The NERVOUS SYSTEM Bio 12 Divisions of the Nervous System

Bio 12
Sec 17.2
Divisions of the Nervous System
Name: ____________________
Date: ____________________
Use the organizer below as a template to guide your own notes.
Block: _____
Be sure to include: type of control, effectors, neurotransmitters & “reflex arc” and fight or flight reaction
Central Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
Autonomic Nervous System
Sympathetic Nervous System
Somatic Nervous System
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Fig 17.8, p329- Reflex Arc
The Nervous System
Learning Goals
Chap. 17 pg 322-331
I can identify & give the functions of the parts of a neuron: dendrite, cell body, axon, axoplasm, axomembrane
I can describe the different structures & functions of sensory, motor, and interneurons
I can explain the transmission of a nerve impulse using a graph and using the following terms:
– resting and action potential
-sodium & potassium ion channels/gates
– depolarization and repolarization
-sodium-potassium pump -all or none response
– refractory period
-threshold value
I can explain how the speed of impulse conduction is related to the following terms:
- myelin sheath
-Schwann cell
-node of Ranvier
- Saltatory transmission
I can identify the major components of a synapse:
– presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes
– synaptic cleft
– synaptic vesicle
– calcium ions & channels
– excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters
– receptor
-axon bulb
I can describe the steps that occur in order for a nerve impulse to be transmitter across a synapse
I can describe how neurotransmitters are deactivated after travelling across a synapse
I can list the locations and the functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems
I can compare the functions and organs/muscles involved in the autonomic & somatic nervous systems
I can identify and describe the parts of a reflex arc
I can compare and contrast the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the nervous system:
-“Fight or flight” vs “Housekeeping” – pupil size- heart rate – digestion – neurotransmitters -effectors
I can name the gland that secretes adrenalin and it’s role in the fight or flight response