Mount Sinai PPS Clinical Committee February 10, 2015 1:30 – 3:00 PM State and PPS Updates State Implementation Timeline 3 MS PPS Project Application Results ▶ State released application results February 2, 2015 ▶ Application Scoring break down – 30% based on Organizational Score – 70% based on Project Scores (good portion of scoring was on Scale and Speed based on KPMG) ▶ Independent Assessor finalized an Executive Summary for each PPS application covering the overall scoring, reviewer comments, and a project by project summary ▶ Mount Sinai PPS scored 89.91 on their Project Application compared to NYC PPS average of 90.48 Mount Sinai / Presentation Slide / December 5, 2012 4 How does Mount Sinai’s Scores compare? Project MS Score NYC Average Score State Average Score 2ai 91.91 91.47 92.70 2biv 85.82 86.78 88.33 2bviii 88.94 85.95 87.41 2ci 91.22 91.84 92.46 3ai 84.40 85.25 86.93 3aiii 95.09 95.09 95.28 3bi 83.11 84.73 85.32 3ci 86.43 88.20 88.55 4bii 95.72 97.31 98.38 4cii 96.50 98.19 98.19 Average score 89.91 90.48 91.36 Mount Sinai / Presentation Slide / December 5, 2012 5 Mount Sinai Average Scores compared to Overlapping PPS NYC Scores NYC PPS Average Scores Advocate Community Partners (AW Medical) 92.41 The New York and Presbyterian Hospital (Manhattan) 91.5 Maimonides Medical Center (Kings) 91.44 St. Barnabas Hospital (dba SBH Health System) 91.37 NYC PPS Nassau University Medical Center 90.6 Lutheran Medical Center (Kings) 89.96 Mount Sinai Health System (NY, Kings, Queens,… 89.91 Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center 88.98 New York City Health and Hospitals-led PPS(NY, Kings,… 88.94 Richmond University Medical Center (Richmond) 88.37 The New York Hospital Medical Center Queens (Queens) 87.72 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 Independent Assessor Scores Mount Sinai / Presentation Slide / February 5, 2015 6 Mount Sinai PPS Service Area and Attribution ▶ State recently removed 3 counties from the total 6 counties delivery service areas for Mount Sinai. – Manhattan – Brooklyn (Kings) – Queens – No longer in Staten Island, Westchester County, and Bronx ▶ Attribution is 279,751 for the MS PPS (from State Score summary as of 2/4/2015) – This is attribution for performance not valuation – Valuation will come later from the State based on the Score of the application Mount Sinai / Presentation Slide / December 5, 2012 7 Scale & Speed Submission Overview ▶ Scale & Speed (S&S) is a key piece of the DSRIP Application which impacts scoring and ongoing DSRIP reporting requirements ▶ Requires PPSs to commit to numbers and timeframes that will carry on throughout the remaining years of DSRIP ▶ Required for all projects except Domain 4 projects ▶ S&S was submitted to the DOH on January 14, 2015 ▶ Received scoring summary from the State February 4, 2015 9 Requirements ▶ PPSs had to commit to the following per project: – Project Scale: • # of committed providers (by type) • # of committed safety net providers (by type) – Patient Scale: How many Medicaid beneficiaries would be impacted by each project? – Project Implementation Speed: The demonstration year and quarter by which all committed providers would meet project requirements – Patient Engagement Speed: How many Medicaid beneficiaries would be engaged each demonstration year, broken down by quarter 10 How It Works ▶ S&S requires a balance of being aggressive yet realistic ▶ Larger numbers and faster implementation speed equals a higher score, which then makes the PPS become eligible for a larger sum of DSRIP dollars ▶ However, S&S is tied directly to Domain 1 Metrics & Milestones, so if a PPS fails to meet their S&S commitments, they will not draw down DSRIP dollars ▶ Mount Sinai PPS chose a more conservative route so we could achieve our Metrics and Milestones 11 MS PPS S&S Methodology Data Resources: ▶ Partner Participation Packet results (i.e. MegaSurvey) ▶ Provider type data from the DOH ▶ Salient data ▶ Community Needs Assessment Approach: ▶ Used the available data resources to develop S&S numbers and inputs ▶ Worked closely with the subgroup co-leads, Clinical Committee leads, and PPS leadership to refine & finalize the numbers ▶ GOAL: Submit numbers that were aggressive, yet realistic 12 Patient Scale Project Engaged Patients % of Attributed Population 2.a.i n/a n/a 2.b.iv 25,000 9% 2.b.viii 20,000 7% 2.c.i 62,500 22% 3.a.i 100,000 36% 3.a.iii 45,000 16% 3.b.i 41,963 15% 3.c.i 29,000 10% 13 Project Implementation Speed DY0 (Baseline) Q1/Q2 Q3/Q4 DY1 Q1/Q2 Q3/Q4 DY2 Q1/Q2 Q3/Q4 DY3 Q1/Q2 DY4 Q3/Q4 2.a.i Q1/Q2 Q3/Q4 X 2.b.iv X 2.b.viii X 2.c.i X 3.a.i X 3.a.iii X 3.b.i X 3.c.i X 14 How Do The MS PPS S&S Numbers Compare? ▶ There was great variety in S&S submissions across PPSs ▶ Considering the spectrum of submissions, the numbers submitted by the MS PPS tended to fall in the middle of the spectrum between very conservative and aggressive ▶ All S&S submissions are currently posted on the DOH website 15 What’s Next? ▶ Our S&S submissions will flow directly into our implementation planning ▶ Our commitments establish our “thresholds” for ongoing quarterly reporting ▶ It’s a PPS-wide effort to ensure our S&S commitments are met in order to draw down the maximum number of DSRIP dollars 16 Overview of the Implementation Planning Phase January 16th 2015 Conceptual Overview of the Implementation Plan Implementation Plan timeline January 9th ■ Structure of ■ implementation plan released to PPSs January 16th Face-to-face meeting with PPSs February 1st March 1st ■ ■ Structure of implementation plan finalized following feedback from PPSs and other stakeholders ■ Prototype implementation plan released April 1st ■ PPSs submit draft implementation plan to DST for discussion and feedback PPSs submit finalized implementation plan 18 Goals of Implementation Plan 1. Consistent guidance about establishing a successful, effective PPS; 2. Collect information for release of Domain 1 payments to PPS based on achievement of key milestones; 3. Establish the structure of quarterly reports for submission; 4. Provide clarity to downstream providers about their roles and actions throughout the implementation journey; and 5. Facilitate the monitoring of progress on key milestones. 19 Parts of Implementation Plan The Implementation plan is split into three parts with several sections: Organizational Plan 9 sections Project Plan 2 sections Budget and Flow of Funds 2 sections 20 Part 1: Organizational Plan 9 Sections make up the Organizational Plan 1. Governance 2. Workforce Domain 1 3. Financial Sustainability 4. Cultural Competency 5. IT Systems and Processes 6. Population Health Management 7. Clinical Integration 8. Performance Reporting; and 9. Physician Engagement 21 Part 1: Organizational Plan contd. ▶ • • • • • • • All 9 sections of the Organizational Plan must address the following: Key Steps and Measurable Milestones; Major Risk to Implementation & Risk Mitigation Strategies; Major Dependencies & Other Work streams; Roles and Responsibilities; Key Stakeholders; IT expectations; and Progress Reporting. 22 Part 2: Project Plan 2 Sections make up the Project Plan: 1. General Implementation Planning 2. Measureable Implementation Risks 23 Part 3: Budget and Flow of Funds 2 Sections Budget and Flow of Funds: 1. The PPS Budget 2. Flow of Funds 24 Relationship between Domain 1 Process Measures and Payments What drives DSRIP Payments? Domain 1 Process Measures drive DSRIP Payments Each Domain 1 Process measure and milestone will be evaluated based on target achievements/milestones. Milestones scored as “achieved” or “not achieved”, known as an Achievement Value (AV). AV = 1 –“meeting or achieving” the process measure or milestone AV = 0 –“not meeting or achieving” the process measure or milestone Progress on Domain 1 Process Measures will be reported in DSRIP Quarterly Reports 26 Three forms of payment linked to Domain 1 Source: NY Department of Health 27 Project Domain 1 Reimbursement: Example Process Measure Type Project Plan Application Approval There was a maximum of $580,523* in Domain 1 funding available for Project Example for the DY1, Q3/Q4 payment period Organizational Process Measures Governance Implementation Plan Quarterly Progress Reports Workforce Implementation Plan Quarterly Progress Reports Cultural Competency/Health Literacy Implementation Plan Quarterly Progress Reports Financial Sustainability Implementation Plan Quarterly Progress Reports DSRIP Project Specific Process Measures Implementation Plan* Quarterly Progress Reports & Project Budget & Flow of Funds Patient Engagement Speed Project Implementation Speed Total Achievement Value Earned by PPS Percentage Achievement Value (6/7) Domain 1 Funding for Project Example Domain 1 Funding Achieved for Project Example DY1 Payment 3 N/A N/A 1 N/A 1 N/A 1 N/A 1 N/A 1 In this example the PPS earned 6 out of 7 AVs or a Percentage Achievement Value of 85.71%, resulting in the award of $497,591* in Domain 1 Funding for Project Example 0 1 6 85.71% $580,523* $497,591* Source: NY Department of Health *Numbers are for demonstration purposes only – They do not reflect actual funding allocated to a specific PPS 28 Process & Partner Participation Mount Sinai PPS Committees ▶ 5 Committees – – – – – ▶ Leadership Workforce IT Finance Clinical Clinical Committee oversees: – 10 DSRIP Project Working Groups 30 Implementation Plan Part 1: The Organizational Plan Organizational Section: Committee Responsible Governance Leadership Committee Workforce Workforce Committee Financial Sustainability Finance Committee Cultural Competency Clinical Committee and Workforce Committee IT Systems and Processes IT Committee Health Management Clinical Committee and Project Workgroups Clinical Integration Clinical Committee Performance Reporting Clinical and IT Committee Physician Engagement Clinical Committee and Project Workgroups 31 Implementation Plan Part 2: The Project Plan General Project Implementation Section: Committee Responsible Overall approach to implementation Leadership Committee Major dependencies between work streams and coordination of projects Leadership Committee Overview of key stakeholders (within and outside PPS network) and how influenced by project Clinical Committee Roles and responsibilities Leadership Committee IT requirements IT Committee Performance monitoring Clinical Committee Community engagement Workforce Committee 32 Project Working Groups Responsibilities Implementation Plan Part 2: The Project Plan Continued Measurable Milestones and Implementation Risk Section: Ownership Group Major risks to implementation and mitigation strategies Each Project Working Group Project Implementation Speed Each Project Working Group Patient Engagement Speed Each Project Working Group 33 Implementation Plan Part 3: Budget & Flow of Funds Measurable Milestones and Implementation Risks Section: Committee Responsible The PPS Budget Finance Committee Flow of Funds Finance Committee 34 Committee Meeting Schedule and getting involved Committee Meetings Time/Day Finance Wednesdays 8 – 10 am Workforce Pending IT Thursdays 12-2pm Clinical Will Vary – Tues or Weds Send an email, Subject: Joining [Name of Committee] to 35 10 DSRIP Project Working Groups ▶ Focused on Implementation Plan Part 2 ▶ Partners interested in participating can email – With subject: Join (Project Number) with your name, contact and organization ▶ Project Working Group meetings will be done by Webinar and Phone Conference ▶ Level of participation from Partners will be explained further in Project working group 36 Questions? Thank you Email the Mount Sinai PPS Team at Visit the Mount Sinai PPS website at 38