Introduction to Client-Side Web Development Introduction to Client-Side programming using JavaScript DOM and JavaScript; basic syntax and concepts 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias Introduction to Client-Side Web Development Contents • • • • Understanding the DOM Introduction to JavaScript JavaScript syntax JavaScript objects 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 2 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development DOM Basics: The Object Model I • An Object Model comprises of objects connected in a hierarchical structure. • The top-most object is called the root of the object model, and all the other objects stem from it. • Objects have properties and methods. Properties define the attributes of the object, and methods describe the actions that the object has. • The object model provides mechanisms where the user can navigate, request or define properties, and execute methods. 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 3 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development DOM Basics: The Object Model II • To navigate to an object in the model you use the dot (.) syntax. window.location.href = "" • Objects are some times single, but they can also form a collection of objects. window.document.forms[0].elements[3] • The object model can be represented with a tree structure. Each object is a node of the tree, and it has a parent node, children nodes, and siblings. 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 4 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development DOM Basics: Browser Object Model • The Browser Object Model describes the object model that a browser provides the user: window document history location navigator Document object: represents the HTML document including the elements and attributes. History object: represents the browser's history object that contain information about previously navigated pages. Location object: defines the location of the page loaded in the browser's window. Navigator object: provides information about the browser itself. 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 5 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development DOM Basics: The Document Object Model • The Document Object Model (DOM) is a platform and language neutral model that allows access to its content. • Through the DOM you can access any of the elements and attributes of an HTML document. • DOM Level 1 (defined by W3C) is compatible with most of the browsers (especially Netscape is fully compatible). • DOM Level 2, 3 also supports StyleSheet objects. document anchors applets body forms images links elements 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 6 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development DOM Basics: The Document Object Model • There are three ways to locate and work with elements in an HTML document using DOM: – DOM as Objects – DOM as Nodes – DOM using an ID 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 7 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development DOM Basics: DOM as Objects • To locate an element object within a collection, you define its position in the document by referring to its index value (limited to collection of elements only). document.forms[0].elements[0] • This method can be very handy when accessing a collection of similar elements. document.images[0].src = "image.jpg" NOTE: Inserting an element in the document may cause reference problems, as the elements are depended on their position on the document. 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 8 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development DOM Basics: DOM as Nodes I • DOM as Nodes: where you can access any element within the tree structure of the document. You can get, change, or add nodes to the document object model. document.childNodes[0].childNodes[0] • The content of an element is called text node and can be accessed by: document.childNodes[0].text = "text" • You can navigate to find any type of attributes in the same way we accessed the text node. For example to change the source of an image you would do: document.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].src = "img.jpg" 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 9 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development DOM Basics: DOM as Nodes II • Node walking is not a recommended approach. • But… the best thing about the DOM and nodes is that you can add and remove nodes. • E.g.: new_element = document.createElement("div") document.childNodes[1].appendChild(new_element) new_text_node = document.createTextNode("text") document.childNodes[1]. lastChild.appendChild(new_text_node) 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 10 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development DOM Basics: DOM using an ID • DOM using an ID: you can reference a specific element. document.getElementById("email") • Locating elements in a document through the id of the element is preferred, rather than using the object collections or node walking. • You can access all attributes of a specific element: document.getElementById("img_01").setAttribute("src" , "img_02.jpg") NOTE: What you have to be aware of is that every element you want to locate through the DOM has to have a unique id. 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 11 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development History: JavaScript • JavaScript was developed by Netscape and was then known as LiveScript. • JavaScript was supported only by Netscape initially, and as Netscape would only licence technology to Microsoft, Microsoft implemented JScript to run on Internet Explorer. • The European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) turned the variations of JavaScript and JScript into an international standard script language called ECMAScript. • So the term "JavaScript" represents both Netscape and Microsoft implementation of ECMAScript. 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 12 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Introduction I • With HTML only, there is no way you could perform any kind of dynamic operation over the information within the document. • Once the pure HTML document is displayed on the browser the page is static. • What makes a page dynamic is the scripting language. • The scripting language allows the creation of dynamic HTML (DHTML) pages, where the user can, for example, perform calculations, change the user interface, or generate dynamic content, all that within the same page. 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 13 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Introduction II • The most popular client-side scripting language is JavaScript. • JavaScript adds logic and reactivity to the HTML document. • JavaScript is not an independent language that could create stand alone applications. It can only run within another application (the browser). NOTE: JavaScript is NOT Java! 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 14 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Basic Syntax I • With JavaScript the developer can: – Define variables var x = 1; – Create objects var newElement = document.createElement("div"); – Create and call functions function add(x, y) { return x+y; } … sum = add(2, 3); 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 15 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Basic Syntax II – Respond to events <img src="img.jpg" id="img1" nmouseover=“doit();"/> – Perform basic operations x = x + 5; – Use basic control statements if (x>y) { y=x; } else { x=y; } – Comment the source code x += 4 // this is a comment /* using this type of comments you can go over many lines of code */ 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 16 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Basic Syntax III • JavaScript is case sensitive (optional for some browsers) • Variables should be defined (optional… but recommended) • Each statement ends with a semicolon (optional for some browsers) NOTE: Commenting the source code is very helpful, but remember that the user can see the source code, so you may not want to give too many details about something!!! 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 17 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Functions • Using functions the developer structures the code and makes it more efficient. • Function is a logical set of statements that perform a specific task. • Function syntax: function add(x, y) { var sum; sum = x + y; return sum; } • The code within a function is only executed when the function is called. To call a function you type: s = add(3, 8); 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 18 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Events • Events are generated from the elements within the HTML document. • Events are caused by the user when an action is performed. Then the browser flags an event associated with the performed action. • An event handler executes the associated action for the respective event. <img src="close.jpg" id="close" onclick="closeWindow();" /> or <img src="close.jpg" id="close" onclick="window.close();" /> • Each element has a specific set of event handlers. 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 19 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: How it works • JavaScript is inserted in the HTML document and it can be executed on the client only. • If a task can be performed at the client side, that will reduce the performance load of the server, and as a result it will be faster and more efficient for the user. • JavaScript is an interpreted language, the code is not compiled, therefore each line of code is processed as the the script is executed. • You can either execute the JavaScript code before the HTML page is displayed or after. 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 20 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: How it works • Because the JavaScript is executed as the page is parsed by the browser (from top to bottom), there is a possibility that some errors may occur: – If you refer to a function that has not yet been processed by the browser you will get an error. – Once the document is fully displayed there is no way you can add dynamic text to the document (e.g. by document.write(“abc");) • For security reasons JavaScript cannot perform operations such as: – Read directory structures – Execute commands or applications • JavaScript can be defined is three basic ways in the HTML document: – – – – Inline Embedded External Combination of the above 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 21 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Inline scripting • Inline scripting is used when the user performs an action on an element. <img src="close.jpg" id="close" onclick="window.close();" /> <img src="close.jpg" id="close" onclick="gotoPage('1');" /> • You can take advantage of the fact that the element is implied when the script is inline with the element's tag. <img src="img.jpg" id="img" onmouseover="src='img_2.jpg';" onmouseout"src='img_1.jpg';" /> • From the previous example we observe the use of single quotes within double quotes to be able to distinguish one from the other. • You could also have the double quotes within the single quotes, but you can never use same quotes within same quotes. 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 22 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Embedded scripting • Embedded scripting is the most popular way of scripting. • Its basic syntax is: <script type="text/javascript"> <!-window.alert("Hello World!"); //--> </script> • The main body of the script is placed within <!-- and //-->. This is done for the browsers that do not support JavaScript, so that the script is not processed and displayed on the screen. • The example above is executed when the document is parsed. • Embedded scripting is used when we want to create functions. Functions will be executed only when they are called. 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 23 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: External scripting • External scripting is used when you want to reuse your code all over your Web pages. • Having an external JavaScript file that all of your pages use, saves you from having to update your code over every page that uses it. • The external JavaScript file is a plain text file with the extension ".js" (e.g. highlight.js). • The reference to an external JavaScript file from an HTML page is as follows: <script language="javascript" src="highlight.js" /script> • The source code from external JavaScript files is not directly visible on the HTML document, but the source files can either be found on the browser's cache directory or downloaded from the server. 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 24 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Event Handlers • Event handlers are very important part of a dynamic page, as they respond to the user's actions. • There are some standard events that are used by most elements and there are other specific to one or just a few elements. • Event handlers are lowercase and curry an "on" prefix. • Some standard event handlers are shown on the next page. 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 25 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Event Handlers onfocus onmouseover onclick onkeydown onload onmousedown onmousemove onchange onreset 3th February 2005 onblur onmouseout ondblclick onkeyup onunload onmouseup onkeypress onselect onsubmit Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 26 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Operators • Operators operate on values. There are five types of operators: – – – – – Arithmetic Operators Assignment Operators Comparison Operators Logical Operators String Operators 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 27 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Arithmetic Operators Operator Description Example Result + Addition x=2 x+2 4 - Subtraction x=2 5-x 3 * Multiplication x=4 x*5 20 / Division 15/5 5/2 3 2.5 % Modulus (division remainder) ++ Increment 5%2 10%8 10%2 x=5 x++ 1 2 0 x=6 -- Decrement x=5 x-- x=4 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 28 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Assignment Operators Operator Example Is The Same As = x=y x=y += x+=y x=x+y -= x-=y x=x-y *= x*=y x=x*y /= x/=y x=x/y %= x%=y x=x%y 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 29 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Comparison Operators Operator Description Example == is equal to 5==8 returns false != is not equal 5!=8 returns true > is greater than 5>8 returns false < is less than 5<8 returns true >= is greater than or equal to 5>=8 returns false <= is less than or equal to 5<=8 returns true 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 30 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Logical Operators Operator && Description || or x=6 y=3 (x==5 || y==5) returns false ! not x=6 y=3 x != y returns true 3th February 2005 and Example x=6 y=3 (x < 10 && y > 1) returns true Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 31 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: String Operators • The String Operator contains all comparison operators and the concatenation operator (+). • You can concatenate strings with strings, or even string with numbers. When concatenating strings with numbers the number is automatically converted into string, so the result is a string. var id=123; var name="Andrew"; document.write("Name="+ name+" has id=" + id); 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 32 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Objects • JavaScript supports a set of built-in core language objects available for both the client and the server side development platforms. • The basic built-in core language objects are: Global Object Array Object String Object Date Object Math Object Number Object Error Object Boolean Object RegExp Object Function Object • You can also create your own objects 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 33 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: The Global Object • The basic methods and properties are provided bellow: – Methods escape(): Returns a string with the numeric equivalent of all nonalphanumeric characters entered. eval(): Evaluates a sting as a source code isFinite(): Checks whether a variable has finite bounds isNaN(): Checks whether or not a variable is a valid number parseFloat(): Converts a string into a float number parseInt(): Converts a string into an integer number unescape(): Converts a hexadecimal value into the ISO-Latin-1 ACSII equiveland – Properties Infinity: Represents positive infinity NaN: Represents an object not equal to any number 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 34 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: The String Object • The basic methods and properties are provided bellow: – Methods charAt(): Returns the character of a specific index concat(): Concatenates two strings into one indexOf(): Returns the index of the first occurrence of a string passed lastIndexOf(): Returns the index of the last occurrence of a string passed match(): Returns an array containing the matches found, based on the regular expression string passed replace(): Returns the string resulting from performing a search and replace using the regular expression and replace string passed substring(): Returns the string between the first and last index passed toLowerCase(): Converts all characters in the string passed to lower case – Properties length: Represents the length of the string prototype: Provides the capability to add properties to instances of the String object 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 35 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: The String Object • The String Object has also some formatting methods. The basic methods are provided bellow: anchor(): Converts the string into an instance of the <a> element big(): Converts the string into an instance of the <big> element bold(): Converts the string into an instance of the <bold> element fixed(): Converts the string into an instance of the <tt> element fontcolor(): Sets the color attribute of an instance of the <font> element fontsize(): Sets the size attribute of an instance of the <font> element italics(): Converts the string into an instance of the <i> element link(): Converts the string into an instance of the <a> element small(): Converts the string into an instance of the <small> element strike(): Converts the string into an instance of the <strike> element sub(): Converts the string into an instance of the <sub> element sup(): Converts the string into an instance of the <sup> element • Special Characters \t (tab) \\ (backslash) 3th February 2005 \n (new line) \b (backspace) \r (carriage return) \" (double quote) Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 \f (form feed) \' (single quote) 36 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: The RegExp Object • The basic methods and properties are provided bellow: – Methods compile(): Compiles the regular expression (for faster execution) exec(): Executes the search for a match test(): Tests for a string match – Properties RegExp.$*: Represents multiline RegExp.$&: Represents lastmach RegExp.$_: Represents input RegExp.$`: Represents leftContext RegExp.$': Represents rightContext RegExp.$+: Represents lastParen 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 37 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: The Array Object • The basic methods and properties are provided bellow: – Methods concat(): Concatenates the elements passed pop(): Deletes the last element of an array push(): Adds elements to the end of the array reverse(): Reverses the order of the elements within the array shift(): Deletes elements from the front of an array slice(): Returns a subsection of the array sort(): Sorts the elements in the array splice(): Inserts and removes elements from an array unshift(): Adds elements to the from of an array – Properties index: If the array is a result of a regular expression this property returns the index of the match input: If the array is a result of a regular expression this property returns the original string length: Represents the number of elements in the array prototype: Provides capability to add properties to instances of the Array object 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 38 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: The Date Object • The basic methods and properties are provided bellow: – Methods getDate(): Returns date within month getDay(): Returns day within week getFullYear(): Returns the four digit year in local time getHours(): Returns the hour within the day getMilliseconds(): Returns the milliseconds getMinutes(): Returns the minutes within the hour getMonth(): Returns the month within the year getSeconds(): Returns the seconds within the minute set…(): Sets the respective values (as above) to a Date object toGMTString(): Returns the Date string in Universal format – Properties prototype: Provides capability to add properties to instances of the Date object 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 39 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: The Math Object • The basic methods and properties are provided bellow: – Methods abs(): Absolute value cos(), sin(), tan(): Cosine, sine, and tangent respectively (in radians) exp(): Euler's exponential function log(): Natural logarithm with base e max(), min(): Max and min respectively of two values passed pow(): Power of the first value to the second value passed random(): Random number between 0 and 1 round(): Rounded (whole) number of the value passed sqrt(): Squared root – Properties E: Euler's constant (e=2.718…) LN2, LN10: Natural Log of 2 and 10 respectively LOG2E, LOG10E: Log base -2 and -10 of E PI: Pi (=3.14…) SQRT1_2, SQRT2: Square root of 0.5 and 2 respectively 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 40 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: The Boolean Object • The basic methods and properties are provided bellow: – Methods toString(): Returns the string "true" if the values passed is true or the string "false" if the value is false. – Properties prototype: Provides the capability to add properties to instances of the Boolean object 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 41 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: The Number Object • The basic methods and properties are provided bellow: – Methods toSource(): Concatenates the elements passed toString(): Deletes the last element of an array valueOf(): Adds elements to the end of the array – Properties MAX_VALUE, MIN_VALUE : Largest and smallest number supported (1.797…e+308 and 5e-324 respectively) NaN: Not-a-Number value NEGATIVE_INFINITY, POSITIVE_INFINITY: Negative and positive infinity respectively prototype: Provides the capability to add properties to instances of the Number object 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 42 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: The Error Object • The basic methods and properties are provided bellow: – Methods toString(): Concatenates the elements passed – Properties description: Description string of the error message: Returned error message name: Exception type of the error number: Numerical value of the error 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 43 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: The Function Object • This object lets the user to define and compile a function at runtime. The syntax is as follows: newFunctionObj = new Function([arg1, arg2, …,arg3], body) • Function objects are slower in execution than normal functions. 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 44 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Control Statements • You can build complex control statements with JavaScript. The basic control statements are: – Conditional Statements • if • if…else • try…catch…finally – Looping Statements • • • • • for for…in while do…while break and continue – Label Statement – With Statement – Switch Statement 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 45 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Conditional Statements Conditional Statements if (condition) { statements } if (email=="") { alert("Please fill in the email box"); } if (condition) { statement } else {statement } if (email=="") { alert("Please fill in the email box");} else { submitPage();} try { statement } catch(exception) { statement } finally { statement } try { if (id=="") { throw "Invalid id error";} submitPage(id); } catch(e) { alert("Error: " + e); } finally { close(); } 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 46 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Looping Statements • Looping Statements for ([initExpr];[condExpr];[loopExpr]) { statements } for (var i=0; i<10; ++i) { alert("Step " + i); } for (property in Object) { statements } var dObject = document; for (var pName in dObject) { alert("pName = " + dObject[pName]); } while (condition) { statements } while (i<10) { alert("i=" + i); i+=2;} do {statements} while (condition) do { alert("i=" +i); i+=2;} while (i<10) break and continue for (var i=0; i<10; ++i) { if (i>5) { break; } if (i<3) { continue; } alert(i); } th 3 February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 47 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Label Statement • Label Statement … var n = 10; loopX: for (var i=0; i<n; ++i) { if (i>5) { n = 5; break loopX; } if (i<3) { continue; } alert(i); } 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 48 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: With Statements • with (object) { statements } … with (document) { write("The document\'s title is: " + title); write("The document\'s URL is: " + URL); } 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 49 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development JavaScript: Switch Statement switch (expression) { case value1: statement; break; case value2: statement; break; default : statement; } var type="red"; switch (type) { case "red": alert("red"); break; case "blue": alert("blue"); break; default: alert("Not red or blue"); } 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 50 Introduction to Client-Side Web Development Closing • • • • Questions??? Remarks??? Comments!!! Evaluation! 3th February 2005 Bogdan L. Vrusias © 2005 51