Expository Essay Rubric Due Date: December 14th, 2011 You must

Expository Essay Rubric
Due Date: December 14th, 2011
You must hand in this rubric with all of your work.
The final essay with all components from your idea to pre-write through the persuasive letter must be in a folder or in a
book report style binder. Loose papers will not be accepted. The order from top to bottom is: cover, final draft, final
draft with highlights, rough draft, web, vocabulary, peer critique, self-evaluation, persuasive letter and rubric.
( You must enter your process grades.)
The final grade for all your components totaled up will be a double grade for the second marking period.
Documents Evidence
and Dates
Prewrite -- Graphic
Organizer/Concept Map
Due by November 21
Rough Draft:
Due by November 28
A completed GO/web or
concept map from
Inspiration, or handwritten
and signed and dated by
teacher before the rough
draft is attempted. The
GO/web must include the
researched evidence you will
be using in your essay. You
need at least two quotes
from experts in the field of
study, two statistics, one
specific example or anecdote,
and many facts.
Signed and dated by Teacher
To include the use of
organizational clues, and a
commitment to block and/or
point by point writing
structure. As well, your
commitment to an overall
text structure of C&E, C&C,
descriptive or chronological
must be evident. (other
formats can be OK’d by me.)
You must put your vocab
words in bold, and you must
also incorporate all of your
Points – NOTES TO Your
You may write notes to yourself in this
column – for example, done – not done
- a note on what still needs to be
done. Just don’t cover up the points!
Revision Strategies:
November 30th –
December 2nd
At least five words used from
your vocabulary list from
your book. Words must be
used properly in a
sophisticated 8th grade level.
Original vocab words with
page number, context clues
and guess, with definition
and use in your sentence in
your essay must be attached.
Students demonstrate at
least five revision strategies
color coded to demonstrate
revision from rough draft to
final draft cumulatively.
Revisions need to be
thoughtful and completed in
a sophisticated manner. Each
revision strategy must be
demonstrated at least two
times for full credit.
Such as:
add four richly described
Add four action verbs
Add two metaphors or similes
Add five sensory details
(must include at least two
senses per detail)
Add tension ( draw out one
WORD Choice – sophisticated
Show don’t tell
Numbers correctly spelled
Check all homophones and
use correctly
The final draft of your essay
should include all five color
coded revision strategies
Conclusions – Choose
one style of conclusion
and carefully craft your
December 5th – 6th
Students choose one type of
conclusion from the list and
craft a thoughtful and concise
ending for their essay. Color
Code the conclusion for full
Essay – Final Draft
Due December 7th
Final Citations with
Annotations in
December 12th – 13th
Peer Critique:
December 8th and 9th
Please supply the
critique you did for
someone else. Make
sure their name is also
on the handout for
credit. The person must
be someone in your
class period.
Persuasive Letter
December 12 – 13th
5 points Extra Credit:
Will be offered for an
artistic cover to your
project including
drawing, collages,
pictures or any creative
technique used to create
art that supports your
essay’s thesis statement.
Typed in Word - double
spaced, 12 pt Times New
Roman –Highlight color
coding and create key for
strategies used. Proper
heading with name, date,
period on left. Centered title
of essay in bold, 18pt. Essay
also has the final works cited
copied and pasted in 8pt at
the end of the essay.
In Noodletools, the final
research sources are properly
cited and annotated. Save the
works cited list in Word from
Noodletools. Copy and paste
the final citations list from a
word document at the end of
your essay and make it 8pt
font size.
The student critically
responds to his/her own
work. There will be a station
in class with the handout
necessary for self-critique.
The peer evaluates critically
the students work. A handout
will be available to support
this part of the project. These
points actually go to the
student who critiques your
essay. You gain points by
writing a critique for
someone else.
You must write me a letter,
persuading me to give you
the grade you feel you have
earned for the expository
essay project. You must give
examples and quote your
own writing (the use of
evidence) to prove what you
have done masterfully.
100 points