Branding - Wikispaces

Write down the company you think of on back
2.07 Branding Objectives
1. Define the term “Brand.”
2. Explain the process of Branding. (Use internet resources also)
3. What is a Brand Name?
4. Identify 5 Brand Names.
5. What is a Brand Mark?
6. Describe 2 Brand Marks.
7. What is a Brand Image?
8. List 5 Brands, and describe your Brand Image of each.
9. Define Brand Loyalty.
10.Write and example of Brand Loyalty. What Brand(s) are you Loyal to?
11.What is a Trademark?
12.What Government office protects Trademarks?
13.What is the difference between a Trade (or Corporate) Name and a Product (or
Brand) Name?
14.What is a Trade Character?
15.List your 5 favorite Trade Characters.
• A name, term, symbol, design, logo, colors, or
combination that identifies a company or products
•Represents values, ideas, or personality
• Creates an individual identity for a product or
• Differentiates from competitors.
• Makes a company or product more recognizable.
• Brand Name the parts of the brand that can be spoken
• Letters, Words, and Numbers
• The brand name is usually the product name
• Brand Mark the elements of a brand that cannot be
• Logos
Brand Image
• Consumers’ beliefs about the company or its
goods or services.
• Quality, price, and value may affect a brand’s
List 5 brands.
Describe your
beliefs about
Brand Loyalty
• A consumers’ consistent preference for one brand
over all others.
A word, name, or symbol that is given legal
protection by the government
Prevents other companies from using
Trademark ™
Registered Trademark®
Trade Name vs. Brand Name
Corporate Brand Name
Product Name
Identifies and promotes a
Identifies a particular
Coke Zero
Toyota Motor Company
List 5 different examples
Trade Character
• A brand mark with human characteristics
• Jolly Green Giant
• Tony the Tiger
How many
can you
How many
examples can
you list?
Trade Name
Brand Name
Trade Character
Stop! Finished? Try a brand game . . .
Create a design of a product that includes:
1. Brand Name (include your first name)
2. Trade Name (include your last name)
3. Trademark (TM) or ®
4. Trade Character
5. A slogan that explains what your product is
The product can be anything you choose. The design can be created by hand or
digitally. It should be in color and be an example of your best work.
Assignment Examples:
Part 2
•The Brand Promise
• Consumers experience a Brand through its various touch points:
Product Quality
Counter Service
After-Sales Service
Sales & Marketing
Phone Enquiries
Retail / Merchandising
What is a Brand Promise?
“A brand promise is the statement that you make to customers
that identifies what they should expect for all interactions with
your people, products, services and company. It is often associated
with the company name and/or logo.”
• Brand Promise:
• What the business intends to provide the customer.
• The NFL: “To be the premier sports and entertainment brand
that brings people together, connecting them socially and
emotionally like no other.”
• Coca-Cola: “To inspire moments of optimism and uplift.”
• Virgin: “To be genuine, fun, contemporary, and different in
everything we do at a reasonable price.”
• Is a brand promise also the slogan?
• Geico – “15 Minutes Or Less Can Save You 15% Or More On Car
• Nationwide Insurance – “Nationwide Is On Your Side”
Short activity: Create a Brand Promise for you or AK.
Importance of Brand Promises:
• Establishes a level of customer service.
• Reflect the core values of the company in relationship with customers.
• It provides guidance to employees as they interact with customers.
• Promise a differentiated benefit to the customer.
• What happens when a business fails to deliver on
• Loss of credibility = lost sales and market share
Company Image
• The perception the public holds about a particular business.
• Based on:
• quality of products
• reputation of the company
• employees
• prices
• positive community relations
• customer service.
Bottom 5:
1. Comcast
2. American
3. B of A
4. Citibank
5. AT&T
Top 5:
1. Amazon
2. Chick-fil-a
3. Hilton
4. Marriott
5. Amer-Exp
Company Image:
Affected by:
• Consumers sharing opinions.
• Company Owners/Management
• Employees (TRAINING IS KEY)
trained and motivated
answering telephones
dress code requirements
communicating a positive image