Design Mechanisms The path to successful projects Lars Fredholm MagicIT Bio Lars Fredholm, System Enginer IBM, RSV, LANI, MSC, MagicIT AB C, Clipper, VO, SQL-Windows, VB/MTS, Java Rose Experience since 1993 (Rose 2.x) Today: Rational OOAD/Rose Certified Instructor, MCP Consulting in Rational’s Tools Architectural Mechanisms? The Architect Mind What does it mean technically? Architectural Mechanisms? Technical functionality that is needed GUI Window Navigatio n Persistency Broker/ Transaction Stateless/ State Concurrency/ Distribution Securit y Master/ Detail Communicatio n Legacy System/ Language/ Errors Reportin g Device s Architectural Mechanisms Three Categories Architectural Mechanism Categories – Analysis Mechanisms (conceptual) – Design Mechanisms (concrete) – Implementation Mechanisms (actual) Exampel – Persistence => Database => Sybase Architectural Mechanisms have Characteristics Persistency – Granularity: 1 to 10 Kbytes per row – Volume: up to 200000 rows – Access frequency • • • • Create: 500 per day Read: 2,000 access per hour Update: 1,000 per day Delete: 50 per day Communication – Synchronicity – Message Size – Protocol Parts in RUP regarding Design Mechanisms Inception / Early Elaboration – Requirements (functional and supplementary) – Build Technical Prototypes – SAD, Software Architecture Document Elaboration – Model Design Mechanisms – Design Guidelines – Use Case Realization Construction – Code Templates Inception Phase Milestone: Can we do this project? Functional Requirements – Use Case survey, System scope, Priority Non functional Requirements – Technical Prototypes (prove concept) Candidate Architecture – Architecture Mechanisms Project Plan – Cost and schedule Functional Requirements Use Case Model Survey Gives Early Abstractions - Analysis Classes Week Project Company Use-Case Model Employee Map to Analysis Classes Analysis Classes are early Classes Mapping Mechanisms and Analysis Classes Analysis Class Analysis Mechanism(s) Week Persistency, Security Project Persistency, Security Employee Persistency, Legacy Interface Company Persistency, Legacy Interface ProjectController Transaction Non Functional Requirements Supplementary Specifications GUI Devices Environment Storage Communication Performance Distribution Supplementary Specifications Technical Prototypes Technical prototypes proves the choice of Architecture and reduces Risks early Validate Mechanism with Prototype If a Prototype doesnt exist, build it! – GUI applet, graphical applet – Report applet, scanner applet – Database applet, transactions applet – Object broker applet – External system applet, import/export applet – Stress applets – Security applets Candidate Architecture Software Architecture Document Describes the Architecture by examples Shows Architecture significant examples of: – Use Cases – Realizations – Class Diagrams – Process Diagrams – Component Diagrams – Deployment Diagrams – Data Model SAD Software Architecture Document The Candidate Architecture Elaboration Phase Milestone: Have we managed all questions regarding the Systems architecture? Design Mechanisms – Design Patterns to Reuse • Tested & proved technical Prototypes – Design Guidelines • Rules to follow when designing the System Use Case Realization – Use Case Scenarios with Iteration and Class Diagrams Design Mechanisms Design Mechanisms: Design Patterns Design Pattern Parameterized Collaboration of components that solves a general design problem Iteration Diagrams – Objects & Messages, Dynamic view VOPC (View of Participating Classes) – Class Diagram, Static view Technical Prototype – Code snippets Design Mechanisms, Design Pattern Styles Inheritance – Use Structural behavior from Super Class Delegation – Use build-in behavior from Subsystem Role Classes (templates) – Reuse same behavior as modeled in Role Classes Design Mechanisms, Rose Design Model Design Model <<layer>> User Services Use Case Realizations <<layer>> Business Services Design Mechanisms <<layer>> Data Services Design Mechanisms, Package Overview Design Mechanisms, Technical Use Case Diagram <<mechanism>> Persistency <<mechanism>> Distribution <<mechanism>> Security Mechanism Client <<mechanism>> Imaging <<mechanism>> Transaction <<mechanism>> GUI Navigation Security Mechanism by Inheritance Security Mechanism, Iteration Diagram Get Permission rights for Resource: 3 * 5 binary bits 1=Select, 2=New, 3=Update, 4=Softdelete, 5=Harddelete Check if permission exist Client : Business Object : cls Security : cls Session 1: ObjectPerm(String, clsSession) 2: ObjectPerm(String, clsSession) 3: ObjectPerm(String, PermissionType, RecordStatus) 4: Check Security Bit Security Mechanism, VOPC, View of Participating Classes Security Mechanism, Code Examples 'Check Permissions for resource Public Function ChkRights(Session as clsSession, Resource as Object, Permission as Integer) As Boolean On Error GoTo Catche Dim strPerm as String Try: strPerm = Resource.ObjectPerm(Session) Select Case Permission Case 1 'Check VIEW permissions_ blnOk = Mid(strPerm,1,1) Case 2 'Check NEW permissions _ blnOk = Mid(strPerm,2,1) Case 3 'Check UPDATE permissions _ blnOk = Mid(strPerm,3,1) Case 4 'Check DELETE permissions _ blnOk = Mid(strPerm,4,1) Case Else _ blnOk=False End Select ChkRights=blnOk Exit Function Catche: Err.Raise Err.number, Err.description, Err.source, Err.helpFile End Function Imaging Mechanism by Delegation Security Mechanism, Iteration Diagram subsystem : ImageView Client 1: ImageNew( ) 2: ImageScan( ) 3: ImageSaveAs( ) 4: PageInsertScan( ) 5: ImageSave(VT_BOOL) Imaging Mechanism, VOPC, View of Participating Classes <<subsystem>> ImageSevices ImageView Mechanism Client (from User Services) Imaging Mechanism, Tech. Prototypes – Proved Concept Transaction Mechanism by Role Classes Transaction Mechanism, Iteration Diagram 5: Error Exception 1: Transaction Atomic SQL 3: ObjectSave() role : Controller role : Business Object Client 4: SetComplete( ) 6: SetAbort( ) ObjectContext 6) Errors ROLLBACK 2: GetObjectContext( ) global : AppServer Get Transaction Server Control ObjectContext 4) Successful COMMIT : Object Context Transaction Mechanism, VOPC, View of Participating Classes Transaction Mechanism, Code snippets – Templates 'Operation on <<role>> Controller Class in Application Server Public Function Transaction() As Boolean On Error GoTo Catche Dim objCtxObj As ObjectContext Try: 'Get MTS context Object from Global AppServer Set objCtxObj = GetObjectContext() 'Inform MTS of Transaction Completion If Not objCtxObj Is Nothing Then objCtxObj.SetComplete Exit Function Catche: 'Inform MTS of Transaction Abortion If Not objCtxObj Is Nothing Then objCtxObj.SetAbort Err.Raise Err.number, Err.description, Err.source, Err.helpFile End Function Design Guidelines Handbook for designers The Communication Tool Use Case Realization Use-Case Model Use Case Design Model Use-Case Realization Realization Package: Iteration Diagrams – Dynamic View VOPC (View of Participating Classes) – Class Diagram - Static view Realization, Package Overview Realization, Use case Behavior distributed to classes Preparera intäktsfil (from Användningsfal l) Interndebiterings underlag (from Användningsfal l) <<realizes>> <<realization>> Åtgärd Skapa intäktsfel <<realizes>> <<realization>> Registrera skada Skapa kundfakturafil (from Användningsfal l) <<realizes>> <<realization>> Hantera skada Use Case Realization, Realization with Design Mechanisms Receptionist Receive Order (from Användningsfal l) (from Aktörer) Receptionist is a person working in the Reception with Customers. Order is received from Customer by Receptionist. The Paper is Scanned and Customer information captured by the System. Use Case Realization, Realization with Design Mechanisms Enter New Order is a part of the GUI Navigation Mechanism Client role : DetailPage 1: PrinterPrint( ) 3: ObjectNew( ) 6: ObjectView( ) 9: ObjectEdit( ) 12: ObjectSave( ) 15: ObjectDelete( ) 18: RowNext( ) 20: RowPrevious( ) 22: WindowClose( ) 5: ObjectNew( ) 8: ObjectView(Long) 11: ObjectEdit(Long) 14: ObjectSave( ) 17: ObjectDelete(Long) interface : iWindow 2: PrintForm 4: ObjectNew(Boolean, iWindow) 7: ObjectView(Boolean, iWindow) 10: ObjectEdit(Boolean, iWindow) 13: ObjectSave( ) 16: ObjectDelete(iWindow) 19: NextRow( ) 21: PreviousRow( ) 23: Unload role : DetailPage Use Case Realization, Realization with Design Mechanisms GUI Navigation Mechanism Role Class PageDetail cloned to frmOrder : frmOrder : Receptionist Mechanism GUI Navigation 1: ObjectNew( ) Use Case Realization, Realization with Design Mechanisms Imaging Mechanism No need to model deeper into Subsystem Already fully modeled in Mechanisms : frmOrder : ImageView : Receptionist Mechanism GUI Navigation 1: ObjectNew( ) 2: Scan Mechanism Imaging 3: ImageNew( ) Use Case Realization, Realization with Design Mechanisms Persistency Mechanism - clone clsOrder : frmOrder : ImageView : clsOrder : Receptionist Mechanism GUI Navigation 1: ObjectNew( ) 2: Scan 3: ImageNew( ) Mechanism Imaging 4: Enter Data Mechanism Persistency 5: ObjectSave( ) 6: ObjectNew(Recordset, clsSession, Long, String) 7: ObjectSave(Recordset, clsSession, Recordset, Boolean) Use Case Realization, Realization with Design Mechanisms All Mechanisms frmOrder : iWindow : ImageView : Order Controller : clsOrder : Receptionist Mechanism GUI Navigation 1: ObjectNew( ) 2: Scan Mechanism Imaging 3: ImageNew( ) 4: (Enter Data) 5: ObjectSave( ) 6: RetreiveOrder( ) Mechanism Transaction Mechanism Security Mechanism Persistency / Distribution 7: ObjectPerm(String, clsSession) 8: ObjectNew(Recordset, clsSession, Long, String) 9: WindowClose( ) Use Case Realization, Long version Without Mechanisms – a long long version frmOrder : iWindow : frmOrder : ImageView : Order Controller : clsOrder : clsOrderList : iMenu : Receptionist 1: ObjectNew( ) 2: Init(clsApplication, iWindow) 3: ObjectNew( ) 4: MenuDetailNew( ) 5: Scan 6: ImageNew( ) 7: ImageScan( ) 8: ImageSaveAs( ) 9: (Enter Data) 10: ObjectSave( ) 11: ObjectSave( ) 12: Data( ) 13: RetreiveOrder( ) 14: ObjectPerm(String, clsSession) 15: ObjectNew(Recordset, clsSession, Long, String) 16: Fetch(Recordset, clsSession, Long, String) 17: ObjectSave(Recordset, clsSession, Recordset, Boolean) 18: Validate(Boolean, clsSession, Recordset, String, Variant) 19: WindowClose( ) 20: MenuReset( ) Construction Phase Milestone: Are we ready to install? Is it Good Quality code? Are executables Stable and Tested? Is System documented and mantainable? Will User receive high usability? Is it inside timeframe (TTM)? Code Templates Code snippets with variation points Design Mechanisms gives reusable beaviour Resusable beaviour are code segments with variation points (Roles) Copy boring repeating code Focus on essential programming tasks Reusable code already tested Code Templates could be written Automation Enhanced by Design Mechanisms Code Automation: Rose Code Generation (Stubs) Copy & Paste programming Code Wizards Template Tools Rose Reversing Code (Round Trip) Summary Using Design mechanisms Inception – Anaysis Mechanisms identifies risks early Elaboration – Design Mechanisms reduces risks early – Design Mechanisms accelerates modeling Construction – Templates code reduces risks early – Templates code accelerates coding – Templates code increases quality of the code Thank You! Design Mechanisms The Vehicle to successful projects Lars Fredholm