
Paying to Die: Tobacco
It’s Your Choice!
Health Education
• Any __________or activity that
becomes the focus of a person’s
life at the expense of other needs
and interests can be _______to
• Psychological dependence-
-a condition in which the user has a
chemical need for the substance
• Addiction can be either
- This is what will occur when a
person stops using the drug on which they
have become dependent
5 Characteristics of addictive
• Reinforcement-Pleasurable physical or
emotional states, take away the negative
-Strong feeling to repeat behavior
• Loss of control-Losses control over the
• Escalation• ___________ -Problems with everyday life
Think Quick!
Most people know that using tobacco is
harmful. Why do you think some people
continue to use tobacco products?
The Surgeon General
“Tobacco use, particularly smoking,
is the number _________cause of
preventable disease and death in
the United States.”
~Richard H. Carmona, M.D., M.P.H., FACS — U.S. Surgeon General
What You Need To Know!
An estimated 440,000 Americans die each year from diseases caused by
Each day, nearly 6,000 children under 18 years of age start smoking; of
these, nearly 2,000 will become regular smokers.
Approximately 90 percent of smokers begin smoking before the age of
21. They will become lifelong customers of the TOBACCO OCMPANIES!
At current rates, an estimated 6.4 million children will die prematurely
from a smoking-related disease.
Of adolescents who have smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime,
most of them report that they would like to quit, but are not able to do
~American Lung Association, Adolescent Smoking Statistics, November 2003
What’s in a Cigarette?
With each puff of a cigarette you experience:
1. Nicotine- _____________ drug found in tobacco
Speeds ____________________
Increases ________________
Raises __________________
Nicotine is associated with
Heart Disease and Stroke
Nicotine (Continued)
• – in a pure form, is one of the most
___________drugs known to man and is
habit forming
• After nicotine enters the lungs, it is
absorbed immediately into the
bloodstream and within __seconds
reaches the brain
What’s in a cigarette?
• Has anyone ever tried smoking a
• First time users have __________
to nicotine and will experience a
racing heart, sweating, nausea, and
What’s in a Cigarette?
With each puff of a cigarette
2. Carbon Monoxide__________, __________
poisonous gas
Binds to
______________in red
blood cells, keeping
them from carrying
oxygen – causes
which is a decreased
oxygen level in the
What’s in a cigarette?
• Carbon Monoxide ___________risk for
High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease and
• Carbon Monoxide is commonly found
the ___________________
What’s in a Cigarette?
With each puff of a cigarette you
3. ________Thick, sticky dark fluid
produced when tobacco burns
• Tar enters respiratory system
causes problems
Upper Respiratory System
– Destroys __________
– ________- Tiny hair like
projections that move
mucus and debris out of
respiratory system
What’s in a cigarette?
• Lower Respiratory System (Lungs and
– Tar binds to lung tissue keeping it
from moving normal
– Tar binds to alveoli blocking
exchange of oxygen and carbon
What’s in a cigarette?
4. Carcinogens
– ___________ causing agents
– In addition to Nicotine, Carbon Monoxide and
Tar, tobacco contains around 45 carcinogens.
Pipe and Cigar Tobacco
• Just like cigarettes, _____ and_______ cause problems.
• Cigars contain more ________ and produce more tar and
CO than cigarettes.
• Increased risk of Lip, Mouth and Throat cancers
1 cigar = 1 pack of cigarettes (Nicotine)
Smokeless Tobacco
Chewing Tobacco
• Tobacco that is cut into strips
and chewed or stored in mouth
• Contains nicotine
– Absorbed through mucous
membranes in mouth
• Contains 28 carcinogens
• 2-3x as much
nicotine/carcinogens are
absorbed due to storing in
• ____________________ precancer white spots inside the
Tobacco that is ________ up into
fine grits and is snorted though
the nose
Contains nicotine
– Absorbed through mucous
membranes in nose
Contains 28 carcinogens
Long-Term Effect of
Tobacco Use
1. ________________ – is a disease
of the heart and blood vessels.
• The___________ of tobacco force
the heart to work harder to deliver
oxygen to the heart. Therefore, the
smoker is at a higher risk of the
Long-term effects
(1)High ___________________
(2)___________ – a smoker is ______
times more likely to suffer form a heart
attack than a non smoker
(3)A heart attack is_____to ___ times
more likely to kill a smoker than a
Long term effects
2. Respiratory disease
So just what is “______________”???
As tar destroys cillia, dust particles
and mucus accumulate in the air
passages, causing the smoker to
___________to try to clean out the
Long Term effects
When coughing can no longer keep the
air passages clear, the smoker eventually
a._______________ – the bronchial tubes are
swollen and clogged with mucus.
People with this disease have a hard
time filling their lungs with air.
There is no cure for this disease
Long term effects
b. _________________ –is a breathing
disorder in which the small sacs in the
lungs lose their _____________
• ___________in your body resemble tiny
balloons that no amount of puffing will
blow up.
• A person with this disease cannot rid
this body of ______________
• Damage done to the lungs from
emphysema cannot be __________ or
Long term effects
3. ________ – tobacco use is a major
factor in developing certain cancers
• Lung cancer – one of the most _____
form of cancer. ______ of deaths
related to lung cancer are related to
• Oral cancers – cancers of the mouth ,
throat, and tongue
• leukoplakia
Passive smoking
• Nonsmokers who involuntarily breath
________________ smoke become
passive smokers
• There is ________ as much tar and
nicotine in ____________ smoke as in
mainstream smoke
• Side-stream smoke contains _________
as much CO as mainstream smoke
Passive smoking
• Each year passive smoking contributes to
150,000 to 300,000 cases of bronchitis and
pneumonia in babies and triggers 8,000 to
26,000 new cases of asthma in previously
unaffected children
• _______________ and other _________
are often made worse in the presence of
tobacco smoke
• Long-term exposure to __________ smoke
increases your risk of heart disease and
lung cancer.
Smoking and the Body
• Tobacco products can cause damage to
many body systems.
Hairy Tongue
• Oral Damage from years of
• Clot in the brain (Kills brain tissue)
• Opaque covering over the eye
Mouth and Throat
Lung Cancer
Coronary Heart Disease
Kidney Cancer
• All pictures were taken from the Surgeon
General’s Report on Smoking Tobacco
Tobacco Affects All Areas
of Life
• Mental Health: impairs ability to concentrate and relax.
• Family and Social Health: Smoke can hurt others that are in the
– People may not want to hang out (Smell or look)
• Growth & Development: Women who smoke have LBW babies.
• Nutrition: Impairs your sense of taste.
• Exercise and Fitness: Decreased Cardiovascular endurance.
• Drugs: Produces physical and psychological dependence.
• Disease and Disorders: Increased risk of heart and lung disease.
• Personal Health: Teeth turn yellow, fingers turn yellow, breath
• Safety and First Aid: Major cause of home fires (smoking in bed)
• Environmental Health: Major source of indoor pollution.
• Legally Implications: Selling to or buying tobacco under 18 y.o is
• Financial Implications: Very costly
Cost of Smoking
• On average, the price of tobacco products
is as follows:
– $4.00 pack of cigarettes
– $3.25 can of chewing tobacco
• How much money would you spend in 1
month if you smoked/chewed 1 pack a
day. ($120)
– 1 Year (
– 10 years ($
– 25 years (_______)
The “TRUE” Cost of
•Every time you smoke a cigarette, you are paying with
your life.
1 Cigarette= 11 minutes of life
1 Pack of Cigarettes = 3 hours 40 minutes
1 Carton of Cigarettes = 1.5 days
Tobacco Kills!!
• 1,316 people die everyday in the
United States due to tobacco
related illnesses
North Allegheny’s Most
• Your task is to design a wanted poster for the chemicals
in cigarettes.
• Refer to and include the following for the wanted poster:
Past crimes (Diseases or problems associated with it)
Current location (Where it is found)
Potential to be dangerous (What it can do to the body)
Reward for their expulsion or capture (Benefits of quitting
or abstaining from cigarettes)
• Include a creative diagram and design a poster that
illustrates the scientific facts abut the chemicals.