video game - 東吳大學資訊管理學系

Video Game
Ching-Shoei Chiang
From wikipedia
Video Games
• A video game is an electronic game that
involves interaction with a user interface to
generate visual feedback on a video device.
• Pong (marketed as PONG) is one of the
earliest arcade video games, and is a tennis
sports game featuring simple twodimensional graphics. The aim is to defeat an
opponent—either computer-controlled or a
second player—by earning a higher score.
The game was originally manufactured by
Atari Incorporated (Atari), who released it in
Video Games: History
• William Higinbotham, a nuclear scientist, created Tennis For
Two on October 18, 1958. It was never commercially
released because it wasn't meant to be an actual video
game, but an electrical experiment although in 1982
Creative Computing magazine has said it was the first.
• The game used actual screen representations of the match.
However, while Tennis for Two is the most notable of the
video game predecessors, Cathode-Ray Tube Amusement
Device created in 1948 by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle
R. Mann is considered the oldest one known.
• Two other notable predecessors were created as well. In
1951 the Nimrod computer was built by a team at Ferranti
International and first displayed to the public during that
year's Festival of Britain’s Exhibition of Science. The
computer was designed specifically to play the centuries-old
game Nim and used lights to
represent the location.
Video Games: History
• The following year A.S. Douglas at the University
of Cambridge created OXO( or Noughts and
Crosses). It was designed to study the interaction
between human and computer. Both Nimrod and
OXO were designed not to be entertaining.
• There is still debate as to whether any of these can
be classified as the "first video game" as the term
"implies that electronic signals are converted to
images on a screen using a raster pattern, a series
of horizontal lines composed of individual pixels."
• Oscilloscopes, which Tennis for Two was played on,
did not use the raster process.
Video Games: History
1970s -By the late 1970s, the computer game industry formed from a hobby culture,
when personal computers just began to become widely available. The industry grew
along with the advancement of computing technology, and often drove that
• 1980s - In the mid 1980s the industry crashed due to the production of too many badly
developed games (quantity over quality), resulting in the fall of the North American
industry and giving rise to the Japanese industry, particularly the games company
• 1990s -The 1990s saw advancements in gaming related technology. Among the
significant advancements were:
• The widespread adoption of CD-based storage and software distribution
• Widespread adoption of GUI-based operating systems, such as the series of
Microsoft Windows and Mac OS
• Advancement in 3D graphics technology, as 3D graphic cards became widely
adopted, with 3D graphics now the de facto standard for video game visual
• Continuing advancement of CPU speed and sophistication
• 2000s - Today, the video game industry is a juggernaut of development; profit still drives
technological advancement which is then
used by other industry sectors. Though
Video Games: History
• 1970s -By the late 1970s, the computer game industry
formed from a hobby culture, when personal computers
just began to become widely available. The industry grew
along with the advancement of computing technology,
and often drove that advancement.
• 1980s - In the mid 1980s the industry crashed due to the
production of too many badly developed games
(quantity over quality), resulting in the fall of the North
American industry and giving rise to the Japanese
industry, particularly the games company Nintendo.
Video Games: History
• 1990s -The 1990s saw advancements in gaming related technology. Among the
significant advancements were:
• The widespread adoption of CD-based storage and software distribution
• Widespread adoption of GUI-based operating systems, such as the series of
Microsoft Windows and Mac OS
• Advancement in 3D graphics technology, as 3D graphic cards became widely
adopted, with 3D graphics now the de facto standard for video game visual
• Continuing advancement of CPU speed and sophistication
• 2000s - Today, the video game industry is a juggernaut of development; profit still drives
technological advancement which is then used by other industry sectors. Though
maturing, the video game industry is still very volatile, with third-party video game
developers quickly cropping up and, just as quickly, going out of business.[citation needed]
Video Games: History
• 1990s -The 1990s saw advancements in gaming related
technology. Among the significant advancements were:
• The widespread adoption of CD-based storage and
software distribution
• Widespread adoption of GUI-based operating systems,
such as the series of Microsoft Windows and Mac OS
• Advancement in 3D graphics technology, as 3D
graphic cards became widely adopted, with 3D
graphics now the de facto standard for video game
visual presentation
• Continuing advancement of CPU speed and
Video Games: History
• 2000s - Today, the video game industry is a juggernaut
of development; profit still drives technological
advancement which is then used by other industry
sectors. Though maturing, the video game industry is still
very volatile, with third-party video game developers
quickly cropping up and, just as quickly, going out of
Video Games Interaction
• Video games typically also use other ways
of providing interaction and information to
the player.
• Audio is almost universal, using sound
reproduction devices, such as speakers and
• Other feedback may come via haptic
peripherals, such as vibration or force
feedback, with vibration sometimes used
to simulate force feedback.
Video Games platforms
The term "platform" refers to the specific combination of electronic or
computer hardware which, in conjunction with low-level software, allows a
video game to operate. The term "system" is also commonly used.
In common use a "PC game" refers to a form of media that involves a
player interacting with a personal computer connected to a high-resolution
video monitor.
A "console game" is played on a specialized electronic device that connects
to a standard television set or composite video monitor.
A "handheld" gaming device is a self contained electronic device that is
portable and can be held in a user's hands.
"Arcade game" generally refers to a game played on an even more
specialized type of electronic device that is typically designed to play only
one game and is encased in a special cabinet.
These distinctions are not always clear and there may be games that
bridge one or more platforms.
There are also devices with screens which have the ability to play games
but are not dedicated video game machines (examples are mobile phones,
PDAs and graphing calculators).
Types of Video Games
In general, video games can be divided in to
three types:
1. core games,
2. casual games,
3. serious games,
depending on the target audience.
Definition of core games
• Core games are what most consider to be
video games; the games players buy in a store
and play on a PC, or a video game console.
• These core games can also be divided into the
types core games, casual games, and serious
games themselves as well, but are still
considered part of the group of core games.
• What defines core games is that they are
generally larger and more expanded than the
games in the casual games and serious games
Definition of casual games
• A casual game is a video game or online game targeted at a
mass audience of casual gamers.
• Casual games can have any type of gameplay, and fit in any
• They are typically distinguished by their simple rules and lack
of commitment required in contrast to more complex hardcore
• Casual games typically are played on a personal computer
online in web browsers, although they now are starting to
become popular on game consoles, too.
• Casual gaming demographics also vary greatly from those of
traditional computer games, as the typical casual gamer is
older and more predominantly female, with over 74% of those
purchasing casual games being women.
• E.G. winlinez五色球
Video Game Development
• Video game development and authorship, much like any other form of
entertainment, is frequently a cross-disciplinary field.
• Video game developers, as employees within this industry are
commonly referred, primarily include programmers and graphic
• Over the years this has expanded to include almost every type of skill
that one might see prevalent in the creation of any movie or television
program, including sound designers, musicians, and other technicians;
as well as skills that are specific to video games, such as the game
designer. All of these are managed by producers.
• In the early days of the industry, it was more common for a single
person to manage all of the roles needed to create a video game. As
platforms have become more complex and powerful in the type of
material they can present, larger teams have been needed to generate
all of the art, programming, cinematography, and more. This is not to
say that the age of the "one-man shop" is gone, as this is still
sometimes found in the casual gaming and handheld markets, where
smaller games are prevalent due to technical limitations of the target
platform (such as cellphones and PDAs).
Video Game Development
• With the growth of the size of development teams in the
industry, the problem of cost has increased. Development
studios need to be able to pay their staff a competitive
wage in order to attract and retain the best talent, while
publishers are constantly looking to keep costs down in
order to maintain profitability on their investment.
• Typically, a video game console development team can
range in sizes of anywhere from 5 to 50 people, with
some teams exceeding 100. In May 2009, one game
project was reported to have a development staff of 450.
• The growth of team size combined with greater pressure
to get completed projects into the market to begin
recouping production costs has led to a greater
occurrence of missed deadlines and unfinished products.
Cheating in Video Game
• Cheating in computer games may involve cheat
codes implemented by the game developers,
modification of game code by third parties, or
players exploiting a software glitch.
• Cheats usually make the game easier by
providing an unlimited amount of some
resource; for example lives, weapons, health, or
• Other cheats might provide an unusual or
amusing feature, like altered game colors or
graphical appearances.
Glitches in Video Game
• Software errors not detected by software testers
during development can find their way into
released versions of computer and video games.
This may happen because the glitch only occurs
under unusual circumstances in the game, was
deemed too minor to correct, or because the game
development was hurried to meet a publication
• Glitches can range from minor graphical errors to
serious bugs that can delete saved data or cause
the game to malfunction.
• In some cases publishers will release updates
(referred to as patches) to repair glitches.
Demographics in Video Game
• The November 2005 Nielsen Active Gamer Study, taking a survey of 2,000
regular gamers, found that the U.S. games market is diversifying.
• The age group among male players has expanded significantly up into the 2540 age group.
• For casual online puzzle-style and simple mobile cell phone games, the
gender divide is more or less equal between males and females.
• Females have been shown to be significantly attracted to playing certain
online multi-user video games that offer a more communal experience, and a
small number of young females have been shown to play aggressive games
that are sometimes thought of as being "traditionally male" games.
• According to the ESRB(Entertainment Software Rating Board) almost 41% of
PC gamers are women. With such video game social networks as Miss Video
Game and Guild Cafe having a large percentages of female gamers, the
"traditionally male" games are now considered cross-gendered.
• When comparing today’s industry climate with that of 20 years ago, women
and many adults are more inclined to be using products in the industry. While
the market for teen and young adult men is still a strong market, it’s the other
demographics which are posting significant growth.
• In 2008, the average American gamer has been playing for 12 years, and is
now, on average, 35 years of age.
Multiplayer in Video Game
• Video gaming has traditionally been a social experience. Multiplayer
video games are those that can be played either competitively or
cooperatively by using either multiple input devices, or by hotseat.
• Hotseat play allows players to play a multiplayer game with only one
copy of the game or only one device.
• Tennis for Two, arguably the first video game, was a two player game,
as was its successor Pong. The first commercially available game
console, the Magnavox Odyssey, had two controller inputs.
• Since then, most consoles have been shipped with two or four
controller inputs. Some have had the ability to expand to four, eight or
as many as twelve inputs with additional adapters.
• Multiplayer arcade games typically feature play for two to four players,
sometimes tilting the monitor on its back for a top-down viewing
experience allowing players to sit opposite one another.
• Many early computer games for non-PC descendant based platforms
featured multiplayer support.
Multiplayer in Video Game
• PC-based computer games started with a lower availability of multiplayer
options because of technical limitations.
• PCs typically had either one or no game ports at all.
• In online gaming, a MUD (multi-user dungeon), pronounced /mʌd/, is a
multi-user real-time virtual world described entirely in text. It combines
elements of role-playing games, hack and slash(a type of gameplay that
emphasizes close combat with short-range weapons), interactive fiction, and
online chat.
• Network games for these early personal computers were generally limited to
only text based adventures or MUDs that were played remotely on a
dedicated server. This was due both to the slow speed of modems (300-1200bit/s), and the prohibitive cost involved with putting a computer online in
such a way where multiple visitors could make use of it.
• However, with the advent of widespread local area networking technologies
and Internet based online capabilities, the number of players in modern
games can be 32 or higher, sometimes featuring integrated text and/or voice
chat. MMOs (Massively multiplayer online game) can offer extremely high
numbers of simultaneous players;
• Eve Online set a record with just under 36,000 players on a single server in
Controversy in Video Game
• Like related forms of media, computer and video games have
been the subject of frequent controversy and censorship, due
to the depiction of graphic violence, sexual themes,
advergaming(a form of advertising in games), consumption of
drugs, consumption of alcohol or tobacco, propaganda, or
profanity in some games.
• Among others, critics of video games sometimes include
parents' groups, politicians, organized religious groups, and
other special interest groups, even though all of these can be
found in all forms of entertainment and media.
• Various games have been accused of causing addiction and
even violent behavior.
• "Video game censorship" is defined as the use of state or
group power to control the playing, distribution, purchase, or
sale of video games or computer games.
• Video game controversy comes in many forms, and censorship
is a controversial subject.
Controversy in Video Game
• Proponents and opponents of censorship are often
very passionate about their individual views.
• Various national content rating organizations, such
as the Entertainment Software Ratings Board or
ESRB in North America, rate software for certain
age groups and with certain content warnings.
• Some of these organizations are optional industry
self-regulation (such as the ESRB), while others are
part of national government censorship
• Also, parents are not always aware of the existence
of these ratings.
Raiting in ESRB
Titles rated EC (Early Childhood) have content that
may be suitable for ages 3 and older. Contains no
material that parents would find inappropriate.
Titles rated E (Everyone) have content that may be
suitable for ages 6 and older. Titles in this category
may contain minimal cartoon, fantasy or mild
violence and/or infrequent use of mild language.
Titles rated E10+ (Everyone 10 and older) have
content that may be suitable for ages 10 and older.
Titles in this category may contain more cartoon,
fantasy or mild violence, mild language and/or
minimal suggestive themes.
Raiting in ESRB
Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages
13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence,
suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated
gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language.
Titles rated M (Mature) have content that may be suitable for
persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain
intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong
Titles rated AO (Adults Only) have content that should only be
played by persons 18 years and older. Titles in this category may
include prolonged scenes of intense violence and/or graphic
sexual content and nudity.
Titles listed as RP (Rating Pending) have been submitted to the
ESRB and are awaiting final rating. (This symbol appears only in
advertising prior to a game's release.)
Commercial aspects in Video Game
• The three largest producers of and markets for computer and video
games (in order) are North America (US and Canada), Japan and the
United Kingdom.
• Other significant markets include Australia, Spain, Germany, South
Korea, Mexico, France and Italy.
• Both India and China are considered emerging markets in the video
game industry and sales are expected to rise significantly in the coming
• Sales of different types of games vary widely between these markets
due to local preferences.
• Japanese consumers tend to purchase console games over computer
games, with a strong preference for games catering to local tastes.
• In South Korea, computer games are preferred, especially
MMORPG(Massively multiplayer online role-playing game) games and
real-time strategy games.
• There are over 20,000 Internet cafés in South Korea where computer
games can be played for an hourly charge.
Commercial aspects in Video Game
• The NPD (National Purchase Diary) Group tracks computer
and video game sales in the United States. It reported that:
• Console and portable software sales: $6.2 billion, up 8% from 2003
• Console and portable hardware and accessory sales: $3.7 billion,
down 35% from 2003
• PC game sales: $1.1 billion, down 15% from 2006
• PC games that are digitally distributed either directly or by
networks such as Steam are not tracked by the NPD, and Steam
does not list sales numbers for games downloaded through their
• Unauthorized distribution is also rampant on the PC.
• The game and film industries are also becoming increasingly
intertwined, with companies like Sony having significant
stakes in both.
• A large number of summer blockbuster films spawn a
companion game, often launching at the same time to share
the marketing costs.