PHILIPPINE CHILDREN’S MEDICAL CENTER SECTION OF NEPHROLOGY December 2013 Service Consultants: Dr. Dayrit/ dela Cruz Fellows-in-Charge: Dr. Cornejo/ Dr. C. Balot-Dizon/Dr. R. Estevez-Imperial Resident-in-Charge: Dr. Carreos In-Patients Total Number of Carried Over Cases Total Number of New Admissions Total Number of Discharges Transfer Average Number of Hospital Days Occupancy Rate Mortality Endorsed Philhealth members Referrals Carried Over Referrals New Referrals Total Number of Referrals Endorsed Referrals Breakdown of Referrals ER GS Hematology-Oncology Neurology Surgery Neonatology Cardiology RICU NICU Gastroenterology Pulmonology Endocrinology Procedures Tenckhoff Catheter Insertion Peritoneal Dialysis Methylprednisolone Pulse Therapy Cyclophosphamide Therapy 0 2 2 0 6 38% 0 0 0 6 12 18 3 1 0 5 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 Hospital Number Date of Admission Philhealth 46187 12/9/13 (-) 57019 12/16/13 (-) Name Age/Sex Wt Maninang, Julia Mae 13/F 58kg 150 cm Vaje, Nick Jeremy 11/M NEW PATIENTS Admitting Diagnosis Peritonitis SLE Nephritis Hypertensive Encephalopathy HSP Nephritis CKD-PD Final Diagnosis Date of Discharge Disposition 12/17/13 No. Of Hospital Stay 9 Fungal Peritonitris (Candida) s/p removal of tenckhoff catheter (12/14) CKD sec to SLE Nephritis Hypertensive Encephalopathy, resolved HSP Nephritis CKD-PD 12/19/13 3 Discharged Discharged REFERRALS CARRIED OVER PATIENTS Hospital Number 107623-13 Date of Admission 10/23/13 Date of Referral 10/23/13 Name Age/Sex Montilla, Gabee 62DOL/F Reason for Referral Final Diagnosis Disposition Elevated Creatinine Expired 65009 OLD 11/20/13 11/261/13 Reyes, Joel 11/M Increasing creatinine Hypertension Acute Kidney Injury (Prerenal) Tubulopathy secondary to Amphotericin, resolved Preterm 26 weeks by BS, 40 wks CA PDA Sepsis Neonatorum s/p IJ Cutdown, R (11/6) HCAI (CONS) CAH Congenital Hypothyroidism t/c Inborn Error of Metabolism Acute Kidney Injury (Pre-Renal) Hypertensive Encephalopathy probably secondary to Endorsed 109448 NEW 11/17/13 11/21/13 Prieto, Raffi 6/12 Hyperkalemia 110105 NEW 97032 OLD 11/27/13 11/27/13 Hypertension 11/26/13 11/26/13 Dela Cruz, Juliana 9/F Berena, Maricris 10/F 104532 10/2/13 11/28/13 Antonio, Mary Joy (1) Vascular Obstruction (2) Fluid Overload (3) CTT Pain Hypertensive Encephalopathy Extranodal Malignant Zone B-Cell Lymphoma of MALT Pleural Effusion Malignant vs Parapneumonic s/p thoracentesis 11/20 s/p CTT insertion 11/22 s/p paracentesis December 2013 Septic Shock, refractory Status Epilepticus HCAP Sepsis Trisomy 21 Subclinical Hypothyrodism GER t/c MSUD Failure to Thrive r/o RTA vs Hypoaldosteronism Post-Infectious Glomerulonephritis HAMA Discharged Co-management Recurrent UTI prob sec to recurrent infection r/o RTA Uterine Didelphys t/c Endometriosis Cloacal malformation s/p pelvic lap, hysterectomy, adhesiolysis (2013) UTI (E. coli ESBL+) Nephrolithiasis R IA s/p DBSC (2002), PSARP VUP (2008) s/p cystolithotomy (2009) s/p enterovesicostomy (2010) Discharged Nephrocalcinosis, Nephrocalcinosis probably secondary to Endorsed 59DOL/F bilateral chronic use of loop diuretic (furosemide) t/c Medullary sponge kidney Tubulopathy secondary to Amphotericin PT 30weeks BS, 42-43 weeks CA, Sepsis, HCAI (Klebsiella ornitholytica) BPD severe, Immature Retina OU pneumonia sp IJCD (12/13) t/c pneumothorax, sp needling CTT R (12/29) Hospital Number 93675 Date of Admission Date of Referral 12/10/13 105810 12/9/13 12/13/12 73244 12/13/13 12/14/12 70669 95269 Hospital Number 110945 New 12/17/13 Date of Admission HEMATOLOGY-ONCOLOGY (5) Name Reason for Referral Working Impression Age/Sex Padernos, May Ann hematuria AKI secondary to hemoglobinuria 15/F Aplastic Anemia Villasor, Renz Felix Neurogenic bladder Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection 3/M (E.cloacae)Neurogenic Bladder secondary to Malignant Germ Cell Tumor, sacrococcygeal arrest IV Dela Pena, Karl Vincent Clearance prior to chemo 12/23/13 Tac-an, James Electrolyte imbalance 12/17/13 Nocillado, Trisha Janeiro 14/F Hypertension Date of Referral 12/12/13 Name Age/Sex Manaog, Sliver Khiel 2/12/M RICU (4) Reason for Referral t/c RTA Disposition Expired Discharged Tubulopathy sec to chemotherapy (cisplatin, etoposide) Neuroblastoma st IV Discharged Tubulopathy secondary to Chemotherapy Medulloblastoma Hyperaldosteronism secondary to Adrenocortical Tumor Discharged Working Impression Disposition t/c Bartter’s Syndrome HCAP t/c immunodeficiency, Discharged Endorsed 112208 12/15/13 12/15/13 De asis, maria Marjorie 18/F 110432 11/27/13 12/20/13 Colico, jeof 2/12/M 111137 12/5/13 12/26/13 Penaranda, Josh Keane 1 3/12/M Hypertension Hyperkalemia NEUROLOGY (1) hypertension oral candidiasis Hypertensive Emergency, resolved secondary to PSGN r/o SLE Hyperkalemia probably secondary to thrombocytosis Laryngeal edema Sepsis, pneumonia GER, PAH discharged Signed-out Hypertension secondary to dysautonomia TB Meningitis Stage II; s/p Cutdown of L saphenous vein (12/8/13); s/p R PostParietal VPS (12/10/13); Cerebral Salt Wasting; S/P Arrest 2x Expired Final Diagnosis Disposition SURGERY (1) Hospital Number 95126 Date of Admission 12/2/13 Date of Referral 12/5/13 92804 12/19/13 12/19/13 Name Age/Sex Comendador, Eisenheim 5/12 M Besmonte, John Chester 3/M Reason for Referral Hypernatremia ER (1) Edema Hypernatremic dehydration AGE, severe Septic Shock Hirschsprung enterocolitis, Hirschsprung’s Disease s/p Ileostomy (Aug 2013) Nephrotic Syndrome in relapse PCAP B Expired discharged PHILIPPINE CHILDREN’S MEDICAL CENTER SECTION OF NEPHROLOGY OUT-PATIENT DEPARTMENT December 2013 Fellows-in-Charge: Dr. Cornejo/ Dr. C. Balot-Dizon/Dr. R. Estevez-Imperial Resident-in-Charge: Dr. Carreos November 2013 68 Total Number of Consultations Total Number of Cases New Cases Old Cases Total Number of OPD Days Average Number of Consultations per OPD day Procedures Cyclophosphamide Methylprednisolone Pulse Therapy Renal Biopsy 4 64 6 11.3 1 2 1 BREAKDOWN OF OPD CASES Nephrotic Syndrome SLE Nephritis PSGN Neurogenic Bladder Myelomeningocoele Neurogenic Bladder Arnold Chiari II Neurogenic Bladder VUR FSGS Acute GN/PIGN RPGN Frequency 8 4 9 Case 8 5 9 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 1 3 5 Recurrent UTI Pelvocaliectasia RTA IgA Nephropathy UTI HPP Renal Agenesis MPGN Takayasu Arteritis Multicystic dysplastic kidney Cystitis HSP Nephritis Minmal Change Disease Cystolithiasis Lipomeningocele Wilm’s Tumor CKD V Membranous Glomerulonephritis Neuroblastoma Pheochromocytoma Trandient tubulopaathy Adrenocortical CA HPN Encephalopathy Minor glomerular abnormalities Essential hypertension Obstructive uropathy 2 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PROCEDURES Hospital Number 151639 OLD S/P CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE THERAPY Name Admitting Age/Sex Diagnosis 12/10/13 Nogas, Shila 18/F SLE Nephritis Date Final Diagnosis SLE Nephritis s/p Cyclohposphamide (12th cycle) Hospital Number 61098-12 OLD Old S/P METHYLPREDNISOLONE PULSE THERAPY Name Admitting Diagnosis Age/Sex 12/10/13 Ortilla, Mark Andres Minimal Change Disease 7/M (6% global sclerosis) Date 12/17/13 Asaytona, Jhon Lawrence 14/M Nephrotic Syndrome Final Diagnosis Minimal Change Disease (6% global sclerosis) (2 of 32 glomeruli) s/p MPT (5th cycle) Minor Glomerular Abnormalities (Segmental Podocyte Foot Abnormality with 10%Global Glomerulosclerosis (6 of 64 Glomeruli) RENAL BIOPSY Hospital Number Date 1526540 12/11/13 Name Age/Sex Letti, Dan Jerick 15/M Admitting Diagnosis Final Diagnosis Nephrotic Syndrome Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis with 4 % Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (2 of 45 glomeruli) December 2, 2013 OPD CENSUS Hospital No. Name Contact no 17308-11 Bustamante, Rene 09478451335 10 M 83721-13 Padua, Carl 8m M 30276-11 173755-13 Santiago, Damser Espellogo, Bb. Boy Age 5 2m 11 Sex M M F Ht Wt Diagnosis Plan 130 25.2 Neurogenic bladder secondary to LSM 60 5 Recurrent UTI 2 to PUV s/p vesicostomy For BUN, Crea, VBG, electrolytes For KUB UTZ with pre and post FF up with results Monitor UO Decreased Amoxicillin drops, 0.5ml ODHS Continue NaHCO3 1 tab BID For UBG on Jan 6, 2014 to include urinalysis FF up 1/6/14 23.5 Recurrent UTI 2 to VUR gr 4, Left VUR gr 2, Right 4.2 FT, Trisomy 21; Mild pelviectasia, L 23.6 Presumptive UTI Neurogenic bladder Meningocele s/p repair 2006 116 50 066005 Braceros, Fiona 127 110702-13 Carolino, Jhun 09329026828 12 M 151 78 Primary (Essential) HTN vs HTN 2 to obesity 25661-11 Ba-ang, Kristela 13 F 140 39.2 FSGS 78373 2013 Umerez, Jean 9 F 62 6.1 Arnold Chiari II Cont NaHCO3 650mg/tab 2 tab TID CaCO3 500mg/tab ½ tab OD For U/A, UBG 1/6/14 FF up after 3 mos with repeat KUB UTZ, UA, BUN, Crea, serum electrolytes, VBG FF up to all services Update immunization Urine CS KUB UTZ with cortical thickness Pre post void CIC q6 Cefuroxime 500mg/tab 1 tab BID x 7 days Refer to urology once treated Diet modification LSLF diet Daily BP monitoring For BUN/Crea; serum electrolytes; lipid profile; FBS TCB 12/16/13 with results Still for cylosporin 500mg 1 cap BID Continue predinosine 20mg OD Continue CaCO3 OD For Serum creatinine and SGPT TCB after 2 weeks Increase CBC q6 malformation Neurogenic bladder Resume Amoxicillin 0.9ml ODHS Incrased OFI FF up 12/5/13 December 9, 2013 OPD number 100309-13 Name Age/Sex Ht/wt Diagnosis Plan Asuncion, Anie 09325911744 10/F 124/25.6 Nephrotic Syndrome 110923-13 Braceros, Fiona 11/F 128/24 72029 Legaspi, John 09212181053 8/M 129/30.9 UTI, resolved Neurogenic bladder Meningocele s/p repair (2006) Nephrotic Syndrome 95065-13 Fajardo, Jhin 094824886107 4/M 93/12.5 Cystolithiasis s/p Cystolithotomy 81692-13 Cepida, Glady Jose 2/M 87/8.8 Minimal Change Disease Spontaneous Peritonitis 95269-13 Nicillaos, Trisha 14/F 137/49,5 Adenocortical CA 46882612 1007128 Beringuel, Mark Tero, Reidan 16/M 6/M 168/98.6 112/19.8 PSGN Recurrent PSGN vs. IGA Decrease Prednisone 10mg/tab 2 ½ tab EOD Cefuroxime 250/5ml , 7.5ml BID Hep Profile TCB on Jan. 6 with Urinalysis Continue CIC every 6 hours Start Cotrimoxazole 8/5ml 5ml BID for 10 days Repeat Urine CS on Dec 18, 2013 with results Prednisone 10mg/tab, 1 ½ tab EOD Cont. Enalapril 50mg/tab 1 tab OD Dipyriidamole 250mg/tab 1 tab BID FF up on Dec 23 with repeat UA Gargle with Bactidol Clarithromycin 250mg/tab BID 7 days For urine culture and sensitivity Increase oral fluid intake FF up on 12/12/13 with UA results Complete Cefuroxime for 10 days then for repeat UA after treatment Continue Enalapril 5mg/tab, 1 tab OD CACO3 550mg/tab ½ tab OD Metoprolol 50mg/tab OD Losartan 50mg 1 tab OD Amlodipine 10mg/tab 1 tab OD Enalapril 10mg/tab BID Spironolactone 1 tab BID Cont. Kalium Durule BP monitoring Please monitor and record urine output For repeat serum electrolyte, UA Follow up on Dec. 19, 2013 ff-up on Feb. 2014 with UA results For Anti D DNA, ASO det nephropathy Rule out LN 11125513 Lluz, Catherine 8/F 105/13.8 Recurrent UTI prob 2 to VUR 97099 Lagdamen, Christine Ortilla, Mark Nogas, Shila 9/M 120/21.8 PSGN, resolved For repeat UA If still with hematuria, plan for renal biopsy Possible oral meds to be given: Pred, fish oil If to consider RGN, plan to repeat C3 det after 8 weeks OPD ff up once with result Cont. for 5 more days For VCUG once cleared of UTI For Crea For urinalysis on Thursday OPD ff up Feb 3, 2014 with repeat UA 7/M 18/F 122/31.8 40.4/159 MCD 6% global sclerosis SLE Nephritis Methylprednisolone 920mg Cyclophsphamide 12th cycle 61098 151639 OPD Number 115696 Name Cerbito, Janzel 09202586466 Age/Sex 9/F December 12, 2013 Height/Weight Diagnosis 111/19.7 Plan Neurogenic bladder secondary to LSM ACM II S/P VPS S/P Repair 24966-11 Magno, Jeryhen Lhya 09292878932 4/F 98/13.3 RTA; r/o PTB 64145-2012 Sicad, Kian Ed 09202630616 6/M 105/16.8 AURI Minimal Change Disease Unrelapse 001072008 Tero, Reidan 09296699354 09156499427 6/M 145/19.2 Recurrent PSGN For DMSA once with funds For intermittent catch and temporary indwelling at night Measure urine output while on indweller FF up after 1 month with repeat urinalysis Continue Nitrofurantoin 100 mg/tab, ½ tab once a day at bedtime For PPD, CXR-PA Continue NaHCO3 650 mg/tab, 2 tablets BID FF up once with results Start Clarithromycin 250 mg/5 ml, 2.5 ml every 12 hrs for 7 days Inc. Prednisone to 10 mg/tab, 1 tab once a day after breakfast FF up on Thursday (Dec. 19, 2013) with repeat urinalysis Co-Amoxiclav 457/5 ml give 5 ml 2x a day for 7 days Prednisone 10 mg/5ml, give 5 ml 2x a day OPD ff up Dec. 19, 2013 with repeat 60605-2012 Nallares, Mary Cris 09205396546 Simacon, Bea 486-17-98 3/F 104/27.5 UTI VUR 1/12 month/F 54/3.6 T/C Neurogenic Bladder Pure red cell aplasia 48394-2012 Sayawan, Jerome 983-18-49 13/M 159/39 RTA 111255-13 Lluz, Catherine No contact no. 8/F 106/14.3 Recurrent UTI probably secondary to VUR 109887 urinalysis Due repeat C3 level on January 31 if decrease = for kidney biopsy For VCUG For referral to Urology Continue Cefuroxime for 3 more days For urinalysis Baseline creatinine For urodynamic studies For referral to Urology For Lumbosacral MRI CIC q8 Amoxicillin drops 0.5 ml OD TCB with results Decrease NaHCO3 650 mg/tab (2-2-1) Decrease Kalium durule 1 tab q12 FF up after 1 month with VBG and electrolytes Still for urinalysis, creatinine and VCUG (once cleared with UTI) Amoxicillin 250 mg/5 ml, 4 ml once a day before bedtime December 16, 2013 HOSPITAL # 95070 24966 31585 NAME/CONTACT NUMBER Tinas, Zachary Ethan Magno, Jeryhen Lhya AGE/SEX HEIGHT/WEIGHT DIAGNOSIS 4/12/M 64/7.1 4/F 98/13.2 Multicystic Kidney Pneumonia URTI, R?O PTB III t/c RTA Dela Cruz, Melody 14/F 150/50.8 IgA Nephropathy PLAN For admission: THOC Monitor I and O x 1 week Start co-amoxiclav 250mg/5ml aml BID x 1 week For UA after 1 week WOF for recurrence of chest pain and edema For repeat 2D ECHO and ECG Increase fish oil 1000 IU I cap BID Continue Vit C and E 22342 Lansang, Daniel 15/M 149/34.6 Minor glomerular abnormalities 59644 Nataio, Mark 9/M 30.5 Neurogenic Bladder 19677 Hatol, Hannah 4/F 72/9.1 SVI t/c hand, foot and mouth disease 48741 Biglang-awa, Cogie 3/M 86/12.6 Focal Segmental glomerulosclerosis with 2% global sclerosis s/p 4th cycle of methylprednisolone Acute tonsillopharyngitis Adunay, Christine Joy 4/f 102/17 VUR resolved Corpuz, Jon Lord 16/M 156/40 Nephrotic Syndrome 101710 OPD ff-upMay 29, 2014 with repeat UA Cont. prednisone 5mg/tab 1 tab BID x 1 month Caco3 500mg/tab 1 tab OD Resume Enalapril 5mg/tab 1 tab OD ff-up after 1 month with repeat UA, CBC and crea In nitrofurantoin to 100mg 1 ½ tb OD (5mkd) Warm saline gargle Inc ofi Ascorbic acid Xylogel dental cream Paracetamol 250mg/5ml, 2 ml q4 for fever Ff up on Wednesday if still with fever with CBC Dec methylprednisolone to 16mg/tab ½ tab every other day for 2 wks Continue MMF 500mg/tab ½ tab evry 12 hours Start clarithromycin 128 mg/5ml 4 ml every 12 hours for 7 days ff-up Jan 6, 2014 with repeat UA Monthly urinalysis For DMSA once with funds ff-up feb 7, 2004 repeat serum E and UA inc OFI Continue Prednisone 5mg/tab 1 tab every other day Continue caCO3 500mg/tab 1 tab OD 72723 Corbeta, Lougie 11/12/M 71/10 Multiple Cystic Dysplastic Kidney disease 20483 Oblepias, Gie Anne 15/F 146/58 Nephrotic Syndrome, remission 76104 Solis, Clarence 4/M 97/13.6 Nephrotic Syndrome LRTI 26280 De Asis, Seth Helaman 2/M 87/13 Neurogenic Bladder sec to Lipomeningocoele Conjunctivitis, R HOSPITAL # 47642-12D NAME/CONTACT NUMBER Lopez, Aila Subas 09484984412 AGE/SEX December 19, 2013 HEIGHT/WEIGHT DIAGNOSIS 15/F 152/ 44 Distal RTA 43891-12 Camaya, John Lloyd 09283682189 14/M 145/ 38 SLE Nephritis ff-up after 1 month with repeat UA For UA every month For s. crea every 4 months Inc OFI OPD ff-up Feb 3, 2014 For HPV, MMR ff-up after 6 months with UA For Admission Cont prednisone 10mg/tab give 1 ½ tab EOD Dec enalapril 5mg ½ tab OD Dec Dipiridamole 25mg 1 tab OD Dec CaCO3 5mg ½ tab OD For biopsy For urinalysis monthly Continue CIC q 6 hours Start amoxicillin 250mg/5ml 4 ml OD at HS Tobramycin eye drops 2 drops R eye 3x a day x 1 wk every 6 months Serum crea Ideally for UCS of 2 months PLAN Continue K Citrate 3 tabs TID High Potassium Diet\NaHCO3 650mg/ tab 4-3-3 Ff up after 1 month with repeat UA serum electrolytes, ABG Vitamin B complex 1 tablet OD Still for Kidney Biopsy For UA, S. Crea, CBC Continue medications: Hydrochloroquine 103824-B Tinagan Carl Vincent 09999450262 3/M 101/ 23.2 Membranous Glomerulopathy 066005 Braceros. Fiona Beatrice 11/F 128/ 24.3 UTI, Enterobacter Cloacae Neurogenic bladder Meningocoele, S/P Repair LSM (2006) 110105-13 Dela Cruz, Juliana 09224920776 9/F 132/25.5 28585-11 Castro, Marie Joyce 09394141507 17/F 154/ 43.2 Acute Glomerulonephritis, resolved S/ P Nephrectomy, R T/C Allergic Cough vs. Viral ATP 89754-13 Tuazon, Randy 09155899929 4/M 102/16.1 Nephrotic Syndrome, Steroid dependent, Frequent Relapses PTB III, completed 6 mos tx last December 13, 2013. 8169213 Cepida, Glady Jose 2/M 87/ 12.8 Minimal Change Disease Spontaneous Peritonitis 841452012 Sicad Kean Ed 09398841355 5/F 106/ 16 Minimal Change Disease, Steroid Dependent 2mg/tab 1 tab OD; Valsartan 1 tab OD; Pb 60 mg/ tab OD Ff up on January 30, 2014 with results of CBC UA and Crea 1. Continue ff meds: Cyclophosphamide tab 50 mg/ tab OD; Prednisone 20 mg 1 ½ tab every other day; Ca Co3 500 mg ½ tab OD; Enalapril 5 mg ½ tab OD; INH 200 mg/ 5 ml 5 ml OD 1. Start Nitrofurantoin 50 mg/ cap 1 capsule q6 x 7 days 2. Continue CIC q6 3. Repeat Urine CS on Dec 26 day 5 of Nitrofurantoin 4. FF up on December 26with rpt Urine Culture result 5. For rpt Serum creatinine after 3 mos (March) Still for UA and C3 on January 27, 2014 1. For Ff up on January 23, 2014 with repeat UA, serum creatinine, serum electrolyte, ABG 2. Cetirizine 10 mg/ tab 1 tablet once a day for 5 days 1. Still for kidney bipsy once with funds 2. Star MMF 250mg, 1 tablet q12 after meals 3. Enalapril 5 mg ½ tab once a day 4. CaCo3 500 mg ½ tab OD 5. OPD ff up on Jan 6, 2014 with rpt UA, CBC, S. creatinine 6. Increase egg white in diet 1. Complet Cefuroxime for 10 days then UA after 10 days 2. Cont. Enalapril 5 mg/ tab 1 tab OD 3. Cont. Ca CO3 550mg/ tab ½ tab OD 1. MMf 250mg/ tab ½ tab 2x a day 2. Prednisone 10 mg/ tab once a day 50989-1210 De Rama, Arjon 09197095395 5/M 103/ 14.3 IgA Nephropathy 111255B Luz, Catherine 09051343670 8/F 06/ 13.3 Recurrent UTI 20045-11 Angeles, Maricris 09084122072 5/F 104.5/ 15.5 1093072013 Tero, Reidan 09296699354 6/M 112/19.5 Obstructive Uropathy S/P Partial Nephractomy, R (2009) Recurrent PSGN DECEMBER 23, 2013 3. Cont. Enalapril 5mg/ tab 1 tab once a day; Dypiridamole 250 mg/ tab, 1 tab OD 4. Caco3 500 mg/ tab, 1 tab OD 5. FF up on January 6, 2014 with rpt UA, CBC c APC, Creatinine 6. WOF abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea 1. Start Mycophenolate Mofetil 250mg 1 tab 2x a day after meals 2. Continue Prednisone 5 mg/ tab EOD 3. Continue Enalapril 5 mg ½ tab OD 4. Continue Ca Co3 5 mg ½ tab OD 5. FF up on Jan 9, 2013 with rpt UA, CBC and S. Creatinine For Urine Culture For referaal to Urology For Serum Creatinine, serum electrolytes, UBG For Admission- THOC For CBC, Serum Phosphorus, electrolytes creatinine FF up on January 6, 2014 with results 1. For rpt C3 on January 27 include UA 2. OPD Ff up on January 30, 2014with result Hospital No. 17639-A Patient Nogas, Jessa Age/Sex 12/F Ht/Wt 159/40.3 Diagnosis SLE Nephritis Class 4 s/p 12 cycles of cyclophosphamide 84879-13 Lambolota, Claire 09394402252 9/F /47.4 NB s/p Vesicometry 106412-P Bendicion, Kent Charles 09321301640 11/M 131/23.7 PSGN, Infected Wound Scabies 92299-13 Manuel, Francis Kendry 3/M 99/14 Transient Tubulopathy sec to chemodrug; r/o UTI 90559-13 Andales, John Allen 11/M 140/49.3 RPGN, HPN encephalopathy 112208-13 De Asis, Maria Marjorie 09239397179 18/F 150/41 PSGN Plan >Discontinue CaCo3 and Enalapril. >Continue Hydrochloroquine 200mg/tab OD and Prednisone 5mg/tab 1 tab OD >Follow up on Jan 23, 2014 >Start Cefixime 200mg/cap 1 cap BID x 7 days >Hold Nitrofurantoin whole on Cefixime >OPD follow up on Jan 6, 2014 with results of urinalysis and urine culture, ABG, and serum electrolytes. >Continue NaHCO3 >Increase Nitrofurantoin to 100 mg 1 cap ODHS; 50mg 1 cap ODHS >Increase OFI >Start Iterax 1 tab ODHS >Cetirizine tab 1 tab OD AM >Co-Amoxiclav 375mg/tab 1 tab BID x 7 days >Ff up on Jan 2, 2014 >For urine culture >Please monitor urine color and dysuria >Follow up with results >Advised. >Still for renal biopsy >Increase NaHCO3 to 650mg/tab BID >Continue Enalapril 10mg/tab 1 tab BID >Amplodipine 10mg/tab 1 tab once a day >Prednisone 20mg/tab 1 tab every other day >Allopurinol 160mg/tab 1 tab BID >Phenobarbital 60mg/tab 1 tab OD am, 75mg/tab 1 tab OD pm >follow up after 1 month with repeat Blood uric acid, VBG, Creatinine, UA on Jan 20, 2014 Monday >Decrease Amlodipine 5mg/tab BID >Continue BP monitoring at home care of Health Center and record >For repeat Urinalysis on ff up >Low salt diet 44087-13 Soriao, Julia Victoria 5mo/F 48/4 92804-13 Besmante, John Chester 3/M 92/16 46187-12 Maninang, Julia 09213814531 13/F 151/60.1 December 26, 2013 57019 Vaje, Nick Jeremy 11/M 23.3/121 CKD 5 HSP Nephritis 33683 Quilla, Ryzen 5/M 13.5/101 RPGN s/p stiff catheter insertion s/p Tenchkoff insertion AURI 110889 Arcega, jovelyn 11/F 23/126 SLE r/o Nephritis Recurrent UTI sec to urogenic bladder sec to sacral agenesis AURI, resolving Nephrotic Syndrome in relapse SLE Nephritis >Advised >Continue Nitrofurantoin 100mg/cap 25ppcaps, 1 ppcap OD >ff up on Jan 23, 2014 with UA result >Continue Co-Amoxiclav for 3 more days (Dec 26, 2013) >Continue Clarithromycin for 7 more days (December 30, 2013) >Prednisone 20mg/tab 2 tabs once a day after breakfast for 2 weeks >Enalapril 5 mg/tab ½ tab OD >follow up after 2 weeks (Jan 6, 2013) with repeat Urinalysis >Discontinue Clindamycin >Continue Fluconazole until 12/30/13 >Decrease Clonidine 25mcg 1 tab OD 2PM > Enalapril 10mg/tab 2 tabs BID (6-6) >Amlodipine 10mg/tab 1 tab BID (10-10) >MMF 200mg/cap 2 caps 2x a day >Prednisone 20mg/tab 1 tab OD >CaCo3 500mg/tab TID >NaHCO3 650mg/tab 1 tab TID Combivent neb q 6 Clarithromycin 125mg/5ml 5 ml BID x 1 wk I and O monitoring ff-up after 2 wks Inc OFI Clarithromycin (15) 4 ml BID x 7 days For repeat UA after 6 months If (+) protein do renal function test If (-) do micral test Advised For Urine PCR, BUN, Crea ff-up at Nephro OPD once with results Start Enalapril 5mg/tab 1 tab OD 113042 Antaran, Jamie 11/F 27.3/127 t/c Nephrotic Syndrome Advised TCB once with results UA, TOAG, BUN, Crea, electrolytes, cholesterol, VBG BUN, Crea, CBC, electrolytes Tcb with results For biospy