Name: Hour: ______ Daily Unit Questions: Imperialism February 6 I

Name: ________________
Hour: _______
Daily Unit Questions: Imperialism
February 6
February 10
I can define
I can analyze how
the motives of
February 9
I can outline the
reinforced one
motives of
SA 2
through the use of V 4-13
SA 1
V 1-3
February 16
No School
February 11
To Be or Not to be
an Expansionist
Imperial Power
Debate Prep.
February 12
To Be or Not to be
an Expansionist
Imperial Power
SA 3
February 17
February 18
February 19
I can analyze the
I can analyze the
Imperialism Unit
successes and
advantages and
failures of
disadvantages of
resistance to
through the use of
SA 4
V 14-21
V 22-29
Please write what you know in sentence form for each of the following:
February 13
No School
February 20
Imperialism Unit
1. Colonialism:
2. Imperialism:
3. Geopolitics:
4. Colony:
5. Paternalism:
6. Protectorate:
7. Sphere of Influence:
8. Extraterritorial Rights:
9. Economic Imperialism:
10. Military Imperialism:
11. Political Imperialism:
12. Cultural Imperialism:
13. Social Darwinism:
14. Assimilation:
15. Meiji Era:
16. Russo-Japanese War:
17. Nation-State:
18. Opium War:
19. Boxer Rebellion:
20. Taiping Rebellion:
21. Open Door Policy:
22. Jewel in the Crown:
23. Raj:
24. Sepoy:
25. Sepoy Mutiny:
26. Boer War:
27. Berlin Conference:
28. Genocide:
29. Janjaweed:
Short answer questions can be answered through the use of complete sentences, thinking maps, or
graphic organizers.
1. What is the difference between colonialism and imperialism?
2. Outline through the use of a variety of examples the motives of imperialism.
3. List three arguments for becoming an Expansionist Imperial Power and three arguments of why not
to become an Expansionist Imperial Power.
4. Pick one example and analyze the successes and failures of their resistance to Imperialism?