Leaders Accreditation Training for all Youth Professionals and Educators Coaching Young People For Success (CYPFS) is an complete Youth Coaching Program that includes all the RESOURCES schools and youth agencies need to introduce their own powerful life, career and school performance coaching programs in both groups and one to one straight away! The CYPFS Program includes a Leaders Training Program, a complete Leader’s Coaching Resource kit, Leaders Manual, access to online Life, Career, Performance and Peer coaching skills slide shows, and Leaders Resource Library plus printing of all Pathway Plan Answer Worksheets. CYPFS includes up to 80 hours of potential coaching curriculum and ready to use activities that schools and youth support workers can use to enhance their existing careers and transitions, mentoring, personal learning and case management programs. Proposed DATE: 12th & 13th May 2015 Day 1 – CYPFS Leader's Accreditation Training Day 2 - Advanced Coaching Skills Training COST: Two Day Training Plus CYPFS Leader’s Resource kit = $880 Two Days Training NO Kit - $550 (Training Fee includes 12 months online License for each participant) VENUE: TBA Lunch is provided See more about CYPFS Program at http://www.coachingyoungpeopleforsuccess.com For all Enquiries call “Coaching is a powerful approach that incorporates strategies from coaching and positive psychology that are proven to enhance motivation and the emotional skills young people need to maximise their performance in the life, career and study” Life Business Consultancy CYPFS Leaders Training Program - Outline Day 1. CYPFS Leader’s Accreditation Training (run in conjunction with the Leader’s Kit) In Day 1. Participants will learn how to be successful leaders of the C.Y.P.F.S Program. Participants will be taken step by step through the Program and Leader’s Resource Kit and learn how deliver the Life, Career and Performance Coaching Modules in both GROUPS and ONE to ONE within their own school or agency. Participants will learn the Life Business P.O.W.E.R Coaching Model and how to assist young people design an inspiring Life, Career and Performance Pathway plan from the inside out! Each participant will then be registered as a C.Y.P.F.S Leader and receive a Leaders Certificate and an on line login to access all online Modules for 12 months. Training Outline Introduction to the C.Y.P.F.S Program & Resources The Life Business P.O.W.E.R Coaching Model Module 1. Career Coaching - Designing a “Life and Career Pathway Plan” Module 2. Life Coaching - Designing a “Steps for My Life Success” Master Plan Module 3. Performance Coaching - My TOP Performance Plan for Yr 11 & 12 and College Students - Steps For My School Success for Yr 7 – 10 Students Discussion, Planning and Review Day 2. Advanced Coaching Skills The Advanced Coaching Skills Training day will assist C.Y.P.F.S Leaders further develop their theoretical and practical skills of how to coach young people on an ongoing basis. Leaders will learn solutions and strengths based focused coaching strategies, how to lead powerful coaching conversations using The G.O.A.L Model, and practice key one to one coaching skills to assist young people develop the emotional skills they need to implement their life, career and school performance plans faster. Training Outline: Introduction to Positive and Coaching Psychology Understanding human motivation and behaviour change Solutions and strengths based Coaching The role of the Coach Key Coaching skills and stages Coaching for change using the GOAL conversation Introducing a Peer Coaching Program Implementing CYPFS – Discussion and Planning Registration Form – EDC Wed 25th & Thurs 26th March 2015 Contact Name ______________________________________________________________________ Organisation _______________________________________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________________________________________ Position _________________________________________Contact No: ________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________Post Code ______________ I wish to order the following training and kit package: (It is recommended each leader has their own kit but Kits may be shared within teams) Day 1. & Day 2. Training ONLY (includes one year CYPFS on line License) $ 550 pp OR Day 1. & Day 2 Training With Kit (includes one year CYPFS License) $ 880 pp * Training Fee includes ONE year Member License to access all CYPFS Program materials and Printing of Pathway Plan Worksheets on line For Bookings Email: sarah.lambert@re-engage.com.au Enquiries to: Kerrie Sellen 0458 159 111 Payment Options: Cheques Payable to Life Business Consultancy Mail to: P.O. Box 38, Glen Iris Victoria 3146 EFT Details: Account Life Business Consultancy Bank: Commonwealth Bank BSB: 063126 Account: 1029 6358 Credit Card: Master card or Visa only Account Name: Expiry Date: Account Number: For more Program information go to www.coachingyoungpeopleforsuccess.com