Nonlinear Optimization

Introduction to Non-Linear Optimization
Optimization in Engineering Design
Georgia Institute of Technology
Systems Realization Laboratory
Nonlinear Optimization
Unlike for linear problems, a global optimum for a nonlinear
problem cannot be guaranteed, except for special cases, e.g.,
if you know the space is unimodal, or convex, or monotonicity
Two standard heuristics that most people use:
1) find local extrema starting from widely varying starting points of the
variables and then pick the most extreme of these extrema (if they
are not the same)
2) perturb a local extremum by taking a finite amplitude step away
from it, and then see whether your routine returns you to a better
point or "always" to the same one.
Question: How would you "automate" a search for a global
Optimization in Engineering Design
Georgia Institute of Technology
Systems Realization Laboratory
Basic Steps in Nonlinear Optimization
In its simplest form, a numerical search procedure consists
of four steps when applied to unconstrained minimization
1) Selection of an initial design in the n-dimensional space, where n
is the number of design variables
2) A procedure for the evaluation of the function (objective function)
at a given point in the design space.
3) Comparison of the current design with all of the preceding
4) A rational way to select a new design and repeat the process.
Constrained minimization requires step for evaluation of
constraints as well. Same applies for evaluating multiple
objective functions.
Optimization in Engineering Design
Georgia Institute of Technology
Systems Realization Laboratory
Nonlinear Optimization Process
• Simplistically, most design tasks seek to find a perturbation to an existing design
which will lead to an improvement. Thus, we seek a new design which is the old
design plus a change:
Xnew = Xold + d X
• Optimization algorithms use the same formula, but apply a two step process:
Xk = Xk-1 + aSk
• You (the engineer) have to provide an initial design X0.
• The optimization will then determine a search direction S k that will improve the
Next question is how far we can move in direction Sk before we must find a new
search direction. This is a one-dimensional search since we only have to determine
the value of the scalar a to improve the design as much as possible.
Optimization in Engineering Design
Georgia Institute of Technology
Systems Realization Laboratory
A Good Algorithm
A good algorithm is (among others):
• Robust – algorithm must be reliable for general design applications
and (thus) must theoretically converge to the solution point starting
from any given starting point.
General – Should not impose restrictions on the model's constraints
and objective functions.
Accurate – Ability to converge to precise mathematical optimum
point is important, though it may not be required in practice.
Easy to use – by both experienced and inexperienced users. Should
not have problem dependent tuning parameters.
Efficient – To be efficient, the number of repeated analyses should
be kept to a minimum. Hence, an efficient algorithm has 1) a faster
rate of convergence requiring fewer iterations, and 2) least number of
calculations within one (design) iteration.
Note: Tradeoffs have to be made
Optimization in Engineering Design
Georgia Institute of Technology
Systems Realization Laboratory
Zero and first order algorithms
You often must choose between algorithms which need only
evaluations of the objective function or methods that also
require the derivatives of that function.
Algorithms using derivatives are generally more powerful, but
do not always compensate for the additional calculations of
Note that you may not be able to compute the derivatives.
Optimization in Engineering Design
Georgia Institute of Technology
Systems Realization Laboratory
Basic Descent Methods
Basic descent methods are the basic techniques for iteratively
solving unconstrained minimization problems.
Important for practical situations because they offer the simplest
and most direct alternatives for obtaining solutions.
Also good as a benchmark.
Optimization in Engineering Design
Georgia Institute of Technology
Systems Realization Laboratory
General Basic Descent Method Algorithm
Basic steps:
1. start at an initial point;
2. determine according to a fixed rule a direction of movement; and
3. move in that direction to a (relative) minimum of the objective function
on that line.
4. At the new point, a new direction is determined and the same process
is repeated.
The primary difference between algorithms (steepest descent,
Newton's method, etc) is the rule by which successive directions of
movement are selected.
The process of determining the minimum point on a line is called line
Optimization in Engineering Design
Georgia Institute of Technology
Systems Realization Laboratory