November 29, 2009 Date of admission Diet: 1500 kcal/kg (270g CHO, 70g CHON, 50g fats)/3 meals VS, input and output monitored IVF 1L PNSS administered Labs requested: CXR, CBC, pH, blood C&S, ABG, sputum GS, BUN, Crea, Na/K, Urinalysis: proceed with C&S if PMN > 25 cells/hpf or sq cells <10 cells/hpf Medications: o Ceftriaxone 2g/IV first dose given now then OD o Azithromycin 500mg/tab 1 tab given now then OD x 5 days o Erdosteine 300mg/cap 1 cap BID o Combivent nebulization q 8 hrs o Paracetamol 500mg/tab 1 tab q 4 hrs prn for T>38C O2 via nasal cannula Admitting diagnosis: Parapneumonic effusion R; JRA November 30, 2009 1:25am o Start Kalium durule, 1 durule QID o Request for TPAG o For serial abdominal measurement and weighing of patient daily pre-breakfast 8:40am o Kalium durule 1 durule TID x 8 doses o Repeat K+ after last dose of KCl durule Referral to Rheuma 8:50pm (Pulmo): Problem – Febrile 40C o Increase IVF rate to 50 drops/min for 4 hrs then decrease to 30 drops/min thereafter o Give Paracetamol 500mg/tab, 1 tab q 4 hrs round the clock o May do ice bath care of relatives December 1, 2009 1:05am (Pulmo) o Decrease IVF to 30 drops/min o Nebulize with Combivent nebule now then q 4 hrs o Maintain O2 supplementation 1:25am: Problem – Persistently febrile o Continue with ice bath o Shift oral Paracetamol to Paracetamol 300mg/IV q 4 hrs round the clock 8:50am (Pulmo) o Problem – Parapneumonic effusion, R o o o o Day 2 Ceftriaxone and Azithromycin Azithromycin to complete 3 days O2 supplementation prn Problem: Hypoalbuminemia Add 2 eggwhites/meal Request for SGPT and SGOT Problem: Anemia Request for reticulocyte count and peripheral smear Problem: Persistently febrile Continue Paracetamol 300mg/IV round the clock Continue TSB Problem: Hypokalemia, on correction Increase K+ in diet Continue Kalium durule Addendum: Request for blood CS o 4:05pm o Problem: HAP and parapneumonic effusion, R Shift Ceftriaxone to Piperacillin-Tazobactam 4.5g/IV q 8 hrs December 2, 2009 10am: Rheumatology o Diagnosed case of JRA 11am: Rheumatology o Naproxen 250mg 1 tab OD 6:20pm o Schedule for Thoracentesis at 10:30am the next day (UTZ-guided) this wasn’t done though cause the meds worked…tanggalin na ba ‘to? o Request for UTZ and PTPA 10:45pm: Problem – PT=15.8 secs o Start Vitamin K 10mg/IV q 8 hrs December 03, 2009 Rheumatology Arthralgia Still with febrile episodes; denies arthralgia BWJ To S1W1 ; BAJ T0S1, W0 Request for Repeat CBC December 04, 2009 Awaiting final report of Blood C and S Relay of Repeat CBC results of Dec.03,2009 Problem Hypoalbuminemia May have Peptamen 3 scoops /meal Problem Abdominal Enlargement Request for Ultrasound of LGBPS NPO 6 hours prior to procedure Rheumatology Suggest Repeat Chest X-ray (PA and Lateral View) Suggest Infectious Disease referral Infectious Disease: P-test says “Scant” Management: Repeat Chest X-ray PA/Lateral Pip – Tazo Await for blood cultures December 05, 2009 Rheumatology Burholderia cepacia December 06, 2009 Pulmonology Repeat Na and K Decrease nebulization December 07, 2009 Rheumatology Discontinue nebulization. Infectious Disease Start Anti –TB medications. November 30, 2009 Empiric Antibiotic instituted (Ceftazidime – 2g for 7 days); Clinical Diagnosis: CAN’T READ IT!!! Fever Pattern: November 30, 2009 – 37-39 degrees, PR: 140-150, RR: 33-40, BP: 90/60-100/60, Pain Score: 0 on rest and activity, urine: 9x, stool- 2x, Activity: Person-assisted December 01, 2009 – 37-38.5 degrees, PR: 110-150, RR: 30-37, BP: 100/60 – 120/80, Pain Score: 0 on rest and activity, urine: 9x, stool- 3x, Activity: Person-assisted December 02, 2009 – 37-37.5 degrees, PR: 110-150, RR: 30-40, BP: 100/60, Pain Score: 0 on rest and activity, urine: 12x, stool- 5x, Activity: Person-assisted December 03, 2009 – 36.5-37.5 degrees, PR: 80-110, RR: 31-38, BP: 100/60-110/70, Pain Score: 0 on rest and activity, urine: 10x, stool- none, Activity: Person-assisted December 04, 2009 – 36.5-37 degrees, PR: 85-150, RR: 32-40, BP: 90/60-100/60, Pain Score: 0 on rest and activity, urine: 13x, stool- 2x, Activity: Person-assisted December 05, 2009 –36.5-37, PR: 85-115, RR: 21-40, BP: 100/60-110/70, Pain Score: 0 on rest and activity, urine: 5x, stool- 1x, Activity: Person-assisted December 06, 2009 – 37.5 – 38 degrees, PR: 80-90, RR: 20-31, BP: 110/70-120/70, Pain Score: 0 on rest and activity, urine: 8x, stool- 3x, Activity: Person-assisted December 07, 2009 – 36.5 - 38 degree, RR: 20-24, BP: 100/60-120/80, Pain Score: 0 on rest and activity, urine: 5x, stool- 2x, Activity: Person-assisted Blood C and S: December 04, 2009 Culture: Burkholderia cepacia Sensitive to TMP-Sulfamethoxazole Blood Chemistry: December 01, 2009 o SGOT –AST: 40.9 (High) o SGPT – ALT: 12.0 (Normal) CBC: December 01, 2009 o Reticulocyte Count: 1.0 x 10^3 o WBC: No abnormal o RBC: Normocytic Normochromic o Platelet: Increased Fecalysis November 30, 2009 o Yeast Cell - +3 DIET/MEDICATIONS ON ADMISSION DATE ORDERED DIET 11/29/09 1500 kcal/kg 270g CHO 70g CHON 50g fats / 3m + 2s DATE MEDICATIONS/TREATMENTS FREQUENCY DATE STARTED 11/29/09 11/29/09 Ceftriaxone 2g/IV Azithromycin 500mg/tab 1 tab x 5 days Erdosteine 300mg/1 cap 1 cap Paracetamol 500mg/1 tab 1 OD OD 11/29/09 11/29/09 BID 11/30/09 q4 prn T=38C 11/29/09 11/29/09 DATE DISCONTINUED 11/30/09 11/30/09 12/4/09 tab KCl durule 1 durule x 8 Paracetamol 500mg/tab 1 tab Paracetamol 300mg/IV TID q4 RTC 11/30/09 q4 12/1/09 12/1/09 (shifted) Date & time: Nov 29, 2009 5pm ECG RESULTS Rhythm: Sinus Atrial rate: 115/min Ventricular rate: 115/min PR: 0.12 sec QRS: 0.12 sec QTC: 0.30 sec QRS axis: Indeterminate axis ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC DIAGNOSIS 1. Sinus tachycardia 2. Complete right bundle branch block 3. Low voltage chest leads Date & time printed: Nov 29, 2009 6:32pm Urinalysis PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Color Transparency pH Specific Gravity CHEMICAL TEST Albumin YELLOW SLIGHTLY TURBID 9.0 1.015 Sugar MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS NEGATIVE NEGATIVE MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS CELLS Red Blood Cell Pus Cell Yeast Cell Squamous Cell Renal Cell Transitional Epithelial Cell Bacteria Mucus Threads 0-1/hpf 2-5/hpf + + CAST Hyaline CRYSTALS Amorphous Urate Uric Acid Calcium Oxalate Amorphous Phosphate Triple Phosphate Granular Waxy Pus Cell Red Blood Cell Date & time printed: Nov 29, 2009 7:35pm Blood Chemistry Test Sodium Potassium Result Female Reference Range 135 (low) 137-147 mmol/L 3.2 (low) 3.8-5 mmol/L Date & time printed: Nov 29, 2009 7:47pm COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT HGB RBC HCT MCV MCH MCHC RDW MPV PLATELET WBC DIFFERENTIAL COUNT NEUTROPHILS METAMYELOCYTES BANDS SEGMENTED LYMPHOCYTES MONOCYTES EOSINOPHILS BASOPHILS RESULT UNIT REFERENCE RANGE 101 3.56 0.30 84.20 28.40 33.80 14.80 6.20 437 19.80 g/L x 10^12/L 120-170 4.0-6.0 0.37-0.54 87+-5 29+-2 34+-2 11.6-14.6 7.4-10.4 150-450 4.5-10.0 0.93 0.03 0.90 0.07 - Date & time printed: Nov 30, 2009 7:10am Blood Chemistry U^3 pg g/dL fL X 10^9/L X 10^9/L 0.50-0.70 0.00-0.05 0.50-0.70 0.20-0.40 0.00-0.07 0.00-0.05 0.00-0.01 Test Urea Nitrogen Creatinine Total Protein Albumin Globulin A/G Ratio Result 4.1 (low) 0.48 (low) 6.1 2.7 (low) 3.4 0.80 (low) Female Reference Range 9-23 mg/dL 0.5-1.2 mg/dL 6-7.8 g/dL 4-5.5 g/dL 1.5-3.4 g/dL 1-3 Date: Dec 3, 2009 Ultrasound of the right hemithorax shows a pleural effusion with an approximate volume of 51.4cc. Date: Dec 5, 2009 ULTRASOUND OF THE LIVER, GALL BLADDER, PANCREAS AND SPLEEN The liver is within normal range in size with non-uniform echogenicity. No focal echo defect seen. Ducts are not dilated. The gall bladder measures 4.4x1.9cm. in size which is within normal range. A high level echo is noted intraluminally exhibiting acoustic shadowing. Wall is not thickened. The pancreatic head is 2.1cm. while the body is 1.1cm. and the tail is 1.3 cm. which are all within normal range. Echo pattern is uniform. Negative for mass in or at the region of the pancreas. The spleen is not enlarged. Negative for intra-splenic mass. IMPRESSION: NORMAL SIZE LIVER WITH DIFFUSE PARENCHYMAL CHANGES CHOLECYSTOLITHIASIS PANCREAS AND SPLEEN – NEGATIVE