Smarter Balanced Assessments 2014-15 Webinar #3 December 16, 2014 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Today’s Topics Digital Library Interim Assessments Summative Assessments Portal TIDE December 16, 2014 | Slide 2 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION A Balanced Assessment System December 16, 2014 | Slide 3 Technology Coordinator Training OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION OSPI working with AIR to set dates for technical webinar training sessions to take place end of January and early February Dates will be published in the Washington Assessment Weekly and sent out to Technology Directors mailing list December 16, 2014 | Slide 4 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION OSPI currently reviewing options some districts may want to utilize by allowing students to use their own (technology) devices. Intended for districts that have already implemented BYOD and have sufficient district capacity to ensure equity of access. Will provide guidance in early January. December 16, 2014 | Slide 5 Smarter Balanced – Preparing for New Test Scores 6 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Preparing for New Test Scores Smarter Balanced assessments measure the full range of the Common Core State Standards. They are designed to let teachers and parents know whether students are on track to be college- and career-ready by the time they graduate. Because the new standards set higher expectations for students--and the new tests are designed to assess student performance against these higher expectations--our definition of grade level performance is higher than it used to be. As a result, it’s likely that fewer students will meet grade level standards, especially for the first few years. Results should improve as students have additional years of instruction aligned to the new standards and become better equipped to meet the challenges they present. This does not mean that our students are “doing worse” than they did last year. Rather, the scores represent a “new baseline” that provides a more accurate indicator for educators, students, and parents as they work to meet the rigorous demands of college and career readiness. December 16, 2014 | Slide 7 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Percent of Field Test Sample That Met Standard (Scored Level 3 or Level 4) Grade ELA Math 3 38% 39% 4 41% 37% 5 44% 33% 6 41% 33% 7 38% 33% 8 41% 32% 11 41% 33% December 16, 2014 | Slide 8 Digital Library Educator resources for formative assessment practices to improve instruction 9 Digital Library Troubleshooting Basics for Granting Initial Access OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 1. Have the user check her junk/spam folder for the ‘welcome’ email from the original account creation. a. If it’s there, she’s fine and should try to get into the library with that password b. If it’s not there, give the teacher a heads-up that a password reset email is on the way, and reset the password 2. Double check the email address in ART matches the email she’s using to log in 3. Check that the password reset email isn’t caught in a school or district level filter 4. If password reset email has not hit district email at all, delete and recreate account using same email address (generates new ‘Welcome’ email) 5. If new ‘Welcome’ email doesn’t arrive, contact OSPI ( or 360-725-6109) December 16, 2014 | Slide 10 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Digital Library Broadening Access to New Groups Currently limited to public K-12 Adding users means adding administrators Working to expand access to other groups in a systematic way December 16, 2014 | Slide 11 Digital Library OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION For more information on how to add users, known issues and solutions/recommendations, educator collaboration, professional and instructional resources please view last month’s webinar by visiting October 10, 2014 Slide 12 Interim Assessments 13 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Interim Assessment Components Interim Assessment Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA) Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) December 16, 2014 | Slide 14 Interim Assessments Timeline OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Interim Assessments will be available Jan 6th Jan 6th – Comprehensive Interim Jan 27th – Interim Assessment Blocks Initial release will include fixed forms; adaptive forms will be available as the item pool allows December 16, 2014 | Slide 15 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Interim Test Login (draft) December 16, 2014 | Slide 16 Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs) OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Interim Comprehensive Assessments (ICAs) use the same blueprints as the summative assessments and assess the same standards. They will be provided as fixed forms and will become adaptive when item counts are adequate. The ICAs include the same item types and formats, including performance tasks, as the summative assessments, and yield results on the same vertical scale. The ICAs yield overall scale scores, overall performance level designations, and claim-level information. December 16, 2014 | Slide 17 Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) focus on smaller sets of targets and therefore provide more detailed information for instructional purposes. The blocks are available either as fixed forms or with the use of a computer adaptive algorithm. The IABs yield overall information for each block. December 16, 2014 | Slide 18 Interim Assessment User Interface, Scoring and Reporting OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION User interface Details for accessing items are not yet determined. Interim test engine is still in development. Scoring Interim assessments will have various item types, most of which will be machine scored Hand scoring will be a local (school/classroom) responsibility (Information coming to portal soon) Rubrics and training will be provided online as part of the system December 16, 2014 | Slide 19 ICA Reporting OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION ICA reporting is the same as for the summative assessment: Overall scale score with error band endpoints and achievement level per content area/subject. Claim score reporting is based on three classifications related to the overall scale score cut point between levels 2 and 3. December 16, 2014 | Slide 20 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION IAB Reporting Individual student scores are available for each block. Reporting for each block is based on three classifications related to the overall scale score cut point between levels 2 and 3: “Below Standard,” “At/Near Standard,” and “Above Standard.” December 16, 2014 | Slide 21 IABs for ELA OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) Grades 3-5 1 Read Literary Texts 2 Read Informational Texts 3 Edit/Revise 4 Brief Writes 5 Listen/Interpret 6 Research 7 Narrative Performance Task* Gr 4 and 5 only in 2014-2015 8 Opinion Performance Task* N/A in 2014-2015 9 Informational Performance Task* Gr 3 only in 2014-2015 * This is a full Performance Task as students experience in the summative assessment December 16, 2014 | Slide 22 IABs for ELA OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) Grades 6-8 1 Read Literary Texts 2 Read Informational Texts 3 Edit/Revise 4 Brief Writes 5 Listen/Interpret 6 Research 7 Narrative Performance Task* Not available in 2014-2015 8 Opinion Performance Task* Not available in 2014-2015 9 Informational Performance Task* * This is a full Performance Task as students experience in the summative assessment December 16, 2014 | Slide 23 IABs for ELA OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) High School 1 Read Literary Texts 2 Read Informational Texts 3 Edit/Revise 4 Brief Writes 5 Listen/Interpret 6 Research 7 Explanatory Performance Task* Not available in 2014-2015 8 Argument Performance Task* * This is a full Performance Task as students experience in the summative assessment December 16, 2014 | Slide 24 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION IABs for mathematics Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) Grades 3 1 Operations and Algebraic Thinking 2 Numbers and Operations in Base 10 Not available in 2014-2015 3 Fractions 4 Measurement and Data 5 Mathematics Performance Task* * This is a full Performance Task as students experience in the summative assessment December 16, 2014 | Slide 25 IABs for mathematics OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) Grades 4 1 Operations and Algebraic Thinking 2 Numbers and Operations in Base 10 3 Fractions 4 Geometry- Not available in 2014-2015 4 Measurement and Data 5 Mathematics Performance Task* * This is a full Performance Task as students experience in the summative assessment December 16, 2014 | Slide 26 IABs for mathematics OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) Grades 5 1 Operations and Algebraic Thinking 2 Numbers and Operations in Base 10 3 Fractions 4 Geometry 5 Measurement and Data - Not available in 2014-2015 6 Mathematics Performance Task* - Not available in 2014-2015 * This is a full Performance Task as students experience in the summative assessment December 16, 2014 | Slide 27 IABs for mathematics OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) Grades 6-7 1 Ratios and Proportional Relationships 2 Number System 3 Expressions and Equations 4 Geometry - Not available at Gr 7 in 2014-2015 5 Statistics and Probability - Not available in 2014-2015 6 Mathematics Performance Task* 1 2 3 4 5 Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) Grade 8 Expressions and Equations – I (and Proportionality) - Available with #2 as a single Expressions & Equations Block in 2014-2015 Expressions and Equations - II Functions Geometry Mathematics Performance Task* * This is a full Performance Task as students experience in the summative assessment December 16, 2014 | Slide 28 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION IABs for mathematics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) High School Algebra and Functions Linear Functions Quadratics Exponentials – Not available in 2014-2015 Polynomials – Not available in 2014-2015 Radicals – Not available in 2014-2015 Rationals – Not available in 2014-2015 Trigonometric – Not available in 2014-2015 Geometry Transformations – Not available in 2014-2015 Right Triangle Ratios Three-Dimensional Geometry – Not available in 2014-2015 Proofs – Not available in 2014-2015 Circles – Not available in 2014-2015 Applications – Not available in 2014-2015 December 16, 2014 | Slide 29 IABs for mathematics OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) High School Other 14 15 Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data – Not available in 20142015 Probability – Not available in 2014-2015 16 Making Inferences and Justifying Conclusions – Not available in 2014-2015 17 Mathematics Performance Task* * This is a full Performance Task as students experience in the summative assessment December 16, 2014 | Slide 30 Students in a GRADE – ICA Example State Bay View School District Bay View Central High Grade 11 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Home Page 31 December 16, 2014 | Slide 31 Students in a GRADE – ICA Mathematics Example State Bay View School District Bay View Central High Grade 11 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Home Page 32 December 16, 2014 | Slide 32 Individual STUDENT Report – ICA Example State Bay View School District Bay View Central High Grade 11 Patrick Bowman’s Results OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Home Page 33 December 16, 2014 | Slide 33 Summative Assessments 34 Summative Assessments OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Refusal Movement Paper/pencil option status Administration windows December 16, 2014 | Slide 35 Refusal Movement OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Following tradition, parental refusals to test Smarter Balanced are being submitted to district offices Important to note difference between ‘opt out’ and refusing to test Parents can refuse their child’s participation in the assessments Districts are obligated to provide a supervised setting for students who do not participate in the assessment See Test Refusal Form and Process draft documents at December 16, 2014 | Slide 36 Summative Assessments – Paper/Pencil OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Listening subtest administration includes more options than requiring CDs and headphones per student: One CD and headphone set per student One CD played to entire classroom Listening script read aloud to classroom A paper/pencil TAM will be available this month on the Portal December 16, 2014 | Slide 37 Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments - Administration Windows OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Smarter Balanced 2015 Testing Windows Grade 3 ELA March 10 to April 23 – online March 10 to April 15 – paper/pencil Grades 4–8 ELA and Grades 3-8 Math Last 12 weeks of school, but no earlier than March 10 and no later than June 15 – online March 10 to May 20 – paper/pencil Grade 10 ELA Last 12 weeks of school, but no earlier than March 10 and no later than June 15 – online Last 3 weeks of school, but no later than May 30 – paper/pencil Grade 11 ELA and Math Last 7 weeks of school, but no earlier than April 6 and no later than June 15 – online Last 3 weeks of school, but no later than May 30 – paper/pencil Off Grade Level (formerly called DAPE) March 10 - 26– online December 16, 2014 | Slide 38 Other Summative Assessments Administration Windows OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Measurements of Student Progress (MSP) 2015 Testing Windows Grades 5 and 8 Science April 20 to June 5 – online April 20 to May 19 – paper/pencil High School Exit Exams (HSPE and EOC) 2015 Testing Windows Grades 11 and 12 HSPE Retake o Reading o Writing March 17 March 18–19 Math EOC exit exams May 11 to June 12 Biology EOC exit exam May 11 to June 12 Science DAPE (available paper only) March 10 - 26– paper/pencil December 16, 2014 | Slide 39 Portal WCAP Portal – Opened December 5, 2014 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Please share widely OSPI’s Smarter Balanced page at as well as AIR’s WCAP portal at December 16, 2014 | Slide 41 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION WCAP Portal – Opened December 5, 2014 December 16, 2014 | Slide 42 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Material Development Plan in Context of MAAC Smarter Balanced AIR – MAAC Customization OSPI Customization December 16, 2014 | Slide 43 Practice and Training Tests 44 Practice and Training Tests OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION The Smarter Balanced Practice and Training tests will be available on the portal on December 19, 2014. The Practice and Training Tests are available now on the Smarter Balanced site: December 16, 2014 | Slide 45 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Practice and Training Test options Guest student Guest session • This is how students can take practice tests at home, for example, or how a member of the public can take a practice test Guest student Real session • Requires a Test Administrator with a user account in TIDE Real student Real session Smarter Balanced Portal WCAP Portal • Requires the student to be present in TIDE and requires a Test Administrator with a user account in TIDE • This most closely mimics the operational environment WCAP Portal December 16, 2014 | Slide 46 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION How students access the Student Interface Practice/Training tests • Desktop/laptop secure browser • Mobile secure apps • Supported web browsers Operational tests • Desktop/laptop secure browser • Mobile secure apps December 16, 2014 | Slide 47 Student and Staff Records Management in TIDE TIDE tasks Upload/edit staff records and roles Load accommodations and test settings Managing student rosters (only your enrolled students) Additional Materials Orders (not open yet) OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION NOT TIDE TASKS (these are CEDARS tasks) Adding/deleting students Editing student demographics or biographic info Flagging exempted students (home/private/F1 if enrolled) December 16, 2014 | Slide 49 Portal TIDE: Accessed through WA Portal: TIDE TIDE: Accessed through WA Portal: What OSPI will do OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Load initial staff records to TIDE DAC=DC; Designees=DA Emails will arrive as TIDE goes live 12/19 (unless TIDE is delayed by testing) Load unique student records to TIDE Provide list in WAMS of shared and/or dual primary SSIDs for review December 16, 2014 | Slide 52 What To Do Right Now OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Prep local security settings for emails Alert teachers that emails will be generated Separate email coming from OSPI 3 day expiration on temp password Can use ‘forgot password’ without security questions after temp password expires Upload staff records with roles December 16, 2014 | Slide 53 Adding Users: The (visual aid-free) Crash Course OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Click the User Information tab, then click “Upload Users”. The Upload Users page appears. Download one of the file templates by clicking “Download Excel Template” or “Download CSV Template” Open the file in a spreadsheet application or text editor, and add a row for each user you want to add, modify, or delete. Save the file on your computer. In the “Upload Users” page, click “Browse”, and navigate to the file you created in step 3. Click “Upload File”. TIDE displays a preview of the uploaded file. Use this preview to verify you uploaded the correct file Click “Next”. TIDE validates the file and displays error messages, if any. Click “Commit”. TIDE commits those records that do not have errors. December 16, 2014 | Slide 54 What should be done as interim assessments come online? OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Review your student lists in TIDE and CEDARS Review OSPI’s TIDE/Pre-ID business rules (plain language version coming to Portal ASAP under ‘resources’) Review list of potential duplicate students by SSID in WAMS (posting by 12/19) Load accommodations and test settings prior to interim administrations December 16, 2014 | Slide 55 SSID Uniqueness – Starting Fresh OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION OSPI uploads de-duplicated list of students to TIDE OSPI holds non-unique, active SSIDs aside to work with districts to resolve duplicates into single enrollment record at single site. Districts must generate new, unique SSIDs for all new students being imported into TIDE AFTER thorough review of existing SSIDs Private/homebased need SSID regardless of enrollment status in your district Collaborate with your district’s CEDARS administrator December 16, 2014 | Slide 56 What should be done: thinking long term OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Inter-district agreements about who is ‘primary’ Develop plan around non-enrolled student testers How much lead time do you need to create an SSID? Do they have to test on regular schedule or can they participate on makeup days? December 16, 2014 | Slide 57 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION SSID Uniqueness - Prep for Stragglers • Work to identify non-enrolled students who will be participating in testing and generate SSIDs WELL IN ADVANCE of the test date • At the Time of Testing (last minute walk-ins) 1. 2. 3. 4. Test coordinator/proctor searches CEDARS (if possible) for unique SSID if student not in TIDE If SSID can’t be found or no SSID exists, contact district coordinator (DC repeats step a) If student does not have an SSID, district coordinator works with CEDARS admin and OSPI customer support to generate new SSID SSID is sent directly to TIDE in near-real-time December 16, 2014 | Slide 58 Resources OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Portal resources: AIR Helpdesk (TIDE technical issues) TIDE training module (coming soon) TIDE User guide (under review) 1-844-560-7366 Email Support: OSPI (data accuracy in TIDE) December 16, 2014 | Slide 59 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Thank you! December 16, 2014 | Slide 60