Math 3A-Calculus1 Peralta Class Code 21917 Spring 2015 College of Alameda Instructor: Email: Office Hours Location Claudia Abadia MW 12PM-1PM TuTH 12:30PM-1PM L110a TEXT: Stewart, James, Calculus, Early Transcendentals, 7th edition, Brooks Cole ISBN-10: 0495011665 ISBN-13: 978-0495011668 WEB ASSIGN WEBSITE : WEB ASSIGN SECTION: alameda.peralta 4164 8633 REQUIRED CLASS MATERIALS Enhanced WebAssign Homework & eBook (Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 7th Ed, Stewart) LOE Instant Access Code for Multi Term Math (ISBN-10: 1285184211) An electronic copy of the text is available within WebAssign, but a physical copy will be available at the CoA Library for checkout. TI-83/84 or 89 Graphing Calculator (89 recommended if going to Math 3C & beyond) Access to a computer with internet and the following software installed... Operating System: Windows XP (or higher) OR Mac OS X (Version 10.4+) Web Browser: Mozilla Firefox (Version 12+), Google Chrome (Version 19+), Microsoft Internet Explorer (Version 8+), OR Apple Safari (Version 5.1+) Plug-ins: Adobe Acrobat Reader (Version 8+), Adobe Flash Player (Version 10+), Adobe Shockwave Player (Version 11+), AND Java (Version 6+) Additional Software: WebAssign Lockdown Browser General supplies such as #2 pencils, eraser, at least 3 colored pencils or pens, a highlighter, a ruler, and spiral notebook with at least 100 pages for your homework RECCOMENDED MATERIALS Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 7th Ed, Stewart Text + Enhanced WebAssign Homework and eBook Printed Access Card for Multi Term Math and Science + Enhanced WebAssign - Start Smart Guide for Students (ISBN-10: 111164957X) The CoA bookstore offers the best deal on the book bundled with the access code COURSE DESCRIPTION: The prerequisite for this class is Math 2 or Math 1 (PreCalculus) and Math 50 or by placement through the assessment process: Students will learn the elements of analytic geometry, differentiation and integration of algebraic and transcendental functions with applications. Use of a graphing calculator or a computer algebra system is required Topics that will be covered include Limits Derivatives Chain Rule Implicit Differentiation Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Course Topics This is the first course in the 3-semester calculus sequence. Below is a list of topics along with the percentage of time that will be spent on each. 1. Functions Functions, Domain, and Range Mathematical Models Library of Functions: Power, Reciprocal, Root, Polynomial, Rational, Trigonometric, and Exponential Inverse Functions including Logarithms and Inverse Trigonometric Functions 2. Limits and continuous functions The Tangent Line & Velocity Problem The Limit of a Function Limit Laws including the Squeeze Theorem Continuity including The Intermediate Value Theorem Limits at Infinity and Infinite Limits 3. The Derivative The Derivative at a Point and Rates of Change The Derivative as a Function Derivatives of Polynomials and Exponential Functions Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions The Chain Rule Implicit Differentiation Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions Rates of Changes in the Natural and Social Sciences Related Rates Linear Approximations and Differentials Hyperbolic Functions, Inverse Hyperbolic Functions, and Their Derivatives 4. Applications of the Derivative Maximum/Minimum Values and Critical Points including The Extreme Value Theorem Rolle's Theorem and The Mean Value Theorem The Derivative and the Shape of a Graph Indeterminate Forms & L'Hospital's Rule Using the Derivative to Sketch the Graph of a Function Applied Optimization Antiderivatives including Rectilinear Motion 5. The Definite Integral Approximating the Area under a Curve and Distance Travelled using Riemann Sums The Definite Integral and its Properties The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Indefinite Integrals The Accumulation of the Rate of Change Displacement versus Distance Travelled The Substitution Rule including Integrals of Symmetric Function STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Synthesize data, translate words into math language, and construct an abstract model that describes the problem. (Proof and Deductive Reasoning skills) Analyze information, and create a graph that is correctly titled and labeled, appropriately designed, and accurately emphasizes the most important data content. (Graphing) Manipulate complex algebraic expressions and general functions, and be able to differentiate and integrate algebraic and transcendental functions. (Compute, Simplify, and Solve) GRADING Online/Offline Homework Quizzes Exams Final Exam 30% 10 % 30% 30% ONLINE HOMEWORK The online homework will be completed through WebAssign. You should be writing down each problem in your spiral notebook and keeping a record of your work for studying purposes. You will have 5 tries to submit a correct answer before it is marked incorrect. For problems with multiple parts, partial credit is awarded. The progam has “Master It” & “Video Example” features built into some of the homework problems. The “Master It” option displays an example problem and interactively helps you solve it, while the “Video Example” displays a video of an example problem. Online homework from a week’s lecture is generally due online at 6:00 pm the following Monday (unless otherwise specified). After the homework is due, PDFs are available within the program with worked out solutions. No late online homework will be accepted under any circumstances. That said, I will drop the lowest score from your final grade. Note: If you don't have access to a computer at home, you are more than welcome to use the computers in theMath Lab(L207) or the Open Lab (L202D). If you do this, you must sign up forLRNRE 501 – Supervised Tutoring(Course Code:22533) to utilize these services. This course is a no-credit ungraded course that will not show up on an official transcript. Your effort to sign up this course will help keep our labs open and free to all students. OFFLINE HOMEWORK On occasion, I will assign offline homework with problems of my own or from the ebook. I strongly encourage you to work on these problems together whether it be a study group or by using the message board, but please make sure the work you submit is that of your own! All work must be in pencil (colored pens/pencils okay for graphs) and legible. Offline homework from a week’s lecture is generally due in-class at 10 am the following Tuesday (unless otherwise specified). No late offline assignments will be accepted under any circumstances. QUIZZES We will have short 5-10 minute quizzes at the beginning of each lecture that corresponds to the previous lectures material. This is to motivate you to arrive on time, review your notes before class, and stay on top of the homework. These are closed book with no notes. Calculators may be allowed at my discretion, and I reserve the right to make any in-class quiz an online quiz with a specified due date. There will be no makeups under any circumstances. That said, I will drop the lowest quiz score from your final grade ATTENDANCE Students will be dropped for missing more than 2 weeks of class without official, documented excuses. Note, the attendance clock will begin on the first day of class, not when the student finally adds the class. State law and College of Alameda’s Code require that students be allowed to make up missed work/quizzes/tests due to absences for religious holidays, athletic or other school-‐related events. You must notify me at least one week in advance if you have to miss class for these cases. You are responsible for making up any missed work within one week of the absence. CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Students are ere expected to: Attend class on a regular basis Be on time to class. Come prepared to class with all necessary materials. Recognize that it is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from the class, not the instructor’s responsibility. Not to copy off of each other on Homework, Class Assignments, or Tests Not bring cell phones, laptops or electronic devices to class Tentative Schedule Date Tuesday 1/20/15 Thursday 1/22/15 Tuesday 1/27/15 Thursday 1/29/15 Tuesday 2/3/15 Thursday 2/5/15 Tuesday 2/10/15 Thursday 2/12/15 Tuesday 2/17/15 Thursday 2/19/15 Tuesday 2/24/15 Thursday 2/26/15 Tuesday 3/3/15 Thursday 3/5/15 Tuesday 3/10/15 Thursday 3/12/15 Tuesday 3/17/15 Thursday 3/19/15 Tuesday 3/24/15 Thursday 3/26/15 Tuesday 4/1/14 Thursday 4/3/14 Tuesday 4/8/14 Thursday 4/10/14 Tuesday 4/15/14 Thursday 4/17/14 Topics Covered Syllabus & Introductions Intro to WebAssign Section 2.1: The Tangent & Velocity Problems Section Section Section Section Section 2.2: The Limit of a Function 2.3: Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws 2.3 (Continued) 2.5: Continuity 2.5 (Continued) Section 2.6: Limits at infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes Section 2.7: Derivatives & Rates of Change Section 2.8: The Derivative as a Function Section 3.1: Rules of Polynomials & Exponential Functions Section 3.2: The Product & Quotient Rules Section 3.3: Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions Midterm Exam 1 (Chapter 2) Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 3.9: Related Rates Section 3.10: Linear Approximation Section 4.1: Maximum & Minimum Values Midterm Exam 2 (Chapter 3) Spring Break – No Class Spring Break – No Class Section 4.2: The Mean Value Theorem Section 4.4: Indeterminate Forms & L’Hospital’s Rule Section 4.3: How the Derivative Affects the Shape of a Graph Section 4.5: Summary of Curve Sketching 3.3 (Continued) 3.4: The Chain Rule 3.4 (Continued) 3.5: Implicit Differentiation 3.5 (Continued) 3.6: Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions 3.7: Rates of Change in the Natural & Social Sciences Tuesday 4/22/14 Thursday 4/24/14 Tuesday 4/29/14 Thursday 5/1/14 Tuesday 5/6/14 Thursday 5/8/14 Tuesday 5/13/14 Thursday 5/15/14 Tuesday 5/20/14 Section 4.7: Optimization Problems Section 4.9: Antiderivatives Midterm Exam 3 (Chapter 4) Section 5.1: Areas & Distances Section 5.2: The Definite Integral Section 5.3: The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Section 5.4: Indefinite Integrals & The Net Change Theorem Section 5.5: The Substitution Rule No Class Thursday 5/22/14 Final Exam (Chapters 1-5, excluding Sections 2.4, 3.8, 3.11, 4.6, & 4.8) MIDTERM There will be three midterms. Each midterm will cover material discussed in class and covered on the homework and quizzes. No makeup midterms will be allowed. I will drop the lowest midterm score FINAL The final exam is comprehensive. It will cover material discussed in class, covered in the homework and on the midterms. The final will also include any new material that has been covered since the last midterm. ACADEMIC HONESTY: Students are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct as described in the College of Alameda Catalog. Be aware that cheating includes using unauthorized notes on an exam, looking at someone else’s exam or quiz, or programming notes into your graphing calculators. Students who are caught cheating will receive a zero on the exam or quiz. Multiple infractions of cheating will result in a failing grade for the course. Anyone with further questions or problems should contact me as soon as possible. Also, note that using cell phones is not permitted during class, including texting. You should alert me before class of the need to receive an emergency phone call or the need to leave class early. Laptop usage is not permitted during class. Students who are disruptive during class or disrespectful of their fellow classmates will be asked to leave for the day. Please note: students are responsible for dropping a course before the posted drop deadline. A student who wishes to withdraw but does not do so before the deadline will receive an “F” in the course. The last day to withdraw for the semester is April 25th. STUDENT SERVICES Math Lab and Open Lab: The Math Lab is located in Room L207. This room is located on the second floor of the COA Library—at the top of the stairs, to your left. The Open Lab is located down the hall. I will announce hours of operation for Spring 2015 when I receive them. The Math Lab and the Open Lab computers are equipped to run the course site. Please use the Math Lab to complete assignments online, receive help from tutors, and refer to hard copies of the textbook. Please use the Open Lab to complete the course if you are experiencing trouble with your own computer. You can print homework assignments in the Open Lab, but not the Math Lab. You can complete printed assignments at home, and then return later to the Open Lab or Math Lab to enter your responses. I recommend you complete online quizzes in the Open Lab—you’ll avoid potential technical difficulties because the computers are faster and more current in this lab. Students must enroll in LRNRE 501-21846 in order to use services provided by the LRC. Please note that this course is a non unit bearing courses and is of no cost to the students. LRNRE course will not appear on an official transcript. Disability Support Services Any student with a documented disability is welcome to contact DSPS as early in the semester as possible so that we may arrange reasonable accommodations. As part of this process, please be in touch with DSPS. DSPS is located in D-117; their phone number is (510)748-2328. IMPORTANT DATES: February 1st February 1st February 6th February 13th February 16th March 30th-April 5th April 25th May 15th May 16th-22nd May 21st 10AM-12PM Last Day to drop without a “W” Last Day to add a class Last day to file Pass/No Pass Lincoln’s Birthday-Holiday Observance Washington’s Birthday-Holiday Observance Spring Break Last Day to drop a class with a “W” Malcolm X Day-Holiday Observance Final ExamsWeek Final Exam