2008 ACADEMIC TOUR: University of Paderborn, Germany ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Poznan University of Technology Prof. Jacek ZAK Poznan University of Technology, Poland ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS CONTENTS Poznan University of Technology INTRODUCTION TO METAHEURISTICS BASIC NOTIONS, CONCEPTS AND FEATURES REVIEW: LS, SA, GA, TS SOLVING MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS SPECIALIZED SINGLE OBJECTIVE METAHEURISTICS ANT COLONIES (SWARM – BASED METAHEURISTIC) SPECIALIZED METAHEURISTICS FOR VEHICLE ROUTING PROBLEM CASE STUDIES, COMPUTATIONAL RESULTS COMMERCIAL SOFWARE (EVOLVER – GA; OPTQUEST – TS) – PRESENTATION AND APPLICATION MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING ( Crew Assigmnent + Scheduling) MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH – HYBRID GENETIC ALGORITHM – SIGNLE OBJECTIVE GLS – MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GLS PARETO MEMETIC ALGORITHM CASE STUDIES, COMPUTATIONAL RESULTS CONLUSIONS Slide 2 Vehicle Assignment Problem ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS INTRODUCTION TO METAHEURISTICS ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Poznan University of Technology Motivation & Need for Metaheuristics Growing complexity of the real life problems; mathematical sophistication of their discription; Many real life problems are NP-complete problems (Traveling Salesman Problem, Set Covering Problem) Computational time increases exponentially with the increase of the size of instances; Non-linear; non-proportional increase; NP – non polynomial computational time Real need for efficient methods/ algorithms that would be able to solve NP-complete problems The algorithm is efficient if the cost (measured by the time of its development and the size of used memory) of its application does not grow too fast with the growing size of the problem. Slide 4 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Poznan University of Technology Computational Complexity Computational complexity – theory of „how difficult” is to answer a decision problem DP, where a DP is a question that has either a „yes” or „no” answer The difficulty is measured by the number of operations an algorithm needs to perform to find the correct answer to the DP in the worst case A decision problem belongs to the class P of problems if there exists a deterministic algorithm that answers the decision problem and needs O(p(n)) operations; p is a polynomial in n; n is the size of the instance Slide 5 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Poznan University of Technology Computational Complexity A decision problem belongs to the class NP if there is a nondeterministic polynomial time algorithm that solves the decision problem For optimization problems it is possible to check whether x belongs to X and f(x) < b; b is a constant in polynomial time A decision problem DP is NP – complete if DP belongs to NP and DP’ transforms into DP in a polynomial time for all DP’ that belong to NP. NP-Complete is a subset of NP Slide 6 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS COMPLETE PROBLEMS (NP – C) Poznan University of Technology Formal definiton of NP-C problem A decision problem DP is NP- complete if: 1. DP is in NP 2. Each problem in NP is reducable/ transformable to DP (in a polynomial time) Slide 7 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS THE VIENNE DIAGRAM Poznan University of Technology The Vienne Diagram of complexity clases shows that P is not equal NP. It shows also existance of problems outside P and NP-C. NP NP-C P Slide 8 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS COMPLETE PROBLEMS (NP – C) Poznan University of Technology Well konwn NP-complete problems NP-C Hamiltonian path problem Traveling salesman problem Knapsack problem Vertex cover problem Graph coloring problem Boolean satisfiability problem Slide 9 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS COMPLETE PROBLEMS (NP – C) Poznan University of Technology How to solve NP-Complete Problems? Approximation Randomization Parametrisation Restricion (in the sensce of restriction for input) Heuristics Slide 10 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS COMPLETE PROBLEMS (NP – C) Poznan University of Technology Approximation • Instead of searching for an optimal solution, search for an "almost" optimal one. • Many approximation algorithms emerge from the linear programming relaxation of the integer program • It applies only to optimization problems and not to "pure" decision problems like satisfiability (although it's often possible to conceive optimization versions of such problems, such as the maximum satisfiability problem). Slide 11 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS COMPLETE PROBLEMS (NP – C) Poznan University of Technology Randomization Randomized algorithm = probabilistic algorithm • The algorithm typically uses the random bits as an auxiliary input to guide its behavior, in the hope of achieving good performance in the "average case" • Use randomness to get a faster average running time, and allow the algorithm to fail with some small probability. Slide 12 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS COMPLETE PROBLEMS (NP – C) Poznan University of Technology Restricion (in the sensce of restriction for input) By restricting the structure of the input (e.g. to graphs), faster algorithms are usually possible. Parametrisation • The theory of parameterized complexity was developed in the 1990s by Rod Downey and Michael Fellows • Often there are fast algorithms if certain parameters of the input are fixed Slide 13 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS HEURISTICS Poznan University of Technology Heuresis (gr.) = dicovering – the way of organizing the learning process based on self-dependent search; discovering the truth and solving the problem; Heuristic – the way of learning without a well organized hypothesis; „Trial-by error” Heurisko; Heuriskein (gr.) = find, discover, finding (they find) – the art of discussing focused on discovering the truth, new facts and relationships Heuristic – practical, experience – based, „intelligent” rule of conduct and behavior Heuristic (algorithmic meaning) – „not fully valuable” procedure that allows to find a „sufficiently good”, approximate solution in the acceptable / reasonable time Slide 14 Resigning from obtaining an optimal solution; trade – offs analysis; searching for a satisfactory, high quality solution ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS HEURISTICS Poznan University of Technology Heuristic algorithms should to be efficient to generate „reasonalbe” solutions in a „resonable time” Heuristics are typically used to solve complex (large, nonlinear, nonconvex - containing many local minima) multivariate combinatorial optimization problems that are difficult to solve to optimality. Heuristics are good at dealing with local optima without getting stuck in them while searching for the global optimum. Slide 15 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS METAEURISTICS Poznan University of Technology Greek: meta = megas = large, great, huge, universal METAHEURISTICS = mega algorithms = universal algorithms that help us to solve independently in the approximate way a certain decision problem METAHEURISTICS – Heuristic procedures; Provide general schemes for solving similar categories of problems; need customization Slide 16 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS METAEURISTICS – general idea Poznan University of Technology The goal of optimization is to find a discrete solution (vector of bits, array or another structure) The solution optimizes (maximizes or minimizes) a function created by the user (goal function) Solutions are called states and the whole set of all states (candidate solutions) is called search space The nature of search space and states are different for particular problems Metaheuristics are very often based on probabilistic procedures Slide 17 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS METAEURISTICS - inspirations Poznan University of Technology Genetics Metalurgy Behaviour of animals Slide 18 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS TYPICAL IDEAS OF METAHEURISTICS Poznan University of Technology Metaheuristics are based often on probabilistic procedures Neihgbourhood relation User specifies time budget (number of iterations or time bounds) Slide 19 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS METAEURISTICS - CLASSIFICATION Poznan University of Technology METAHEURISTICS CLASSIC HEURISTICS LOCAL SEARCH BASED LS SA TS Slide 20 POPULATION BASED GA ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS METAEURISTICS - history Poznan University of Technology 1965: I. Rechenberg - Evolution strategies 1975: J. Holland – Genetic Algorithms 1983: W.K. Hastings, S. Kirkpatrick, C.D.Gelatt and M.P. Vecchi – Simulated Annealing 1986: F. Glover – Tabu Search (first mentioned the term meta-heuristic) 1991: M. Dorigo –Ant Colonies Algorithms Slide 21 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS METAEURISTICS - examples Poznan University of Technology Local search Hill-climbing Genetic algorithm Tabu search Memetic algorithm Slide 22 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Poznan University of Technology REVIEW OF METAHEURISTICS Slide 23 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology LOCAL SEARCH • One of the simplest and most popular metaheuristics; often used as a basic algorithm (component) of more advanced procedures • Metaheuristic usually applied for solving hard optimization problems • General idea is moving from one solution to another in the space of candidate solutions, only in the neighbourhood of a current solution Slide 24 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology LOCAL SEARCH • Major features of LS Iterative modification of the current solution a Defining the rule for generating the neighborhood V(a) of the current solution a, which is a set of solutions similar to a (LS is based on the neighbourhood relation) In each iteration one solution b from the neighborhood of the current solution a is selected – usually b gives a better value of the objective function) Solution b becomes a new current solution and a new neighborhood V(b) is generated The cycle is repeated until the stop condition is reached Slide 25 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology LOCAL SEARCH • Termination conditions: – When the best solution is found – Predefined time bound or number of steps – Impossibility of improving the solution for a given number of steps • The family of LS is wide, e.g. „Hill climbing” algorithm • Major versions • Greedy – finishes search when any solution giving the improvement of the objective function is found; next the neighborhood of a new solution is analyzed • Steepest descent – systematically reviews the neighborhood and selects the solution that gives the largest inprovement of the objective function Slide 26 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology PSEUDOCODE N:=number of repetitions ~ s:=0; for i=1 to N do s:=initial solution; while there is a neigbor of s with better quality do s:=one arbitrary neighbor of s with better quality; end while ~ if s is better than s then ~ s:=s; end if end for ~ return s; Slide 27 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology HILL CLIMBING „Like climbing Everest in thick fog with amnesia” At each step, move to a neighbor of higher value in hopes of getting to an optimal solution (highest possible value) Can easily modify this for problems where optimal means least possible value Slide 28 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS TABU SEARCH Poznan University of Technology TABU SEARCH • Local (neighborhood) search based metaheuristic; proved to be efficient and flexible optimization technique; Some of the first TS algorithms did not yield impressive results, but subsequent implementations were much more successful (20 years of experience) • The idea is using memory structures to remember potential solutions to avoid cycling To improve efficiency of the exploration process one needs to keep track not only of local information (current value of the objective function) but also information on the exploration process • Inspiration - sociology Slide 29 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS TABU SEARCH Poznan University of Technology INSPIRATION – TABU = TABOO • TABU is a strong social prohibition against words, objects or actions, that are considered undesirable or offensive by a group, society or community • Breaking TABU is usually considered objectionable • Word TABU comes from Fijan and means „forbidden” or „not allowed” • Examples of TABU: Gestures; subjects Drags Religion Slide 30 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS TABU SEARCH Poznan University of Technology In Tabu Search, sequences of solutions are examined and the next move is made to the best neighbor of the current solution a ; non – improving moves are acceptable (escaping from local minima) To avoid cycling, solutions that were recently examined are forbidden, or tabu, for a number of iterations; the use of memory is helpful to forbid moves which might lead to currently visited solutions The structure of the neighborhood V(a) depends upon the itinerary and hence iteration k --- V (a, k) To alleviate time and memory requirements, it is customary to record an attribute of tabu solutions rather than the solutions themselves. Slide 31 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS TABU SEARCH Poznan University of Technology TABU list: X2 X3 X2 X1 X4 Slide 32 X3 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS TABU SEARCH Poznan University of Technology • Instead of recording solutions (impractical) – Tabu list of T solutions we keep track of the last T moves • For efficiency purposes several list Tr can be used at a time; constituents are given a tabu status • Relaxation of the tabu status – aspiration level conditions • Short and Long Term Memory – changing the goal function; intensification and diversification • Intensification – giving high priority to the solutions which have common features with the current solution • Diversification – spreading the exploration over different regions of the solution space Slide 33 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS TABU SEARCH Poznan University of Technology PSEUDOCODE Slide 34 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology SIMULATED ANNEALING • Statistical Mechanics: The behavior of systems with many degrees of freedom in thermal equilibrium at a finite temperature. • Combinatorial Optimization: Finding the minimum of a given function depending on many variables. • Analogy: If a liquid material cools and anneals too quickly, then the material will solidify into a sub-optimal configuration. If the liquid material cools slowly, the crystals within the material will solidify optimally into a state of minimum energy (i.e. ground state). This ground state corresponds to the minimum of the cost function in an optimization problem. Slide 35 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Fast cooling scheme Slow cooling scheme Example illustrating the effect of cooling scheme on the structure of the material (cristalic structure of the metal) Slide 36 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology TERMINOLOGY X (or R or G) = Design Vector (i.e. Design, Architecture, Configuration) E = System Energy (i.e. Objective Function Value) T = System Temperature D = Difference in System Energy Between Two Design Vectors Slide 37 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology THE SIMULATED ANNEALING ALGORITHM 1. Choose a random Xi, select the initial system temperature, and specify the cooling (i.e. annealing) scheme 2. Evaluate E(Xi) using a simulation model 3. Perturb Xi to obtain a neighboring Design Vector (Xi+1) 4. Evaluate E(Xi+1) using a simulation model 5. If E(Xi+1)< E(Xi), Xi+1 is the new current solution 6. If E(Xi+1)> E(Xi), then accept Xi+1 as the new current solution with a probability e(-D/T) where D = E(Xi+1) -E(Xi). 7. Reduce the system temperature according to the cooling scheme 8. Terminate the algorithm. Slide 38 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Scheme of SA Slide 39 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology value value Comparision of SA and LS Local Global minimum minimum solution Local and global extremes in SA Local Global minimum minimum solution Local and global extremes in LS In SA algorithm not only the best solutions are evaluated, so the algorithm may escape from local minimum region Slide 40 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Pseudocode Slide 41 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS GENETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology GENETIC ALGORITHMS • PARTICULAR CLASS OF EVOLUTION - BASED ALGORITHMS • ALGORITHM INSPIARED BY EVOLUTIONERY BIOLOGY • TYPICAL FOR GA ARE: • Crossover • Selection • Population • Chromosome • Goal Function called Fitness Function Slide 42 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS GENETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology INSPIRATION IN EVOLUTION POPULAION POPULAION IN ENVIRONMENT INDIVIDUALS STONES Slide 43 PREDATORS SURVIVING POPULAION AFTER SOME TIME: REPRODUCTION ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS GENETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology Initialization SCHEME OF THE GENETIC ALGORITHMS New population Evolution YES Continue? NO Final polulation Slide 44 Reproduction ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS GENETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology TYPICAL GENETIC ALGORITHM Genetic algorithm Genetic representation of the solution domain Fitness function A typical representation of the solution is a vector or an array of bits (but also of integers). The fitness function measures the quality of the solution and depends always on the problem. Slide 45 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS GENETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology REPRESENTATION • The representation of solution is called chromosome • Chromosome can be a vector or array of bools, another data type or a tree data structure • Represetation has huge influence on efficiency of algorithm Slide 46 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS GENETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology REPRESENTATION Chromosome as a vector of bits Chromosome as an array of bits Crossing-over Slide 47 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS GENETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology FITNESS FUNCTION • Every chromosome is ranked by fitness function • Best chromosomes are allowed to crossover and produce a new generation • Fitness function should be very fast because of many iterations of the algorithm • The main problem is to create a proper fitness function Slide 48 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS GENETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology FITNESS FUNCTION • Every chromosome is ranked by fitness function • Best chromosomes are allowed to crossover and produce a new generation • Fitness function should be easily computed because of many iterations of the algorithm • The main problem is to create a proper fitness function Slide 49 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS GENETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology GENETIC PROCES Slide 50 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS GENETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology PROCEDURE t := 0; Compute initial population B0; WHILE stopping condition not fulfilled DO BEGIN select individuals for reproduction; create offsprings by crossing individuals; eventually mutate some individuals; compute new generation END Slide 51 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS GENETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology APPLICATION • VEHICLE ROUTING • TRENING NEURAL NETWORK • CONTEINER LOADING OPTIMIZATION • AUTOMATIC DESIGN OF ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS Slide 52 SOLVING MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS – INTRODUCTION TO MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE METAHEURISTICS ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Poznan University of Technology MULTIPLE CRITERIA DECISION MAKING / AIDING MULTIPLE CRITERIA ANALYSIS (FRENCH) MULTIPLE CRITERIA DECISION MAKING (AMERICAN) MCDA IS A DYNAMICALLY DEVELOPING FIELD WHICH AIMS AT GIVING THE DM SOME TOOLS IN ORDER TO ENABLE HIM/ HER TO SOLVE A COMPLEX DECISION PROBLEM WHERE SEVERAL (CONTRADICTORY) POINTS OF VIEW MUST BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT IN CONTRAST TO CLASSICAL OR TECHNIQUES MCDA/M METHODS DO NOT YIELD “OBJECIVELY BEST SOLUTIONS” BECAUSE IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GENERATE SUCH SOLUTIONS WHICH ARE THE BEST SIMULTANEOUSLY, FROM ALL POINTS OF VIEW MCDA/M CONCENTRATES ON SUGGESTING “COMPROMISE SOLUTIONS” WHICH TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE TRADE-OFFS BETWEEN CRITERIA &THE DM’S PREFERENCES Slide 54 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF MCD PROBLEMS Poznan University of Technology WHAT IS A MULTIPLE CRITERIA DECISION PROBLEM ? MULTIPLE CRITERIA DECISION PROBLEM IS A SITUATION IN WICH, HAVING DEFINED A SET A OF ACTIONS AND A CONSISTENT FAMILY OF CRITERIA F ONE WHISHES TO: DETERMINE A SUBSET OF ACTIONS CONSIDERED TO BE THE BEST WITH RESPECT TO F (CHOICE PROBLEM) DIVIDE A INTO SUBSETS ACCORDING TO SOME NORMS (SORTING PROBLEM) RANK THE ACTIONS OF A FROM BEST TO WORST (RANKING PROBLEM) Slide 55 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF MCD PROBLEMS Poznan University of Technology MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE MATHEMATICAL PROGRAM (MOMP) IS A PROBLEM WHICH AIMS TO FIND A VECTOR x RP SATISFYING CONSTRAINTS OF THE TYPE hi (x) 0, i = 1, 2, …, m OBEYING EVENTUAL INTEGRALITY CONDITIONS AND MAXIMIZING FUNCTIONS MAX gj(x), j = 1, 2, …, n A MOMP IS THUS A MULTIPLE CRITERIA DECISION PROBLEM IN WHICH: Slide 56 A = { xi : (x) < 0, …i } …Rp F = { g1 (x), …, gn (x)} IS A FAMILY OF TRUE CRITERIA ONE AIMS TO FIND A BEST ACTION (CHOICE PROBLEM) ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF MCD PROBLEMS Poznan University of Technology MULTIPLE CRITERIA DECISION PROBLEM IS DEFINED BY: A SET A OF ACTIONS A CONSISTENT FAMILY OF CRITERIA F A SET A IS A IS A COLLECTION OF OBJECTS, CANDIDADTES, VARIANTS, DECISIONS THAT ARE TO BE ANALYZED AND EVALUTED DURING THE DECISION PROCESS; A CAN BE DEFINED: DIRECTLY – BY DENOMINATING ALL ITS ELEMENTS (FINITE SET, RELATIVELY SMALL) INDIRECTLY – BY DEFINING CERTAIN FEATURES OF ITS COMPONENTS AND / OR CONSTRAINTS (INFINITE SET, FINITE SET BUT RELATIVELY LARGE) A SET A CAN BE: Slide 57 CONSTANT , A’ PRIORI DEFINED; NOT CHANGING DURING THE DECISION PROCESS EVOLVING, BEING MODIFIED IN THE DECISION PROCESS ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF MCD PROBLEMS Poznan University of Technology A CONSISTENT FAMILY OF CRITERIA F IS A SET OF FUNCTIONS g – CRITERIA THAT TOGETHER SHOULD GUARANTEE: COMPREHENSIVE AND COMPLETE EVALUATION OF VARIANTS (CONSIDERATION OF ALL ASPECTS OF THE DECISION PROBLEM) CONSISTENCY OF THE EVALUATION (EACH CRITERION SHOULD CORRESPOND TO THE DM’S GLOBAL PREFERENCES) NON-REDUNDANCY OF CRITERIA (REPETITIONS SHOULD BE ELIMINATED; MEANINGS AND SCOPES OF CRITERIA MUST BE CLEARLY DEFINED) EACH CRITERION IN F IS A FUNCTION g – DEFINED ON A AND REPRESENTING THE DM’S PREFERENCES TOWARDS A SPECIFIC ASPECT (DIMENSION) OF THE DECISION PROBLEM. CATEGORIES OF CRITERIA: Slide 58 TRUE CRITERION („TRADITIONAL MODEL”) SEMICRITERION („THRESHOLD MODEL”) PSEUDOCRITERION („DOUBLE THRESHOLD MODEL ”) ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS CHARACTERISTICS OF MCD PROBLEMS Poznan University of Technology DIFFICULTY OF MULTICRITERIA PROBLEMS ILL – DEFINED MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS – SEARCHING FOR A SOLUTION x THAT MAXIMIZES MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE FUNCTION F ( x) max g1 ( x), g2 ( x),..., g J ( x) subject to: x A THE CONCEPT OF A GLOBAL OPTIMAL SOLUTION DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE IN A MULTICRITERIA CONTEXT; THERE IS NO SOLUTION THAT WOULD BE THE BEST FROM ALL POINTS OF VIEW SIMULTANOUESLY; INSTEAD THE NOTION OF A NON-DOMINATED OR EFFICIENT SOLUTION IS INTRODUCED SOLVING A MULTICRITERIA DECISION PROBLEM IS HELPING THE DM TO MASTER THE DATA INVOLVED IN THE PROBLEM AND ADVANCE TOWARD A “COMPROMISE SOLUTION” Slide 59 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS BASIC DEFINITIONS Poznan University of Technology DOMINANCE RELATION - GIVEN TWO ELEMENTS a AND b OF A, a DOMINANTES b (a D b) IFF gj(a) ≥ gj (b) ; j = 1,2,…,n WHERE AT LEAST ONE OF THE INEQUALITIES IS STRICT EFFICIENT (PARETO – OPTIMAL) ACTION - ACTION a IS EFFICIENT IFF NO ACTION OF A DOMINATES IT Vilfredo Pareto (1906) – concept – cornerstone of traditional economic theory; A STATE OF THE WORLD A IS PREFERABLE TO A STATE OF THE WORLD B IF AT LEAST ONE PERSON IS BETTER OFF IN A AND NOBODY IS WORSE OFF • EFFICIENT SET = PARETO OPTIMAL SET = SET OF NONDOMINATED SOLUTIONS = NONINFERIOR SET • FOR ALL NONDOMINATED SOLUTIONS THE IMPROVEMENT ON ONE CRITERION IS COMPENSATED BY DETERIORATION ON ANOTHER Slide 60 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS BASIC DEFINITIONS Poznan University of Technology PARETO SET = EFFICEINT SOLUTIONS CRITERIA SOLUTI ONS I MAX II MIN III MAX IV MAX 1 15 4,3 200 4 2 10 5,3 188 3 3 12 3,2 205 5 4 15 3,2 213 4 5 20 3,5 203 6 x1 N X 0 Slide 61 x x2 FIND DOMINATED & NONDOMINATED ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS BASIC DEFINITIONS Poznan University of Technology If x belongs to X (set of feasible solutions) then x is nondominated in X if there exists no other x1 in X such that x1 > x and x1 ; x are different The main property of a set of nondominated solutions N is that for every dominated solution (feasible solution not in N) we can find a solution in N at which no vector components are smaller and at least one is larger x in X is dominated by all points in N, indicating that the levels of both components can be increased simultaneously; only for points in N does this subregion of improvement extend beyond the boundaries of X into the infeasible region Slide 62 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS BASIC DEFINITIONS Poznan University of Technology THE IMAGE OF A IN THE CRITERIA SPACE IS THE SET Za OF POINTS IN Rn ONE OBTAINS WHEN EACH ACTION a IS REPRESETED BY THE POINT WHOSE COORDINATES ARE: {g1(a),...,gn(a)} {g1(a), …,gn(a)} a c b Set of actions; decision space Za Zc Zb Set of evaluations; criteria space IN MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE DECISION PROBLEMS THE CRITERIA SPACE IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR MAKING GOOD CHOICES AND SELECTING APPROPRIATE – MOST RATIONAL SOLUTIONS Slide 63 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS BASIC DEFINITIONS Poznan University of Technology PAY OFF MATRIX IS THE MATRIX G(nxn) DEFINED BY Gkl = gk(âl) , k,l = 1,2,…,n • • k l CRITERION 1 IT IS THUS THE MATRIX CONTAINING, FOR EACH ACTION âl, ITS EVALUATIONS ACCORDING TO ALL THE CRITERIA IN PARTICULAR Gll = Zl* G = Z* ll SOLUTION 1 SOLUTION 2 l SOLUTION 3 SOLUTION n G11 = 250 G12 = 150 G13 = 125 G1n = 175 G21 = 0.60 G22 = 0.95 G23 = 0.80 G2n = 0.75 G31 = 67 G32 = 44 G33 = 29 G3n = 58 Gn1 = 0.12 Gn2 = 0.09 Gn3= 0.05 Gnn = 0.16 ( Max) CRITERION 2 (Max) CRITERION 3 (Min) CRITERION n (Max) Slide 64 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS BASIC DEFINITIONS Poznan University of Technology IDEAL POINT IN Rn IS THE POINT WHOSE COORDINATES ARE (Z1*,…, Zn*), WHERE Zj* = Max gj(a) ; j = 1,2,…,n A ACTION âj IS BEST ACCORDING TO CRITERION j gj(âj ) = Zj* ► THE NADIR IS THE POINT WHOSE COORDINATES ARE …, Zn) WHERE: Zj = min Gjl , l Slide 65 j=1,2,…,n (Z1, ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS BASIC DEFINITIONS Poznan University of Technology x1 IDEAL POINT x1max A x1min THE NADIR x2min Slide 66 x2max x 2 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS SOLVING MOPs Poznan University of Technology COMPUTATIONAL PROCEDURE GENERATING A GOOD APPROXIMATION OF THE PARETO SET STEP 1 EXACT APPROACHES LARGE SET STEP 2 HEURISTIC APPROACHES METAHEURISTICS REVIEW & EVALUATION OF THE GENERATED SOLUTIONS PREFERENCES SEARCH PROCEDURE INTERACTIVE METHODS TRADE- OFFS ANALYSIS STEP 3 Slide 67 COMPROMISE SOLUTION ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS APROXIMATION OF THE PARETO SET Poznan University of Technology SOLVING MOPs IS UNDERSTOOD AS FINDING PARETO SETS = SETS OF EFFICIENT/NONDOMINATED SOLUTIONS FOR A MAJORITY OF MOPs IT IS NOT EASY TO OBTAIN AN EXACT DESCRIPTION OF THE PARETO SET LARGE (INFINITE) NUMBER OF POINTS POSSIBLE SITUATIONS – computationally challenging & expensive abandoned – impossible – numerical complexity of mop EXACT SOLUTION SET IS NOT ATTAINABLE APPROXIMATED DESCRIPTION BECOMES AN APPEALING ALTERNATIVE APPROXIMATING APPROACHES DEVELOPED TO: Slide 68 REPRESENT THE PARETO SET WHEN THE SET IS NUMERICALLY AVAILABLE (LINEAR OR CONVEX MOPS) APPROXIMATE THE PARETO SET WHEN SOME BUT NOT ALL PARETO POINTS ARE NUMERICALLY AVAILABLE (NONLINEAR MOP’s) APPROXIMATE THE PARETO SET WHEN PARETO POINTS ARE NOT NUMERICALLT AVAILABLE (DISCRETE MOPS) ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS APROXIMATION OF THE PARETO SET Poznan University of Technology FOR ANY MOP APPROXIMATION REQUIRES LESS EFFORT USUALLY IS ACCURATE ENOUGH TO BE USED AS A GENERATOR OF THE SOLUTION SET REPRESENTS THE SOLUTION SET IN A – SIMPLIFIED WAY – STRUCTURED WAY – UNDERSTADABLE WAY APPROVIMATION – IMPORTANT RESEARCH ASPECTS Slide 69 QUALITY OF APPROXIMATION (Q of A) MEASURING & EVALUATING Q of A ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS APROXIMATION OF THE PARETO SET Poznan University of Technology ITERATICE METHODS TO PRODUCE POINTS/OBJECTS APPROXIMATING THE PARETO SET EXACT APPROACHES THEORETICAL PROOFS FOR CORRECTNESS & OPTIMALITY HEURISTIC APPROACHES THEORETICALLY UNSUPPORTED PARAMTERE SPACE INVESTIGATION POINT-WISE NONLINEAR APPROXIMATION APPROXIMATION PIECE-WISE LINEAR APPROXIMATION Slide 70 CLASSIC HEURISTICS POPULATION BASED METAHEURISTICS LOCAL SEARCH BASED METAHEURISTICS ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant colonies ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Ant Colony optimization algorithms are part of swarm intelligence (SI) SI – research field that studies algorithms inspired by the observation of the behavior of swarms SI algorithms are made up of simple individuals that cooperate through self – organization (without central control) Ant Colony optimization was inspired by the observation of the behavior of real ants; finding paths from a nest to food 1940s – 1950s – Pierre – Paul Grasse (French entomologist) was the first to investigate the social behavior of insects – termites Insects are capable to react to „significant stimuli” – signals that activate a genetically encoded reaction; those reactions can act as new significant stimuli for both the insects that produced them and others in the colony Stigmergy – type of indirect communication – „workers are stimulated by the performance they have achieved” Slide 72 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Characteristics of Stigmergy The physical, nonsymbolic nature of the information released by the communicating insects – Modification of physical environmental states visited by the insects Insects (ants) do not communicate using visual cues Local nature of the released information, which can only be accessed by those insects that visit the place where it was released (or its immediate neighborhood) Slide 73 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Behavior of ants Initially ants wander randomly to find food. While walking to and from the food source ants deposit on the ground a chemical substance called „pheromone” Other ants are able to smell the pheromone and its presence influences on the choice of their path – they follow strong pheromone concentrations After finding food ants return to the nest; the pheromone deposited on the ground forms the pheromone trail Other ants follow the pheromone trail to find food Path is not very attractive Slide 74 Pheromone evaporates Information to other ants ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Behavior of ants Ants select their paths randomly; however they prefer in probability to follow a stronger pheromone trail; due to random fluctuactions one path becomes more acceptable until the colony of ants converges toward one path only (Argentine ants; „binary bridge experiment”) – J.-L. Deneubourg (1980s) Ants are capable of adapting to changes in their environment – autocatalysis – exploitation of positive feedback Ants can find a new shortest path when the old one is not available anymore Ants can select the shortest path from available options – S. Goss experiment – Argentine ants; two bridges of different lengths (1980s) Slide 75 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Ants go from the nest to food using pheromone trail FOOD Slide 76 NEST/COLONY ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology An obstacle has interrupted the initial path – some ants go right and some go left FOOD Slide 77 NEST/COLONY obstacle ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology New shortest path around an obstacle was established FOOD NEST/COLONY obstacle Slide 78 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Graph model of Ant Colonies Ant Colonies optimization focuses on finding good paths through graphs Before ants find path to food Slide 79 Many ants found different paths to food The best path to food is established ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Family of Ant Colonies Algorithms Marco Dorigo 1992 – Ant System M. Dorigo, L. Gambardella, T. Stützle 1995 – Ant Colony System T. Stützle, H. Hoos - 1995 – MAX-MIN Ant System M. Dorigo, L. Gambardella, T. Stützle proposed also hybrid versions of AC and LS Slide 80 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Principles of the AC Algorithm Calculation of probability how the real ants select paths; probability is a function of the amount of the pheromone; Artificial ants may simulate pheromone depositing by modifying appropriate pheromone variables associated with problem states they visit while building solutions to the optimization problem Stigmergy of the artificial ants (agents): Associating state variables with different problem states Giving the agents only local access to these variables Implicit evaluation of solutions – shorter paths are completed earlier than longer ones; they receive pheromone reinforcement quicker + autocatalysis can be very efficient; the shorter the path the sooner the pheromone is deposited and more ants use the shorter path Slide 81 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Principles of the Ant Colonies Algorithm Stigmergy Implicit Evaluation Autocatalytic Behavior Similarities between real and artificial ants Population of individuals (independent agents) that work together to achieve a certain goal (find food - good solution) Single ant is able to find a solution, but only cooperation enables ants to find a good solution Ants deposit pheromone; real ants on the ground; artificial ants modify numeric values (artificial pheromones) associated with different problem states; a sequence of pheromone values is called the artificial pheromone trail Evaporation mechanism – allows artificial ants forget about history and focus on new, promising search directins Step-wise, sequential process; real ants walk – pheromone concentration; stochastic decision policy; artificial ants move through available problem states and make stochastic decisions at each step Slide 82 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Differences between real and artificial ants Artificial ants live in a discrete world – they move sequentially through a finite set of problem states The pheromone update (depositing and evaporation) is not accomplished in exactly the same way by artificial ants as by real ones. Sometimes done only by some of the artificial ants and often only after a solution has been constructed Some implementations of artificial ants use additional mechanisms that do not exist in the case of real ants; e.g. look-ahead, local search, backtracking Slide 83 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Scheme of the Ant Colony Algorithm AC algorithm is based on probabilistic mechanism for solving computational problems AC algorithm is a loop until termination condition is met Set parameters, initialize pheromone trails while termination conditions not met do Construct Ant Solutions Apply Local Search {optional} Update Pheromones end while Slide 84 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Ant Colonies Model A model P = (S, W, f) of a COP consists of: a search space S defined over a finite set of discrete decision variables and a set W of constraints among the variables an objective function f: S R+ to be minimized The search space S includes discrete decision variables Xi with values vij; solution s in S that satisfies all constraints W is a feasible solution A solution s* in S is called a global optimum if and only if f(s*) < f(s) for each s in S Slide 85 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies The Pheromone Model Poznan University of Technology First Xi = vij (from its domain Di) is called a solution component – cij; the set of all solution components is denoted by C A pheromone trail parameter Tij is associated with each component cij ; the set of all pheromone parameters is denoted by T; the value of a pheromone trail parameter Tij is denoted by tij (called pheromone value, updated during the search); allows modeling the probability distribution of different components of the solution Artificial ants build a solution by traversing the so-called construction graph GC (V, E); V – vertices; E – edges; the set of components C can be associated with V or E The ants move from vertex to vertex along the edges incrementally building a partial solution; they deposit certain amount of pheromone on the components (vertices or edges) The amount Dt of pheromone deposited may depend on the quality of the solution found; subsequent ants utilize the pheromone information as a guide toward more promising regions of the search space. Slide 86 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Choice of node in the graph Amount of pheromone on an arc Desirability of arc (a priori knowledge) Controlling influence of desirability and pheromone Slide 87 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Construct Ant Solution Slide 88 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Update pheromones Slide 89 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Example Car accident – an obstacle for drivers(ants) • Connection between two points is not available, because there was an accident on the road • By-pass required Slide 90 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Ant Colonies Poznan University of Technology Summary AC algorithm solves very well complex combinatorial optimization problems, including the traveling salesman problem – results are very close to optimum When graph can change dynamically AC is better than other metaheuristics (SA,GA) and can operate in „real-time” AC is a brilliant idea for transportation, city logistics or network routing Slide 91 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS TYPES OF METACHEURISTIC FOR CVRP Poznan University of Technology Metaheuristics for the Capacitated VRP Slide 92 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS AGENDA Introduction – CVRP Types of Metaheuristics for CVRP Simulated Annealing (SA) Deterministic Annealing (DA) Tabu Search (TS) Genetic Algorithm (GA) Ant Systems (AS) Neural Networks (NN) Conclusions Slide 93 Poznan University of Technology ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS INTRODUCTION - CVRP Poznan University of Technology CVRP – CAPACITATED VEHICLE ROUTING PROBLEM A fleet of vehicles supplies customers. Each vehicle has a certain capacity and each customer has a certain demand. There is a depot(s) and a distance (length, cost, time) matrix between the customers. We look for optimal vehicle routes (minimum distance or number of vehicles). The VRP is a NP complete problem. The special cases of the VRP result in other popular problems like the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) or even Scheduling. Slide 94 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS INTRODUCTION - CVRP Poznan University of Technology Given • Complete graph G=(N,E) • Set of nodes N={0,1,…,n} • Set of edges (symmetric case) E={(i,j)|i,jN;i<j} • Cost of traveling from node i to node j - cij • Demand per node di(iN-{0}) • Vehicle capacity C • Number of vehicles K Find • A set of at most K vehicle routes of total minimum cost such that – Every route starts and ends at the depot, – Each customer is visited exactly once, – The sum of the demands in each vehicle route does not exceed the vehicle’s capacity Slide 95 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Mathematical formulation for CVRP: INTRODUCTION - CVRP Poznan University of Technology . r(S) = lower bound on the number of trucks required to service If Problem. , then we have the Multiple Traveling Salesman Alternatively, if the edge costs are all zero, then we have the Bin Slide 96Packing Problem ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS ITYPES OF METACHEURISTIC FOR CVRP Poznan University of Technology Four main types of metaheuristic that have been applied to the VRP: • Simulated Annealing (SA) • Tabu Search (TS) • Genetic Algorithm (GA) • Ant Systems (AS) Slide 97 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Osman’s Simulated Annealing Algorithms TYPES OF METACHEURISTIC FOR CVRP Poznan University of Technology Features: • Much more involved • More successful • Uses a better starting solution • some parameters are adjusted in a trial phase • Richer solution neighborhoods are explored • Cooling schedule is more sophisticated Slide 98 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Osman’s Simulated Annealing Algorithms TYPES OF METACHEURISTIC FOR CVRP Poznan University of Technology Algorithm: Phase 1. Descent algorithm. Step 1. (initial solution). Generate an initial solution by means of the Clarke and Wright algorithm. Step 2. (descent). Search the solution space using the -interchange scheme. Implement an improvement as soon as it is identified. Stop whenever an entire neighborhood exploration yields no impovement. Phase 2. Simulated Annealing Search Step 1.(initial solution). Use as a starting solution the incumbent obtained at he end of Phase 1, or a solution produced by the Clarke and Wright algorithm. Preform a complete neighborhood search using -interchange generation mechanism without, however, implementing any move. Record Dmax and Dmin, the largest and the smallest absolute changes in the objective function and compute , the number of feasible (potential exchanges. Slide 99 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Osman’s Simulated Annealing Algorithms TYPES OF METACHEURISTIC FOR CVRP Poznan University of Technology Algorithm : Phase 2. Step 2. (next solution). Explore the neighborhood of xt using -interchange . Step 3. (temperature update). Occasional increment rule: if =1, set t+1:=max {t/2, *}, :=0 and k:=k+1 Normal decrement rule: if =0, set t+1+= t/[(n+nt)Dmax Dmin]. Set t:=t+1. If k=k3, stop. Otherwise, go to step 2. Slide 100 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Tabu Search (TS) TYPES OF METACHEURISTIC FOR CVRP Poznan University of Technology – Two Early Tabu Search Algorithms – Osman’s Tabu Search Algorithms – Taburoute – Taillard’s Algorithm – Xu and Kelly’s Algorithm – Rego and Roucairol’s Algorithms – Barbarosoglu and Ozgur’s Algorithm – Adaptive Memory Procedure of Rochat and Taillard – Granular Tabu Search of Toth and Vigo Slide 101 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Tabu Search (TS) TYPES OF METACHEURISTIC FOR CVRP Poznan University of Technology Taburoute – features: the neighbourhood structure is defined by all solutions that can be reached from current solution by removing a vertex from its current route and inserting it into another route containing on of its p nearest neighbours using GENI (Generalized Insertion for the TSP. This may result in eliminationing an existing route or in creating new one Search process examines solutions that may be infeasible with respect to the capacity or maximum route lengh constraints Does not use a tabu list but instead uses random tabu tags. Uses diversification strategy Slide 102 Poznan University of Technology Evolver nad PSP-OptQuest Slide 103 Evolver Genetic algorithm optimization for Microsoft Excel Poznan University of Technology 1. The application of powerful genetic algorithmbased (GA) optimization techniques, can find optimal solutions to problems which are "unsolvable" for standard linear and nonlinear optimizers. 2. Add-in for Microsoft Excel. 3. Requires no knowledge of programming or GA theory 4. By Palisade Corporation Slide 104 Evolver Genetic algorithm optimization for Microsoft Excel Poznan University of Technology Slide 105 Evolver Adjustable Cells (options) Poznan University of Technology Solving Methods: grouping, order, recipe, budget, project, and schedule. • The “Recipe” and “Order” solving methods are the most popular and they can be used together to solve complex combinatorial problems • The “Recipe” method treats each variable as an ingredient in a recipe, trying to find the “best mix” by changing each variable’s value independently. • In contrast, the “Order” solving method swaps values between variables, shuffling the original values to find the “best order.” Slide 106 Crassover and Mutation Rate Evolver Optimization Operators (Genetic operators) Poznan University of Technology • Linear Operators – Designed to solve problems where the optimal solution lies on the boundary of the search space defined by the constraints. This mutation and crossover operator pair is well suited for solving linear optimization problems. • Boundary Mutation – Designed to Quickly optimize variables that affect the result in a monotonic fashion and can be set to the extremes of their range without violating constraints. Slide 107 Evolver Optimization Operators (Genetic operators) Poznan University of Technology • Cauchy Mutation – Designed to produce small changes in variables most of the time, but can occasionally generate large changes. • Non-uniform Mutation – Produces smaller and smaller mutations as more trials are calculated. This allows Evolver to “fine tune” answers. • Arithmetic Crossover – Creates new offspring by arithmetically combining the two parents (as opposed to swapping genes). • Heuristic Crossover – Uses values produced by the parents to determine how the offspring is produced. Searches in the most promising direction and provides fine local tuning. Slide 108 Evolver Watcher Poznan University of Technology Evolver Watcher is responsible for regulating and reporting on all Evolver activity. If you are running applications other than Excel that also use Evolver, such as custom applications, the populations they create will also appear in Evolver Watcher’s population list. Slide 109 Premium Solver Platform (PSP) – OptQuest Engine Tabu Search algorithm optimization for Microsoft Excel Poznan University of Technology 1. The application of powerful tabu search optimization techniques, can find optimal solutions to problems which are "unsolvable" for standard linear and non-linear optimizers. 2. Add-in for Microsoft Excel. 3. Requires no knowledge of programming or TS theory 4. By Frontline Systems Inc. Slide 110 Solver parametrs Poznan University of Technology Slide 111 Engine e.g. OptQuest Solver parametrs – OptQuest Engine Poznan University of Technology • • • • • • • • • • • • Max Time Solution Iterations Precision (Obj Fun) Precision (Dec Var) Population Size Bounduary Freq Use same sequence of random numbers with seed Solve Without Integer Constraints Check for Duplicated Solutions Bypass Solver Raports Assume Non-Negative Show Iteration Results Slide 112 OptQuest Engine vs. Evolver Poznan University of Technology Slide 113 Case study I– optimization by Evolver Poznan University of Technology 1. Fleet management problem in the road transportation company (4 old trucks; 16 months) 2. Mathematical model Decision variables 1 xij 0 Slide 114 truck i is used in the period j otherwise Case study I – optimization by Evolver Poznan University of Technology 2. Mathematical model Slide 115 The number of vehicles replaced per time period is limited (e.g. 1 per quarter) The vehicle withdrawn from utilization can not be used again The number of vehicles is constant in the time horizon Case study I – optimization by Evolver Poznan University of Technology 3. Mathematical model Criteria – Total maintenance cost (PLN) min FC xij cij wij i j Cost ratio Decision variables Slide 116 Cost Case study I – optimization by Evolver Poznan University of Technology 4. Evolver Options Slide 117 Solving method – recipe Crassover Rate – 0,5 Mutation Rate – 0,1 Population Size – 100 Random Number Seed – Generated Randomly Update the Display – never Valid Trails is Less Than – 0,1% Case study I – optimization by Evolver Poznan University of Technology 5. Results • Basic solution 339 800 PLN Truck Truck 1 Truck 2 Truck 3 Truck 4 New truck 1 New truck 2 New truck 3 New truck 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 5 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 6 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 7 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Quarter 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 11 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 12 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 13 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 14 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 15 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 • Optimization by Evolver • 116 436 PLN Slide 118 Truck Truck 1 Truck 2 Truck 3 Truck 4 New truck 1 New truck 2 New truck 3 New truck 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 6 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Quarter 7 8 9 10 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 11 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 12 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 13 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 14 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 15 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 16 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Case study II – optimization by OptQuest Poznan University of Technology 1. Feet composition problem in the fuel transportation/distribution company 2. Mathematical model Decision variables for j 1 asigning a vehicle to customer i , xij number of assigned vehicle xij 1,P , xij for j 1 - assigning the vehicle chamber for transp orting fuel type j 2,3..., J to customer i, xij number of the assigned chamber i, Slide 119 Case study II – optimization by OptQuest Poznan University of Technology 2. Mathematical model Constraints – p k – Capacity of the fuel chambers in each vehicle P such that I J i 1 j 2 ij xi1 p i xij k PK pk Eliminating fuel mix in 1 fuel chamber 1 if xij k , for a minimum 1 i 1, I , 1 k j 2 0 if otherwise J Slide 120 Case study II – optimization by OptQuest Poznan University of Technology 2. Mathematical model Constraints – Satisfying demand for fuel Area A 1 xi1 P i – Area B 1 xij K i j 1 Working time for vehicels/drivers LDśr LRśr LKl p 1 LPśr LKrp Vep Tmax p Slide 121 Case study II – optimization by OptQuest Poznan University of Technology 2. Mathematical model Criteria – Total distribution costs [PLN] Min FC1 KZ p LDśr LRśr LKl p 1 LPśr KS p [ PLN ] P 1 Slide 122 Case study II – optimization by OptQuest Poznan University of Technology 5. OptQuest Options Slide 123 Max Time – 200 s Iterations – 10 000 Precision (Obj Fun) – 0,0001 Precision (Dec Var) – 0,0001 Population Size – 75 Bounduary Freq – 0,25 Case study II – optimization by OptQuest Poznan University of Technology 3. OptQuest Options Use same sequence of random numbers with seed – inactive Solve Without Integer Constraints – inactive Check for Duplicated Solutions – active Bypass Solver Raports – inactive Assume Non-Negative – active Show Iteration Results - inactive Slide 124 Case study II – optimization by OptQuest Poznan University of Technology 6. Results Number of a vehicle Basic solution Optimal solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Vehicles (4 – cells) Vehicles (8 – cells) Value of criterion [zł] YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO 7 3 10 985 YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES 3 0 5 810 Slide 125 Case study III – optimization by Evolver Poznan University of Technology 1. Traveling Salesman problem table of decision variables Find the best way to visit all 68 cities with the least amount of traveling. The salesman must always return back to the first city to form a complete loop. Slide 126 table of distances Case study III – optimization by Evolver Poznan University of Technology Traveling Salesman problem – NPcomplete Problem !!! 69 towns =1,82 10 solutions 94 Slide 127 Case study III – optimization by Evolver Poznan University of Technology 2. Evolver Options Solving method – order Crassover Rate – 0,5 Mutation Rate – 0,1 Population Size – 100 Random Number Seed – Generated Randomly Update the Display – never Valid Trails is Less Than – 0,1% Slide 128 Case study III – optimization by Evolver Poznan University of Technology RESULTS (Raport) Valid Trials Total Recalcs Original Value + soft constraint penalties = result Best Value Found + soft constraint penalties = result Occurred on trial Time to find this value Stopped Because Optimization Started At Optimization Finished At Total Optimization Time Slide 129 182933 291505 25479 0 25479 7824 0 7824 169321 00:09:32 Halted by User 11:43:40 11:54:31 00:10:31 Basic Solution 1 2 3 4 5 … 13 14 15 16 17 … 29 30 … 65 66 67 68 1 Best Solution 1 58 21 23 13 … 30 28 61 18 17 … 48 35 … 65 8 36 27 1 MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE METAHEURISTICS ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS Poznan University of Technology MULTIOBJECTIVE APPROACH LOCAL SEARCH BASED POPULATION BASED MOSA PSA TS - MOTS VEGA HYBRID PMA MOGLS Slide 131 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS LOCAL SEARCH – BASED METAHEURISTICS Poznan University of Technology MOSA A PROTOTYPE OF A MULTIOBJECTIVE S.A. METHOD FOR A SET OF WEIGHTING VECTORS A S.A. PROCEDURE IS PERFORMED ON THE PROBLEM SCALORIZED WITH THE WEIGHTED SUM METHOD STARTING SOLUTION x IS CHOSEN A SOLUTION x’ IN SOME NEIGHBORHOOD IF x IS SELECTED AND COMPARE WITH x P P IF f(x’)f(x) OR k 1 k f k ( x' ) k f k ( x) k 1 YES: x’ IS ACCEPTED AS A BETTER SOLUTION NO: x’ IS ACCEPTED WITH SOME PROBABILITY Slide 132 RESULT: SET OF POTETIALLY EFFICIENT SOLUTION IN DIRECTION AFTER PROCEDURE FOR ALL SETS OF POTENTIALLY EFFICEINT SOLUTION ARE MERGED ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS LOCAL SEARCH – BASED METAHEURISTICS Poznan University of Technology MOTS Slide 133 BASED ON NEIGBORHOOD PRINCIPLES STARTING POINT IS AN INITIAL SOLUTION x NEW SOLUTION x’ IS SOME NEIGBORHOOD OF x IS SELECTED, BUT IT IS VASED ON SELECTION USING A WEIGTED DISTANCE FROM X POINT yu IN ORDER TO OVERCOME LOCAL OPTIMA, SOME SOLUTIONS IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD ARE THE CLARED AS ”TABU” „”TABU” STATUS DEPENDS ON THE ITARATIONS PERFORM SO FAR FOR EACH WEIGHT SINGLE OBJECTIVE TS IS PERFORED AT THE END OF THE ALGORITHM POTENTIALI EFFICENT SETS OF SOLUTIONS ARE MERGED ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS LOCAL SEARCH – BASED METAHEURISTICS Poznan University of Technology POPULATION – BASED METAHEURISTICS Slide 134 MAITAIN A WHOLE SET OF SOLUTIONS (THE POPULATIONS) TRY TO EVOLVE THE POPULATION TOWARDS TO THE PARETO SET MANY DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES (GA, EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS) TO EVALUATE THE FITNESS OF IDIVIDUAL SOLUTIONS IN MULTIOBJECTIVE CONTEXT Pareto simulated annealing ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Similarities to single objective simulated annealing & genetic algorithms PSA SA Slide 136 GA New Concepts ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Similarities to single objective simulated annealing & genetic algorithms PSA SA GA New Concepts • The concept of the neighborhood • Probabilistic acceptance of new neighbourhood solutions (with a certain probability) • Dependence of the acceptance probability on a parameter (temperature) • The scheme of the temperature changes Slide 137 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Similarities to single objective simulated annealing & genetic algorithms PSA SA GA New Concepts • The use of a sample (population) of solutions; each of them exploring the search space according to SA rules • The solutions may be treated as independent agents, exchanging information about their positions. A separate weight vector is associated with each of the generating solutions. Slide 138 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Similarities to single objective simulated annealing & genetic algorithms PSA SA GA New Concepts • The use of scalarizing functions locally aggregating multiple criteria functions and scalarizing functions based probabilities for acceptance of new neighborhood solutions • Automatic modifications of weights of particular objectives in each iteration according to a certain rule. The rule for updating the generating solutions’ weight vectors aims at assuring dispersion of the solutions over all regions of the nondominated set Slide 139 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Multiple objective acceptance rules Single objective SA New solution no worse than current solution – acceptance – P=1 Otherwise – acceptance P<1 Each solution x can be modified (replaced) by accepting a randomly generated solution from its neighbourhood. The new solution is acceptable with some probability PSA uses the concept of multiple objective acceptance rules (P. Serafini – 1994) Slide 140 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology MOA rules In the multiple objective case one of the following exclusive situations may occur y dominates or is equal to x (new solution is not worse than the current solution – P = 1) y is dominated by x (new solution is worse than the current solution – P < 1) y is non dominated with respect to x (ambiguous situation – P = ? ) y – new solution, x – current solution Slide 141 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology The probability of accepting solution y (compared with x) based on MOA rules. The case of two maximized objectives. y y Criterion 2 (Max) y y Criterion 1 (Max) Slide 142 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology y is non dominated with respect to x Rule could be interpreted as a local aggregation of all objectives with the weighted Tchebycheff scalarizing function with reference point at f(x) P – probability of accepting the new solution y T – temperature Λ –weight vector Slide 143 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology y is non dominated with respect to x Graphical illustration of the rule Slide 144 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology y is non dominated with respect to x The rule may be also interpreted as a local aggregation of all objectives with a weighted linear scalarizing function P – probability of accepting the new solution y T – temperature Λ –weight vector Slide 145 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology y is non dominated with respect to x Graphical illustration of the rule Slide 146 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Management of the population of generating solutions The weights used in the acceptance rules allow to influence on the direction of search in the objective space for particular generating solutions The higher the weight associated with a given objective the higher the influence of this objective on the probability of acceptance of new solutions and the higher the pressure towards improvement of that objective Controling the weight vectors the method may „push” generating solutions into desired directions in the decision space PSA controls the weight vectors associated with particular generated solution in order to achieve a form of repulsion between the solutions The weight vector associated with a given generating solution x is modified in order to increase the probability of moving x away from its closest neighbor x’ in the generating sample This is obtained by increasing the weights of the objectives on which x is better than x’ and decreasing the weights of the objective on which x is worse than x’ Slide 147 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Management of the population of generating solutions The Euclidean distance between solutions in the space of normalized objectives is used The closest naighbor has to be non-dominated with respect to x. If there is no generating solution that meets this requirement each weight is either increased or decreased with probability = 0.5 Repulsion mechanism never repulses the generating solutions from the nondominated set During the computational process some generating solutions may get stacked in regions far away from the nondominated set. If a generating solution is dominated by at least one other generating solution for a number od iterations it is considered not promising and replaced by a solution from the set of potentially Pareto-optimal solutions, having maximum distance to the closest generating solution The idea is to move the generating solution to a poorly explored region of the nondominated set Slide 148 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Updating the set of potentially Pareto – optimal solutions At the beginning of the computational procedure the set of Pareto-opitmal solutions PP is empty PP is updated every time when a new solution is generated Update: • Add f(x) to PP if no point in PP dominates f(x) • Remove from PP all points dominated by f(x) Slide 149 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Updating the set of potentially Pareto – optimal solutions Updating could be very time consuming. The ways to avoid this disadvantage are: • A new solution y obtained from x should be used to update PP set only when it is not dominated by x • New solution y may be added to PP set only if they differ enough from all solutions in PP set (threshold – minimum Euclidean distance) • Neglect updating PP in a number of starting iterations (solutions added to PP in early iterations had good chances to be removed) • Using the data structure called quad trees to accelerate the process of updating PP (4 and more objectives) Slide 150 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Using partial preference information The information concerning the DM’s preferences may help focusing on the interesting region of the nondominated set (e.g. objective 1 is more important than objective 2, solutions having value below a certain threshold on objective 3 are not interesting) The most natural way of taking into account partial preference information in PSA is to express it in the form of constraints in the weight space Slide 151 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Basic version of PSA algorithm Slide 152 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology APPLICATION OF PSA MULTIOBJECTIVE BUS-DRIVER’S SCHEDULING Slide 153 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Contents Introduction Problem definition and mathematical formulation Solution procedure Computational experiments Conclusions Slide 154 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Combinatorial Problem Specific Crew Scheduling Problem BUS DRIVER’S SCHEDULING PROBLEM Set of duties for bus drivers Slide 155 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Multiple objective formulation STAKEHOLDERS Trasportation company owner – cost oriented Slide 156 Bus driver – convenience oriented ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Transportation company Publicly owned, inter-city passenger transportation company, located in Poznan, Poland The company provides medium – haul transportation services in Western Poland (Wielkopolska); operates 7 days a week Annual sales 35 mln zl = 10 mln Euro; 125 000 vkm/ week; 62% Night transportation jobs and 38% - Local transportation jobs 3 categories of duties Local transportation jobs – L (31) – 9040 km (avg. 292 km) Night transportation jobs – N (20) – 5720 km (avg. 286 km) Additional tasks – P (4) Fleet: 103 buses (Autosan and Jelcz) in different age and technical condition Labor force – 98 employees, incl. 52 bus drivers Slide 157 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Objectives Balance the workload of drivers Slide 158 Assure fair assignment of duties ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Optimization goals Number of L, N, P should be balanced Slide 159 Days-off should be grouped Number of days-off (including Sundays and Saturdays) sholud be grouped ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Decision variables N if the i-th bus driver carries out the night transportation job on j-th day xij P ifadditional the i-th bus driver carries out the task on j-th day W if the i-th bus driver has a day-off on j-th day L if the i-th bus driver carries out the local transportation job on j-th day i = 1, ..., I - BUS DRIVER INDEX j = 1, ..., J - DAY INDEX Slide 160 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Mathematical formulation GOAL 1 - AVG. DEVIATION - LOCAL TRANSPORTATION JOBS J I i 1 SL x j 1 Min f1 J Lij 100% I where: I SL Slide 161 J x i 1 j 1 IJ Lij 100% xLij 1 if xij L 0 if otherwise , ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Mathematical formulation GOAL 2 - AVG. DEVIATION - NIGHT TRANSPORTATION JOBS J I i 1 SN x Min f 2 j 1 J I Nij 100% , where: I SN Slide 162 J x i 1 j 1 IJ Nij 100% xNij 1 if xij N 0 if otherwise ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Mathematical formulation GOAL 3 - AVG. DEVIATION – ADDITIONAL TASKS J I i 1 SP x j 1 Min f 3 J I Pij 100% , where: I SP Slide 163 J x i 1 j 1 IJ Pij 100% xPij 1 if xij P 0 if otherwise ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Mathematical formulation GOAL 4 – POINTS AWARDING THE AGGREGATION OF DAYS-OFF I J Max f 4 xW , i 1 j 1 where: 0 1 xW 3 6 if if if if {x} > 0 {x} = 0 (xWij+xWij+1) = 0 and (xWij+1+xWij+2) = 0 (xWij+xWij+1) = 0 and (xWij+1+xWij+2) = 0 and (xWij+2+xWij+3) = 0 X = {(xWij+xWij+1) + (xWij+1+xWij+2) + ... + (xWin-1+xWin)} for n = J 0 if xij W xW ij 1 if otherwise Slide 164 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Mathematical formulation GOAL 5 - AVG. DEVIATION – AGGREGATED DAYS-OFF J I Min f 5 SW i 1 where: I SW xW Slide 165 x j 1 J I W 100% , J x i 1 j 1 IJ W 100% 0`if {x} > 0 1if {x} = 0 3if (xWij+xWij+1) = 0 and (xWij+1+xWij+2) = 0 6if (xWij+xWij+1) = 0 and (xWij+1+xWij+2) = 0 and (xWij+2+xWij+3) = 0 X = {(xWij+xWij+1) + (xWij+1+xWij+2) + ... + (xWin-1+xWin)} for n = J ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Mathematical formulation GOAL 6 - AVG. DEVIATION – SATURDAYS J I i 1 SS Min f 6 x j 1 Sij J 100% , I where: I SS Slide 166 J x i 1 j 1 IJ Sij 100% xSij 1 if xij W 0 if otherwise ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Mathematical formulation GOAL 7 - AVG. DEVIATION – SUNDAYS J I S i 1 Min f 7 D x j 1 J Dij 100% , I where: I SD Slide 167 J x i 1 j 1 IJ Dij 100% xDij 1 if xij W 0 if otherwise ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Length of the scheduling period Types of contracts (fulltime, part-time) Number of drivers required for each day Constraints Labour code regulations Expected absences & preferences Number of drivers available on each day Slide 168 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Solution procedure Generation of solutions PSA Poznan University of Technology Multiple objective metaheuristic procedure Generation of a sample of schedules being a good approximation of the whole set of a non-dominated solution Evaluation of schedules according to DM’s preferences LBS-D Review of solution Penetration of different regions of the sample Final selection of one solution Slide 169 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Customization Slide 170 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Results of the computational experiments • 30000 feasible solutions, including 2062 PP • Each solution – assignment metrix (40 drivers x 30 days); allocation of jobs to the drivers • Computational time - 4 minutes; PC Pentium 1GHz • In the experiment 16 generating solutions have been used and 1856250 steps (moves) of the procedure have been preformed • The exemplary solution - 4366 Slide 171 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Exemplary schedule Slide 172 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology LBS-D Interactive procedure for multiple objective mathematical programming problem User – friendly interface Graphical facilities Phases of decision alternating with phases of computation Searches for a compromise solution in the neighborhood of the selected solution (middle point) The search process is similar to projecting light onto the solution set; it is based on the definition of the DM’s preferences (aspiration levels; reference point) Slide 173 Poznan University of Technology General Scheme LBS Slide 174 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Decision phase Fixing points z* and z* Slide 175 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Decision phase DM’s preferences (q, p, v) Procedure finds starting middle points Slide 176 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Decision phase An outranking neighborhood is constructed Slide 177 Acceptance of worse values Aspiration Selection ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Graphical analysis Slide 178 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Decision phase Neighbor 3 selected as a new middle point and new neighbors are generated Final solution Slide 179 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology The most satisfactory schedule Slide 180 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Comparison of solutions Improvement: 3% to 24% on particular objectives Slide 181 f2 24% ; f4 12% ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS PARETO SIMULATED ANNEALING Poznan University of Technology Conclusions Improvement of the real life solution Flexibility Good quality results Efficiency of work Slide 182 Multiple objective genetic local search MOGLS ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology Contents General idea of hybrid algorithms Single objective genetic local search algorithm Multiple objective genetic local search algorithm Slide 184 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology General idea Recombination operators Local search MOGLS MCDM Slide 185 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology General idea The algorithm hybridizes recombination operations with local search (typical single criterion algorithm) The idea of algorithm is more general, other local huristic methods can be used MOGLS is a multiple objective version, contains all aspects of MCDM Slide 186 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology Motivation for creating MOGLS Great success of other hybrid genetic meta-heuristics HGAs Memetic algorithms Slide 187 Genetic Local Search ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology Hybrid Genetic Algorithms (HGAs) Standard genetic/evolutionary algorithms working on a reduced set of solutions Local heuristics = recombination operator (like crossover) The efficiency grows up, because the search space is smaller Conclusion: the local optima can be achieved in very efficient way HGAs may be also interpreted as a modification of multiple start local search herusitcs with random initial solutions Slide 188 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology Single objective GLS algorithm Very good efficiency - > motivation to create multiple objective version The algorithm stops if the current population was not changed i K subsequent iterations (further improvement is not possible) Slide 189 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology Single objective GLS algorithm Slide 190 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology Test of three single objective methods (for the same instances) Slide 191 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology Test results on the graph GLS generated best results Slide 192 Poznan University of Technology Application of MSLS GA, GLS Vehicle Routing Problem in a Road Transportation Company – case study Slide 193 Vehicle Routing Problem in a Road Transportation Company Poznan University of Technology Road, freight transportation & logistic company, located in Warsaw, Poland Activities: transportation and logistic services; forwarding; customs clearence, national and international freight transportation, maintenace / service of vehicles (MAN) Annual sales – 106 mln zl = 35 mlnEuro; 170 employees Fleet – 230 vehicles (tractors and trailors); capacity 20 – 30 T Transportation routes – 100 – 5000 km; 20 – 25 transportation jobs / day Historical data – May – July 2005; 700 transportation jobs; 200 customers; 70% jobs generated by 20 customers (10%); 650 locations – 180 very important Analyzed case: 90 transportation jobs; 30 vehicles Slide 194 Vehicle Routing Problem in a Road Transportation Company Poznan University of Technology The decision problem defined as a single objective optimization problem Correlation between criteria (time, cost, profit, distance) Multiple vehicle, pick-up and delivery vehicle routing problem with time windows (m-VPDVRPwTW) Not many reports about the solution procedures for this problem Slide 195 J. Desrosiers and others – small instance – application of Branch and Bound Mathematical Formulation of the Problem Criterion Poznan University of Technology Maximal profit in the time horizon [PLN] R Max Z z r r 1 W R B B wkm Max z i w wr cbr lbr cbprac t bprac r 1 w 1 b 1 b 1 B B wkm dod dod prac prac prac prac ir c r (cbr lbr cb t b ) cb t b b 1 b 1 B B dod dod wkm prac prac prac prac i c ( c l c t ) c t r r br br b b b b b 1 b 1 (T t r ) dod tr Slide 196 Mathematical Formulation of the Problem Constarints Poznan University of Technology Each order must be either completely fulfilled (by 1 or more vehicles) or rejected Each vehicle types and loads must match Capacity dimensions of the vehicle should exceed weight/dimensions of the load Loading and unloading must be carried out in concrete time windows Working time for drivers is defined by the labor code Slide 197 Mathematical experiment Visualization of the optimal solution (GLS – 20 iterations) Poznan University of Technology Slide 198 The computational efficiency MSLS vs. GLS vs. GA;Time of solution Poznan University of Technology PC Pentium IV/2,8 GHz; 30 vehicles and 90 orders Slide 199 The computational efficiency MSLS vs. GLS vs. GA;Time of solution Poznan University of Technology PC Pentium III 750 MHz; 30 vehicles and 90 orders Slide 200 Intuitive vs. Computer planning Poznan University of Technology Parameter Intuitive planning Forwarder Forwarder 1 2 Time of planning [min] Profit [PLN] Slide 201 ~ 230 ~ 190 PC; program VR MSLS GA GLS ~ 40 ~ 40 ~ 40 40000 36800 38500 38500 42200 Conclusion Poznan University of Technology The real-life VRP is characterized by high computational complexity GLS is the most efficient metaheuristic algorithm (compared with MSLS & GA) For practical reasons it is advised to use computers with high computational power to solve VRP Practical results – computer system VR reduces labor intensity by 80% and improves profits by 5.5% Slide 202 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology MOGLS Goal generate good approximations of the nondominated set Finding the whole nondominated set = finding the optima of all weighted Tchebycheff and all weighted linear scalarizing functions In fact the goal is a simultaneous optimalization of all Tchebycheff and all weighted linear scalarizing functions „Optimization” is understood as a tendency of the algorithm to improve values of all scalarizing functions (with normalized weight vectors) Slide 203 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology MOGLS MOGLS implements the idea of simultanous optimization of all weighted Tchebycheff, all weighted linear or all composite scalarizing functions with normalized weight vectors by random choice of the scalarizing function optimized in each iteration MOGLS tries to improve the value of a randomly selected scalarizing function in each iteration Single iteration consists of a single recombination of a pair of solutions and application of a local heuristic that takes into account the value of the current scalarizing function Slide 204 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology • To draw at random the scalarizing funcion, a normalized weight vetor is drawn at random by the algorithm The algorithm assures that weight vectors are drawn with uniform probability distribution p(Λ) Rand() returns a value from <0,1> Slide 205 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology General scheme of the MOGLS Slide 206 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology Selection of solutions for recombination In single objective GLS the method combines features of two good solutions MOGLS combines features of solutions that are already good on the current scalarizing function In each iteration MOGLS algorithm constructs a temporary elite population (TEP) composed of K different solutions being the best on the current scalarizing function among all known solutions. Two different solutions are drawn for recombination from (TEP) The idea of recombining good solutions is motivated by „global convexity” – In single objective optimization this means – good solutions are similar – In multiple objective optimization – good solutions on a given scalarizing function being close in the objective space are similar Slide 207 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology Generating the initial set of solutions Construction by applying iteratively the local heuristic to random starting solutions Local heuristic optimizes the scalarizing functions with randomly generated weight vectors The number of the initial solutions S is the additional parameter of the method The method allows to stop generating the initial solutions when the avarage quality of K best solutions in the set of initial solutions over all scalarizing functions is the same as the avarage quality of solutions generated by the local heuristic used for optimization of these functions Slide 208 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology Example of generated solutions for TSP Slide 209 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology Management of the current set of solutions The idea of storing all solutions in CS is very time and memory consuming for MOGLS CS is organized as a queue of size KxS (K- number of best solutions, S – number of initial solutions) In each iteration the newly generated solution is added to the beginning of the queue (if the conditions are met); if it is better than the worst solution in TEP and different form all solutions in TEP If the size of queue is bigger than KxS the last solution is removed Slide 210 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE GENETIC LOCAL SEARCH Poznan University of Technology Updating the reference point The reference point is an important parameter in case of weighted Tchebycheff and composite scalarizing functions In MOGLS the ideal point (best known values of the objective functions) is used as reference point The reference point changes in the run of the procedure The first approximation is obtained by applying local heuristic to optimization of each objective individually. Normalization of objectives, updating the set of PP, using partial preference information Analogy with PSA Slide 211 Poznan University of Technology MOGLS pseudocode Slide 212 Memetic algorithm and Pareto memetic algorithm ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MEMETIC ALGORITHM AND PARETO MEMETIC ALGORITHM Contents Memetic Memetic algorithm Pareto Memetic algorithm Slide 214 Poznan University of Technology ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MEMETIC ALGORITHM AND PARETO MEMETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology Memetics - Genetics Meme transmission, or imitation” “an element of culture that may be considered to be passed on by non-genetic means” Richard Dawkin , ethologist English Oxford Dictionary “the basic unit of cultural Slide 215 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MEMETIC ALGORITHM AND PARETO MEMETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology Memetics - Genetics Mem is defined per analogy to gen Evolution is not only based on genetics Term Memetic algorithm was first used by Moscato in 1989 in the sense of population-based hybrid genetic algorithm with some learing procedures Slide 216 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MEMETIC ALGORITHM AND PARETO MEMETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology Memetic algorithm Inspiration Darwinian natural evolution Dawkins’ conception of a meme Techniques Search algorithm (LS) Slide 217 Evolutionary algorithm (GA) ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MEMETIC ALGORITHM AND PARETO MEMETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology General scheme of the memetic algorithm Initiation: generating an initial population Iteration (until termination conditions are reached) Improvement of current solutions (by local optimalization methods) Developing of new generation (solutions) by evolutionary algorithm For improvements MA can use any local optimalization method like local search, tabu search or another one Slide 218 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MEMETIC ALGORITHM AND PARETO MEMETIC ALGORITHM General scheme of the memetic algorithm General initial population Select individuals for nest generations Crossover Mutation Local search Population complete? Enough generations found? Slide 219 Poznan University of Technology ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MEMETIC ALGORITHM AND PARETO MEMETIC ALGORITHM Pseudocode of the memetic algorithm Slide 220 Poznan University of Technology ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MEMETIC ALGORITHM AND PARETO MEMETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology Pareto memetic algorithm Author: A. Jaszkiewicz, Poznan University of Technology Modification of MOGLS (Multiple objective genetic local search) Slide 221 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MEMETIC ALGORITHM AND PARETO MEMETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology Two stages of the algorithm Stage 1: Initiation Generation of the first approximation of the ideal point Generation of the initial set of solutions Stage 2 Probabilistic choice of two solutions Recombination and improvement Slide 222 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MEMETIC ALGORITHM AND PARETO MEMETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology Initiation At the beginning a set of Pareto-optimal solutions is empty. PP:=Ø The current set of solutions is empty, too. CS:=Ø Slide 223 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MEMETIC ALGORITHM AND PARETO MEMETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology Generation of the first approximation of the ideal point Random creation of a possible solution x Optimalization x to x’ by local heuristic algorithm Adding x’ to CS Updating set PP with x’ Slide 224 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MEMETIC ALGORITHM AND PARETO MEMETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology Generation of the initial set of solutions • Randoming a weight vector Λ Random creation of a possible solution x Optimalization of the scalarizing function (z,.. Λ ) x to x’ by local search Adding x’ to CS • Updating set PP with x’ This phase is iterated until stopping condition is met Slide 225 ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MEMETIC ALGORITHM AND PARETO MEMETIC ALGORITHM Probabilistic choice of two solutions Randoming a weight vector Λ Drawing randomly a sample of solutions from CS Slide 226 Poznan University of Technology ADVANCED METAHEURISTICS MEMETIC ALGORITHM AND PARETO MEMETIC ALGORITHM Poznan University of Technology Recombination and improvement Recombination of the best and second best solution on s(z,..., Λ) – x1 Optimization of s(z,.. Λ ) x1 to x1’ by local search Adding x1’ to CS and updating PP if x1’ is better than the second best solution in a sample Slide 227 Poznan University of Technology Pseudo code of PMA Slide 228 Poznan University of Technology Application of PMA Vehicle Assignment Problem in the Bus Transportation Company – case study Slide 229 Introduction (I) Poznan University of Technology The essence of the vehicle assignment problem (VAP) in a bus transportation company transportation companies utilise vehicles (buses) to transport passengers on given routes according to a given timetable general problem in such a situation is: How to assign particular buses to given routes? Many formulations of the VAP are known, for example Slide 230 linear programming formulations which can be solved with an application of simplex method, network algorithms or assignment method (Cook 1985; Lotfi et al. 1989) linear, integer programming formulations (Löbel 1998, Rushmeier et al. 1997), sometimes transformed into a non-linear, continuous form (Beaujon et al. 1991) formulations based on the queuing theory (Green et al. 1995, Whitt 1992) formulations considering the homogeneous (Beaujon et al. 1991) or a nonhomogeneous fleet (Ziarati et al. 1999) Introduction (II) Poznan University of Technology formulations which combine the VAP with other fleet management problems, such as: fleet sizing (Beaujon et al. 1991) or fleet scheduling (Löbel 1998) formulations referring to specific transportation environments, such as: urban transportation (Löbel 1998), rail transportation (Ziarati et al. 1999) or air transportation (Rushmeier et al. 1997) formulations with a single objective function (all mentioned above) or, sometimes, with a multicriteria objective function (Zeleny 1982) Proposed problem formulation Slide 231 is expressed in terms of multicriteria, non-linear, integer, mathematical programming determines the optimal assignment of non-homogeneous fleet of buses to a given set of routes in an international passenger transportation company one week time horizon is assumed for the problem analysis Computational Experiment Decision situation (I) Poznan University of Technology A Polish, passenger transportation company operating on the 17 routes between 34 Polish and 47 European cities is analysed All the routes are characterised by the following parameters: length Si between 1818 and 4048 kilometres average number of passengers travelling weekly on particular routes Pi between 2 and 796 average income per one passenger (ticket price) ppas i between 188 and 721 PLN* average load index wi between 0.25 and 0.46 fixed cost kij per route i and bus j between 3 530 and 14 809 PLN / ride * PLN – Polish New – Polish currency. 1 PLN = 0.24 USD in December 2001 Slide 232 Computational Experiment Decision situation (II) Poznan University of Technology Analysed company utilises a fleet of 30 buses (Hyundai, Neoplan, Scania, Volvo) characterised by: Slide 233 vehicle-kilometre cost kwkm ij between 1.49 and 2.01 PLN / kilometre number of seats (capacity) cj between 31 and 57 comfort level fj between 3 and 9 points (comfort level ranges from 1 to10 points) Mathematical Formulation of the Problem Input data – model parameters Poznan University of Technology Slide 234 Si – length of route i [kilometres] Pi – average number of passengers travelling weekly on route i [persons] ppas i – average income per one passenger travelling on route i (ticket price) [monetary units] wi – average load index of a bus on route i [-], expressed as a quotient of an average number of tickets sold for a particular ride on route i and an average number of passengers in a bus during this ride, wi {0,1} kij – fixed cost per route i and bus j, including drivers’ salaries, highway fares, tolls, insurance and licence fees etc. [monetary units / ride] kwkm ij – variable (vehicle-kilometre) cost per bus j and route i, including fuel and maintenance cost [monetary unit / kilometre] cj – capacity of bus j – number of seats [-] fj – travelling comfort level of bus j [-], expressed in points according to the following characteristics of bus j: seats’ comfort (size, softness), air conditioning, toilet, video etc., fj {1, 2, 3, 4, ..., fmax = 10} Mathematical Formulation of the Problem Decision variables and Criteria Poznan University of Technology • The integer decision variable ij {0, 1, 2, 3, ...}, denominates a number of rides carried out weekly by a vehicle j on route i Criterion Unit Dp [monetary units] max 2. Capacity utilisation – WL - min 3. Total number of weekly lost (rejected) customers (passengers) – SK - min [points] max 1. Total weekly profit – Z 4. Comfort of travel for passengers – WK Slide 235 Consequence The maximal number of passengers should be transported with minimal costs Average capacity utilisation should be close to 80% (assumed optimal level), percentage of empty rides should be minimal Assures that all demand will be satisfied,- high customers’ satisfaction High quality service Mathematical Formulation of the Problem Criteria Poznan University of Technology Criterion Formula J J Max Z Wi S i ij k wkm ij ij kij i 1 j 1 j 1 Wi Pi SKi ppas i I 1. Total weekly profit – Z 2. Capacity utilisation – WL I J minPoi, cj Min WL WL opt ij cj i 1 j 1 Poi Pi J j 1 I J ij i 1 j 1 ij wi I 3. Total number of weekly lost customers – SK Min SK SK i i 1 J Poi cj i SKi max 0, Pi min , ij wi wi j 1 I J 4. Comfort of travel Max WK min Poi, cj ij fj for passengers i 1 j 1 – WK Slide 236 I J min P , c oi i 1 j 1 j ij f max Mathematical Formulation of the Problem Constraints Poznan University of Technology The presented model takes into consideration the following constraints: real riding time by bus j on route i should be consistent with the timetable weekly working time of bus j should not be grater than its maximal weekly working time, including maintenance (repair and service) times Slide 237 Mathematical Formulation of the Problem Output data – the results Poznan University of Technology As a result DM obtains the most satisfactory solution of the problem from the company’s and its customers’ point of view: Slide 238 bus assignment expected values of considered criteria ωijij = Bus j Route i 1 0 ... 2 2 0 0 3 ... 1 0 0 ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 0 ... 1 0 1 5 0 ... 0 1 0 0 0 ... 1 0 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 4 ... 0 0 0 Computational Experiment Stage one - results of PMA Poznan University of Technology A sample of Pareto - optimal solutions generated after 60 000 iterations (recombination and local improvements) is composed of 2 985 different solutions (possible assignments of buses) The range of considered criteria: Capacity Number of lost Profit - Z utilisation - WL passengers – SK [PLN] Comfort of travel - WK [-] [-] [-] Min -2 669 000 0.11 0 0.85 Max 1 802 570 0.74 181 0.90 Slide 239 Computational Experiment Stage two - settings of LBS method Poznan University of Technology Slide 240 Computational Experiment Stage two - results of LBS method Poznan University of Technology DM is interested in solution A2960 which outranks the present middle point on criterion 1 (by 300 000 PLN) and is indifferent on the other criteria Solution A2960 becomes a new middle point – its neighbourhood consists of 38 solutions including solution A2959 which has been Slide 241 selected by DM as the most satisfactory, compromise solution Computational Experiment Stage two – „the best” assignment of buses (solution A2959) Poznan University of Technology Buses j Routes i 1 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 … 0 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 ... 20 21 22 23 24 25 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 30 Slide 242 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 Computational Experiment Compromise solution vs. other Pareto - optimal solutions Other Pareto – optimal solutions Poznan University of Technology Min Max The most satisfactory assignment (solution A2959) Profit – Z - 2 669 000 1 802 670 1 752 140 Capacity utilisation - WL Number of lost passengers – SK Comfort of travel - WK 0.11 0.74 0.15 0 181 22 0.85 0.90 0.87 Objective Slide 243 Conclusions Poznan University of Technology The presented methodology lets DM to define the most satisfactory assignment of buses to particular routes The methodology can by applied in a long-distance passenger transportation companies utilising a non-homogeneous fleet of buses The methodology leads to the profitability analysis of particular routes. Based on the analysis of criterion 1 certain, non-profitable routes can be eliminated from the existing portfolio of the transportation services. It also allows to define the minimal ticket price for each route to assure its acceptable profitability and maintain this service in the portfolio The methodology of solving VAP combined with an appropriate database let us create the modern DSS for such a problem in the future Slide 244