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Castleview Primary School
Standards & Quality Report 2013-14
Improvement Plan 2014-15
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Delivering Teaching and Learning Excellence for Craigmillar, Edinburgh and Scotland
........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
CASTLEVIEW STANDARDS AND QUALITY REPORT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
CASTLEVIEW IN CONTEXT ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
SCHOOL’S SELF-EVALUATION ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 IMPROVEMENTS IN PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 - LEARNERS’ EXPERIENCES.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.3 - MEETING LEARNING NEEDS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.1 THE CURRICULUM ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.9 IMPROVEMENT THROUGH SELF-EVALUATION ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
SUMMARY OF EVALUATIONS AGAINST KEY INDICATORS CASTLEVIEW PRIMARY SCHOOL JUNE 2014.............................................................................................................................................................. 9
IMPROVEMENT PLAN .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
KEY AREAS FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
PRIORITY 1 MODERN LANGUAGES 1+2 ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................11
PRIORITY 2 NUMERACY AND MATHS, INCLUDING SEAL ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................13
PRIORITY 3 IMPROVEMENTS IN PERFORMANCE .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................15
OUTCOME: .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................15
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IMPACT: .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................15
STANDARDS, QUALITY AND IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR CASTLEBRAE CLUSTER SCHOOLS ................................................................................................................................................................................23
SELF-EVALUATION ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................23
CLUSTER IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2013-14 - STANDARDS AND QUALITY REPORT ...............................................................................................................................................................................................23
PROGRESS/EVALUATION OF TASKS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................23
OVERALL EVALUATION OF CLUSTER SUCCESS 2014-15 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................25
CLUSTER IMPROVEMENT PLAN .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................26
KEY AREAS FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................26
CLUSTER PRIORITY 1 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................26
CLUSTER PRIORITY 2 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................28
CLUSTER PRIORITY 3 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................32
Castleview Standards and Quality Report
Castleview in context
Castleview Primary School was built in 2003 and is situated in an area of positive action and regeneration in Craigmillar Edinburgh. Castleview was
inspected in June 2013 when the substantive Headteacher was seconded to City of Edinburgh Council’s, Children and Families Service’s Senior
Management Team. The seconded Headteacher and teaching staff used the Report of Inspection Findings as a way to move the school forward and a
Standards Quality and Improvement Plan was not complied for session 2013-14. In May 2014 the substantive Headteacher returned as Headteacher to
Castleview with an additional role to lead S1-3 Broad General Education at Castlebrae. In consultation with staff she evaluated the improvements the
school had made in session 2013-14 and produced an Improvement Plan for 2014-15.
School’s self-evaluation
1.1 Improvements in performance
Standards of attainment over time
Overall quality of learners’ achievement
Impact of improvement plan
The Castleview team have had opportunities to discuss and investigate models for Assessment Framework and Personal Learning Planning.
At the end of this school session the team have agreed a Framework which works alongside newly revised Personal Learning Plans. The working party have developed a
framework which takes account of current good practice and does not duplicate work or involve pupils writing targets for the sake of it. Recognition of the quality verbal
and written dialogue between pupils and staff has been made including sharing learning intentions and reviewing pupils learning from lessons.
All groups now have a clear Assessment Framework Calendar with links to Personal Learning Plans. Staff have agreed to follow the guidance set in the calendar but
flexibility remains for the teaching team to be creative with assessment within their year group.
For organisational purposes each pupil has one large white folder where their updated Personal Learning Plan will be placed at the end of each academic session. During
the session the pupils will work from a floppy file which will be more accessible and easier for home/school use. The resources are all organised and ready to use in
session 2014/2015.
What are we going to do next?
Pilot new Assessment framework with PLP – Session 2014/2015
Review Assessment framework and PLP with staff, pupils and parents.
2.1 - Learners’ Experiences
Learners are motivated, eager
participants in their learning.
Learners make good progress in
their learning.
Learners know their views are
sought and acted upon. They feel
Learners feel safe, nurtured, healthy,
achieving, active, included,
Outdoor Play
The playground redesign was completed this academic session: sandpit, log spiral, eco garden, mound and woodland.
Loose play materials are used on a daily basis for imaginative play. Children of all ages and abilities engage in this type of play using a variety of loose play materials. Less
fighting in the playground and generally children are happy exploring. Zoning playground has been particularly useful in enhancing Loose Play activity.
Pupil Support Assistant Training was undertaken with mixed reviews. Some said it has enhanced their practice others were not sure how to apply learning in our school
Play Policy: Parents/ carers and staff informed about our vision for play and the benefits but the policy has not been shared.
Parental Involvement increased as a result of the project. The Stay and Play event successful. High turnout and positive feedback received.
Parent led gardening club helping to maintain planters. Action group members met every Wednesday afternoon.
Food 4 Thought was linked to outdoor Learning Experiences. External funding has helped school develop school allotment and has provided children with opportunity to
develop a global understanding of where their food comes from. Tom Kichin and Head Chef Prestonfield House involved in festival.
Harvest Festival: September 2014
The Castleview Commonwealth Food Festival was held involving the Cooking Bus to promote healthy cooking and eating. This initiative was entered into the Edinburgh
Achievement awards.
A second cycle of FAST ran from September- November 2013, for P1-P3, which has engaged families with the school in a very positive way and helped to build
relationships within families and in the community.
What are we going to do next?
Outdoor Learning
Work with PSAs to support learning in a context
Review materials, organisation and ordering procedures.
Issue the Play policy to staff parent and pupils and place on website. CfE Outcomes distributed to class teachers and rota based loose play/ outdoor learning to be
timetabled for next session. Class teacher identify where outcomes are covered to help encourage outdoor learning. Central resource bank of lessons to be placed on the
school server.
Evaluate for success in May 2015
Food for Though Evaluation August 2014 – continue and improve for next year
Develop the Harvest Festival for 2014.
Integrate COOKIT resource and how to integrate Food Education/ Technology into existing programmes of study: Aug 2014
FAST: A third cycle will run, with training for the team on the 29 August 2014. There is the possibility of opening FAST up to a wider age group.
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5.3 - Meeting Learning Needs
Tasks, activities and resources
Identification of learning needs
The roles of teachers and specialist
Meeting and implementing the
requirements of legislation
In line with HMIE recommendations a planned programme was in place for 2013-14. This session the PT has re-established fortnightly development meetings with the
nursery team which has been the foundation for developing nursery planning, links with the school, working with parents and the Early level at Castleview.
Now at the end of the session the nursery feels much more integrated with P1-7. This has been evidence by an increase in the variety of joined up work with P1 and
Whole school initiatives this session.
The nursery team lead by the PT has spent time reviewing planning and tracking this session including electronic systems. The team have worked with other CEC
nurseries and private centres.
The nursery now has a touch screen television to use in teaching and learning. The team all have an IPad and are using these in a variety of ways with pupils. The nursery
cloakroom area has its own screen which displays slideshows of pupils learning for parents, carers and pupils.
Skills of the Nursery Team are developed and used in the whole school setting such as Nurture group and Play@home.
The PT re-established fortnightly development meetings, Aug 2013. The Nursery team created an action plan for the session including development meeting plan Aug
BAECE – British association early childhood education held a monthly CPD session in the nursery this session.
The PT and NCT created links with NCT at Prestonfield and review planning and tracking, Sept 2013. The PT and NCT visited Clifton Hall to look at IPad planning and
tracking, Oct 2013. The Nursery Team were all given IPad for use with pupils, Nov 2013 and Nursery Class touch screen television was installed, Nov 2013.
PT and EYP attend Play @ Home group and run group for children and parents to start afternoon session after Christmas, block two. The NCT ran PEEP group for Preschool children in block three. The EYP has run nurture group for nursery children with school staff, all year. The Nursery class and P1 prepare and perform a joint nativity
performance for parents, December 2013. The Nursery Class and P1 held a joint Scot Celebration day for Burns, January 2014 and a joint Spring Activity morning, March
What are we going to do next?
Nursery class continue to make links with Primary 1 and School.
Continued review development of nursery paperwork and development of PLP’s.
Continued review and development of nursery planning.
Develop an interconnected approach to the delivery of Early Level CfE
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5.1 The Curriculum
The rationale and design of the
The development of the curriculum
Programmes and courses
All class teachers attended whole-school training on in-service day. Additionally, Primary 1 teachers experienced a SEAL course specific to their stage, and Louise Davies
attended 8 sessions of ‘SEAL Champion’ training.
All class teachers were provided with a ‘basic pack’ filled with resources required to teach many of the learning points. All other resources have been organised and
labelled in drawers (Emergent/Perceptual stages stored in Lower PT Base, Figurative – Facile stored in ASL teaching room) with sign in/out sheets.
The SEAL approach is working incredibly well in P1 and beginning to be used in P2 and P3. The ASL Upper group are also responding well to this. Pupil attainment in
mathematics increased where pupils have been taught number through SEAL.
All teachers have a HAM login and have hand-out for guidance on using iplanner. CAT was very useful and staff keen pleased with bank of resources available as well as
guidance through the programme for teaching mathematics. Staff more confident in planning and teaching Mathematics and numeracy.
All ‘Gameboards’ have been organised into folders by CfE Level and are kept in PT Lower Base and ASL Upper Base.
Tracking sheets were trialled this session for transition purposes– following feedback (May 2014), a clear plan for going has been established; these documents are to be
used and passed on. Impact: Coverage of learning clear, so teachers can easily identify next steps. Almost all staff are using the Heinemann Activity Cards and reference
these in weekly plans. The Maths Working Party re-visited planning using the resource to support next session during an in-service in May.
The Portobello cluster plans not overly used as staff already exploring planning with SEAL and HAM*
SEAL has been matched up with HAM – progression sheets/grids that shows these as well as ICT links have been laminated and given to all relevant staff to support
planning. Impact: Planning activities that support SEAL is now clearer and teachers are motivated to embrace the approaches.
All class teachers N – P7 were issued this session with a ‘maths tray’ that contains number fans, dice, counters, hundred squares, and a counting stick and where
appropriate protractors. All staff have resources to support mental mathematics and now ensure mental agility activities are part of their lessons.
P7 participated in a Cluster Film Festival with Community Worker, Mark Carr and were nominated and won an award for their efforts.
Various ICT creative projects took place throughout the school curriculum which included P7 create a ‘Guide to Castleview’ for prospective nursery pupils
An ICT Hardware Refresh took place in September 2013
P3-P5 took part in Education City Home access and homework module pilot project
From November 2013 onwards – The school were involved in embedding and exploring potential of Microsoft 365.
Social networking was used to communicate with pupils, parents/carers and share-holders and this was run by the Parent Council with limited success. This will be
reviewed in the next academic session
A new school website was launched in June 2014 with the emphasis on greater accessibility and ease of use;
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Parents/carers, teachers and pupils were supported with safer internet usage to coincide with National Safer Internet Day 11 February 2014 through:
Parents Information night/Internet Safety and Child Protection in partnership with community police.
Class activities were held with links to Rights of the Child: (Article 13, 16, 17, 19, 36)
All staff were trained in Big Writing and Cluster colleagues were invited to attend our training session. A whole-school progressive approach to Big Writing is in place
with consistency and progression in our Big Writing classroom displays. Each class completes a ‘cold piece’ of writing each term and marks in-line with the Big Writing
criterion scale. This sample of each child’s work is then filed in a class folder, showing their first piece of cold writing at the front of their polypocket and their final
session piece at the back to show at a glance progression in writing. All laptops and PCs now have the Andrell Education/Big Writing resources installed. The Teaching
Team moderate one piece of writing at the last staff meeting of each month and this has been seen as a valuable exercise.
A literacy-rich ethos has been created within the school and events were created to establish literacy such as book week where children brought a book to school and
‘flash-reading ‘took place throughout the day. We successfully raised funds to contribute towards our author visit by selling old books for 10p.
Reading Circles are fully embedded in P6 and P7. P6 and P7 book bags have been a great success and children are very excited about this. In the nursery class phonics are
introduced and explored through sound and music using technologies, in accordance with our strive to raise attainment in literacy across the school, starting from the
earliest stages.
A whole school handwriting programme is being developed within the school with a cursive approach introduced. The programme will be reviewed by April 2015 as part
of our Evaluating for success programme.
All Pupils throughout P3-P7 are involved in either Fresh Start or Read, Write Inc. interventions, as appropriate.
Next session, P1 & P2 teachers will be trained in teaching SEAL and staff further up the school will require further support to embed the approach which should be used
to guide progression of number. Observations of each other will support sharing of practice. Castleview will have another ‘SEAL Champion’ trained.
Expected coverage and pace will be focussed to ensure a broad maths and numeracy journey through the stages N-P7.
Develop Spelling Programme within the school. Spelling Made Easy will be investigated as a possible resource, alongside trialling of Single Word Spelling Test (SWST)
suggested activities. A CPD session has been arranged. The Teaching Team will work collaboratively with ASL to consider the use of RWI in P2.
Develop teaching and learning of grammar throughout the school a guidance document will be ready for the beginning of session 2014-2015 which will create a
consistent approach to Grammar throughout the school. The document will show what progression will look like at each stage and will give a plan/guide of exposure to
grammar at every level linked to Big Writing
As a Fresh Start and Read, Write, Inc. school, we have been invited to pilot a vocabulary acquisition project. Nursery and P1 – P3 class teachers have now been trained
and pilot will commence in September 2014.
The Teaching Team will develop upper-school reading homework in line with literacy circles.
Creating school Twitter account
Involve Parents and Carers in use of media to promote the good work of our school.
Review of ICT Suite effectiveness.
Revisiting ICT policy and programme with a change of focus from using ICT to consume information, to creating.
Review of aging hardware on learning and teaching.
Develop a responsible use policy for pupils.
5.9 Improvement through self-evaluation
Commitment to self-evaluation
Management of self-evaluation
School improvement
HMIE graded self-evaluation as very good. A few minor issues needed to be tackled to ensure that an excellent grade would be achieved. Standardised
assessments were given more focus to ensure that the role and confidence of teacher judgement was secure. Personal Learning Planning folios changed in
line with this and the teaching team agreed on less but more targeted evidence for folios.
The Principal Teacher has become the Cluster representative looking to enhance Assessment across the Castlebrae Cluster. She is part of an authority
working group that is working with Education Scotland to enhance teacher judgement. This work will also inform our own school practice.
Staffing in school has been stabilised and the Evaluating 4 Success programme has been re-established with the appointment of the Acting Headteacher
(internal appointment) and this has supported the monitoring of the quality of learning and teaching. Support for new staff has been a focus of this session
as well as monitoring in areas identified in our RIF. The appointment of a DHT and return of return of the substantive Headteacher Lindsey Watt in May
will ensure that our very successful E4S programme brings further improvements in our excellent learning and teaching.
What are we going to do next?
Additional Proformas created to support effective Evaluation of Teaching and Learning.
Tracking of Monitoring will be undertaken by the Headteacher in 2014-15.
The substantive HT will return to Castleview in May 2014 and will take on additional responsibilities in the Castlebrae Cluster in August, This will support
the evaluation of teaching and learning across the Cluster.
Summary of evaluations against key indicators Castleview Primary School June 2014
Evaluation key:
Level 6
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Very Good
Outstanding or sector leading
Major strengths
Important strengths with areas for improvement
Strengths just outweigh weaknesses
Important weaknesses
Major weaknesses
Page 9
Castleview Primary School
Improvements in Performance
Learners’ experience
Meeting learners’ needs
Very Good
Very Good
Nursery Class
Improvements in Performance
Learners’ experience
Meeting learners’ needs
Very Good
Very Good
School and Nursery Class
The Curriculum
Improvement through self-evaluation
Very Good
Improvement plan
Key areas for school improvement
Priority 1 Modern Languages 1+2
1+2 Modern Languages: To implement the ‘1+2 Modern Languages’ programme, with the
teaching of (L2) from nursery/P1 to P7
Language 2 French
Language 3 Spanish
Overall Responsibility
Head Teacher
Curriculum leader
Responsibility Colette
Bonnar supported by Susan
Martin RCCT - French
2.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4
Outcome: To implement government policy to ensure a progressive and coherent programme in Modern Languages.
Impact: The learning experience in Modern Languages will be challenging, relevant and of high quality.
By Whom
Decide on L2 (from P1 – end
of BGE) and L3 languages (P5
with opportunities and
revisited experience until
end of BGE) as a cluster
group with lead
representation from all
cluster schools (e.g. HTs) and
from ML department in
secondary school. Please
pass all information to Ann
Robertson (ML ESO)
Cluster HTs
Mod Lang CL
Mod Lang ESO (Ann
Robertson) if
23 June 2014
Cluster Headteacher’s met on 02.06.14
Language 2 French
Language 3 Spanish
Bilingualism Matters delivering Spanish and French
in Nursery and P1 and P2. Continuation from pilot
scheme initiated in session 2013-14.
Page 11
Cluster HTs
June 23rd 2014
1+2 LL meeting arranged with cluster colleagues to
discuss progress. 23.10.14 – Venue CBCHS.
In-service dates to be
Cluster HTs
decided by cluster heads for
1plus2 ½ day training session
for all school staff.
Please pass preferred dates
to Ann Robertson (ML ESO)
June 23rd 2014
January in-service for Castlebrae cluster arranged
Lead teachers to attend inLead teachers
service planning day in
August 2014 and CAT session
in March 2015.
August 2014
LL CB attended 1+2 Lead Teacher planning day on
22.08.14 at Currie High School.
All staff to attend 1plus2 inservice training day.
June 2015
Nominate lead teachers
from all cluster schools.
All names to be passed to
Ann Robertson (ML ESO)
All staff
Overall Responsibility
DHT Louise Davies
Priority 2 Numeracy and Maths, including SEAL
QIs 1.1, 2.1, 5.1, 5.3
Outcome: To implement CEC guidance on maths and numeracy to raise attainment for Castleview pupils
Impact: The learning experience in Numeracy and Maths will be challenging and engaging for Castleview pupils.
By Whom
All schools to identify a SEAL DHT
champion who would then
take whole school training
Whole staff training for
trainers – all
Resource SEAL programme
Castleview resources
evaluated and additional
resources purchased if
SEAL programme to be
implemented in schools as
SEAL trainers gain
 8 afternoons +1 follow up
CPD session for SEAL
champions to lead within
 SEAL trainers
Ongoing until June
 SEAL resources to be made
available by Louise
 Schools to make other
resources available to staff
(Early stages in number
 Budget
 SEAL trainers
By Oct 2014
Louise Davies was trained 2013-14
Jenna Florence to be trained 2014-15
All staff were trained in session 14-15.
New or returning staff will be trained in
session 14-15.
Resource purchased in 13-14
Additional resources were prepared and
organised for staff
November 2014
SEAL re-fresh presentation by DHT –
inservice 12.08.14
CPD session – ‘Top Tips for Teaching SEAL’
confidence (whole school
plans will have to wait until
initial training has been
Numeracy and Maths policy
to be updated to show
Mental Agility guidelines are
incorporated into school
Numeracy and Maths policy
to be updated to show
‘Difficulties in Numeracy’
guidelines are imbedded
and incorporated into
school programme
SEAL for Early/P1 and SfL
DHT support SEAL
Champion and P1/2 Staff in
SEAL delivery
delivered on Inservice day by LL & DHT
 School Policy and
Programme to reflect CEC
November 2014
 School Policy and
Programme to reflect CEC
November 2014
All Early/P1
and SfL staff
 CEC CPD training – Louise
August 2014 –
June 2015
Policy updated Aug 2014 – final draft
needs amended to include ‘difficulties in
P1 and P2 teachers trained September
2014. P3 teacher also trained.
Priority 3 Improvements in Performance
Overall Responsibility
To ensure that recommendations from the previous SQIP are developed to enhance teaching and
learning at Castleview.
That pupils will receive a comprehensive education based on Curriculum for Excellence
QIs 1.1
By Whom
Update Evaluation for
success Policy to reflect new
assessment strategies.
Current Policy
November 2014
September 2014 staff issued draft Assessment
Framework Policy including Assessment Framework
Calendar for each year group. Staff agree to pilot
for session and will be reviewed in September 2015.
A folder created on server for Assessment
framework divided into year groups. Staff agree to
save work in folder to build a bank of resources to
support assessment framework.
Staff were pleased with the structure and guidance
provided by the framework but also liked the
element of freedom to tailor for their stage. (added
by CL – Sept 2014)
Pilot new Assessment
framework with for Personal
Learning Plans (PLP)
Review Assessment framework
and PLP with staff, pupils and
Outdoor Learning
Work with PSAs to support
learning in a context
Review materials, organisation
and ordering procedures.
Issue the Play policy to staff
parent and pupils and place on
CfE Outcomes distributed to
class teachers and rota based
April 2015
School Policies
December 2014
LL Outdoor Learning
November 2014
LL Outdoor Learning
October 2014
LL Outdoor Learning
October 2014
loose play/ outdoor timetable
in place. They will identify
where outcomes are covered to
help encourage outdoor
learning. Central resource bank
of lessons to be placed on the
school server.
Evaluate for success.
To include
Food for Though Evaluation
Develop the Harvest Festival for
Integrate COOKIT resource and
how to integrate Food
Education/ Technology into
existing programmes of study:
Early Years Development
Nursery class continue to make
links with Primary 1 and School.
Continued review development
of nursery paperwork and
development of PLP’s.
Continued review and
development of nursery
Develop an interconnected
approach to the delivery of
Early Level CfE
P1 & P2 teachers will be trained
in SEAL and staff further up the
school will require further
support to embed the approach
which should be used to guide
LL Outdoor Learning
LL Outdoor Learning
LL Outdoor Learning
December 2014
September 2014
LL Outdoor Learning
August 2014
CT Nursery
CT Nursery
CfE Outcomes and
April 2015
November 2014
April 2015
CT Nursery
DHT CT Nursery
April 2015
CEC Planners
April 2015
progression of number. CTs
observations of each other will
support sharing of practice.
Expected coverage and pace
will be focussed to ensure a
broad maths and numeracy
journey through the stages. NP7
Develop Spelling Programme
within the school. Spelling
Made Easy will be investigated
as a resource. A CPD has been
booked. The Teaching Team
will work collaboratively with
ASL to consider the use of RWI
in P2.
Develop teaching and learning
of grammar throughout the
school a guidance document
will be ready for the beginning
of session 2014-2015 which will
create a consistent approach to
Grammar throughout the
school. The document will
show what progression will
look like at each stage and will
give a plan/guide of exposure
to grammar at every level
linked to Big Writing
Talking and Listening
Develop whole school listening
and talking programme to pilot
session 2014-2015 ensuring
target setting for listening and
Teaching Team
April 2015
October 2014
After completing Evaluating for Success forward
plan discussions in September 2014, teachers will,
at various stages and alongside Spelling Made
Easy, trial the Single Word Spelling Test (SWST)
suggested activities and active spelling approach. A
CPD session has been arranged in 2015.
October 2014
Teaching staff using the Grammar progression
document developed by LL in their teaching and
learning. Evident in forward plan discussions.
December 2014
There will be a focus on the pilot for developing
vocabulary acquisition ‘Word Boost’ in stages
Nursery, P1, P2 and P3, beginning in September.
Once evaluated, this will then be rolled-out into
stages P4-P7.
LL Literacy & working
LL Literacy & working
PT supported by L
Literacy & working
talking. As a Fresh Start and
Read, Write, Inc. school, we
have been invited to pilot a
vocabulary acquisition project.
Further staff training is planned
in session 2014-2015.
A ‘vocabulary acquisition’
programme will be piloted in
P1, P2 and P3 next session.
Working Party
The Teaching Team will develop LL Homework
upper-school reading
homework in line with literacy
The Homework Policy will be
updated and shared with
Parents and Carers.
The Handwriting policy will be
updated in light of the new
cursive system. The programme
will be reviewed by April 2015
as part of our Evaluating for
success programme.
Creating school Twitter account
Involve Parents and Carers in
use of media to promote the
good work of our school.
Review of ICT Suite
Creation of a permanent Green
December 2014
April 2015
PT supported by LL
Literacy & working
December 2015
LL Technologies
April 2015
A whole school handwriting programme is being
developed within the school with a cursive approach
introduced. The programme will be reviewed by April
2015 as part of our Evaluating for success programme.
 Twitter account active as of August 2014
 Decision taken not to pursue green
screen/animation studio in light of iPad
 Hardware review ongoing through ICT
Screen/Animation studio.
Revisiting ICT policy and
programme with a change of
focus from using ICT to
consume information to create.
Review of aging hardware on
learning and teaching. Through
use of LTOPEN network
allowing pupils to bring mobile
devices to school to enhance
Develop a responsible use
policy for pupils and share with
parents and carers.
Establish new lead learners and
working parties for monitoring
or updating policies.
Lead Learners to share good
practice at staff meetings and
keep Learning folders updated.
Evaluate Eco Action Plan 201314
Create new targets for Action
Plan 2014-15
Organise and carry out Eco
Evaluate for Success – Eco
Gather evidence in preparation
for Eco Inspection.
Arrange Eco inspection to
maintain Green Flag status
 Decision taken not to pursue BYOD at this
stage of the school’s technology journey.
Teaching Team
September 2014
LL Eco /LL Outdoor
September 2014
November 2014
LL Drama, LL Music,
June 2015
Evaluate current policy
Review and revamp policies for
Drama, Music and A&D.
Drama – develop programme
to ensure coherence and IDL.
Music – develop music
programme which is relevant
and ensures deeper
understanding of musical
A&D – developing a
programme with a strong focus
on artistic skills and with a link
to Topic.
Complete RRS Audit
Lead Learner to attend
‘Achieving Level 2’ course.
Refresh required- the use of
rights respecting language
across school and in the
PSAs to be supported to
incorporate the use of rights
cards in the playground.
LL Art and Design
DHT & RRS Steering
CPD session planned for 27.10.14 on UNCRC for all
staff who have not received training.
October 2014
October 2014
October 2014
Displays should all show links to
Complete Level 2 Action Plan
November 2014
All staff reminded and given guidance on displays
linking to rights. Across the school, this has
improved greatly and a range of evidence has been
captured and observed. Staff feel more confident in
doing this and are finding this easier to incorporate
into routine of teaching.
Promotion of rights through
learning needs to be promoted
and evidenced. Provide staff
with clear dates for providing
evidence and share practice of
embedding rights in learning.
Global Citizenship links to be
developed – linking with
Brazilian school.
December 2014
June 2015
‘Right of the Month’ being launched in October. CTs
all provided with jigsaw template. They feel this is
very clear and will support promotion of rights.
Moffat Early Years
Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan for
Castlebrae Cluster Schools
Castlebrae High School
Cluster Primaries
Castleview, Newcraighall, Niddrie Mill.
Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan for Castlebrae Cluster Schools
Cluster Improvement Plan 2013-14 - Standards and Quality Report
Priority 1 – Cluster curriculum implementation
Overall Responsibility
Cluster HTs,5.1, 5.3, 5.9
Plan assessment, moderation and reporting of agreed curriculum areas.
Plan a range of cluster collaborative activities to promote CCHS as the local secondary school.
Young people will identify with the CCHS cluster and will experience smooth transitions within the cluster.
Progress/evaluation of tasks
By Whom
Evaluate progress from
last year and identify
good practice
Cluster HTs
June 2013
Evaluation of Exp Arts was positive. Modern Languages was a less positive experience as fewer staff
were involved. Not all staff are confident of the standard in Modern Languages. Secondary ML staff
will work with primary schools throughout 2013-14 according to capacity and demand.
Agree assessment and
moderation activities for
Social Studies.
Cluster HTs
Agree assessment and
moderation activities for
Cluster HTs
Outcome 0-14, 1-14, 2-14, 3-14 which focuses on mapping skills was identified. All cluster schools
ensured that this outcome was covered by January. Individual schools moderated at stage level on 6
January and agreed which pieces of learners’ evidence to forward to the cluster working party
comprising of one rep from each school, they met in May 2014.
There was evidence of continuity of practice in delivering CfE Cluster Heritage Trail. The QIO was
collating a booklet of moderation evidence.
Jill Pringle will identify outcomes for each year group and level to complete. Time will be spent on 6
January to discuss the outcomes across the levels. Further details to be clarified at the cluster HT
meeting in October.
Due to staffing difficulties the High School was unable to commit to Science engagement.
The work completed raised awareness of comprehensive City plans.
Agree assessment and
moderation activities for
Cluster HTs
Meeting time
Staff feedback
Analysis of
Meeting time
Assessment and
January in service
Meeting time
Assessment and
January in service
Meeting time
Assessment and
January in service
January 2014
March 2014
Staff attended cluster CPD event in September 2013. Identified schools will take forward strands:
Niddrie Mill and CCHS will focus on FTT, Greengables and Moffat will focus on Eco, Newcraighall and
CCHS to focus on IT, Castleview and CCHS to focus on CDT. Staff will then share their understanding of
the standard across the cluster.
Due to the fast pace of developments this was a difficult area to plan and evaluate for. There were
successes at individual school levels but the content was too wide and too ambitious to share the
standards. Technologies work is now imbedded in the transition programme. A new contact will be
compiled involving parents, carers, staff and pupils across the cluster.
Agreed piece/s of writing were completed in each primary school and forwarded to the secondary
school at transition P7 to S1. {Primary and High School teachers marked the pieces and moderated
the standard. There were issues of the type of piece selected and the timing of the writing. Primary
staff gave suggestions as to the size of the cluster literacy jotter to support Big Writing.
All cluster schools will continue to use the maths/numeracy tracking database. Further activities and
challenges will be developed as part of a more extensive approach to collaborative working within the
High School Maths Staff will be more focussed in their visits to Primary Schools and an agreed
programme of teaching will be developed to support transition.
 Art Attack for P4/5: Anne P, Anne Archer
 Maths Times tables for P5: Mark, Alan Murphy
 Ready Steady Cook for P6: Jan, Sheila B
 All About Music for P7: Greg, Anne Archer
 English/Social Studies/Drama/IT for P5: research aspect of Scotland eg heritage trail, record
film or present drama: Mariann Cortes
Individual schools took part in a variety of these activities:
For next session it was agreed that there would be continuity of experience for all pupils in the
catchment. With a clear timeline for all events. Lindsey Watt as Cluster Coordinator would liaise with
High School staff to draw the calendar together.
This did not take place. For session 2014-15 there will be a celebration event for all transition
experiences. An Exhibition of Transiton Art will feature in this.
Transition activities in
literacy and numeracy
Cluster HTs
Class time
Meeting time of
January 2014
May 2014
programme of
collaborative cross
sectoral curricular
activities to take place.
Cluster HTs
Planning time
Travel time
Transport costs
Sept – May
May – June
Sept – June
Cluster Art Exhibition
HT Niddrie
HT Castleview
and/or St
Planning Time
Class time
Planning time
June 2014
Planning time
Practice time
This took place and involved community partners St Francis. It was decided that this would not be
held next year and would be reviewed for session 14-15.
Planning time
Feb 2014
This took place with Newcraighall and Niddrie Mill participating. It was agreed that this would no
longer be classed as a Cluster Event and if individual schools wanted to participate they would do so.
Planning time
Cluster funding
Transport costs
Nov 2013
This took place. Feedback was this was to reflect learning in Primary School. Next session Primary CTs
Planning time
Training time
Oct 2013
Dec 2013
Bid for iPads for P7 was successful. P7 pupils were buddies for P1-3. Training and support was to be
offered for parents and carers. IPads were to be integral to transition activities eg P7 profiles, P7
Cluster Book Festival
Cluster P5 ceilidh
Poosie Nancie
competition organised
by the Burns club
Primary Maths
Challenge to be planned
for P6
IPad project to be rolled
out to P7.
Nov 2013
Cluster residential
experience to be
Cluster HTs
HT Castleview
Future cluster activities
to be planned for
session 2014-15
A range of cluster after
school clubs to be
established to take place
at CCHS.
Cluster HTs
Parental engagement
across the cluster to be
promoted by all cluster
Cluster HTs
Cluster HTs
Funding from KP
April 2013
Planning time
Staff time out of
Cluster HT
Planning day
Cluster HT
Active schools
Outside agencies
Funding and
Parents evenings
Training events
May 2014
music lessons supported by CCHS but the pace of the initiative rather overtook cluster learning
opportunities. This year every cluster event will be planned with a clear remit for all staff to build use
of Cluster I Pads into the event.
This did not take place as Cluster Primaries have long standing arrangements for residential. It will be
reviewed for session 15-16 with perhaps a short residential experience planned. Funding would need
to be sourced.
Jan 2014
Mar 2014
This took place in June 2014.
October 2013
 Bike club (Martin MacAulay, Norma Prentice HT)
 Dance club (Alana, Sharon)
 Digital leaders
There are many successful clubs running in the High School. There now needs to be a cohesive
approach to evaluating their success from pupils. Staff and parents. SMT at CBCHS to be involved in
Oct 2013
Dec 2013
Mar 2013
Norma Prentice HT to attend primary parents evenings, parents in all cluster centres to be invited to
training events eg for iPads, animation. CCHS to be focus for Parent Councils.
This was successful and the S1 role has increased for session 14-15
Children and Families has appointed an existing HT to take on additional responsibilities for S1-S3 for
session 14-15.
Overall Evaluation of Cluster Success 2014-15
The cluster had many initiatives for session 2013-14. Most of these were successful and ensured that children’s learning was enhanced. The planned
teaching development opportunities were strong and allowed staff across the cluster to work together. There needs to be effective communication of
dates and expectations. All events should be evaluated to ensure that next steps show continuous improvement. All cluster activities should be focused on
raising attainment and achievement across the cluster.
Cluster Improvement Plan
Key areas for school improvement
Cluster Priority 1
Tapestry in Partnership with City of Edinburgh Council Children and Families
Leading Deep Learning – Agents of Change Programme
Overall Responsibility
Cluster HTS
Outcome and impact for learners: To implement a whole cluster approach to learning and teaching based on professional enquiry
Impact: Young people will benefit from classroom approaches which are consistent and contemporary from 3-18
By Whom
New understanding, knowledge
and application in class and in
Deep Learning Preparation and
planning a whole school approach
to transition and shared practice.
All Teachers in
the Cluster and
Tapestry Team
Tapestry Training and resources
provided by Children and Families
Whole Cluster
CAT Sessions x 6 - 2 hours
Aug-14 – May -15
Individual School
CAT sessions to be planned by schools
x 5 – 1 hour
Aug - May
HT Leader of Learning Sessions
6 x 1 hour
Tapestry Training and resources
provided by Children and Families
Cluster Transition Plan
Aug - May
Consolidation, forward planning
and use of transition days
All teachers in
High School
12 Aug
20 Oct
21 Nov
05 Jan
20 Mar
07 May
June 14
Page 26
Application of new skills,
transition, multi-disciplinary
Transition Performance of
Sharing practice, consolidation and
moving forward
Celebration of Work in Progress
and P7 Staff on
transition days
Team, all
Teachers in the
Team, All
Cluster Schools
and pupils,
parents and
carers as
All Teachers in
the Cluster and
Tapestry Team
All Teachers
and learners in
the Cluster
Tapestry Team
Tapestry Training and resources
provided by Children and Families
Cluster Transition Plan
Aug 15- May 16
Cluster and Tapestry Plans
June 16
Cluster and Tapestry Resources
Aug16 – Dec 16
Cluster and Tapestry Resources
Dec 16
Cluster Priority 2
Cluster Curriculum for Excellence Transition Experiences
Overall Responsibility
Lindsey Watt – HT/Cluster
Outcome and impact for learners : To establish a comprehensive programme of cluster curricular activities
Impact: Curricular transition will be enhanced and enriched.
By Whom
Cluster Evaluation Evidence
Recording Sheet created.
Used for every Cluster Event.
Collated and used to inform next
years’ SQIP
All Transition Events will gather
evidence to show case at an event
in April 2015 held at CBCHS.
Lindsey Watt
Cluster Evaluating Policy
September 14
All Transition Event
Leaders and CTS.
Coordinated by Lindsey
Watt and DHT.
All Transition Event
Leaders and CTS.
Coordinated by Lindsey
Watt and DHT.
Transition Event Evidence
April 2015 Actual Date
TBC by September 15
Transition Event Evidence
April 2015
All Transition Event will have a
focus on effective use of Cluster I
This will be used at April Showcase
Cluster Transition Events to be
placed in all schools’ calendars by
first week of academic session.
Events will be in blocks of time
and allow for interactions
between pupils in each of the
cluster primaries.
A theme for interdisciplinary
learning will be allocated for each
Ann Archer DHT
Page 28
2014-15 will be Craigmillar.
There will be shared responsibility
for planning teaching and learning
in all transition events with High
school and Primary CTs.
All lesson plans will be collated
and a Transition Programme of
study will be created to evidence
learning and teaching for the
Art Transition Programme for
CTs to teach alongside each other
with ownership of teaching and
learning evidenced.
Evidence will be exhibited at Show
Case Event for parents and carers.
Evaluation of programme
completed by All Teachers and
pupils involved. Parents and
Carers asked for Evaluation
Information used for Standards
and Quality report 14-15
Lindsey Watt - overview
CTs involved
Lindsey Watt - overview
Anne Archer and P4/5
Primary CTs
CfE Existing Cluster
Schools CfE Art
Programme of study
Ann Archer
Planning by Oct 14
Dates confirmed for all
Cluster Schools
When each school
completes programme
June 15
Maths Times Tables for P5
CTs to teach alongside each other
with ownership of teaching and
learning evidenced.
Evidence will be exhibited at Show
Case Event for parents and carers.
High School Maths Staff focussed
visits to Primary Schools and an
agreed programme of teaching
progression developed and shared
DHT Ann Archer
CL Maths
Existing Programme
updated (circulated to
Cluster Colleagues)
Overview Lindsey Watt
DHT Ann Archer
CL Maths
Overview Lindsey Watt
DHT Ann Archer
April 2014
CfE Existing Cluster
Schools CfE Maths
October 14
across the cluster to support
effective transition and
Cluster pupils and staff to evaluate
the experience.
Parents and Carers to evaluate
their child’s involvement.
Evidence submitted for Cluster
CL Maths
Cluster Numeracy
coordinator (tbc)
Overview Lindsey Watt
Each school to complete
When the event is
CL Maths
All About Music Transition Project
for P7
Eilidh McDougall CL Music
and P7 CTS
CTs to teach alongside each other
with ownership of teaching and
learning evidenced.
Evidence will be exhibited at April
Show Case Event for parents and
Overview Lindsey Watt
DHT Ann Archer
CL Music & Cluster
Primary CTs
Cluster pupils and staff to evaluate
the experience.
Parents and Carers to evaluate
their child’s involvement.
Evidence submitted for Cluster
Cross Curricular Project for P5
Cluster Heritage Trail - Craigmillar
Overview Lindsey Watt
Each school to complete
CTs to teach alongside each other
with ownership of teaching and
learning evidenced.
Cluster Evaluating Policy
Programme created in
consultation at planning
meeting with High School
and Primary CTs
June 15
Planning to take place by
September 14
TBC at Planning Event
Cluster Evaluating Policy
When the event is
June 15
Literacy coordinator
Colette Bonar Castleview
and Marianne Cortes High
Overview Lindsey Watt
DHT Ann Archer
Literacy Co-ordinator &
Programme created in
consultation at planning
meeting with High School
and Primary CTs
Planning to take place by
September 14
TBC at Planning Event
Evidence will be exhibited at Show
Case Event for parents and carers.
Cluster pupils and staff to evaluate
the experience.
Cluster Primary & High
School CTs
Overview Lindsey Watt
Each school to complete
April 15
When the event is
Cluster Evaluating
June 15
Collated evidence will inform the
Cluster SQIP
Literacy Co-ordinator
Cluster Priority 3
1+2 Modern Languages: To implement the ‘1+2 Modern Languages’ programme, with the teaching of (L2)
from nursery/P1 to P7
Language 2 French
Language 3 Spanish
Overall Responsibility
Cluster Head Teachers
2.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4
Outcome: To implement government policy to ensure a progressive and coherent programme in Modern Languages.
Impact: The learning experience in Modern Languages will be challenging, relevant and of high quality.
By Whom
Decide on L2 (from P1 – end of
BGE) and L3 languages (P5 with
opportunities and revisited
experience until end of BGE) as a
cluster group with lead
representation from all cluster
schools (e.g. HTs) and from ML
department in secondary school.
Please pass all information to Ann
Robertson (ML ESO)
Cluster HTs
23 June 2014
Cluster Headteacher’s met on 02.06.14
Language 2 French
Language 3 Spanish
Nominate lead teachers from all
cluster schools.
All names to be passed to Ann
Robertson (ML ESO)
In-service dates to be decided by
cluster heads for 1plus2 ½ day
training session for all school staff.
Please pass preferred dates to Ann
Robertson (ML ESO)
Lead teachers to attend in-service
planning day in August 2014 and
CAT session in March 2015.
All staff to attend 1plus2 in-service
training day.
Cluster HTs
Cluster Primary Leader
Dianne Bell Niddrie Mill
Cluster HTs
June 23rd 2014
Lead teachers
August 2014
All staff
June 2015
Mod Lang CL Kathryn
Mod Lang ESO (Ann
Robertson) if required.
June 23rd 2014
Outcome and Impact for Learners
To be completed by lead teachers from across the Cluster at Initial Planning Meeting for each Transition Experience.
Transition Experience:
Names of
Teaching Team
Dates of planning
Niddrie Mil:
By Whom
Feedback to SQIP
Page 34
Transition Experience:
Showcase Evidence