GRADE 10 This is a worksheet to help you plan your program with your school counselor. Maloney High School Worksheet to Plan Your Program 2012-2013 Student's Name:________________________________________________________ Year of Graduation:______ Possible Career Interest:________________________________________________________________________ 10th Grade Level Credit Course Name English 10 Accelerated Academic 1.0 Math Accelerated Academic 1.0 *Choose Geometry if you have Algebra 1, Choose Algebra 2 if you have Biology Accelerated Academic 1.0 Geometry *Choose Biology if you had Integrated Phys Science, Choose Chemistry if you have Biology US History Accelerated Academic 1.0 World Language (optional) 1.0 Physical Education Grade 10 .5 Choose at least 1 half credit course Elective 1.0 Elective 1.0 or .5 Elective 1.0 or .5 Total credits not to exceed 7.5 (must have a minimum of 6) KEY: Academic: College Preparatory Accelerated: Honors Minimum Graduation Requirements 2013 English Math Science Social Studies (including U.S. History & Civics) Fine Arts/Vocational Education Computer/Business Physical Education Health Community Service Additional Electives Class of2014/2015 22.75 4 credits 3 credits 2 credits 23.25 4 credits 3 credits 3 credits 24.25 4 credits 4 credits 3 credits 1 credit 1 credit 1.5 credits .5 credits .25 credits 1 credit 1 credit 1.5 credits .5 credits .25 credits 1 credit 1 credit 1.5 credits .5 credits .25 credits Suggested College Requirements English Math Science Social Studies World Language Fine Arts Computer/Business Class of 2016 4 credits 4 credits 3-4 credits 3-4 credits 2-4 credits 1-2 credits 1-2 credits 11th Grade English 11 Math Level Academic/Accelearated Academic/Accelearated Chemistry/Science Elective Civics ½ cr Social Studies World Language (opt) Grade 11 P.E. Elective Elective Elective Academic/Accelearated 12th Grade English 12 Math Credit 1.0 1.0 1.0 Academic/Accelearated/AP Level Academic/Accelearated .5 .5 1.0 .5 1.0 or .5 1.0 or .5 1.0 or .5 Credit 1.0 1.0 Elective 1.0 Elective 1.0 Elective 1.0 GRADE 10 COURSE SELECTIONS ENGLISH _____ Grade Ten English Accelerated _____ Grade Ten English Academic MATHEMATICS _____ Geometry Accelerated _____ Geometry Academic _____ Algebra 2 Accelerated P.E 10 _____ Physical Education 10 _____ Weight training & Nutruition _____Personal fitness Module _____Outdoor Adventure Activities HISTORY _____ US History Accelerated _____ US History Academic _____ AP US History * SCIENCE _____ Biology Accelerated _____ Biology Academic _____ Chemistry Accelerated (pre-req Biology) _____ Chemistry Academic (pre-req Bilogoy) You must choose one core course from the options above. You must select no fewer than 6 credits when you are making your schedule online through the student portal. Please choose from the elective courses below. ART Credit Offered in Grade 161 Art 1 162 Art 2 165 Crafts 1 166 Crafts 2 171 Art History (Semester Course) 1/2 9 10 11 12 175 Cartooning & Animation (Semester Course) 177 Design 1 (Semester Course) 178 Design 2 (Semester Course) 179 Drawing 1 (Semester Course) 181 Drawing 2 (Semester Course) 185 Puppetry & Marionettes (Semester Course) 186 Stage Art BUSINESS 604 Introduction to Business 606 Personal Finance (Semester course) 612 Keyboarding/Word Processing (Semester Course) 621 Accounting 1 644B Bilingual Computer Applications 1 (Semester Course) 644S Sheltered Computer Applications 1 (Semester Course) 644 Computer Applications 1(Semester Course) 645 Computer Applications 2 (Semester Course) 688 Advanced Computer Applications 1 689 Advanced Computer Applications 2 ENGLISH 040 Creative Writing/Journalism 049 Dramatics 059 Public Speaking FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE 701 Child Development 1 703 Introductory Foods 1 705 Advanced Foods 1 730 Parenting 1 10 11 12 HEALTH EDUCATION 921 First Aid (Semester Course) MUSIC 101 Colorguard (Semester Course) 102 Band 103 Band Accelerated/C 104 Orchestra 106 Music Theory 108 Guitar 1 (Semester Course) 109 Guitar 2 (Semester Course) 112 Piano 1 114 Piano 2 115 Advanced Piano 116 Jazz Lab 1/2-1 118 Jazz Band 1/2 120 Music & The Theatre 122 Music Survey – Early to Contemporary 123 Morning Choir 1/2 128 Cantabiles (Maloney Only) 1/4-1 129 Allegrettos (Maloney Only) 140 Music Technology (Maloney only) 149 AP Music Theory TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION 801 Computer Aided Drafting 802 Computer Aided Architectural Drafting 803 Advanced Computer Aided Drafting 811 Information Systems 815 Web Design (Semester Course) 818 Robotics 819 Exploring Technology 820 Home Maintenance & Consumer Education 841 Materials Processing Technology 1 842 Materials Processing Technology 2 883 Digital Imaging (Semester Course) VOCATIONAL EDUCATION 851 Marketing 1 852 Marketing 2 1-2 11 12 873 Medical Careers 1 WORLD LANGUAGES Credit Offered in Grade 503 French 3 521 Latin 1 522 Latin 2 523 Latin 3 531 Spanish 1 532 Spanish 2 533 Spanish 3 541 Italian 1 542 Italian 2 543 Italian 3