Constitutional Rights of the Accused during Trial

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Bill of Rights
Rights apply in both state and federal
criminal proceedings
Required by Constitution, not state/federal
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Probable Cause
Search Warrant
Unreasonable Searches and Seizures
Evidence seized in an illegal search can be
suppressed at trial.
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Grand Jury
Double Jeopardy
Due Process
Accused does not have to testify against his or
her self.
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Can the defendant refuse to take the stand
and testify?
◦ Yes
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Under what circumstances can a witness be
compelled to testify?
◦ If the statute of limitations has run out on the crime
◦ If the witness has been acquitted or convicted and
therefore can’t be re-prosecuted
◦ If the witness is granted immunity from prosecution
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Successive prosecution of a defendant for the same
offense by the same jurisdiction
When does the prohibition against double jeopardy
◦ In a jury trial, when a competent jury has been sworn
◦ In a bench trial, when the first witness has been called and
If a charge is dismissed before either stage is
reached, the defendant may be charged and tried
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When is the right deemed to have been
◦ When a conviction is set aside on appeal
◦ Hung juries
◦ Mistrials
◦ New evidence which alters the “offense” or sentence
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Criminal Prosecutions
Jury Trial
Speedy and Public Trial
Right to Counsel
Right to Confront Witness
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Do juries have to be 12 members? Is it a
constitutional right?
◦ Williams v. Florida (1970) – Answered NO
◦ Some state laws require it
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Jury must have 6-12 members
Does this depend on the offense?
◦ No, unless a capital case
Court has never stated they required 12member juries for capital cases, but assumed
they would
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When do you have a right to a trial by jury?
◦ Baldwin v. New York (1970) – when the sentence
imposed can be more than 6 months imprisonment
◦ Does not matter what sentence is actually imposed
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Juveniles do not have a constitutional right to
a trial by jury, but states can grant them this
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No set time limit that a trial must be held, it
just must be free from unnecessary and
unwanted delay
Some states have speedy trial laws which
mandate trials within a certain number of
days, otherwise charges are dismissed
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When does the right apply?
◦ Whichever of these two come first
 After a person has been formally charged with a
 After arrest
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In deciding whether a right has been violated
court looks at (Barker v. Wingo 1972):
◦ 1) Length of delay
◦ 2) Reason for delay
◦ 3) Defendant’s assertion or nonassertion of rights
◦ 4) Prejudice to the defendant
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When does a person have a right to be
represented by counsel?
◦ At every critical stage of the criminal proceeding
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When does the right to counsel apply?
Custodial Interrogations
Post indictment Lineups
Preliminary hearings
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For what offenses does a person have a right
to court-appointed counsel during trial? (also
applies to plea bargaining)
◦ 1) All felonies
◦ 2) Misdemeanors if facing a possible jail sentence
and actual confinement is imposed
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Allows the accused to challenge the
accusations of a witness
Allows the judge or jury to determine the
credibility of the witness
Opportunity to impeach a witness
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Jury Trials in Certain Civil Cases
◦ Common law
◦ Amount in controversy over $20
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Excessive Bail or Fines
Cruel and Unusual Punishments
Is capital punishment cruel and unusual
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Privileges and Immunities
Due Process
Equal Protection
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Publicity surrounding the trial must not be
such that it unduly influences the jury
A person must be convicted solely on the
basis of evidence admitted at trial
Not that they have not heard anything from
the media, but that they are not prejudiced
(have not already formed an opinion)
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The United States Bill of Rights
The Courts and Criminal Procedure, Instructional Materials
Service, Trade and Industry Education
Criminal Courts: Structure, Process, & Issues (2nd Edition), Dean
John Champion, Richard D. Hartley, & Gary A. Rabe
Our Rights (1st Edition), David Bodenhamer
The Annenberg Classroom
Do an Internet search for the following:
◦ FindLaw
◦ Justice Learning
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