
Hybrid Control and Switched Systems
Lecture #11
Stability of switched system:
Arbitrary switching
João P. Hespanha
University of California
at Santa Barbara
Stability under arbitrary switching
• Instability caused by switching
• Common Lyapunov function
• Converse results
• Algebraic conditions
Switched system
parameterized family of vector fields ´ fp : Rn ! Rn
switching signal ´ piecewise constant signal s : [0,1) ! Q
parameter set
S ´ set of admissible pairs (s, x) with s a switching signal and x a signal in Rn
switching times
A solution to the switched system is a pair (x, s) 2 S for which
1. on every open interval on which s is constant, x is a solution to
at every switching time t, x(t) = r(s(t), s–(t), x–(t) )
time-varying ODE
Time-varying systems vs. Hybrid systems vs. Switched systems
Time-varying system ´ for each initial condition x(0) there is only one solution
(all fp locally Lipschitz)
Hybrid system ´ for each initial condition q(0), x(0) there is only one solution
Switched system ´ for each x(0) there may be several solutions, one for each
admissible s
the notions of stability, convergence, etc.
must address “uniformity” over all solutions
Three notions of stability
a is independent
of x(t0) and s
||x(t) – xeq|| · a(||x(t0) – xeq||) 8 t¸ t0¸ 0, ||x(t0) – xeq||· c
along any solution (x, s) 2 S to the switched system
Definition (class K function definition):
The equilibrium point xeq is stable if 9 a 2 K:
The equilibrium point xeq 2 Rn is asymptotically stable if
it is Lyapunov stable and for every solution that exists on [0,1)
x(t) ! xeq as t!1.
Definition (class KL function definition):
The equilibrium point xeq 2 Rn is uniformly asymptotically stable if 9 b2KL:
||x(t) – xeq|| · b(||x(t0) – xeq||,t – t0) 8 t¸ t0¸ 0
b is independent
along any solution (x, s) 2 S to the switched system
of x(t0) and s
exponential stability when b(s,t) = c e-l t s with c,l > 0
Stability under arbitrary switching
Sall ´ set of all pairs (s, x) with s
piecewise constant and x piecewise
any switching
signal is admissible
r(p, q, x) = x 8 p,q 2 Q, x 2 Rn
no resets
If one of the vector fields fq, q 2 Q is unstable then the switched system is unstable
1. because the switching signals s(t) = q 8 t is admissible
2. for this s we cannot find a2K such that
||x(t) – xeq|| · a(||x(t0) – xeq||) 8 t¸ t0¸ 0, ||x(t0) – xeq||· c
(must less for all s)
But even if all fq, q 2 Q are stable the switched system may still be unstable …
Stability under arbitrary switching
Stability under arbitrary switching
for some admissible
switching signals the
trajectories grow to
infinity ) switched
system is unstable
Lyapunov’s stability theorem (ODEs)
Definition (class K function definition):
The equilibrium point xeq 2 Rn is (Lyapunov) stable if 9 a 2 K:
||x(t) – xeq|| · a(||x(t0) – xeq||) 8 t¸ t0¸ 0, ||x(t0) – xeq||· c
Theorem (Lyapunov):
Suppose there exists a continuously differentiable, positive definite, radially
unbounded function V: Rn ! R such that
Then xeq is a Lyapunov stable equilibrium and the solution always exists
globally. Moreover, if = 0 only for z = xeq then xeq is a (globally) asymptotically
stable equilibrium.
V can only stop decreasing when x(t) reaches xeq
but V must stop decreasing because it cannot become negative
Thus, x(t) must converge to xeq
Common Lyapunov function
Suppose there exists a continuously differentiable, positive definite, radially
unbounded function V: Rn ! R such that
1. the equilibrium point xeq is Lyapunov stable
2. if W(z) = 0 only for z = xeq then xeq is (glob) uniformly asymptotically stable.
The same V could be used to prove stability for all the unswitched systems
Common Lyapunov function
Suppose there exists a continuously differentiable, positive definite, radially
unbounded function V: Rn ! R such that
1. the equilibrium point xeq is Lyapunov stable
2. if W(z) = 0 only for z = xeq then xeq is (glob) uniformly asymptotically stable.
Why? (for simplicity consider xeq = 0)
1st Take an arbitrary solution (s, x) and define v(t) V( x(t) ) 8 t ¸ 0
2nd Therefore
V( x(t) ) is always bounded
Some facts about functions of class K, KL
a(s) 2 K1
class K ´ set of functions a : [0,1)![0,1) that are
1. continuous
2. strictly increasing
3. a(0)=0
a(s) 2 K
class K1 ´ subset of K containing those functions that are unbounded
Lemma 1: If a1,a2 2 K then a(s) a1(a2(s)) 2 K
(same for K1)
Lemma 2: If a 2 K1 then a is invertible and a-1 2 K1
y = a(s)
a(s) 2 K1
s = a–1(y)
Lemma 3: If V: Rn ! R is positive definite and radially unbounded function
then 9 a1,a22K1:
a1(||x||) · V(x) · a2(||x||) 8 x 2 Rn
||x|| · a1–1( V(x) )
a2–1 (V(x) ) · ||x||
Common Lyapunov function
Suppose there exists a continuously differentiable, positive definite, radially
unbounded function V: Rn ! R such that
1. the equilibrium point xeq is Lyapunov stable
2. if W(z) = 0 only for z = xeq then xeq is (glob) uniformly asymptotically stable.
Why? (for simplicity consider xeq = 0) ||x|| · a –1( V(x) )
2nd Therefore
3rd Since 9 a1,a22K1:
a1(||x||) · V(x) · a2(||x||)
a1-1 monotone
V( x(t) ) is always bounded
Common Lyapunov function
Suppose there exists a continuously differentiable, positive definite, radially
unbounded function V: Rn ! R such that
1. the equilibrium point xeq is Lyapunov stable
2. if W(z) = 0 only for z = xeq then xeq is (glob) uniformly asymptotically stable.
Why? (for simplicity consider xeq = 0)
3rd Since 9 a1,a22K1:
a1(||x||) · V(x) · a2(||x||)
4th Defining a(s) a1– 1(a2(s)) 2 K then
stability ! (1. is proved)
Common Lyapunov function
Suppose there exists a continuously differentiable, positive definite, radially
unbounded function V: Rn ! R such that
1. the equilibrium point xeq is Lyapunov stable
2. if W(z) = 0 only for z = xeq then xeq is (glob) uniformly asymptotically stable.
Why? (for simplicity consider xeq = 0, W(z) 9 0 as z ! 1) a2–1 (V(x) ) · ||x||
1st As long as W 9 0 as z ! 1, 9 a3 2 K
2nd Take an arbitrary solution (s, x) and define v(t) V( x(t) ) 8 t ¸ 0
Some more facts about functions of class K, KL
class KL ´ set of functions b:[0,1)£[0,1)![0,1) s.t.
1. for each fixed t, b(¢,t) 2 K
2. for each fixed s, b(s,¢) is monotone
decreasing and b(s,t) ! 0 as t!1
(for each fixed t)
(for each fixed s)
Lemma 3: Given a 2 K, in case
then 9 b 2 KL such that
After some work …
Common Lyapunov function
Suppose there exists a continuously differentiable, positive definite, radially
unbounded function V: Rn ! R such that
1. the equilibrium point xeq is Lyapunov stable
2. if W(z) = 0 only for z = xeq then xeq is (glob) uniformly asymptotically stable.
Why? (for simplicity consider xeq = 0, W(z) 9 0 as z ! 1)
2nd Take an arbitrary solution (s, x) and define v(t) V( x(t) ) 8 t ¸ 0
3rd Then
4th Going back to x…
class KL function
(check !!!)
independent of s
Defining V(x1,x2) x12+ x22
common Lyapunov function
uniform asymptotic stability
Defining V(x1,x2) x12+ x22
common Lyapunov function
stability (not asymptotic)
(problems, e.g., close to the x2=0 axis)
Converse result
Assume Q is finite. The switched system is uniformly asymptotically stable (on
Sall) if and only if there exists a common Lyapunov function, i.e., continuously
differentiable, positive definite, radially unbounded function V: Rn ! R such that
Note that…
1. This result generalized for infinite Q but one needs extra technical
2. The sufficiency was already established. It turns out that the existence of a
common Lyapunov function is also necessary.
3. Finding a common Lyapunov function may be difficult.
E.g., even for linear systems V may not be quadratic
The switched system is uniformly exponentially stable for arbitrary
switching but there is no common quadratic Lyapunov function
Algebraic conditions for stability under arbitrary switching
linear switched system
Suppose 9 m ¸ n, M 2 Rm£n full rank & { Bq 2 Rm£m : q 2 Q }:
M Aq = Bq M
Defining z M x
Theorem: If V(z) = z’ z is a common Lyapunov function for
then the original switched system is uniformly (exponentially) asymptotically stable
1. If V(z) = z’ z is a common Lyapunov function then z converges to zero
exponentially fast
2. z M x ) M’ z = M’ M x ) (M’ M)–1 M’ z = x ) x converges to zero
exponentially fast
Algebraic conditions for stability under arbitrary switching
linear switched system
Suppose 9 m ¸ n, M 2 Rm£n full rank & { Bq 2 Rm£m : q 2 Q }:
M Aq = Bq M
Defining z M x
Theorem: If V(z) = z’ z is a common Lyapunov function for
then the original switched system is uniformly (exponentially) asymptotically stable
It turns out that …
If the original switched system is uniformly asymptotically stable then such an M
always exists (for some m¸ n) but may be difficult to find…
Commuting matrices
linear switched system
state-transition matrix (s-dependent)
t1, t2, t3, …, tk ´ switching times of s in the interval [t,t)
Recall: in general eM eN  eM + N  eN eM unless M N = N M
Suppose that for all p,q 2 Q, Ap Aq = Aq Ap
Tq ´ total time s = q on (t, t)
Assuming all Aq are asymptotically stable: 9 c,l0 > 0 ||eAq t|| · c e–l0 t
|Q| ´ # elements in Q
Commuting matrices
linear switched system
state-transition matrix (s-dependent)
t1, t2, t3, …, tk ´ switching times of s in the interval [t,t)
Recall: in general eM eN  eM + N  eN eM unless M N = N M
If Q is finite all Aq, q 2 Q are asymptotically stable and
Ap Aq = Aq Ap
8 p,q 2 Q
then the switched system is uniformly (exponentially) asymptotically stable
Triangular structures
linear switched system
If all the matrices Aq, q 2 Q are asymptotically stable and upper triangular or all
lower triangular then the switched system is uniformly (exponentially)
asymptotically stable
One can find a common quadratic Lyapunov function of the form V(x) = x’ P x
with P diagonal… check!
Triangular structures
linear switched system
If all the matrices Aq, q 2 Q are asymptotically stable and upper triangular or all
lower triangular then the switched system is uniformly (exponentially)
asymptotically stable
If there is a nonsingular matrix T 2 Rn£ n such that all the matrices common similarity
Bq = T Aq T– 1
(T–1Bq T = Aq)
are upper triangular or all lower triangular then the switched system is
uniformly (exponentially) asymptotically stable
1st The Bq have a common quadratic Lyapunov function V(x) = x’ P x, i.e.,
P Bq + Bq’ P < 0
2nd Therefore
P T T–1 Bq + Bq’ T–1’ T’ P < 0 ) T’ P T T–1 Bq T+ T’ Bq’ T–1’ T’ P T < 0
Q T’PT is a common Lyapunov function
Commuting matrices
linear switched system
If Q is finite all Aq, q 2 Q are asymptotically stable and
Ap Aq = Aq Ap
8 p,q 2 Q
then the switched system is uniformly (exponentially) asymptotically stable
Another way of proving this result…
From Lie Theorem if a set of matrices commute then there exists a common
similarity transformation that upper triangularizes all of them
There are weaker conditions for simultaneous triangularization
(Lie Theorem actually provides the necessary and sufficient condition
´ Lie algebra generated by the matrices must be solvable)
Commuting vector fields
nonlinear switched system
Theorem: If all unswitched systems
are asymptotically stable and
then the switched system is uniformly asymptotically stable
For linear vector fields becomes: Ap Aq x = Aq Ap x
8 x 2 Rn, p,q2 Q
Next lecture…
Controller realization for stable switching
Stability under slow switching
• Dwell-time switching
• Average dwell-time
• Stability under brief instabilities