TOC for the 2014 SpringBoard English Language Arts – Grade 11 Honors Suggested Curriculum Map and Pacing/Planning Guide Last updated or accessed 8/6/2014 Collins: Embedded Assessments with require 3 in class days: 1 day to brainstorm– 1 day to start - 1 day for Error Correction Log(to revise) REST OF WORK COMPLETED - ON OWN - BY DUE DATE Projected # days / Title of lesson ………………………………………………….page # in text Coverage Dates: 8-18-14 - 10-10-14 UNIT 1: The American Dream 1 1 Activity 1.1 Previewing the Unit ..................4 1.2 Defining a Word, Idea or Concept....................................................5 Exploring the Power of Language with Six-Word Memoirs (lesson) 1 Essay: “A Cause Greater Than Self,” by Senator John McCain 1.3 America’s Promise ...................8 Sentence Structures – mini lesson (lesson) 2 Poetry: “The New Colossus,” by Emma Lazarus Speech: President Roosevelt’s Address at Statue of Liberty Celebration 1.4 America’s voices.....................12 Breaking the Rules with Sentence Fragments (lesson) 1 2 PRETEACH Annotating an Argumentative Text.................................................55 Poetry: “I Hear America Singing,” by Walt Whitman; “I, Too, Sing America,” by Langston Hughes Poetry: “America” by Claude McKay 1.5 Fulfilling the Promise......................................................................16 2 Short Story: “America and I,” by Anzia Yezierska 1.6 Defining an American.....................................................................27 What is a Thesis? (mini-lesson) 1 Letter: “What is an American?” from Letters from an American Farmer by Hector St. Jean de Crevecoeur 1.7 A Hyphenated American ................................................................32 2 GRAMMAR LESSON _ DIAGRAMMING A SIMPLE and COMPOUND SENTENCE 1 Essay: “Growing Up Asian” by Kesaya E. Noda 1.8 Researching Images of America....................................................37 Differentiated Instruction: For all activities instructions and activities for the diverse classroom shall be utilized to include modification of the following primary differentiation areas: Content/Topic; Process/Activities; Product Requirements; and/or Learning Style Accommodations; to meet the needs of each student, as needed, per lesson. Revised 07.30.2014 : Page 1 of ___ TOC for the 2014 SpringBoard English Language Arts – Grade 11 Honors Suggested Curriculum Map and Pacing/Planning Guide Last updated or accessed 8/6/2014 1 Poetry: “Let America Be America Again” by Langston Hughes 1.9 What Is Freedom?...................43 1 Speech: “The Four Freedoms,” by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (along with Norman Rockwell paintings) 1 Historical Document: The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States Historical Document: The Bill of Rights 1.10 Strategies for Defining Freedom....................................................48 GRAMMAR LESSON _ DIAGRAMMING SENTENCES 1 Definition Essay: “What Is Freedom?” by Jerald M. Jellison and John H. Harvey 3 days Embedded Assessment 1: Writing a Definition Essay......................................51 1 day to brainstorm – 1 ECL – 1 to revise and finalize 1.11 Previewing Embedded Assessment 2 and Synthesizing Ideas..............................53 1.12 Annotating an Argumentative Text.(understanding)..............................................55 2 Argumentative Essay: “Is the American Dream Still Possible?” by David Wallechinsky 1.13 The Structure of an Argument...................................59 Mini lesson Ethos Pathos Logos / Organizational Patterns 1 Historical Document: Declaration of Independence 1.14 Coming for the American Dream .......................64 James Brown – Living in America Lyrics and Rocky Scene (Video) 1 Poetry: “Ellis Island,” by Joseph Bruchac Poetry: “On Being Brought from Africa to America,” by Phillis Wheatley Poetry: “Europe and America,” by David Ignatow 1.15 Money and the American Dream ...............................68 CRITICAL THINKING 1 by Poetry: “Money,” by Dana Gioia Drama: Excerpt from A Raisin in the Sun,(video Selection) Lorraine Hansberry 1.16 Working Toward the Dream .........................73 Poetry: “Who Burns for the Perfection of Paper,” by Martin Espada Nonfiction: Excerpt from Working, “Roberto Acuna Talks About Farm Workers,” by Studs Terkel 1.17 The Road to Success.....................78 Differentiated Instruction: For all activities instructions and activities for the diverse classroom shall be utilized to include modification of the following primary differentiation areas: Content/Topic; Process/Activities; Product Requirements; and/or Learning Style Accommodations; to meet the needs of each student, as needed, per lesson. Revised 07.30.2014 : Page 2 of ___ TOC for the 2014 SpringBoard English Language Arts – Grade 11 Honors Suggested Curriculum Map and Pacing/Planning Guide Last updated or accessed 8/6/2014 ROBERT FROST – The Road Not Taken 1 Speech: Excerpt from 2004 Democratic National Convention Keynote, by Barack Obama Essay: “The Right to Fail,” by William Zinsser ARNOLD SWARTZENEGGER KEYNOTE Video 1.21 American Dream: Real or Imagined? Structured Academic Controversy.........................84 WRITING 3 days in class Embedded Assessment 2: Synthesizing the American Dream...............87 (TASK 2) 1 day to brainstorm – 1 ECL – 1 to revise and finalize _____ _ Unit 1 30 days Continued from 8-18-14 - 10-10-14 UNIT 2: The Power of Persuasion 1 Activity 2.1 Previewing the Unit .................................................................... 92 2.2 Preparing to Read The Crucible: Setting Context .................... 93 DISCUSSION – What is PERSUASION and WHEN/WHY is it employed? Mini Lessons Assumptive Adverb Opener: Obviously, it works. Connection Language: Attaching and pushing away. Experiential Language: Talk about real experience. Final Impact: Put the impact at the end of the sentence. Future Language: Using the future in persuasion. Hidden Commands: Burying commands in sentences. 2 Sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” by Jonathan Edwards Detecting Persuasive Language in SINNERS The Hook: Grabbing them. Intensifiers: increasing the emotional impact of a statement. Money Words: Appeal to greed. Object Focus: Focus on the object and let the subject slip by. Perceptual language: What you perceive, not what is. Possibility Language: Talking about what could be. Power Words: Words that have special meaning. Historical Document: The New England Primer IN THE DEVIL’S SNARE: THE SALEM WITCHCRAFT CRISIS OF 1692 Differentiated Instruction: For all activities instructions and activities for the diverse classroom shall be utilized to include modification of the following primary differentiation areas: Content/Topic; Process/Activities; Product Requirements; and/or Learning Style Accommodations; to meet the needs of each student, as needed, per lesson. Revised 07.30.2014 : Page 3 of ___ TOC for the 2014 SpringBoard English Language Arts – Grade 11 Honors Suggested Curriculum Map and Pacing/Planning Guide Last updated or accessed 8/6/2014 1 Essay : “The Trial of Martha Carrier,” by Cotton Mather Article: “The Lessons of Salem,” by Laura Shapiro The Power of Abbreviation: Short but powerful. Pre-apology: Sorry, but... Pre-thanking: Thank you for... Pronoun Language: I, you and so on add power. Punch Words: Words with impact. Sensory Language: Language that evokes senses. Short Sentences: Like this. That work. Of course. 2.3 Salem Society: Meet the Characters ...................................... 101 5 *Drama: The Crucible (Act One) by Arthur Miller (Act One also used for Activities 2.4-2.6 and 2.8) 2.4 The Beginnings of Characterization......................................... 105 2.5 Pivotal Scene 1: Considering Interpretations .......................... 107 2.6 Analyzing the Elements of a Script ......................................... 109 2.7 Illuminating Hysteria: Characters, Conflict, and Social Commentary ............ 110 2 Article: Excerpt from “The Lessons of Salem,” by Laura Shapiro Fable: “The Very Proper Gander,” by James Thurber 2.71 Comprehension Exam: 2.8 Conflicts in Salem .................................................................... 113 2.9 Speaking like a Puritan ............................................................ 115 Superiority Words: That grab status. Temporal Language: Changing time and hence meaning. Trivializing Words: Deflating what others say. Using Pauses: Adding power with very largely nothing. *Drama: The Crucible (Act Two) by Arthur Miller (Act Two also used in 2.10 and 2.11) 2.10 Rising Action ..................... 117 2.11 Pivotal Scene 2: Proctor and Elizabeth.................................... 119 2.12 Courtroom Drama: Evidence and Confession ......................... 122 *Drama: The Crucible (Act Three) by Arthur Miller (Act Three also used in 2.13 and 2.16) 2.13 The Role of Irony in Climax...................................................... 124 2.14 Speaking Out .................... 126 Differentiated Instruction: For all activities instructions and activities for the diverse classroom shall be utilized to include modification of the following primary differentiation areas: Content/Topic; Process/Activities; Product Requirements; and/or Learning Style Accommodations; to meet the needs of each student, as needed, per lesson. Revised 07.30.2014 : Page 4 of ___ TOC for the 2014 SpringBoard English Language Arts – Grade 11 Honors Suggested Curriculum Map and Pacing/Planning Guide Last updated or accessed 8/6/2014 1 Speech: Excerpt from “A Declaration of Conscience,” by Margaret Chase Smith Essay: Why I Wrote The Crucible: An Artist’s Answer to Politics,” by Arthur Miller 2.15 Integrity Rises to the Top: Writing Dialogue............................. 136 Drama: Excerpts from The Crucible, by Arthur Miller 2.16 Comparing Interpretation, Arriving at Conclusions .................. 139 *Film: The Crucible 2.17 Timed Writing .................... 141 2.18 Contemporary Conflicts............................................................ 142 Using NEWS in the Classroom Paul Deen Edward Snowden 3 Modern Witch Hunts That Shape Our Current World by Piper Hoffman October 16, 2013 Read more: *Drama: The Crucible (Act Four), by Arthur Miller TOLSTOY HOW MUCH LAND DOES A MAN NEED (refresh from 10th and video) 2 Embedded Assessment 1: Creating and Performing a Dramatic Scene................... 144 2.19 Previewing Embedded Assessment 2 and Speaking Skills.................................................. 146 2.20 American Rhetoric: Historical Context ..................................... 148 END 1st NINE WEEK GRADING PERIOD Coverage Dates: 3 10-13-14 – 12-15-14 AMERICAN RHETORIC FOR ALL Speech: “Second Inaugural Address,” by Abraham Lincoln 2.21 The Power of Rhetoric ............................................................. 151 Speech: “Speech to the Virginia Convention,” by Patrick Henry 2.22 The Appeal of Rhetoric ............................................................ 155 Speech: “The Gettysburg Address,” by Abraham Lincoln 2.23 Planning the Delivery .............................................................. 157 Speech: “First Inaugural Address,” by Franklin D. Roosevelt 2.24 One Last Stand with Syntax .................................................... 160 Speech “Inaugural Address,” by John F. Kennedy Differentiated Instruction: For all activities instructions and activities for the diverse classroom shall be utilized to include modification of the following primary differentiation areas: Content/Topic; Process/Activities; Product Requirements; and/or Learning Style Accommodations; to meet the needs of each student, as needed, per lesson. Revised 07.30.2014 : Page 5 of ___ TOC for the 2014 SpringBoard English Language Arts – Grade 11 Honors Suggested Curriculum Map and Pacing/Planning Guide Last updated or accessed 8/6/2014 2.25 Vocal Delivery ................... 165 *Speech “9/11 Address to the Nation,” by George W. Bush *Speech: “President-Elect Victory Speech,” by Barack Obama 3 Embedded Assessment 2: Writing and Presenting a Persuasive Speech….. 167 1 day to brainstorm – 1 ECL – 1 to revise and finalize ___________________________________________________________________________________ Unit 2 20 days Coverage Dates: 01-05-15 – 02-27-15 UNIT 3: American Forums: The Marketplace of Ideas Activity 1 3.1 Previewing the Unit ................................................................. 172 3.2 Rights and Responsibility......................................................... 173 1 Historical Document: First Amendment to the United States Constitution 2 Informational Text: “The Role of Media in a Democracy,” by George A. Krimsky 3.3 Introducing the Media............................................................... 179 2 3.4 Independent Reading: Newspapers......................................... 181 3.5 The Newspaper Debate ........................................................... 183 2 Editorial: “How the Rise of the Daily Me Threatens Democracy,” by Cass Sunstein Article and Worksheet Editorial: “The Newspaper Is Dying—Hooray for Democracy,” by Andrew Potter 3.6 News or Views: A Closer Look................................................. 189 1 Article: “Facebook Photos Sting Minnesota High School Students” MAROON FIVE Lyric (Lucky Strike)Video PPT Activity 2 Article: “Federal Way Schools Restrict Gore Film” 3.7 The Bias of Rhetoric................................................................. 195 3.8 Fair and Balanced .................................................................... 197 2 Editorial: “Abolish High School Football!” by Raymond Schroth 3.9 How to Read an Editorial ......................................................... 200 Differentiated Instruction: For all activities instructions and activities for the diverse classroom shall be utilized to include modification of the following primary differentiation areas: Content/Topic; Process/Activities; Product Requirements; and/or Learning Style Accommodations; to meet the needs of each student, as needed, per lesson. Revised 07.30.2014 : Page 6 of ___ TOC for the 2014 SpringBoard English Language Arts – Grade 11 Honors Suggested Curriculum Map and Pacing/Planning Guide Last updated or accessed 8/6/2014 2 Editorial: “Facing Consequences at Eden Praire High” from Minneapolis/St Paul Star Tribune 3.10 How to Write an Editorial.......................................................... 204 Editorial rubric AND ASSIGNMENTS (THREE OPTIONS) 1 Editorial: “Time to raise the bar in high schools,” by Jack O'Connell 1 Editorial: “New Michigan Graduation Requirements Shortchange Many Students,” by Nick Thomas 3.11 Where’s Your Proof?................................................................ 210 3.12 Reading and Writing a Letter to the Editor............................... 212 DIGRAMMING SENTENCES 1 2 Editorial: “Why I Hate Cell Phones,” by Sara Reihani 3.13 Fallacies 101 ..................... 216 3.14 How to Read and Write an Editorial Cartoon........................... 219 Informational Text: “An Inside Look at Editorial Cartoons,” by Bill Brennen *Sample Editorial Cartoons Analyze Lesson Plan 3 Embedded Assessment 1: Creating an Op-Ed News Project (See 3.10 lessons)......... 223 3 3.15 Previewing Embedded Assessment 2 and Introducing Satire................. 225 3.16 Identifying the Elements of Satire ............................................ 227 Satire: “Let’s Hear It for the Cheerleaders,” by David Bouchier 3.17 The Satirical Spectrum............................................................. 231 *Sample Editorial Cartoons 3.18 The Tone of Satire ................................................................... 233 2 Satire: “Girl Moved to Tears by Of Mice and Men Cliff Notes,” from The Onion,2029/ 3.19 Writing a Parody....................................................................... 235 SENTENCE STRUCTURE 2 Parody: “In Depth but Shallowly,” by Dave Barry 3.20 Need Some Advice? ................................................................ 239 1 Satire: “Advice to Youth,” by Mark Twain 3.21 Twain in Twain .................. 243 Differentiated Instruction: For all activities instructions and activities for the diverse classroom shall be utilized to include modification of the following primary differentiation areas: Content/Topic; Process/Activities; Product Requirements; and/or Learning Style Accommodations; to meet the needs of each student, as needed, per lesson. Revised 07.30.2014 : Page 7 of ___ TOC for the 2014 SpringBoard English Language Arts – Grade 11 Honors Suggested Curriculum Map and Pacing/Planning Guide Last updated or accessed 8/6/2014 2 Satire: “The War Prayer,” by Mark Twain 3.22 The Satirical Critique................................................................ 246 Satire: “Gambling in Schools,” by Howard Mohr Satire: “How to Poison the Earth,” by Linnea Saukko 3 Embedded Assessment 2: Writing a Satirical Piece ............................................................... 251 UNIT 3 36 days END 2nd Nine Week Grading Period Coverage Dates: 02-27-15 – 05-29-15 Unit 4: The Pursuit of Happiness Activity 1 4.1 Previewing the Unit .................................................................. 256 4.2 Searching for Meaning............................................................. 257 Movie Excerpts Will Smith The Pursuit of Happyness 2 Essay: from Self-Reliance, by Ralph Waldo Emerson 2 Essay: from Walden, by Henry David Thoreau 4.3 Re-Searching for Meaning ....................................................... 265 4.4 Linking the Past to the Present ............................................... 266 1 Poetry: “In the Depths of Solitude,” by Tupac; 1 Poetry: “Remember” by Joy Harjo 1 Poetry: “A Light Exists in Spring,” by Emily Dickinson 4.5 Another Transcendental View.................................................. 269 *Art: The Oxbow by Thomas Cole 1 1 1 *Art: Kindred Spirits by Asher Durand OPTIC ORGANIZER 4.6 Drafting My Credo .................................................................... 271 1 Nonfiction: Credo from “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten,” by Robert Fulghum DIAGRAMMING SENTENCES 2 4.7 Writer’s Craft: Revising My Credo ........................................... 274 4.8 Framing the Subject ................................................................ 276 Differentiated Instruction: For all activities instructions and activities for the diverse classroom shall be utilized to include modification of the following primary differentiation areas: Content/Topic; Process/Activities; Product Requirements; and/or Learning Style Accommodations; to meet the needs of each student, as needed, per lesson. Revised 07.30.2014 : Page 8 of ___ TOC for the 2014 SpringBoard English Language Arts – Grade 11 Honors Suggested Curriculum Map and Pacing/Planning Guide Last updated or accessed 8/6/2014 3 Biography: “Author’s Note” from Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer 4.9 Meeting Christopher McCandless ......................................... 279 2 2 2 *Biography: Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer 4.10 Literary Connection ............................................................. 281 *Biography: Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer 4.11 Shedding Light ...................................................................... 283 *Biography: Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer 4.12 Meaning Through Structure ................................................ 285 ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERNS 1 1 *Biography: Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer 4.13 A Personal Perspective............................................................ 287 Biography: Exceprt from Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer 4.14 Writer’s Craft: A personal Perspective on Style ...................... 291 4.15 Reflecting on Life Experiences ............................................... 293 2 Essay: “A View from Mount Ritter,” by Joseph T. O’Connor 4.16 Making Your Choice................................................................. 297 3 Embedded Assessment 1: Writing a Personal Essay ..................... 299 4.17 Previewing Embedded Assessment 2 and Style ..................... 301 5 *Biography: Chapters 16-17 from Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer 4.18 Searching for the Author ......................................................... 303 *Biography: Chapter 18 from Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer 4.19 Many Ways of Showing............................................................ 304 *Biography: Chapter 18 from Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer 4.20 Nuts and Bolts of the Multi-Genre Research Project ............... 307 1 Multi-Genre Research Project: Student Sample 1 4.21 Exploring, Recording, and Imagining Research ...................... 325 1 4.22 Melding Facts, Interpretation, and Imagination........................ 328 1 4.23 Meeting in the Middle............................................................... 333 1 4.24 Thematic Threads to Create Flow............................................ 335 Differentiated Instruction: For all activities instructions and activities for the diverse classroom shall be utilized to include modification of the following primary differentiation areas: Content/Topic; Process/Activities; Product Requirements; and/or Learning Style Accommodations; to meet the needs of each student, as needed, per lesson. Revised 07.30.2014 : Page 9 of ___ TOC for the 2014 SpringBoard English Language Arts – Grade 11 Honors Suggested Curriculum Map and Pacing/Planning Guide Last updated or accessed 8/6/2014 1 4.25 Organing the Multi-Genre Research Paper ............................. 337 5 Embedded Assessment 2: Writing a Multi-Genre Research Project................ 339 IN CLASS EXTRA DAYS FOR RESEARCH MLA STYLINGS UNIT 4 46 DAYS END FORTH NINE WEEK GRADING PERIOD Contiued from Coverage Dates: 02-27-15 – 05-29-15 Unit 5: An American Journey 1 Activity 5.1 Previewing the Unit ................................................................... 344 5.2 Developing Research Questions ............................................... 345 1 Informational Text: “The Harlem Renaissance, adapted from The 1920s, by Kathleen Drowne and Patrick Huber 1 5.3 The Historical Context of the Harlem Renaissance ................... 349 Langston Hughes Waldorf Astoria Poem 2 *Documentary Film: Clips from Zora Neale Hurston: Jump at the Sun 2 Informational Text: Excerpt from “Introduction to The New Negro,” by Alain Locke 1 Poetry: “Usward,” by Gwendolyn B. Bennett 1 Poetry: “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” by James Weldon Johnson 2 Literary Criticism: Excerpt from “On ‘From the Dark Tower,’” by Eugenia W. Collier 5.4 Synthesizing Facts, Interpretation, and Media Formats ............ 359 5.5 Documenting Your Sources ....................................................... 362 5.6 Finalizing Research.................................................................... 364 MLA FORMATTING AND CITING 5 1 Embedded Assessment 1: Presenting a Literary Movement: The Harlem Renaissance .................... 366 5.7 Previewing Embedded Assessment 2 ....................................... 368 1 5.8 “A Unity of Opposites” ................................................................ 369 1 Essay: “How It Feels to Be Colored Me,” by Zora Neale Hurston Differentiated Instruction: For all activities instructions and activities for the diverse classroom shall be utilized to include modification of the following primary differentiation areas: Content/Topic; Process/Activities; Product Requirements; and/or Learning Style Accommodations; to meet the needs of each student, as needed, per lesson. Revised 07.30.2014 : Page 10 of ___ TOC for the 2014 SpringBoard English Language Arts – Grade 11 Honors Suggested Curriculum Map and Pacing/Planning Guide Last updated or accessed 8/6/2014 5.9 Dialect in Language ................................................................... 374 2 Short Story: “Sweat,” by Zora Neale Hurston 1 5.10 Janie’s Return Home.................................................................. 385 7 2 Novel: Excerpt from Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston 5.11 Nanny’s Life ........................ 388 Poetry: “Mother to Son,” by Langston Hughes *Novel: Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston 5.12 Nanny, Janie, and Logan ........................................................... 392 *Novel: Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston 5.13 Janie’s New Life .................. 394 *Novel: Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston 5.14 Janie’s “Route of Tradition” ........................................................ 398 *Novel: Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston 5.15 Discussion Groups ..................................................................... 402 *Novel: Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston 5.16 The End of a Long Journey........................................................ 404 *Novel: Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston 5.17 Reviewing the Reviews .............................................................. 405 Informational Texts: Excerpts from critical reviews 1 5.18 Oprah Winfrey Presents…......................................................... 408 2 *Film: Their Eyes Were Watching God, directed by Darnell Martin 3 Embedded Assessment 2: Writing an Analytical Essay................... 411 *Texts not included in these materials. Unit 4 31 Days TOTAL DAYS ASSIGNED 163 DAYS LEAVING 12 DAYS FOR MOVEMENT AND UNEXPECTED DAYS OUT OF CLASS. END OF 4th NINE WEEKS GRADING PERIOD Calendar Dates from which above are based: Schools Starts on Monday: 08.18.14 Return for 2015 on Wednesday: 01.07.15 Days Out or *Early Release 09.1.14 09.25.14* Differentiated Instruction: For all activities instructions and activities for the diverse classroom shall be utilized to include modification of the following primary differentiation areas: Content/Topic; Process/Activities; Product Requirements; and/or Learning Style Accommodations; to meet the needs of each student, as needed, per lesson. Revised 07.30.2014 : Page 11 of ___ TOC for the 2014 SpringBoard English Language Arts – Grade 11 Honors Suggested Curriculum Map and Pacing/Planning Guide Last updated or accessed 8/6/2014 10.20.14 10.30.14* Thanksgiving Break 11.24.14-11.28.14 Christmas Break 12.22.14-01.06.15 12.19.14* 01.19.15 02.05.14* 02.16.14 03.05.15* Spring Break 04.03.15 04.30.15* 05.25.14 LAST DAY 06.03.15* 03.23.15-03.27.15 Grading Periods 1st 08.18.14 – 10.15.14 45 Days in School (includes 2 for Homecoming) 2nd 10.16.14 - 12.19.14 35 Days in School (includes 3 days for SEMEX) 3rd 12.20.14 - 03.17.15 50 Days is School 4th 03.18.15 - 06.03.15 45 Days is school (includes 3 days for SEMEX and 2 for prom) 175 ACTUAL CLASS AVAILABLE DAYS (not including other testing such as AP or EOC) OTHER Considerations Semester Exam Dates: December 17 & 18, 2014 (Grades 8-12) December 19, 2014 (Makeup for Grades 8-12) May 18 & 19, 2015 (Senior Exam) May 20, 2015 (Senior Makeup Exam) June 1-2, 2015 (Grades 8-11) June 3, 2015 (Makeup for Grades 8-11) Homecoming Week – Meaning Thursday PM and Friday are LOST days Oct. 10, 2014 Chipley High School (10.6.14- 10.10.14) Oct. 24, 2014 Vernon High School (10.20.14-10.24.14) Prom - Meaning Thursday PM and Friday are LOST days Chipley Vernon COUNTY-WIDE EOC Testing Begins for the following on: 05.01.2015 resulting in a loss of approx 8 total days for testing. Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Biology 1 EOC Assessment Geometry EOC Assessment U.S. History EOC Assessment English Language Arts EOC Assessment WRITING 03.01.15 English Language Arts EOC Assessment READING 05.01.15 AP tests (11th/12th Grade) Dates for Chipley – unsure of VMS courses offered Differentiated Instruction: For all activities instructions and activities for the diverse classroom shall be utilized to include modification of the following primary differentiation areas: Content/Topic; Process/Activities; Product Requirements; and/or Learning Style Accommodations; to meet the needs of each student, as needed, per lesson. Revised 07.30.2014 : Page 12 of ___ TOC for the 2014 SpringBoard English Language Arts – Grade 11 Honors Suggested Curriculum Map and Pacing/Planning Guide Last updated or accessed 8/6/2014 05.04.15 05.11.15 CHEMISTRY MUSIC THEORY 05.05.15 05.13.15 CALCULUS ENG LANG Helpful web pages ordSelect_eBookToGo_TOC.pdf Differentiated Instruction: For all activities instructions and activities for the diverse classroom shall be utilized to include modification of the following primary differentiation areas: Content/Topic; Process/Activities; Product Requirements; and/or Learning Style Accommodations; to meet the needs of each student, as needed, per lesson. Revised 07.30.2014 : Page 13 of ___