Bio 12 Sec 17.2 pg328-331 Divisions of the Nervous System Name: ____________________ Date: ____________________ Use the organizer below as a template to guide your own notes. Block: _____ Be sure to include: type of control, effectors, neurotransmitters & “reflex arc” and fight or flight reaction The NERVOUS SYSTEM Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System Sympathetic Nervous System Somatic Nervous System Parasympathetic Nervous System Fig 17.8, p329- Reflex Arc The Nervous System Learning Goals Chap. 17 pg 322-331 I can identify & give the functions of the parts of a neuron: dendrite, cell body, axon, axoplasm, axomembrane I can describe the different structures & functions of sensory, motor, and interneurons I can explain the transmission of a nerve impulse using a graph and using the following terms: – resting and action potential -sodium & potassium ion channels/gates – depolarization and repolarization -sodium-potassium pump -all or none response – refractory period -threshold value -polarity I can explain how the speed of impulse conduction is related to the following terms: - myelin sheath -Schwann cell -node of Ranvier - Saltatory transmission I can identify the major components of a synapse: – presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes – synaptic cleft – synaptic vesicle – calcium ions & channels – excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters – receptor -axon bulb -enzyme I can describe the steps that occur in order for a nerve impulse to be transmitter across a synapse I can describe how neurotransmitters are deactivated after travelling across a synapse I can list the locations and the functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems I can compare the functions and organs/muscles involved in the autonomic & somatic nervous systems I can identify and describe the parts of a reflex arc I can compare and contrast the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the nervous system: -“Fight or flight” vs “Housekeeping” – pupil size- heart rate – digestion – neurotransmitters -effectors I can name the gland that secretes adrenalin and it’s role in the fight or flight response