Sonnet,Extended Metaphor,Hyperbole,Symbol

“The Marriage of True Minds”
by William Shakespeare
A metaphor is a comparison of TWO vastly
different objects/concepts, etc. When it is
extended it runs through a whole verse or a
whole poem instead of just one or two lines.
“…prow…tossed…chain hauled over a
gunwale…great cargo…lucky passage”
“…starling…trapped…affright it…sleek, wild,
dark…iridescent creature…humped and
bloody…lifted off…smooth course…clearing the
The first quote compares the writer (poet’s
daughter) and her journey to that of a ship
carrying a cargo. This helps us understand that
the writer is working hard as a ship would be that
is hauling a heavy cargo.
The second quote compares the writer’s journey
to that of a bird trying to find it’s way out of a
room. At first the bird keeps hitting the window
glass, but eventually it escapes. This suggests
she is struggling to find her way with her story,
but she eventually succeeds and finishes her
The poet is hearing his daughter struggle
with a difficult story she is attempting to
write. She is heavily burdened and works
hard. She finds it difficult to proceed –
perhaps she has writer’s block – but
eventually she is able to finish the story. Her
dad sees she takes her writing very seriously
and is proud of her.
Device is Hyperbole
Hyperbole is exaggeration for humorous
effect or to emphasize a point. It is figurative
language and belongs in the family of simile,
metaphor, and personification.
QUOTE: “A thousand doors ago”
“…a million leaves”
EFFECT – these quotes emphasize that the
poem is set a long time ago and seem to
emphasize the girl’s sadness.
The poem seems autobiographical (Anne later
took her own life). She is depressed as she
passes through adolescence. She notices that
her body is becoming a woman’s body. She
feels she cannot talk to her parents who are
either angry or closed off from her. She is
from a wealthy family, but she is lonely.
Device is symbol
A symbol is a person, place, an object, or an
activity that stands for something beyond
itself. In the story “The Most Dangerous
Game,” a rocky bay represents danger and
challenge for Sanger Rainsford. The chateau
represents civilization which exists nowhere
on the island.
Quote – “Good fences make good neighbours”
EFFECT – compares the ‘mental wall’ the neighbor has
put up between Robert and he to an actual fence or
wall they are repairing in the spring.
Robert Frost lives in New England in a rural area. His
neighbor likes to keep a wall (both literally and
figuratively) between them. Each spring the men meet
up to repair the wall where stones have fallen off. The
gardens only have orchards, no cows that might
stray, yet the wall must always be rebuilt. When
Robert asks his neighbor why they must always
rebuild the wall, he always states the old saying:
“Good fences make good neighbors.”