Lesson Plan Social Studies “Homesteading on the Plains” 6th Grade April 25-29, 2011 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday K-W-L Chart Read the Chapter/Lesson together to make sure they understand the whole main idea. Compare & Contrast Homes at that time (Venn Digram) Review the windmills – how it is working and what is it for. Introducing VOCABULARY WORDS via pictures and words. Discuss what they know. Vocabulary Sheet Pick the person from the lesson & Write about them Test Word Search Study Guide Fill-in blanks Friday Review for Test Goal for the week: Lesson 3 – Homesteading on the Plains Pragmatic: Homestead on the Plains Semantic: Introducing the Homestead on the Plains Lesson, and the vocabulary itself. Syntactic: Discuss each paragraphs in the lesson, find some sentences that may not make sense to TS and explain everything what TS want to know. TTA Communication: to find out how much TS know, to get TSW to think more about the certain things in the history – why, how, who, what, and where. (attachment – TTA Communication) Reading: Reading the lesson together and read their life on the plains. Writing: Use few people in the lesson – to write about the person and apply to TS’s writing. Help TS with grammar, punctuation, and the structure before the final draft. Vocabulary Lists: Homestead Act, homesteader, sodbuster, exoduster, haven, dugout, barbed wires, windmill and locust Lesson Plan Components of a Lesson Plan Goal: Homesteading on the Plains Objective(s): Recognize the life of plains (History) and understand how it turned out to be. Materials: Worksheets, Textbook pg. 201-212 Vocabulary Lists: Homestead Act (1862): The act gave 160 acres of public land to adult men at age of 21, widows, or heads of family. Pay a small fee, farm the land and live there for 5 years. Homesteader: who claimed land under Homestead Act. Sodbuster: people who “bust” through thick sod to plant their crop. Exoduster: African American who settled in Kansas hoping to find the “Promised Land” that Israelites had sought in the bible. Haven: shelter Dugout: underground house Locust: grasshopper Barbed wires: twisted two wires together Lesson Procedures: Introduction: Ask the student about their idea of a life on the plains, and what do they know about it. Main Activity: Read the lesson, Make and experiment the windmill – how to make it turn the wheels, and investigate who these people were and what they did at that time. Conclusion: To understand these new vocabulary and apply to every day use. Student Assessment: Comprehend how the life on the Plains work and why they did that. Life on the Plains What I Know What I wonder What I have learned Name Venn Diagram Date Compare the houses in the East and in the Plains. Assessment Information Grade Level: Middle School – 6th Grade Name: David H. Baker Age: 13 Degree of Hearing Loss: Moderate to Severe Age Onset: 2 due to Mengititis Amplification: Digital Hearing Aids Disability: None Previous Intervention services: Speech Therapy & Auditory Training Hearing Status of Parents: Hearing Method of Communication: Oral and SEE (Signing Exact English) TTA Communications As we will read along each paragraphs and discuss several things such as why build sodhouse and what are they made of. Encourage them to think deeply about the life on the plains like they are pioneers at that time. Sodhouse TTW: Why do they build sodhouse? TSW: Because there are no woods out of the forest to build. TSW: Because when farmers take out of sod, so use it as a home. TTW: What are they made of? TSW: Out of sod. TTW: What is sod? TSW: from the ground with thick grass TTW: What happened if there’s a lot of rain there? TSW: The house will be leaking. TTW: Do the homesteader stay or leave? TSW: Yes they leave until it’s dry. TTW: Why there were lots of locust and grasshopper? TSW: Because locust lives inside of sod to keep it warm and dry. TTW: Let’s watch a video of sodhouse Sodhouse http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWnIp2FXRcc Plow TTW: What kind of technology they have to plow? TSW: a steel plow TTW: Who invented it? TSW: James Oliver TTW: What does it do? TSW: a plow that break sod and make the soil soft. TTW: Let’s see if we can find more information on the plains and the steel plow. http://mrclark.aretesys.com/westward.htm Windmill TTW: Why does it there on the plains? TSW: their technology at that time TTW: Why? TSW: Because that area has lot of strong wind. TTW: What does it do? TSW: to help bring water up from the well. TTW: What else does it do? TSW: help determine which wind goes - East, West, North and South. TTW: Let’s see if we can watch what kind of windmill do. Windmill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCoUFI5mm1o&NR=1 Location TTW: Where is the plains? TSW: Kansas TSW: Nebraska TSW: South Dakota TTW: That’s right!! (show all the Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas on the map). Name Date Story Map Write a story about your life on the Plains. What would you do when you arrive the Plains? First Middle Middle End Then write the story about your life on the Plains as you really experience it.