Multicultural Motors Case for Consumer Decision Process

Consumer Behavior
[MKTG301; Dr. Carter]
*** GROUP WORKBOOK LEARNING ACTIVITY #2 (Revised = 25 pts) – DUE FEB 20TH BY EMAIL @ 11:59PM ***
“Multicultural Motors Case for Consumer Decision Process – Charting the Choice of Crayolas”
In this second Learning Activity we decipher the Consumer Decision Process (CDP) to discern Brand “Value Propositions.”
We must first design brands that match individual consumer tendencies … before delivering brands by managing
aggregate consumer target markets. The Learning Activity #1 Legacy Jeans case provided an opportunity to match jean
brands (supply) to customer personas (demand) based on Consumer Identity. Now, this Learning Activity #2 case
matches a unique car brand to the individual consumer choice process that determines marketing success. The name of
the brand is “Crayola.” It’s a colorful brand produced by a unique global group of diverse young automobile
entrepreneurs who founded Multicultural Motors (MM).
The Consumer Decision Process (CDP) is the “Golden Grail of Marketing” because knowing consumers’ choice processes
allows customization of our brands to match them. Like the “Golden Grail” in historic tales, the consumer choice
process is a hidden treasure that is never really found. Still, charting the CDP is necessary to decipher the consumer’s
need stimuli, information sources, evaluation criteria, purchase situations, and post-purchase experiences. Likewise,
charting the CDP helps us discern the best Brand “Value Proposition” strategy for keeping consumers satisfied and loyal.
The Multicultural Motors case on pages 29 – 32 of the workbook provides ample detail about the company’s
business/marketing plan, lead executives, and Value-Chain operations used to produce the “Crayola” car brand. In the
case, a specific brand name is not actually chosen. However, for this assignment, we will use the brand name of
“Crayola.” The diverse symbolic attributes associated with the term reflects the multicolored rainbow of crayons we all
used as kids. Crayolas also has a significant meaning for the entrepreneurs at Multicultural Motors (MM).
Just like for Learning Activity #1, the LEARNING is achieved by applying a consumer CONCEPT (demand) to fit the brand
attributes (supply) presented in the case. Yet, for this Learning Activity #2, you will apply the Consumer Decision Process
(CDP) to the Multicultural Motors (MM) target market. The Consumer Behavior textbook is your main CDP CONCEPT
source (Chs. 8, 9, 10). However, additional support will come from the workbook’s discussion of Customer Value (Ch3)
and Brand “Value Proposition” CONCEPT frameworks (Ch.5 p. 67 & Ch.8 pp. 107, 108) – one is posted on the course
website. Similar to Learning Activity #1, a “Personas” template will be extremely useful for humanizing Multicultural
Motors’ target market consumers and the choices they make when purchasing cars. Links for “Personas” templates are
posted to the course website as well. The specific application of “Personas,” as well as CDP and Brand “Value
Proposition” CONCEPTS is explained in “Instructions” on the back of this page. Be sure to apply the CONCEPTS identified
in “Instructions” using a critical thinking approach for “correctness” and “completeness.”
Now prepare to “read, study, think” about … “Charting the Global Consumer’s Choice of Crayolas”!!! 
Consumer Behavior
[MKTG301; Dr. Carter]
*** GROUP WORKBOOK LEARNING ACTIVITY #2 (Revised = 25 pts) – DUE FEB 20TH BY EMAIL @ 11:59PM ***
“Multicultural Motors Case for Consumer Decision Process – Charting the Choice of Crayolas”
Read the workbook “Multicultural Motors (MM)” case (pp. 29 – 32) to determine the best target market for the newly
designed car model that we have branded as “Crayola”.
Use the “Personas” template links to guide your portrayal of the best MM target market consumer. Create your own
version of human characteristics/images to represent the ideal MM consumer.
Use the CB textbook and course workbook to Read & Study the 5-stage CDP CONCEPT, as well as the Brand “Value
Proposition” frameworks identified below:
a) CB Textbook Ch.8 CDP – Need/Problem Recognition, Information Search, Evaluation of Alternatives
b) CB Textbook Ch.9 CDP
– Purchase … store/site selection & shopping experience)
– Post-Purchase … satisfaction/dissatisfaction, consumption/use, resale/trade/disposal
c) CB Textbook Ch.10 CDP – Household Context & Family Influences
d) Workbook Ch.3 Customer Value – IQ/EQ, CDP, Risks, Influences
e) Course website link for “Cognitive View” slides – specifically the combined CDP & M-Mix Chart
f) Workbook Ch.5 (p. 67) & Ch.8 (pp. 107, 108) – Brand “Value Proposition” frameworks
g) Course website link for “Brand Laddering” (means/ends value/belief chain)
THINK about how to correctly and completely apply the CONCEPTS listed above in step #3 to:
a) Decipher MM’s ideal target market consumer’s 5-stage CDP for car purchases, and
b) Discern MM’s best “Value Proposition” to customize the “Crayola” brand for maximum consumer satisfaction/loyalty.
5) Explain why the “Persona” portrayal you created represents MM’s ideal target market consumer. … THEN …
Describe how the “Persona” helps you decipher the human choice process and discern ways to customize brands. (3 Points)
(1 page with sentence/prose or bullet-point outline content -- no penalty for longer responses)
Explain how MM can chart (decipher) the ideal “Crayola” target market consumer’s 5-stage CDP. (6 Points)
(2 – 3 pages with sentence/prose or bullet-point outline content -- no penalty for longer responses)
Explain how MM can customize (discern) the best “Crayola” Brand “Value Proposition” for satisfaction/loyalty. (4 Points)
(1 - 2 pages with sentence/prose or bullet-point outline content -- no penalty for longer responses)
Describe the most strategically important assets/advantages of MM for creating IQ/EQ “Customer Value”. (2 Points)
(½ - 1 page with sentence/prose or bullet-point outline content -- no penalty for longer responses)
 Content:
Microsoft Word
Specified above
Times 12”
1” all sides (normal)
Assignment title heading and subheadings for each Learning Activity #2 “Report” section (5, 6, 7, 8)
Include all group members’ full names in the assignment heading.
Text/words and may also include tables, charts, diagrams and photo images.