SHIMLA HILLS ACADEMIC REGULATIONS FOR UNDER GRADUATE & POST GRADUATE PROGRAMS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WAKNAGHAT, P. O. KIARIGHAT- 173215, DISTT. SOLAN, (HIMACHAL PRADESH), INDIA Email : - Phone No. 01792-247444, Fax: 01792-247462 1 CONTENTS Sr.No TITLE PAGE NO. 1 Introduction 03 2 Structure of Degree Programs 05 3 Registration 06 4 Teaching and Evaluation 09 5 Minimum Academic Requirements 22 6 Graduation and Eligibility 23 2 1. Introduction 1.01 These regulations apply to all the under graduate/post graduate programs of the Bahra University. 1.02 Each Academic year shall be divided into two Semesters - Autumn Semester (July to December) and Spring Semester (January to June). The Autumn semester shall ordinarily begin in July for students already on rolls and the Spring semester shall ordinarily begin in January. However, the first semester (Autumn, for newly admitted students) may begin a little later depending on completion of admission process and formalities. The number of teaching weeks in each semester shall be fifteen to eighteen with a minimum of 90 teaching days excluding the period of end term examination. 1.03 Eligibility for Admission:- Admissions to different courses of the University shall be based on criteria decided by the Academic Council of the University in accordance with the stipulations of AICTE/UGC/BCI modified as necessary from time to time. There shall be provision for direct admission for a limited number of NRI / FN students. Details of criteria for admission shall be as per provisions of the rules formulated for the purpose. Physically handicapped Candidates shall be required to satisfy the prescribed medical fitness norms. Admissions shall ordinarily close on a specified date 1.04 before commencement of the first semester, through notification/academic calendar. Duration:- The duration of the programme shall be governed by the regulations of AICTE/PCI/BCI/UGC. As per the prevailing regulations, B. Tech programme is of Four years (Eight Semesters), B. Pharm programme is of Four years (Eight Semesters), Five Years Integrated (B. Tech+ M. Tech), Five Year Integrated BA LLB programmes are of Five years (Ten Semesters) , BBA, MCA programmes are of 3 years (Six Semesters), MBA is of 2 years(Four semesters) duration. The maximum duration for completion of a Course is double of the normal duration. 1.05 Each year the University shall draw out a calendar of academic and associated activities, which shall be adhered to. The same is non-negotiable. Details of curricula and syllabi shall be as decided by the Academic Council with provision for modification from time to time as per the needs of the Industry specializations concerned. 3 1.06 Any student pursuing B. Tech programme, may be allowed a change of branch after completion of course requirements for the first (autumn) and second (spring) semesters of the first year programme, subject to availability of seats in a programme. The selection shall be on the basis of merit, assessed through the combined results of the first and second semester examinations declared in the form of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). Only such students who have cleared all examinations of both the semesters in first attempt with a minimum CGPA 4.5, in examinations held during academic session of his / her first admission to the course and cleared all the dues of the University shall be qualified to apply for a change of branch. Change of branch may be accorded subject to the condition that the consequent total student strength in the ‘gainer’ programme shall not exceed the approved seats and the net student strength in the loser programme shall not deplete by more than 10% of the actual student strength existing on the rolls prior to the change during the process. 4 2. Structure of the Degree Programs 2.01 The various courses prescribed for a program of studies may be categorized in terms of their academic affinity or their functional objectives. Depending on the overall educational goals of programs, it is possible to have fixed named courses in a particular category and to have fixed number of electives. 2.02 The category called Elective is conceptually different and operationally wider. For each program there is a specific number of electives which the student is required to take, but can choose from across the courses offered. . 2.03 The structure contains a category of courses, such as Internship Program (IP) or Thesis-Seminar (TS), which attempts a synthesis of preceding courses as well as their applications. They carry large number of credits and are to be exclusively pursued full-time throughout the allotted period. There is no provision for taking any other courses along with these courses. 2.04 The semester-wise chart, consisting of the prescribed courses sequentially distributed over the required number of semesters, leads to the particular degree. This contains a prescribed number of courses in each semester, planned for an anticipated normal progress through the program. This number is called the normal load for that semester of the program. 5 3. Registration 3.01 Candidates shall have to register as bonafide students with the University as per University regulations before commencement of instruction in First Semester and for Lateral entry students in Third Semester. A student is allowed to attend classes only for those subjects that he/she have registered in a semester. . 3.02 Registration for the semester for every student, already on rolls will be at the beginning of every semester on the dates announced. Every student is required to register for his semester program. A student, who has been promoted with a backlog, has to first register for the backlog subject(s) if the same is being offered in a semester. To get his /her registration completed properly is his/her own responsibility, failing which he/she shall not be permitted to attend any classes or use any facilities of the Institute during that semester. The first registration in a semester for a student is called the original registration. 3.03 A student is not permitted to register in a semester/term, if any of the following discrepancies are found:i) The student has dues outstanding to the University, hostel, or any recognized organ of the University. ii) The student's grade sheet in the immediately preceding semester is withheld. iii) The student has an Incomplete (I) report in the immediately preceding semester iv) The student has been specifically asked to stay away from that semester. v) The student has failed to convert the provisional admission into a regular admission by the specified date vi) The student is likely to take more than twice the normal duration required for the completion of the program. 6 3.04 Registration in certain courses, like IP, may be permitted even if the result of the preceding semester is not available due to small gap between the end of the previous semester and the start of the IP, but the same will be subject to cancellation without notice if the student is found to be defaulting from any of the conditions of clause 3.03, discovered later. 3.05 In an unusual circumstance, the dean academics may permit late registration of a student. A student whose request for late registration has been accepted will be permitted to register on the specified date, normally one week from the date of original registration, on payment of such late fees as may be prescribed from time to time. Further extension of time will not be granted. Students requesting for late registration will have to apply for the permission prior to the date of original registration. 3.06 The registration in a semester, when altered at the initiative of a student will be called an amended registration and will be covered by the conditions listed below:i) If a student desires to withdraw from a course, he may submit a formal application for withdrawal from the course prior to the commencement of the semester classes. ii) In exceptional circumstances, a student may be permitted to completely withdraw from all courses and drop the semester when the Vice Chancellor/Dean is satisfied as to the genuineness of the circumstances. 3.07 The revision of original/amended registration can be caused by concerned authority any time during the semester/term as per the details listed below:- i) If the registration of a student in a course is not in accordance with the regulations, his/her registration in that course will be cancelled and the grade obtained, if any, will be rejected. ii) The registration of a student in a course or completed set of courses in a semester can be revised through the instrument of RC by the concerned authority, when the student is found guilty in cases of unfair means, breach 7 of discipline, etc., or when he persistently and deliberately does not clear his/her dues. iii) Dean Academic may cause a revision of registration already done by cancelling registration in all courses, when the student ceases to be on the rolls of the Institute by his/her own action or by the action of the University. iv) Dean Academic may cause a revision of registration already done by cancellation of the IP option through the instrument of RRA. 3.08 When a student, who has been permitted to stay away from the University for a semester or more, comes back, his/her subsequent program would be normally governed by the then current academic structure and regulations. 3.09 When a student fails to register in a semester without any prior permission to stay away, his/her name would be struck off the rolls of the University and he/she would no longer be a student of the University. His/her case will be closed. If, however, such a person, after his/her name has been struck off the rolls of the University, is permitted to come back, his/her case can be treated as in the clause 3.16 above with the provision that all his/her previous records as a former student are revived under the current structure, regulations and schedule of fees. 8 4. 4.01 Teaching and Evaluation The objective of classroom education is to awaken the curiosity of the student, generate habits of rational thinking in him, gear his/her mind to face the unfamiliar and train him to stand on his/her own. Classroom instruction helps the student in the organization and correlation of facts, comprehension of ideas and the creative use of knowledge. 4.02 The teacher also has the added responsibility to make the student search for knowledge on his/her own and induce him to use additional facilities like the library, laboratory and the environment, to optimize his/her learning process. Self-study by the student would therefore form an important factor in the planning of teaching and evaluation. The student is required to cooperate and respond to this challenge. 4.03 Every course whether single-section or multi-section is conducted by a member of the faculty called instructor-in-charge, with the assistance, wherever necessary, of the required number of instructors who will be partners with him in meeting the full academic perceptions and organizational needs of teaching the course and evaluating the students. Wherever the instructor-in-charge is mentioned hereafter, it connotes the team of instructors, acting as one entity under his/her captainship. 4.04 The instructor-in-charge should make a comprehensive plan in respect of conducting the course even before the semester begins. In a multi-section course, all instructors must remain in continuous interaction in order to ensure a smooth operation of the course. While recognizing variations due to personal attitudes and styles, it is important that these are smoothened out so that the operation and grading in different sections in a course, indeed between courses across the University, are free from any seeming arbitrariness. 4.05 At the beginning of class work, the instructor, in-charge/instructor must announce to his/her class/section through a Course Handout, the necessary information in respect of (i) the operations of the course (its pace, coverage and level of treatment, textbooks and other reading assignments, home tasks etc); (ii) various components of evaluation, such as tutorials, laboratory exercises, home assignment, several quizzes/tests/examinations (announced or unannounced, open book or closed book), regularity of attendance, etc. (v) Mid-semester grading; (vi) grading procedure. 9 4.06 Just as evaluation is done in continuous manner, feedback should also be available in a continuous manner. Thus, the answer scripts must be promptly evaluated, shown to the students for them to obtain any clarification on their performance. The performance of the students in the examination should be discussed in the class giving as much details as possible like the highest, lowest and average performances. 4.07 It shall be the responsibility of the individual student to attend all classes and to take prescribed quizzes, tests, examinations, etc., and to submit, properly and promptly all homework. A student must normally maintain a minimum of 75% attendance in each of the campus-based courses without which he/she shall be disqualified from appearing in the respective examinations and he/she is required to register again (RRA) in the course. 4.08 If a student, who misses the first test due to low attendance, meets the requirement of minimum attendance by the second test, he/she may be given a make-up for the missed first test. If a student does not maintain requisite attendance, by the end of the semester, his/her registration in that particular course (subject) would be cancelled and he/she would be required to register again in those particular courses (subject). This event would be reported as RRA (Required to Register Again). The students with RRA will be allowed to register these subjects (at most three at a time) with regular classes of these subjects and should clear the Exam with prescribed fees. 4.09 The attendance requirements in the Internship Program (IP) courses conducted at other organizations are more stringent. During these courses 100% attendance is compulsory. However, in genuine cases, the resident faculty member may consider and recommend a few days leave of absence for the approval of the appropriate authority, whose decision would be final in such a matter. During Internship Program, every student must conform to the rules and regulations of the host organization. Any unprofessional behavior, misconduct, indiscipline, irregularity at work or unsatisfactory performance would lead to the cancellation of registration in the course. 4.10 At the conclusion of the semester a student is awarded a grade in each of the courses he/she has taken during that period. The grade awarded to a student in a course will depend on his total performance in all the components of evaluation. 10 Evaluation Process 1. To ensure Transparency into the Evaluation System, the complete details have been worked out for weightage to Mid Term Tests/ Assignment/Final Exams for Theory and Practical subjects, as well as for Practical/Industrial Training and Project Evaluation. 2. The complete structure of the Question papers to be set has been defined. 3. University has the procedure of paper setting for examinations, which will include external examiners as well as internal examiners, excluding the faculty who is teaching the subject. Deans of respective Schools will forward the list of experts (subject-wise) to Controller of Examinations. He/she will forward such list to the Vice Chancellor for his/her kind approval. The Controller of Examinations will invite the selected experts to set papers and ask them to submit the same by due date in sealed envelope to his office. 4. The Table Marking of Papers be done for the Final Exam. 11 Examination Scheme and Question Paper Pattern 1. School of Engineering & Technology Evaluation Scheme:Type/Exam Marks Theory Practical Mid Term Test-I 40 25 Mid Term Test-II 40 25 Assignments 20 - Final Exam Total Marks 100 50 200 100 Practical Examination Breakup:Mid Term Practical copy Practical performance Viva-voce Practical Examination 5 10 10 Total 25 Final 10 20 20 50 Industrial Training / Project Examination Breakup:- Industrial Training Project Special Subjects Industrial expert report Report writing Presentation & Viva Voce Synopsis Methodology Project Report Presentation & Viva voce Max Marks 50 50 100 25 75 50 50 200 200 M. Tech. Thesis Evaluation Scheme Internal Marks Seminar & Literature Survey, Synopsis Evaluation of work and its result Thesis Presentation Total Marks 25 50 25 External Marks Evaluation of Thesis Presentation and Viva-Voce 50 50 TOTAL MARKS 100 100 200 12 Question Paper Pattern: for B. Tech/M. Tech 1. Question Paper Pattern for Mid Term Tests:- Question paper will be divided in to three parts: (Total Marks= 40 & Time duration Max. 1.5 hrs) Part Questions Type Part-I Part-II Part-III Objective type Short answer Type Comprehensive answer type Total no of No. of question questions to be attempted 5 All 2 All 1 All Each question carry marks 1 10 15 Total Marks 5 20 15 Total Max Marks 40 2. Question Paper Pattern for Final Theory Examination:- Question paper will be divided in to three parts: (Total Marks= 100 & Time duration Max. 3 Hrs) Part Questions Type Part-I Part-II Part-III Objective type Short answer Type Comprehensive answer type Total no of No. of question questions to be attempted 10 All 6 Any four 3 Any two Each question carry marks 2 10 20 Total Marks 20 40 40 Total Max Marks 100 13 2. School of Hospitality& Tourism Examination Pattern: MHTA Type/Exam Marks Theory I- Term 30 Special Subjects Educational Field Work (1st& 2ndSem) II-Term 30 Assignment 40 Final Exam Total Marks 100 200 Max Marks Assignment (Theoretical framework of practical assignment) (10 best assignment X 10) Semester end Written Project seminar Presentation Viva Voce 100 25 50 25 200 100 Examination Pattern: BHM Type/Exam Marks Theory Practical I- Term II-Term 30 25 30 25 Assignment 40 - Final Exam Total Marks 100 50 200 100 Practical Examination Breakup Mid Term Practical Examination Final Grooming Communication Practical Copy 2 2 5 4 4 10 Written assignment Theoretical framework of practical assignment) Practical assignment procedure Final result Viva Voce Total 5 10 3 5 3 25 6 10 6 50 50 50 50 200 On job Training:On the Job Training (3rdSem) Daily work Log Book Training report Presentation Viva Voce 50 14 Question Paper Pattern: for BHM and MHTA 1. Mid Term Theory Examination:- Question paper will be divided in to three parts: (Total Marks= 30 & Time duration Max. 1.5 hrs) Part Part-I Part-II Part-III Questions Type Objective type Short answer Type Comprehensive answer type Total no of questions 5 3 1 No. of question to be attempted All All All Each question carry marks 1 5 10 Total Marks 5 15 10 Total Max Marks 30 2. Final Theory Examination:- Question paper will be divided in to three parts: (Total Marks= 100& Time duration Max. 3 Hrs) Part Questions Type Part-I Part-II Part-III Objective type Short answer Type Comprehensive answer type Total no of questions 10 6 3 No. of question to be attempted All Any four Any two Each question carry marks 2 10 20 Total Marks 20 40 40 Total Max Marks 100 15 3. School of Management Evaluation Scheme:- Type/Exam Marks Theory I- Term II-Term 30 30 Assignment/Practical 40 Special Subjects Industrial expert report Industrial Training Report writing Presentation &Viva Voce Final Exam Total Marks 100 200 Max Marks 50 50 100 200 Question Paper Pattern: for MBA/BBA 1. Mid Term Theory Examination:-Question paper will be divided in to three parts: (Total Marks= 30& Time duration Max. 1.5 hrs) Part Questions Type Part-I Part-II Part-III Objective type Short answer Type Comprehensive answer type Total no of questions 5 3 1 No. of question to be attempted All All All Each question carry marks 1 5 10 Total Marks 5 15 10 Total Max Marks 30 2. Final Theory Examination:Question paper will be divided in to three parts: (Total Marks= 100 & Time duration Max. 3 Hrs) Part Questions Type Part-I Part-II PartIII Objective type Short answer Type Comprehensive Case Study Total no of No. of question questions to be attempted 10 All 6 Any four 1 One Each question carry marks 2 15 20 Total Marks 20 60 20 Total Max Marks 100 16 4. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Examination Pattern for B. Pharm Course TP/Marks Theory Practical I- Term 50 25 Special Subjects B. Pharm Industrial Training after 6thsem, one month duration B. Pharm Project (7th Semester) B. Pharm Project (8th Semester) II-Term 50 25 Final 100 50 Total Marks 200 100 Total 300 Industrial expert report Report writing Presentation &Viva Voce Max Marks 50 50 100 Synopsis Literature review Methology Presentation & Viva Voce 25 25 25 25 100 Project Report-I Project Report-II Final Project report Viva-Voce 25 25 100 50 200 200 Question Paper Pattern: for B. Pharm Course 1. Mid Term Theory Examination: Question paper will be divided in to three parts: (Total Marks= 50& Time duration Max. 1.5 hrs) Part Questions Type Part-I Part-II Part-III Objective type Short answer Type Comprehensive answer type Total no of questions 5 2 1 No. of question to be attempted All All All Each question carry marks 2 10 20 Total Marks 10 20 20 Total Max Marks 50 17 2. Final Theory Examination: Question paper will be divided in to three parts: (Total Marks= 100& Time duration Max. 3 Hrs) Part Questions Type Part-I Part-II Part-III Objective type Short answer Type Comprehensive answer type Total no of questions 10 6 3 No. of question to be attempted All Any four Any two Each question carry marks 2 10 20 Total Marks 20 40 40 Total Max Marks 100 3. Mid Term Practical Examination: Question paper will be divided in to Four parts: (Total Marks= 25& Time duration Max. 3 hrs) Major Practical Performance: 10 Marks Synopsis: 05 Marks Practical Copy: 05 Marks Viva-Voce: 05 Marks 4. Final Practical Examination: Question paper will be divided in to Five parts: (Total Marks= 50& Time duration Max. 3 hrs) Major Practical Performance: 15 Marks Minor Practical Performance: 10 Marks Synopsis: 10 Marks Practical Copy: 05 Marks Viva-Voce: 10 Marks Examination Pattern for M. Pharm Course TP/Marks Theory Practical I- Term 50 50 II-Term 50 50 Final 100 100 Total Marks 200 200 Total 400 18 Evaluation Scheme Special Subjects Max Marks Seminar–I(Mid Semester) M. Pharm III-Semester Project (Literature Survey, Synopsis of the project) Seminar–II(End Semester) 50 100 50 (Progress of the project) Internal Marks Evaluation of work and its result M. Pharm IV-Semester Thesis Presentation Project(Thesis) External Marks Evaluation of Thesis Presentation and Viva-Voce 50 50 100 50 50 100 TOTAL MARKS 4.11 300 The list of letter grades, the grade points associated with them and their qualitative meanings are given below:- Letter Grade A B C D E 4.12 Qualitative Meaning Excellent Very Good Average Poor Exposed Grade Points Attached 10 8 6 4 2 At the end of the course, in certain situations, the student may be awarded certain events/facts in suitable words, in place of grades discussed earlier. These reports are not to be construed as grades. The various reports listed below are elaborated in the subsequent clauses. i) Incomplete (I) ii) Grade Awaited (GA) iii) Withdrawn (W) iv) Registration Cancelled (RC), Required to Register Again (RRA), Discontinued from the Program (DP), and v) Not Cleared (NC) 19 4.13 If the instructor-in-charge finds a student having not fulfilled some of the requirements of a course before the final deadline for transmitting the grade, and he/she is satisfied that he/she is able to transmit some grade or a report with or without this particular fulfillment, but at his/her discretion wishes to give the student an opportunity, he/she may, within the deadline, send a report ‘I’ (Incomplete) and also inform the student of the same. It shall be the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor-in- charge in time for replacement of the ‘I’ report within two weeks after the end of the semester which the instructor-in-charge will communicate whatever grade/report is possible for the situation. Whenever such relaxation is made, the Dean will specify at his/her discretion, with the consent of the instructor-in-charge, the date by which ‘I’ report has to be converted. 4.14 There are many situations where operational and practical difficulties may cause a delay in the communication of a grade. Certain situations which are visualized in this connection are: (i) where a case of unfair means is pending; (ii) where a case of indiscipline is pending, and (iii) where the courses are being conducted at an off campus center for IP students, where precise co-ordination between the University and these centers may not workout in a timely manner. In these circumstances the Dean may authorize the instructor-in-charge to report G A (Grades Awaited). It shall be the responsibility of the instructor-in-charge to replace GA report by letter grade or another report within the specified time. Whenever the GA report appears in permission for further registration of such a student shall be at the the grade sheet, discretion of the concerned Dean. 4.15 Whenever a student is allowed to withdraw from a course, the same is recorded in his/her grade sheet as W (Withdrawn). The student will have to register for the course when it is offered next and obtain a valid letter grade. If the course with 'W' report is a prerequisite course for another course, the registration to the course is possible only on obtaining a valid letter grade in the prerequisite course with 'W' report. No withdrawal is possible without the approval of the concerned authority. 4.16 Where a student's registration for a course has to be cancelled, this fact will be reported in the grade sheet as RC (Registration Cancelled). An event will be reported as RC in the following cases:i) Cancellation is recommended as a part of disciplinary action for resorting to unfair means during examination or other unprofessional behavior. 20 ii) A provisionally admitted student fails to submit the proof of necessary documents required for registration and fails to satisfy the minimum eligibility requirements for the admission within the prescribed time limit. iii) When a student persistently and/or deliberately does not pay off his/her dues. RC itself has many meanings and may be reported as the following:- i) When it is clearly known that the student will be required to register again in the same course, the event will be reported as RRA (Required to Register Again). 4.17 The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) will be used to describe the overall performance of a student in all courses in which he/she is awarded letter grades, since his/her entry into the University up to and including the latest semester/term. It is also used for the declaration of division when the program is completed. CGPA is the weighted average of the grade points of all the letter grades received by the student from his/her entry into the Institute and is computed as follows:- 𝑪𝑮𝑷𝑨 = (𝑪𝟏 𝒈𝟏 + 𝑪𝟐 𝒈𝟐 +. . . +𝑪𝒏 𝒈𝒏 ) 𝑪𝟏 + 𝑪𝟐 + ⋯ + 𝑪𝒏 Where C1, C2, C3, …..Cn denote units associated with the courses taken by the student and g1,g2,g3 denote grade points of the letter grades awarded in the respective courses. On the other hand, the reports obtained in a course or non-letter grades obtained in Thesis/Seminar will not alter the CGPA, since the same are not accounted for in the CGPA calculation. 4.18 A student's grades, reports, CGPA, etc., at the end of every semester/term will be recorded on a grade sheet, a copy of which will be issued to him. The grade sheet will be withheld when a student has not paid his dues or when there is a case of breach of discipline or unfair means pending against him. 4.19 While all the grades secured and other pertinent information for semesters are given in a grade sheet, the chronologically organized information from the grade sheets of a student with the necessary explanation constitutes his transcript which is issued at the time he/she leaves the Institute or at an intermediate point on request. 21 5. 5.01 Minimum Academic Requirements The educational philosophy of the University interlinks and at the same time distinguishes between the performance of a student in a single course and his/her overall cumulative performance. Accordingly the expected minimum academic requirements for the programs of the University are described in the following clause 5.02. 5.02 At the end of every semester/term the following minimum academic standards have to be maintained by the students. i) A student should have CGPA of at least 4.50 for under graduate courses and 5.50 for post graduate courses. ii) A student should have at least cleared as per his latest performance, two-thirds of the number of courses prescribed for him since his entry into the degree program. 5.03 At the end of 4th semester in three & four year degree course, 6 th semester in five year degree course and 2nd semester in two year degree course, the students having D and E grade will be given a chance to improve their grades by improvement Exam with a prescribed fee. The students, who cannot clear themselves to satisfy the above mentioned rule 5.02 even after appearing the improvement test, will suffer a year back to clear them in the next improvement examination. Similarly, the students who cannot satisfy the rule 5.02 within their scheduled course time can improve their D and E grades to clear themselves by improvement Exam which will be held after the publication of the result of the end semester of the final year with a prescribed fee. 5.04 The best performance between the original test and the improvement will be considered in final result. 22 6. Passout Eligibility 6.01 A student is deemed to have fulfilled their requirement of graduation for the program when he/she satisfies the following conditions:- i) Has cleared all the courses prescribed for him in his program. ii) Has obtained a minimum CGPA of 4.50 for under graduate programs, minimum CGPA of 5.5 for post graduate programs 6.02 iii) Has satisfied all requirements of these regulations. iv) Have not taken more time specified for completion of the course A student is deemed to have become eligible for the Bachelors Degree/Post Graduate Degree if, in addition to satisfying the above requirements of clause 6.01, he/she has i) Satisfied all the rules of evaluation. ii) No case of indiscipline or unfair means is pending against him. However, in case of a student having outstanding dues against him to be paid to the University, Hostel or any other recognized organ of the University, his/her degree will be withheld until the said dues are cleared. 6.03 Students who fulfill the Graduation/Post graduation criteria under 6.01 and 6.02 will be given a provisional 6.04 certificate. The following classification based on CGPA will be made and mentioned in the graduation certificate of the student. Distinction-CGPA 8.00 or more I Division-CGPA 6.00 or more but less than 8.00 for under graduate programs and 7.00 or more but less than 8.00 for post graduate programme. II Division- CGPA 4.50 or more but less than 6.00 for under graduate programs and CGPA 5.5 or more but less than 7.00 for post graduate programs. 23