services. We approach
this theme by focusing on the cost and financing of services,
organization of services, quality of services and the populations use
of health services.
SINTEF has been an important advisor to the Norwegian health
authorities within the health services field for many years. We supply
evidence-based knowledge including economic analyses,
distribution and use of health services, development and analyses of
indicators for medical practice and quality, as well as models for the
planning and operation of health institutions.
SINTEF actively participates in research and development both
nationally and internationally in order to prepare society to cope with
the growing demands for health and healthcare services from an
increasing elderly population. Our scientists have developed a
unique methodology for analyses of future demands to support the
planning of new hospitals and future health services.
Plans for escalating and improving mental health services have led
to a growing demand for evidence-based knowledge as a basis for
political and administrative decisions. In this field, SINTEF represents
the largest research arena in Norway.
Our Hospital planning department is an active member of EU Health
property network, promoting better standards and more effective
investment in, and management of, hospitals and health property
throughout the EU.
In collaboration with universities in a number of countries in Southern
Africa, we contribute to building local expertise in research
methodology in the field of living conditions and disability research.
SINTEF’s research scientists collaborate with the
surgeons at St Olav’s Hospital in developing better
methods for laparoscopic surgery. Using complex
software and stereoscopic images, surgeons are able
to achieve a unique view inside the body. This aids in
providing a better basis for diagnoses and improved
treatment. Equipped with 3D-glasses, the doctors can
walk into a world of arteries, organs and tumours. The
images can also be transferred through the internet to
collaborating doctors any place in the world.
Through a long-term co-operation with disabled
people’s organisations, SINTEF carries out studies
on living conditions in several countries in southern
Africa. To date, the studies have supplied
Namibian, Zimbabwean, Malawian and Zambian
authorities with important data for the development
of government disability policy and plans of action
on disability issues. At the same time SINTEF, in
collaboration with university departments in these
countries, contributes to further building local
expertise in research methodology and information
SINTEF Health Research
March 2006
Patient data and registers
Every year SINTEF publishes SAMDATA reports, which
present steering data, comparable statistics, and analyses
on utilization of both somatic and psychiatric hospital
services in Norway. The focus is on the development
of hospital services in relation to the political goals for
health care in Norway. The reports present data on
costs, personnel use and bed capacity as well as
production and consumption of hospital inpatient and
outpatient services, and waiting list and waiting time. The
reports also present indicators of productivity and costs
levels and indicators of clinical practices and priorities.
SINTEF runs the Norwegian Patient Register (NPR),
which collects and verifies patient data from all public
somatic hospitals and psychiatric institutions in Norway, as
well as from some private hospitals. This is also includes
the collection and publishing of figures regarding the
waiting list situation in Norwegian hospitals. NPR offers its
services to public authorities such as the Ministry of Health
as well as to hospitals, researchers, media and to the
SINTEF is also responsible for development and
maintenance of the DRG-system in Norway, according to
the activity based financing system for hospitals. This also
includes cost calculations of patient groups used for
pricing and analyses, and calculation of total amount of
hospital payment.
Surgeons often experience stress and high body
temperature during surgery. Surgeons at St Olav
University Hospital collaborate with SINTEF scientists
in developing “smart clothes” that detect and control
body temperature and transpiration, using nanotechnology integrated in textiles.
SINTEF Helse; Inntektskil
Preventive health care
Through both commissioned research and competence
building within microbiology and HPV-infections, our
researchers are in the front within infectious disease
research in Norway. We are committed to increasing the
utilisation of patient register data for research purposes
through our networks with other national research
environments, industry, hospitals, and out in general
Norwegian Research
Norges forskningsrad
Council 8 %
8,1 %
SINTEF is part of an international research network
using nano-technology in developing ”SmartWear”, outside Norway
intelligent textiles and wearable technology.
9,2 %
We are developing clotheing for physiological
and medical surveillance of patients, protective
clothes for surgeons and personal protective
equipment for fire fighters and others.
7,18 %
SINTEF Health Research carries out
research and development for both the
public sector and industry. The figure
shows a breakdown of our customers
and their relative contribution to our
gross income in 2005.
Ministry of Health and
Social services 31%
30,5 %
Annen offentlig
Other public
authorities 8 %
7,9 %
NGOs 1%
1,3 %
15,4 %
Sosial og
and Social
Affairs 20%
20,4 %
SINTEF Health Research Trondheim
SINTEF Health Research Oslo
N 7465 Trondheim
Phone: +47 40 00 25 90
Fax: +47 93 07 05 00
E-mail: helse@sintef.no
PO Box 124 Blindern, N 0314 Oslo
Phone: + 47 40 00 25 90
Fax: + 47 22 06 79 09
E-mail: helse@sintef.no