PowerPoint 演示文稿

Part One
1. Word Association
2. Why Do People Travel ?
3. Quotations About Travel
Part One: Preparation >> Word Association
Word Association
Work in groups. Write as
many words related to travel
as you can.
Part One: Preparation >> Word Association
Part One: Preparation >> Word Association
Tourist attractions
places of interest,
scenic spots, historic
sites, museum, beach,
resort, mountain,
natural wonders,…
skating, skiing,
water-skiing, surfing,
wind-surfing, sailing,
kayaking, diving,
sunbathing, fishing,
horse-back riding,
Part One: Preparation >> Word Association
Things to take
backpack (rucksack), luggage,
suitcase, (video) camera, food,
money, foreign exchange,
traveler’s check, cash, currency,
credit card, map, passport, visa,
itinerary, phrase book, guidebook,
tent, sleeping bag, compass,
telescope, airfare, train
Part One: Preparation >> Word Association
Other words about
travel agency, travel
bureau, travel agent,
tourist group, travel
accident insurance,
tourism, guide, route,
landmark, natives,
scenery, landscape,
Part One: Preparation >> Why Do People Travel?
Why Do People Travel ?
Read the following quotations to find the
reasons why these people travel. Then
work in pairs and discuss other possible
reasons for travel.
Part One: Preparation >> Why Do People Travel?
Quotations for travel
1) When you combine learning with a fun experience,
you have an irresistible mixture. (From Reader’s
2) The reason you want to book packages is because
packages come with components put together for
you. (From “Bob Kaufman at Apple Vacation”)
3) The world is a book, and those who do not travel
read only a page. (St. Augustine)
Part One: Preparation >> Why Do People Travel?
1) They would like to experience something new when
traveling and learn from the experience.
2) They would like to have a comfortable journey and
enjoy the convenience offered by a package tour.
3) They would like to see the world and to understand
different cultures.
Part One: Preparation >> Why Do People Travel?
Other possible reasons for travel:
— To marvel at the wonder of Great Nature.
— To experience something unfamiliar.
— To escape from a boring lifestyle.
— To have a change.
— To be fashionable and follow suit.
— To leave a fond memory for later reflection.
— To have thorough relaxation.
— To expand/broaden one’s horizons.
— To know the history of some places.
— To learn about the special flavor of a certain culture.
Part One: Preparation >> Why Do People Travel?
— To enjoy life to its fullest.
— To share romance with one’s beloved.
— To enjoy the serenity of pastoral life.
— To expect a miracle.
— To fulfill the curiosity for something exotic.
— To challenge the extremes of one’s life.
— To experience something one learned from books
or somewhere else.
— To kill time.
— To make new friends.
— To have a second chance.
— To free oneself from prejudice.
Part One: Preparation >> Quotations for travel
Quotations About Travel
Seeing is believing.
blind man who leans against a wall imagines that
it’s the boundary of the world.
He that travels far, knows much.
● With
Latin, a horse, and money, you may travel the
world. 有马有钱有学问,独自一人走天下。
● A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.
Part One: Preparation >> Quotations for travel
Better to ask the way than go astray.
Custom is the guide of the ignorant.
Cheerful company shortens the miles.
Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of
education; in the elder, a part of experience.
—Lord Francis Bacon
Part One: Preparation >> Quotations for travel
● Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and
narrow-mindedness, and many of our people
need it sorely on these accounts. Broad,
wholesome, charitable views of men and
things cannot be acquired by vegetating in
one little corner of the earth all one's
—Mark Twain
Part One: Preparation >> Quotations for travel
● … nothing so liberalizes a man and
expands the kindly instincts that
nature put in him as travel and
contact with many kinds of people.
—Mark Twain
End of Part1
Go to Part 2
Part Two
Reading-Centered Activities
1. In-Class Reading
2. After-Class Reading
Part Two: In-Class Reading >>
In-Class Reading
Transformative Travel
Global Reading
Detailed Reading
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Pre-Reading
Background Information
Dream Trips in My Life
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Pre-Reading
Background Information
The Introduction of Aruba
Discovered and claimed by Spain in 1499, Aruba was acquired by
the Dutch in 1636. Aruba seceded from the Netherlands Antilles
in 1986 and became a separate, autonomous member of the
Kingdom of the Netherlands. Movement toward full
independence was halted at Aruba's request in 1990.
Location: Caribbean, island in the Caribbean Sea
Area : 193 sq km; slightly larger than Washington, DC
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Pre-Reading
Population: 71,218 (July 2004)
Climate: tropical marine; little seasonal temperature
Nationality: n. Aruban(s)
adj. Aruban; Dutch
Ethnic groups: mixed white/Caribbean Amerindian 80%
Languages: Dutch (official), Papiamento (a Spanish, Portuguese,
Dutch, English dialect), English (widely spoken), Spanish
Economy-overview: Tourism is the mainstay of the small open
Aruban economy, with offshore banking and oil refining and
storage also important.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Pre-Reading
Dream Trips in My Life
Work in pairs and tell each other
three places where you would make
your dream trips if you had the time
and money. Explain your reasons for
your choice.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Pre-Reading
If I had money and time, I would make my dream trips first to
Greece, next to Paris and then to Austria. I choose Greece first
because I’m very much interested in ancient Greek civilization
and I am longing for a visit to the Parthenon, the most important
and characteristic monument of Greek civilization.
Paris is my second choice because it is a romantic city and the
heaven for artists. Paris is known as the “City of Lights” for its
world-renowned beauty and charm. The Louvre, one of the largest
and most famous museums in the world, is located on the right
bank of the Seine River. The Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame
Cathedral and the Palace of Versailles are all attractive places of
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Pre-Reading
I choose Austria out of my love for classical music. The Land
of Music is a name often given to Austria, the hometown of
many world-famous classical musicians such as the Strauss
family, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Franz Schubert.
Hopefully, my dream will come true some day. As you can see,
all these places are located in Europe and it won’t cost too much
to visit them and it won’t take too long before I can save enough
to cover the expenses.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Global Reading
Global Reading
Organization Analysis
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Global Reading
Organization Analysis
Part I (para. 1-3) I felt like a wreck for I was dissatisfied with
my job and my engagement.
>> More
Part II (para. 4-6) I traveled to Aruba to transform myself.
>> More
Part III(para. 7-14) My trip to Aruba started a number of
processes of self-change.
>> More
Part IV (para. 15) I would continue going on transformative
trips to keep my growth in the future.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Global Reading
Part I (para. 1-3)
para. 1
I felt like a wreck and was at a loss.
para. 2
I felt trapped in the job and the engagement because
of the fantasy of being a successful and married man.
para. 3 On impulse, I made commitments to quit my job and
end my engagement publicly.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Global Reading
Part II (para. 4-6)
para. 4 I had mixed feelings about the two commitments I
made publicly and then I booked a trip to Aruba.
para. 5 I wanted a clean break in order to think clearly where I
was headed.
para. 6 When I was in Aruba I had the peace and quiet to sort
out my thoughts and I had the chance to change myself.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Global Reading
Part III (para.7-14)
para. 7
My trip to Aruba was worthwhile and it started a
number of processes to transform myself.
para. 8
I created mindset that made me ready for change.
para. 9
I insulated myself from the usual influences in my life
and the people whose approval was most important.
para. 10 I structured my life in order to produce change and
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Global Reading
para. 11
I pushed myself to experiment with new ways of
para. 12 I made public commitments of what I intended to do,
so it would be harder to back down.
para. 13 I processed my experiences systematically.
para. 14 I made changes when I returned that continued the
transformation that started while I was in Aruba.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Global Reading
Complete the summary of the text
with the appropriate words in the box.
Change the form where necessary.
There is one word which does not fit
in any of the blanks.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Global Reading
go on
head for
in case
Dissatisfied with both my job and my 1)engagement
__________, I went on
a trip to the little island of Aruba to transform myself by 2)
influences . With all my
_________ myself from the usual 3) _________
heart, I 4) __________ my time for the tasks carefully 5) _______
pushed myself to try new ways of living. 6) ________ that I
In casedown, I made public promises of what I planned to do. All
processed and
of my experiences were well 7) ________ for examination
Finally when I returned I kept making 8) ________
that continued the transformation
started in Aruba. As I had 9)
much from the trip, I would 10) _______ making
go on
transformative trips to continue my growth.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
Detailed Reading
Passage Reading
Understanding Sentences
Word Study
Group Discussion
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
Word Study
commitment n.
1. [C] a promise to do something 承诺,保证
1) Are you ready to make a long-term commitment?
2) Our company has a commitment to quality and
customer service.
2. [U] state of being devoted to something 致力,献身于
1) I was impressed by the commitment and energy shown by
the players.
2) We’re looking for someone with a real sense of
commitment to the job.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
commit v.
1. say you will do something
commit sb./oneself (to sth./to doing sth.) 向某人/自己保证
1) He has clearly committed his government to continuing
down the path of economic reform.
2) The banks have committed themselves to boosting profits
by slashing costs.
2. do something wrong or illegal 做,犯
commit murder/rape/arson/adultery/a crime, etc
1) Women commit fewer crimes than men.
2) commit suicide (=to kill yourself deliberately)
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
transition n.
something changes from one form/state to another 转变;过渡
1) We need to ensure a smooth transition between the old
system and the new one.
2) Making the transition from the youth to adulthood can be
very painful.
3) He will remain head of state during the period of
transition to democracy.
4) This course is useful for students who are in transition
(=in the process of changing) from one training program to
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
transform v.
completely change the appearance, form or character of
something/somebody 完全改变某事物/人的外观或特性
transform sth./sb. (from sth.) (into sth.)
1) The company has been transformed from a family
business to a multi-million-pound operation.
2) In only 20 years the country has been transformed into
an advanced industrial power.
3) A steam engine transforms heat into power.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
transformation n.
a complete change in somebody/something (外观或性质的)
transformation (from sth.) (to/into sth.)
1) His character seems to have undergone a complete
transformation since his marriage.
2) What a transformation! You look great!
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
break n.
[singular] discontinuation or end of a relationship 中止或断绝关
1) He was beginning to regret his break with the Labor
2) It was years before I plucked up
enough courage to make a clean
break and leave him.
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
reach v.
communicate with (somebody), esp. by telephone 与(某人)
联系; (尤指) 给(某人)打电话
1) Do you know where I can reach him?
2) I can’t reach him by phone/on the phone.
3) You can reach her on this phone number.
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
pay off
1. pay sth. off
to give someone all the money you owe them 全部偿还;
I’ll pay off all my debts first.
2. pay off [no object]
(of a risky policy, course of action, etc.) bring good result;
be successful; work (尤指冒风险的政策、做法等)带来好
Teamwork paid off.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
3. pay sb. off
to pay someone their wages and tell them no longer have
a job 付清某人工资予以解雇
The company paid off as many workers as it could before
4. pay sb. off
to pay someone not to say anything about something
illegal or dishonest 贿赂某人;用钱收买某人使之不做某
All the witnesses had been paid off.
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
horizon n.
1. on the horizon
to seem likely to happen in the future 即将发生的;临近的
1) Business is good now, but there are a few problems on
the horizon.
2) There’s trouble looming on the horizon.
2. the horizon
the line far away where the land or sea seems to meet the sky
1) The sun sank below the horizon.
2) We could see a ship on the horizon.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
3. horizons (pl)
the limit of your ideas, knowledge, and experience (知识﹑
经验﹑兴趣等的) 范围,见识,眼界
broaden/expand sb.’s horizons
1) The company needs new horizons now.
2) She wanted to travel to broaden her
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
insulate v.
1. to keep someone apart from particular experiences or
influences, especially unpleasant ones 使某人/某物与不良
1) The royal family tried to insulate him from the prying
eyes of the media.
2) Until now the industry has been insulated from economic
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
2. to cover or protect something with a material that stops
electricity, sound, heat, etc. from getting in or out (使事物)
1) Pipes may need insulating from/against the cold.
2) Home owners are being encouraged
to insulate their homes to save
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
approval n.
1. when a plan/decision is officially accepted 批准;同意
1) The president has already given/granted his approval to
the plan.
2) We received/obtained official approval to go ahead with
the project.
2. favorable opinion or judgment 赞成;认可
1) I hope that the arrangements meet with your approval.
2) His ideas have won widespread public approval.
3) Children are always seeking approval from their parents.
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
elicit v.
to succeed in getting information or a reaction from someone,
especially when this is difficult 从某人处引诱出,探出(事实,
1) When her knock elicited no response, she opened the
door and peeped in.
2) The test uses pictures to elicit words
from the child.
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
being n.
[U] existence 存在
1) What is the purpose of our being?
2) Do you know how Mount Fuji
came into being?
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
sample vt.
1. to try a small amount of food; to experience something for a
short time 品尝,尝试,体验
1) You should sample the local food.
2) Once you’ve sampled the pleasures/delights of country
life, you won’t want to live in the city.
2. to test part of something or a group of people in order to find out
what the rest is like 抽样调查
Twelve percent of the children sampled said they
preferred dogs to cats.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
sample n. [C]
1. a small amount of product that people can try in order to
find out what it is like 样品,货样
1) As part of their advertising campaign, they distributed
samples of the new shampoo.
2) “I’d like to see a sample of your work”, said the manager.
2. a small amount of a substance taken and tested to obtain
information about the substance (化验的)样本,取样,
1) The doctor took the blood sample of the patient.
2) Samples of the water contained pesticide.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
3. a small group of people who have been chosen from a
larger group to give information or answers to questions
1) The sample consisted of 98 secondary school teachers.
2) Out of random sample of drivers, 21% had been in an
accident in the previous year.
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
reinforce v.
1. to make a feeling, an idea, etc. stronger 加强;给(某事
1) His behavior reinforced my admiration of him.
2) The film reinforces the idea that women should be pretty
and dumb.
2. to make a structure, material or an army stronger 加固;
1) All buildings are now reinforced to withstand earthquakes.
2) The US has undertaken to reinforce its military presence
along the borders.
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
back down (BrE); back off (AmE)
to admit that you are wrong or that you have lost an argument
1) When presented with the evidence, the suspect backed
2) The government backed down on/from the proposal to
cut the defense budget.
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
perspective n.
[C] a particular way of thinking about something 视角,观点
1) His father’s death gave him a whole new perspective on
2) Our work in Uganda and Romania adds a wider/broader
3) The novel Harry Potter is written from a
child’s perspective.
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
incorporate v.
1. to include something as part of a group, system, plan etc. 包括;
1) We’ve incorporated many environmentally-friendly
features into/in the designs of the building.
2) Many of your suggestions have been incorporated
into/in the plan.
2. to form a legal corporation 组成公司
1) We had to incorporate the company for tax reasons.
2) He decided to incorporate his business.
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
dimension n.
a part of a situation or a quality involved in it 方面;侧面
add a new/an extra/another dimension (to sth.)
1) It is important to keep in mind the historical dimension to
these issues.
2) The baby had added a new dimension to
their lives.
Back to the text
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
Group Discussion
Directions: Work in groups to discuss the following questions.
What do you think of transformative travel? Do you
think it could be helpful? If so, in what way? What are
the disadvantages of transformative travel?
Can you think of any other ways to help people make
changes in their lives? What are they? Which way do
you think is the most effective and economical?
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
I think it’s interesting and effective. Any change
in scenery or surroundings can be beneficial. Yet
it is too expensive, too self-centered and too
time-consuming. Isolating oneself from one’s
friends and family doesn’t seem to be the best
way for transformation to take place. Anyway,
one has to get back to their friends and family
who are important to their life and happiness.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Detailed Reading
Other possible ways to make changes:
—to do new and different things (sports, reading,
—to do things to help other people;
—to look for a new job;
—to find a new hobby.
I think the most effective way is to help other people.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Post-Reading
Nouns or Verbs
Word Formation
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Post-Reading
Nouns or Verbs
Directions: The words in the box can be used either as nouns or
verbs. Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word. The
words can be used twice. Change the form if necessary.
1. Winning the competition put a(n) _________
end to his
financial problems.
2. She has _________
booked a table for four at their favorite
3. Jack left the job after ten years because he was
beginning to feel _________.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Post-Reading
4. It is not enough just to have ________
book learning.
5. Our conversation ________
ended with him saying he would try
to be more understanding.
appealto you?
6. Does the idea of working abroad ________
7. Hopefully, the thief will fall right into our ________.
8. The new name was meant to give the party greater public
samplesof your work to the
9. Please bring some ________
structureof this particular molecule (分
10. The chemical _________
子) is very unusual.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Post-Reading
11. His contribution was of little or no practical ________.
structured the program to reach all ages.
12. They _________
sampled a selection of different bottled waters.
13. We __________
process information
14. My new laptop (笔记本电脑) can _________
much more quickly than my old one.
valued the house at less than the price the
15. The bank ________
seller was asking.
16. Increasing the number of women in top management
jobs will be a slow _________.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Post-Reading
Word Formation
Directions: Study each pair of sentences and fill in each of the
blanks with the appropriate form of the word given. Pay attention
to the part of speech of the word you use.
1) empty
emptied out my bag to find my keys.
A. I _________
B. The isolation and _________
of her life is typical of what
many Asian women in Britain face.
2) terrify
A. She’s __________
terrified that her mother might find out her
B. I still find it _________
terrifying to find myself surrounded by
large numbers of horses.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Post-Reading
3) entertain
A. His books aren’t always well-written, but they are
always ___________.
B. This season’s ____________
includes five new plays
and several concerts of Chinese and Indian music.
4) introduce
A. Your report should include an ___________
that explains the objectives of your research.
B. Any ___________
introductionof a new product into the
marketplace has to be carefully planned.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Post-Reading
5) employ
employeda market researcher to find out
A. We have _________
what people really want from cable TV.
B. How long have you been looking for ___________?
6) transform
A. The reorganization will _________
the British
entertainment industry.
B. In recent years the film industry has undergone a
complete _____________.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Post-Reading
7) convince
convinced at all by his arguments of the truth
A. I wasn’t _________
of what she was saying.
B. I didn’t find the ending of the film very ___________.
8) approve
A. She looked at her son with ________.
approve of smoking in public places.
B. I don’t _________
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Post-Reading
9) isolate
isolates the house from the rest of the
A. A high wall ________
B. After all the guests had left, she experienced a feeling
of complete _________.
10) reinforce
A. I am sure that this meeting will contribute to the
reinforcement of peace and security all over the
B. Conclusions from the report have been _________
more recent studies.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Post-Reading
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English,
using the expressions in the brackets.
1) 我没料想到上演一个剧本需要这么多的工作。(involve)
I didn’t realize putting on/staging a play involved so
much work.
2) 最重要的不是你说的,而是你做的。( … not that… but
that… )
The most important thing is not what you say but what you
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Post-Reading
3) 在这样的情况下,这个结果是所能期待的最好的。(in
is the best result that can be expected in such
4) 你不是第一次处于这种情形。(find oneself…)
It isn’t the first time that you’ve found yourself in such a
5) 这个困难促使我动脑筋找出答案。(challenge)
This difficulty challenges my mind to find an answer.
6) 将要出现的新的威胁是失业。(on the horizon, unemployment)
The new threat on the horizon is unemployment.
Part Two: In-Class Reading >> Post-Reading
7) 我们有不同的方法表达同样的想法。(alternative)
We have alternative ways of expressing the same idea.
8) 他喝酒的老毛病又犯了。(slip into)
He slipped into the old habit of drinking.
End of In-Class Reading
Go to After-Class Reading
Part Two: After-Class Reading >>
After-Class Reading
Passage I
The Romance of Train Travel
Passage II
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
Passage I
The Romance of Train Travel
Comprehending the passage
Organization Analysis
Words and Expressions
Key Sentences
Main Points
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
Comprehending the Passage
Answer the following questions as fully as possible.
1. What is the common goal shared by carmakers, airline
owners, and the planners of mass transit systems?
The goal is to provide the passengers with faster and
faster ways to reach their destinations.
2. Why does a train whistle evoke a feeling of nostalgia?
Because it makes people remember a thriller that took
place on a train.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
3. Why was “Orient Express” so well-known?
Because it carried royalty, the rich, spies, and dangerous
international criminals. It was the scene of mystery, crime
and often history.
4. What happened to “Orient Express” after WWII?
What kind of train does it become now?
It went out of business after WWII. Now it is restored and
offers luxury.
5. What does the trip in “Trans-Siberian Special” offer to
its passengers?
The trip offers a daily lecture in which an expert explains
Russian history and culture to passengers.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
6. Who would probably be attracted by a typical journey
on “Mystery Express”?
People who have always wanted to play a role in an
Agatha Christie play or a Sherlock Holmes detective novel.
7. Why is “Toy Train” appealing to passengers?
Because it travels through rich, luxurious forests with
flowers, trees and various birds.
8. Which is the most unusual Indian train according to
the passage?
It is “The Great Indian Rover”.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
Organization Analysis
Part One
(para. 1)
High speed of the modern travel is a distinguishing
characteristic of the modern world.
Part Two
(para. 2)
People have a sense of nostalgia for the slower pace
of life.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
Part Three
(para. 3)
People have a feeling of nostalgia for the train travel
because of its romance.
Part Four
(para. 4-9)
Seven tours by train are available for the travelers who
enjoy romance of the past.
>> More
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
Part Four
(para. 4-9)
para. 4 “Orient Express” offers adventure for its passengers
in the past but now it offers luxury.
para. 5 “Trans-Siberian Special” offers opportunities to go
sightseeing and to get some cultural experience for
its passengers.
para. 6 “Mystery Express” provides its passengers with
entertainment in the form of a mystery game.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
para. 7 “Toy Train” travels through luxurious forests of
India and enables passengers to see a variety of
beautiful things.
para. 8 “Palace on Wheels” is for travelers with more time
and money because its luxurious cars used to
belong to an Indian prince.
para. 9 “Great Indian Rover” is for travelers who are
interested in religion.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
Words and Expressions
• transit >>
• once in a while >>
• bring on >>
• tell of >>
• take advantage of >>
• board >>
• figure out >>
• sightseeing >>
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
transit n. [U]
1. a system of public transportation 交通系统
The government promised to improve public transit.
mass transit system 大运力的公共交通系统
2. the process of being moved or carried from one place
to another 载运;运输
The luggage is damaged in transit (=while it is being
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
(every) once in a while
occasionally; from time to time; now and then 偶尔;
Once in a while we go to a restaurant — but usually we
eat at home.
I do get a little anxious every once in a while.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
bring sth. on
to make something develop, usually something unpleasant
The bright lights brought on a crushing headache?
He was suffering from stress
brought on by overwork.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
tell of
to describe an event or person 讲述;描述
That notice told of the proposed job cuts.
The poem tells of the
deeds of a famous warrior.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
take advantage of sth./sb.
1. to make use of something well; to make use of an
opportunity 充分利用
We took advantage of the hotel facilities.
She took advantage of the children’s absence to tidy
their rooms.
2. to make use of somebody/something in a way that is
unfair or dishonest (为达到个人目的而不正当地或不老实地)利
Don’t lend them the car—they are taking advantage of
You took unfair advantage of our friendship.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
board v.
1. (formal) to get on a bus, plane, train etc. in order to
travel somewhere 上(公共汽车、飞机、火车、船等)去某
The couple boarded the train for New York.
● Passengers were standing on the dock, waiting to
2. be boarding if a plane or ship is boarding, passengers
are getting onto it 可登(飞机、船等)
Flight BA193 for Paris is now boarding at Gate 37.
● Flight 678 will board passengers.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
on board n.
on or in a ship, a plane, or a train 在船上;在飞机上;在
There are 12 children on board
the ship.
Have the soldiers gone on
board yet?
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
figure out
1. to think about somebody/something until you understand
them/it 理解某人/某事物;弄明白
Women, I just can’t figured them out.
I can figure out how to do this.
2. to calculate an amount or the cost of something 计算出
Have you figure out how much the trip will cost?
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
sightseeing n. [U]
when you visit famous or interesting places, especially as
tourists 观光;游览
● She swam and sunbathed, went sightseeing and
Did you have a chance to do any sightseeing?
sightseer n. [C]
someone, especially a tourist, who is visiting a famous or
interesting place 观光客;游人
Oxford attracts large number of visitors and sightseers.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
Key Sentences
1. There’s a sense of romance about a train that
simply doesn’t exist on a modern jet plane.
Paraphrase There’s an air of romance about a train which
absolutely doesn’t exist on a modern jet plane.
The attributive clause “that simply doesn’t exist
on a modern jet plane” modifies the noun
“romance”. The word “simply” means “completely,
His pronunciation is simply terrible!
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
2. Soon after that, however, an American businessman
began to buy the old “Orient Express” cars and fix
them up.
Translation 然而没过多久,一个美国商人着手购买并整修了老
“东方快车” 的车厢。
However, soon after that, an American
businessman began to purchase, decorate and
repair the carriages of the old “Orient Express”.
Here the word “car” refers to “train carriage” (火车
车厢 ). The pronoun “them” refers to “the cars”.
The phrase “fix sth.up” means “to decorate or
repair something”.
We fixed up the guest bedroom before my
parents came to stay.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
3. In addition, there is a bonus on this trip; this extra
advantage is a daily lecture on board the train in
which an expert explains Russian history and culture
to the passengers.
Paraphrase Besides, there is a bonus on this trip; the extra
benefit is that an expert gives a daily lecture on
board to explain Russian history and culture to
the passengers.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
Comments The attributive clause “in which an expert
explains Russian history and culture to the
passengers” modifies the noun “lecture”. The
noun “advantage” in this sentence is an
uncountable noun which means “benefit or profit”
There is little advantage in buying a dictionary
you can’t read.
It will be to your advantage to study Chinese.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
4. On this six-day tour from Calcutta, passengers travel
to a town in Nepal, where Buddha was born, and
also to the place where Prince Gautama sat under
the bodhi tree and became Buddha.
Comments Notice the two attributive clauses used in this
sentence. The non-restrictive attributive clause
“where Buddha was born” modifies the noun
“Nepal” and the restrictive attributive clause
“where Prince Gautama sat under the bodhi tree
and became Buddha” modifies the noun “place”.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
Main Points
People are always on the move and the fast speed is one
of the main characteristics of the modern world. The mass
transit systems are fast. However, many people actually
want to slow down. They have a strong sense of nostalgia
for the slower pace of life of the past. There is a romance of
train travel which does not exist on the modern means of
transportation. Some railroad companies take advantage of
people’s nostalgia for train travel to offer tours by train.
Those unique tours are as follows: the tour on “Orient
Express”, the tour on “Trans-Siberian Special”, the tour on
“Mystery Express”, the tour on “Toy Train”, the tour on
“Palace on Wheels” and the tour on “The Great Indian
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
Passage II
Comprehending the passage
Organization Analysis
Words and Expressions
Key Sentences
Main Points
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
Comprehending the passage
Answer the following questions as fully as possible.
1. What major character of the Arubans can you learn
about from the passage?
The Arubans are very cordial.
2. What kind of night activities can tourists take part in
if they are in Aruba during the New Year’s holiday?
Tourists can go to the gambling casinos and night clubs to
have fun. They can also enjoy the spectacular midnight
fireworks display.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
3. What daytime activities are tourists recommended to
participate in while they visit Aruba?
They are recommended to participate in such activities as
swimming, sunbathing, diving, windsurfing, etc.
4. Why was the ship “California” so “notorious”?
The ship received the distress signals of the sinking “Titanic”
in that Atlantic Ocean tragedy but it failed to respond.
5. Besides the sunny beaches and night clubs, what
else does Aruba boast?
Aruba also boasts a fascinating history and many historic
sites to show for it.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
Organization Analysis
Part One
(para. 1)
The Arubans are cordial all the year round but are
especially hospitable during the New Year’s holiday.
Part Two
(para. 2)
Aruba has many spectacular daytime attractions.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
Part Three
(para. 3)
Aruba boasts many historic sites, natural wonders,
shopping facilities and casinos for entertainment.
Part Four
(para. 4-9)
The fantastic scenery in Aruba and the cordiality of its
people make it a really beautiful and precious part of
the Caribbean islands.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
Words and Expressions
• be descended from>>
• firework >>
• attraction >>
• stretch >>
• notorious >>
• facility >>
• boast >>
• historic >>
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
be descended from
to be related to somebody who lived a long time ago 为某
He claims to be descended from the Spanish prince.
We are descended from the kings of Ireland.
descendant n.
one descended from a certain ancestor; an offspring 后代/裔
He was a direct descendant of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Many of them are descendants of the original settlers.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
firework n.
1. [C] [usually plural] a small container filled with powder
that burns or explodes to produce colored lights and
noise in the sky 烟火
The boys were in the back yard setting off fireworks.
2. [spoken] display of anger, wit, etc. 愤怒、机智等的表现
● There’ll be fireworks if I get home late again.
● Just watch the fireworks when your father catches those
3. something that is exciting and impressive 令人兴奋的事情
If anything can produce fireworks, it is the sweetheart’s
kiss or the touch of a lover’s hand.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
attraction n. [C]
something interesting or enjoyable to see or do 有吸引力的
The beautiful beaches are the island’s main attraction
(=most popular place, activity, etc.).
Buckingham Palace is a
major tourist attraction (=a
place that many tourists visit).
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
stretch v.
to straighten your arms, legs, or body to full length 伸展(四
Sally sat up in bed, yawned, and stretched.
Always stretch before exercising.
He stretched out his arm to take the book.
She stretched her neck up.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
notorious adj.
famous or well-known for something bad 臭名昭著的;声
The bar has become notorious as a meeting-place for
drug dealers.
The country is notorious for its
appalling prison conditions.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
facility n.
rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a
particular purpose 设施
sports/leisure facilities
shopping/banking/cooking facilities
The hotel has special facilities for welcoming disabled
All rooms have private facilities (=a private bathroom).
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
boast v.
1. (not used in the progressive tenses) (written) to have
something that is impressive and that you can be proud of
The hotel also boasts two swimming pools and a golf
2. to talk with too much pride about something that you have
or can do 自夸;自吹自擂
She is always boasting about how wonderful her
children are.
● He openly boasted of his skill as a burglar.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
historic adj.
1. a historic place or building is very old 古旧的
The government funded the restoration of those historic
There are many scenic spots and historic sites in this
2. a historic event or act is very important and will be
recorded as part of the history 历史性的;有历史意义的
That is a historic meeting of world leaders.
● “It
is a historic moment”, he told journalists.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
cf. historical
1. relating to the past 历史((上)的
● It is important to look at the novel in its historical context.
● We should know about the historical background to the
2. connected to the study of history 以对历史的研究为基础
I have been doing some historical research.
● We have no historical evidence for it.
3. historical events, facts, people etc. happened or existed
in the past 真实的,有史可记的
● Was King Arthur a real historical figure?
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
bet n. [C]
1. an agreement to risk money on the result of a race, game,
competition etc. 赌博
A few of us had a bet on who’d get married first.
If he scores now, I’ll win/lose my bet.
2. money that you risk on a bet 赌注
I’ve got a $ 10 bet on the National.
We placed/put /laid bet on three horses.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
Key Sentences
1. A spectacular midnight fireworks display will add to
the celebration and musicians will walk from house
to house singing good-luck greetings for the New
Translation 壮观的午夜烟花表演也增添了庆典的气氛。音乐家们
In this sentence the present participle phrase
“singing good-luck greetings for the New Year”
acts as the adverbial modifier.
They sat in front of their house laughing
and chatting.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
2. Divers will marvel at one of the Caribbean’s largest
shipwrecks, a 400-foot World War II German
freighter that was abandoned by its crew and later
sank off one of the famous beaches.
Notice that “a 400-foot World War II German
freighter… the famous beaches” is in
apposition to “one”. And the noun “freighter” is
modified by an attributive clause “that was
abandoned by its crew and later sank off one of
the famous beaches”.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
The other two sentences in which apposition is
used in this passage are as follows:
♦ Experienced divers will want to explore the
notorious “California”, the only ship that
received the sinking “Titanic”’s distress signals
in that Atlantic Ocean tragedy.
♦ The Natural Bridge, a dramatic coral structure
100 feet long and rising 25 feet above sea level,
is also a favorite scene along the northern coast
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
3. Aruba also has many sports facilities for sailing,
deep-sea fishing, water-skiing, golf, tennis,
horseback riding, and less demanding activities like
shuffle-board, table tennis, and countless board and
card games.
Comments The main structure of this long sentence is
“Aruba has many sports facilities”. The word “for”
is used to show purpose or function and it is
followed by many nouns such as “sailing, deepsea fishing… and activities”. The word “like” here
means “such as; for example”.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
Are you learning English for pleasure or for
your work?
● She
likes to run for exercise.
Things like glass, paper, and plastic can all be
● Try
to avoid fatty foods like
cakes and biscuits.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage I
4. Win or lose, a person is always lucky while visiting
the fantastic island of Aruba!
No matter whether a person wins or loses, he
is always lucky while visiting the fantastic
island of Aruba!
The phrase “win or lose” is an informal
expression which means “no matter whether
you win or lose”.
Win or lose, I love competitive sports.
Part Two: After-Class Reading >> Passage II
Main Points
Aruba is a beautiful island in the center of the Caribbean
Sea. The Arubans are very cordial and offer a warm
welcome to visitors all year round but show unusual
hospitality during the New Year’s holiday. Aruba has many
daytime attractions such as the beautiful sunny beaches,
The WWII German freighter, the notorious “California”, the
magnificent reefs, etc. Aruba also provides many sports
facilities. Besides, it boasts many historic sites and natural
wonders. Aruba is a shopper’s paradise because there are
wonderful boutiques and duty-free stores in Aruba. Visitors
can go to the gambling casinos for entertainment, too.
Aruba is a true jewel in the crown of Caribbean islands.
End of Part2
Go to Part 3