DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS TOPIC OR FORM SECTION 1 - Teachers and Paraprofessionals ABC'S FOR ECE-Teachers and Paras Attendance Bus Transportation Child Abuse Reporting Explanation Class Size Classroom Visitors and Volunteers Criteria for Selection of Pupils Curriculum and Planning Guides ECE Staff Support Field Trips FORM-Child Abuse Reporting Letter FORM-Emergency Information and Signed Statements FORM-Personnel Verification for Licensing FORM-Physician's Statement of Good Health Goals Instructional Objectives Last Day to Enroll Personnel Changes Professional Development Dates 2012-2013 Rest Time Guidelines Routines Schedules Snack Guidelines Separation Anxiety Spending/Budgets Student Records Substitute Paraprofessionals Toileting Guidelines/Sample Toilet Training Plan Why Fingerprinting? SECTION 2 - Parents ABC'S FOR ECE-Parents Child's Statement of Health Status Explanation FORM-Child's Statement of Health Status (E & Sp) FORM-Interest Survey-Topics for Parent Mtgs. (E & Sp) FORM-Parent Information and Permissions (E & Sp) FORM-Reporting Abuse/Making a Complaint (E & Sp) Immunization Reference Sheet (E & Sp) PAGE 23 15 18 26 6 16 5 3 22 17 27 DISPOSITION Checklist to complete Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Read, sign & date, keep in Licensing File 28 29 25 3 4 6 22 20 12 8 9-10 11 7 19 15 21 Read, sign & date, keep in Licensing File Complete, sign & date, copy to EE & Licensing File Signed by doctor, keep in Licensing File Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook COPY FOR TEACHER AND PARA REFERENCE!!! Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook Handbook 13-14 24 Handbook/Copy for parent if needed Handbook 30 Checklist to complete 37 Handbook 38-39 Completed copy in each Child's Folder 42-45 ECE Classroom to use for Parent Meeting topics 31-36 Completed copy in each Child's Folder/Copy Parent 46-47 40-41 Give copy to parents Handbook 1 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK SECTION 3 - Licensing ABC'S FOR ECE-Licensing Classroom Licensing Checklist 2012-2013 Daily Sign-in/out Sheets Explanation FORM-Available upon request… Notice (E & Sp) FORM-Emergency Numbers FORM-Immunization Notification (E & Sp) FORM-Licensing Capacity (E & Sp) FORM-Health Consultant Log FORM-To file a complaint…Notice (E & Sp) FORM-Visitors Policy FORM-Visitors Sign-in Sheet (E & Sp) Licensing Inspection Response Licensing Policies & Procedures A-Z (E & Sp) Licensing Violations List Nurse Consultation and Medication Delegation Letter What is a Full Signature? What to Expect When You're Expecting a Licensing Visit 51 52 54 53 61 55 56 58-59 72 62-69 70 SECTION 4 - Miscellaneous Information Computer Repair Policy ECE Staff Directory Materials & Supplies Memo 2012-2013 Using the Instructional Resource Center (IRC) at Fox St. 74 73 75-76 SECTION 5 - Rules Regulating Child Care Centers Open 7.702 SECTION 6 - General Rules for Child Care Facilities SECTION 7 - Rules & Regulations Governing the Health and Sanitation of Child Care Facilities Open 7.701 48 57 49 60 50 71 77 2012-2013 Checklist to complete Checklist to complete Handbook Post in Classroom Post in Classroom Post in Classroom Post in Classroom Use in classroom/Keep in classroom licensing file Post in Classroom Post in Classroom Use in classroom Handbook Copy for parents; Teachers & paras read Handbook Handbook Copy for parents if necessary Handbook Handbook Post by Classroom Phone Handbook Handbook esanitarystandards.pdf 2 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 1. GOALS/CURRICULUM AND PLANNING GUIDES The goals of the program are: to develop children’s cognitive skills to prepare them for school success to actively involve parents in the education of their children Research in the field of early childhood education points to the importance of the early years in a child’s intellectual development and identifies early intervention as the key factor in helping to eliminate potential educational failure. On the basis of this research, the Denver Public School’s (DPS) program is designed to help meet the needs of pre-kindergarten children. The Curriculum of DPS includes a scope and sequence that serves as a framework for student learning. It provides the basis of instructional activities for the ECE classrooms. Thematic planning guides have defines the literacy skills and abilities students need to acquire for later school success. Each classroom provides a rich environment with active learning experiences facilitated by the teaching team. These experiences allow the children to build the sound experiential foundation they must possess for future academic success. 3 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 2. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES The instructional objectives of the program are to provide an environment for: the development of cognitive skills the expansion of receptive and expressive language the demonstration of thinking and reasoning skills the development of fine and gross motor skills the application of positive social behaviors the practice of good nutritional and health care habits 4 2012-2013 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 3. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF PUPILS DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS ECE CLASSROOMS ARE TUITION BASED, regardless of funding source (Head Start and Early Reading First funded classes excepted). Family ability to pay is determined by information supplied in the application packet. Pupils will be selected according to the following criteria: The child is four (4) years old on or before October 1, 2012, in order to attend the 2012-2013 school year. In those schools that have ECE programs for 3-year-olds, the child is three (3) years old on or before October 1, 2012, in order to attend the 2012-2013 school year. Special needs 3-yearold children with an IEP are placed into programs by Student Services when appropriate regardless of birth date. Parent/guardian completes and returns to any school office the DPS ECE/Denver Preschool Program Application and provides the child’s birth verification, immunization record, verification of address, and verification of one month’s household income (4-year-old application only). Parent/guardian receives a letter from Application Management Department advising whether their child is enrolled at a requested school or wait-listed. The non-refundable registration fee for tuition-paying families is included in the first invoice. Applicants to Head Start funded classes must meet Federal income qualification guidelines. 5 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 4. CLASS SIZE/LAST DAY TO ENROLL Teachers are encouraged to keep class size at maximum throughout the school year. The maximum for a CPP-funded classroom is 16; Head Start is 17 (subject to variation annually); Early Reading First is 18; TSP-funded classrooms are 20. Ongoing funding of a program can be affected by class size. When the classroom allocation is filled, additional qualifying children are placed on a waiting list by the school staff. Wait-listed children are enrolled during the school year as vacancies occur provided the application process is complete. For more information or questions, please call the Early Education office. Last day to enroll ECE students for 12-13: April 19, 2013 Exceptions will be made for students transferring from another ECE if space is available or for 3-yearolds placed by Student Services. 6 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 5. SEPARATION ANXIETY Separation anxiety is a concern for many children and families. Work with parents/guardians by keeping an open channel of communication. Consider sharing the following information with parents (from Making Goodbyes Easier These strategies can help ease kids and parents through this difficult period: Practice. Practice being apart from each other, and introduce new people and places gradually. If you're planning to leave your child with a relative or a new babysitter, then invite that person over in advance so they can spend time together while you're in the room. If your child is starting at a new day care center or preschool, make a few visits there together before a full-time schedule begins. Practice leaving your child with a caregiver for short periods of time so that he or she can get used to being away from you. Be calm and consistent. Create an exit ritual during which you say a pleasant, loving, and firm goodbye. Stay calm and show confidence in your child. Reassure him or her that you'll be back — and explain how long it will be until you return using concepts kids will understand (such as after lunch) because your child can't yet understand time. Give him or her your full attention when you say goodbye, and when you say you're leaving, mean it; coming back will only make things worse. Follow through on promises. It's important to make sure that you return when you have promised to. This is critical — this is how your child will develop the confidence that he or she can make it through the time apart. As hard as it may be to leave a child who's screaming and crying for you, it's important to have confidence that the caregiver can handle it. It may help both of you to set up a time that you will call to check in, maybe 15 to 20 minutes after you leave. By that time, most kids have calmed down and are playing with other things. Don't let yourself give in early and call sooner! If you're caring for another person's child who's experiencing separation anxiety, try to distract the child with an activity or toy, or with songs, games, or anything else that's fun. You may have to keep trying until something just clicks with the child. It's Only Temporary Remember that this phase will pass. If your child has never been cared for by anyone but you, is naturally shy, or has other stresses, it may be worse than it is for other kids. (see full text at 7 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 6. ROUTINES We encourage the consistent use of rituals and routines in the ECE classroom. When children have a general idea of the order and flow of most school days, they feel safe and secure. Some routines will be based on the community of learners that you are building in your classroom, others will be managerial, while others will be based on curriculum. The following is just a partial list of some routines you might include! Community of Learners Greeting students and parents by name at the door each morning, sometimes with a handshake or a hug (ECERS-R Item 9, p.22-23) Reading with a parent or friend at the beginning of the day (ECERS-R Item 15, 5.5, p.34-35) Managerial Students moving their name tags to a special board or table, to show they are present Cycling through name tags in order to assign classroom jobs Students moving to whole group or centers, based on a special sound or song being played A system in place for choice center management, that promotes student independence and self-help Curricular Reviewing the linear calendar from Everyday Math Meeting with the teacher or paraprofessional for small group literacy or math instruction 8 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 7. SCHEDULES Schedule addition request: We know that the majority of ECE classrooms are open 10 minutes prior to the start of the day and the last of the children don’t leave until 10 minutes after the day ends, frequently supervised by a paraprofessional. In order to comply with funding source requirements and to reflect what is actually is occurring, we are asking that schedules reflect that flex time by using a schedule designation time similar to the following example: 8:05 arrival 8:15 (when more structured activities begin) Free choice centers (or whatever activity you begin your day with) Then 3:00-3:10 (when structured activities end at 3:00) Dismissal We recommend beginning the school day with flexible and inviting activities for children. This could mean beginning the day with center play, open library time, or any other activity that will invite students in to the classroom. By waiting to begin circle time or orientation activities, the teacher has more time to greet families, take attendance, and help kids transition into the day’s activities. We’re also asking teachers to maximize the time they can allot to choice centers and outdoor play. This is a recommendation from Qualistar, but it is also a best practice for our work with 3 and 4 year olds. While some direct instruction will still happen during whole group and small group work, instruction and learning are pivotal during choice centers and outdoor play. To take full advantage of the school day, whether a ½ day or full-day program, teachers can minimize the number of transitions. Rather than taking children outside for three separate twenty minute sessions (and thus adding 30 minutes total of transition time to your day!), try taking kids outside for a full hour (which just results in 10 minutes of transition time). Extended play periods results in higher-level play for children. We’re happy to work with teachers to brainstorm schedules that work the best for their individual circumstances and communities of learners. Below are sample schedules: Sample ECE Full-Day Schedule – 2012-2013 Note: These minutes can be distributed across the school day, in the way that works best for your school community. Minutes/Recommended Time Frame Description 30 minutes [this includes the flex time mentioned Children arrive in the classroom and begin work at above] free choice centers. Teachers greet students and parents, supervise parent sign-in and handwashing, and help students settle in for the day. In some programs this may include breakfast. 15 minutes Children and teachers meet for circle time/community time. This can include songs, gross motor activities, read-aloud, and some direct instruction in literacy, math, and language development. 120 minutes Free choice centers, with the option of children working in small groups with teachers, as necessary. 45 minutes Outside and gross motor time (includes transition time, to get to and from outdoor play areas, and to 9 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 60 minutes 45 minutes 45 minutes 45 minutes 15 minutes [this includes the flex time mentioned above] 2012-2013 wash hands when returning to the classroom) Lunch and additional outside time Nap/Quiet rest time Specials English Language Development – teachers support all learners with speaking and listening skills – this can include a combination of engaging whole group direct instruction, focused small group work, and guided conversations with individual children. This can be divided into two sections of time. Read-aloud and prepare for dismissal – this can include more songs and gross-motor activities in the whole group meeting area, as parents arrive to pick up their children Total time: 7 hours Sample ECE ½ Day Schedule – 2012-2013 Minutes/Approximate Time Frame 20 minutes - Arrival Time [this includes the flex time mentioned above] 15 minutes – Circle Time 60 minutes – Choice Centers 40 minutes – Outside and Gross Motor 20 minutes - ELD 20 minutes – Read Aloud and Dismissal [this includes the flex time mentioned above] Description Children arrive in the classroom and begin work at free choice centers. Teachers greet students and parents, supervise parent sign-in and handwashing, and help students settle in for the day. In some programs this may include breakfast. This could include pick up from the bus. Children and teachers meet for circle time/community time. This can include songs, gross motor activities, read-aloud, and some direct instruction in literacy, math, and language development. Free choice centers, with the option of children working in small groups with teachers, as necessary. Outside and gross motor time (includes transition time, to get to and from outdoor play areas, and to wash hands when returning to the classroom) English Language Development – teachers support all learners with speaking and listening skills – this can include a combination of engaging whole group direct instruction, focused small group work, and guided conversations with individual children. Read-aloud and prepare for dismissal – this can include more songs and gross-motor activities in the whole group meeting area, as parents arrive to pick up their children. This could include drop off at the bus. Total time: 3 hours 10 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 8. SNACK GUIDELINES Due to the time and expense required to prepare and serve snacks that meet a high nutritional standard, we recommend that snack is only served in full-day programs. Full-day program snacks are provided through the school cafeteria, and are paid for by the Early Education Department. If a half-day program decides to serve snack, we recommend that nutritionally balanced snacks are provided during choice center times, thus minimizing time that children are taken from free choice play for a whole group activity. If your school takes part in a community nutrition program, ECE classrooms may participate, just be sure to follow licensing and ECERS-R guidelines when preparing and serving the food. 11 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 9. REST TIME GUIDELINES Children in full-day programs will be given the opportunity to rest, in a quiet, dim room, with soothing music playing. We recommend a minimum of 20 minutes of rest time. The maximum amount of time allowed will depend on your program and the needs of your students. Most students will not nap for more than an hour, so classroom activities should be planned accordingly. If children are sleeping for more than an hour, we recommend that the teacher talks to parents/guardians about whether the rest time schedule is working for the family. Some families will prefer that the child is awakened, so that an early bedtime can be maintained, while some families will prefer that the child rests as long as he or she needs to on any given day. For students that do not regularly sleep, please provide them with the opportunity to rest on a mat for 20 minutes, and then allow them to transition to other quiet activities, if other classmates are sleeping. Because sleeping classmates may limit class access to free choice centers, provide access to quiet center activities in other parts of the room. Continue to store rest time sheets and stuffed animals (if used) in the bags provided by the Early Education Department. Be sure that the tops of bags are secured so that items don’t spill out. Because rest mats are stacked (in most programs), continue to sanitize the mats before stacking them each afternoon, or use the plastic dividers between mats and sanitize once a week. Plastic sheets must be kept off of the floor – please ask Lucy or Elise for a more detailed tutorial. Either send rest sheets home to be washed each week, or set up another system of weekly washing. We hope that these efforts will continue to minimize cases of bed bugs and lice in our programs. 12 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 10. TOILETING GUIDELINES Denver Public Schools early education teachers and paraprofessionals are committed to supporting children and families in the process of independent toilet use, in all classrooms. If a child is struggling with the process, teachers will work with families to implement appropriate support measures, including, but not limited to the following: o Encouraging the student to use the bathroom at regular intervals o Encouraging the student to independently clean him/herself and change into clean clothing o Allowing a parent or guardian to return to school to assist with clean-up/changing clothing o Allowing the use of pull-ups or training undergarments, per family preference If an ECE classroom is not equipped with bathrooms, teachers will coordinate with parents, other teachers, and other appropriate school personnel to create a toileting and cleaning/changing plan within the first two weeks of school, in order to maintain safe in-classroom ratios. A sample toilet training plan is included. “Children develop differently socially, emotionally, and physically. All of these aspects will affect their ability to control their bodily functions. It is important that staffs are patient with children even when they have accidents, so that the children and their self-esteem do not suffer. Staff should encourage children to try to control their bodily functions and praise them when they do. This will instill pride and confidence in them, but if they do have accidents encouragement is still needed so that the children are not afraid or embarrassed, thus learning to hate bathroom time.” – From ECERS-R, Cryer et al. 13 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS Sample Toilet Training Plan Student _____________________________ Start Date ____________________________ Team Members Objectives Materials __Timer __Audio Tape __Foot Stool __Favorite Toy or Object __Potty Chair __Adapted Toilet Seat __Extra underwear __Extra clothing __Pull-Ups Toilet Training Schedule __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Reinforcers __________________ Reinforcement Schedule ____________________________________ __________________ ____________________________________ Procedure __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Adapted for DPS Early Education Department from Cynthia Rose and Nancy Greenbaum 14 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 11. STUDENT RECORDS/ATTENDANCE In the classroom, a folder for State Licensing review is maintained for each child enrolled in the program. ECE student files may be SHREDDED after five (5) years. It MUST contain: the Parent Information and Permissions Form, (a copy is given to the parent also) the Child’s Statement of Health Status for Enrollment, a copy of the child’s Immunization Record, a copy of the child’s Birth Verification, a copy of the child’s District Registration Packet (original is in the school office) Special Diet and/or Health Care Plan, if applicable, and a separate folder may be kept for bodies of evidence. If a child is absent: 3 consecutive days……teacher calls the home 5 consecutive days……refer to social worker 10 consecutive days…... the child may need to be dropped from the program and replaced with a child on the waiting list (based on Principal/CSC policy). 15 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 12. CLASSROOM VISITORS AND VOLUNTEERS Parents or guardians may visit their children at any time. Parent volunteers are encouraged to participate in classroom activities. Teachers will provide a signup sheet for daily and long term volunteers. The instructional staff will welcome all parents, visitors, observers, and Early Education administrative staff to the classroom. Licensing regulations require visitors to sign in with name, address and purpose of visit. At least one piece of identification must be inspected for visitors who are strangers to ECE staff. The Visitor Sign-In Sheets must be kept on file in the ECE classroom for three years. 16 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 13. FIELD TRIPS High-quality, educational field trips are encouraged in ECE! Be sure to make a plan and budget for field trips with your entire ECE team early in the school year. If you’ll be traveling by bus, you will need to make arrangements with the transportation department in advance. You may also do walking field trips in your neighborhood, as well as inviting special presenters to come to your school. You are welcome to bring parent chaperones, and may help pay for parents with your classroom/materials funds. The following is just a partial list of some of the field trips you might consider. Make sure that your choices always include an educational component. Field Trips Requiring Transportation (depending on your school location): o The Children’s Museum o The Denver Zoo o The Denver Art Museum o The Museum of Nature and Science o The Arvada Center (theater productions) o The Botanic Gardens Walking/Neighborhood Field Trips: o Fire station o Library o Post Office o Local restaurants o Bakery o Local parks or natural habitats Programs that will present at your school: o Denver Zoo o Colorado Ballet o Mizel Museum o Opera Colorado 17 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 14. BUS TRANSPORTATION Buses for ECE field trips may be paid for through regular school transportation allocations or with classroom materials and supplies funds. Arrangements are made through your school office. The DPS Department of Transportation has changed some of the procedures around scheduling and providing excursion transportation for ECE students. These changes may affect ECE budgets in planning for excursions. The seats in school buses that provide safety to children in the event of an accident do not work for small children. Children under a certain weight are likely to slide off the bus seat so they need to be in some kind of restraint. The requirements of the restraint mean that only every other bus seat can be used on most buses. Essentially, it will take twice as many buses to transport them. The result is that it will cost more because more buses will be used and teachers will need to plan to have enough adults so that there is at least one on each bus. Please be aware of the following (from the Transportation Department): “Early Childhood Education (ECE) students require special equipment. You must identify the number of ECE students on your trip request. For planning, we have one bus type that seats 12 ECE students and 45 elementary size students or we have a few buses that can seat 35 ECE students and 12 elementary (or 8 adult) size students.” Because the appropriate buses are limited, you will need to plan ahead, and have a back-up plan in place if transportation isn’t available on the dates you requested. The DPS transportation web-site is: From the main web-site, you’ll need to access ‘Excursions’, at The web-site will give you more details about who to contact, dates when buses are not available, and forms you will need to fill out for your excursion. 18 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 15. SPENDING/BUDGETS Each school year ECE teachers are given an amount to spend on materials and supplies for the classroom. A memo explaining spending and correct account codes is sent via e-mail to ECE teachers and requisition secretaries at the beginning of the school year. A copy of this memo is in Section 4 of this handbook. Purchases are made through the school office on a CR (contract release), PR (purchase requisition), or district/school credit card for CPP and TSP funded classes. The school office can issue a CR to King Soopers for the purchase of food for the classroom. The Early Education Department will not make reimbursements to ECE classrooms. Head Start teachers will submit requisitions for their Head Start funds only to the Early Education Department on the form provided for them. Purchase of materials with your alternate funding source is handled as described in the previous paragraph. Because the annual allocation of Materials and Supplies money is intended for the students in the current school year, it must be spent (or allocated for an upcoming event) by March 1, 2013, unless otherwise advised. 19 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 16. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DATES 2012-2013 Professional Development locations to be determined Non-Student Contact Dates for ECE : Teacher and Paraprofessonal Professional Development Tuesday, September 4, 2012—individuals will be notified of attendance times and locations Monday, November 5, 2012—full to partial day (notification coming in October) required depending on current certifications in CPR/Universal Precautions/First Aid Friday, March 1, 2013—full day attendance required, 8:00-3:00 ECE Paraprofessional-Specific Professional Development Note: It is important the paraprofessionals attend all dates so that they will receive the professional development credit needed for Qualistar and content knowledge needed to meet CDHS requirements. Attendance is required for the entire day 8:00-3:00, each day Friday, September 14, 2012 Monday, January 7, 2013 Tues, January 22, 2013 Tues, February 19, 2013 Friday, May 10, 2013 ECE TS GOLD Checkpoint Finalization Dates by 5:00 pm Monday, October 29, 2012 Monday, February 4, 2013 Monday, April 29, 2013 20 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 17. SUBSTITUTE PARAPROFESSIONALS Colorado Department of Human Services licensing requires that the adult/child ratio of no more than 1:10 be maintained at all times. Teachers may have volunteer parents or other paraprofessionals in the building available for short-term ECE paraprofessional absences. Substitute paraprofessionals may be used when the classroom paraprofessional is absent. The substitute paraprofessional works under the direct supervision of the ECE teacher at all times. NOTE: All ECE para subs must be qualified as ECE para subs and identified as such in Lawson. Special Education qualified para subs are not authorized to take an ECE para sub job. Substitute paraprofessionals are available through the Substitute Employee Management System (SEMS). The secretary of each school is responsible for requesting a sub para on the SEMS (720-4233231) system. The para sub completes an individual time sheet (available on the Early Education Dept. web page) signed by the teacher. The para sub submits the time sheet to the Early Education office on the monthly payroll due date. 21 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS 18. ECE STAFF SUPPORT/PERSONNEL CHANGES o The Early Education Department manages the ECE program and coordinates staff development with curriculum staff as well as providing technical assistance and administrative, technical and instructional support for the ECE staff. o The Early Education office supports the principal of the elementary school in which the class is located. The class is subject to the jurisdiction of that principal as well as that of the Instructional Superintendent. o Notify the Early Education Department immediately, by email to or by phone, 720-423-8212, of personnel changes in ECE classrooms, whether teacher or paraprofessional. o Notify the Early Education Department immediately, by email to or by phone, 720-423-8212, of name changes in ECE classrooms, whether teacher or paraprofessional. New personnel are required to meet Colorado State Child Care Licensing Regulations, therefore it is urgent that the department be advised of changes as soon as possible. 22 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS ABC’s FOR ECETEACHERS AND PARAS The remainder of this section contains the forms and, in some cases explanations of the forms, that ECE teachers and paraprofessionals need to have in a licensing documentation file in the classroom available for state licensing inspectors. Here is a list of the items each staff member should have completed: _____ CBI/FBI Fingerprinting Response (emailed and mailed from Early Education Dept.) _____ TRAILS Background Child Abuse/Neglect response form (emailed and mailed from Early Ed. Dept.) _____ Current Physician’s Statement of Good Health/Immunization Record _____ Initialed and Signed Child Abuse Reporting Letter _____ Signed Emergency Information & Statements Form (Perjury, Immunization, Policy, Emergency Training) _____ CPR, First Aid and Universal Precautions certifications (originals in classroom; copy at home) _____ Signed Child Abuse Reporting letter _____ Verification of Qualifications-copy of college transcripts _____ Personnel Verification for Licensing form _____ Documentation of Annual Training Hours 23 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS ECE classrooms are licensed by the State of Colorado as Child Care Centers. Teachers and paras must have a copy of their CBI/FBI fingerprint response and TRAILS background check response in a confidential classroom licensing file available for state inspectors to view. State databases cannot talk to each other so previous fingerprinting will not work for Child Care Licensing. The Early Education Department must fingerprint and background check all staff NEW to ECE each year. Returning ECE teachers and paras do not need to be re-fingerprinted. Early Education pays the cost for both checks. There is no charge to any ECE teacher or para! The responses, which take several weeks, will be both emailed and sent via school mail to each individual by the Early Ed. Dept. Please note that the CBI does not return fingerprint cards. Should your classroom have a licensing inspection before your responses are returned, you may answer the licensing violations by stating the date the fingerprints and TRAILS request were done and that they are “in process”. Call Maddie Henninger, 720-423-8212, in the Early Ed. office if you have questions about this process. 24 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS PHYSICIAN’S STATEMENT OF GOOD HEALTH Date of Physical Exam__________________ Patient____________________________________________________________________________________ NAME POSITION School___________________________ Health Facility______________________________________________________________________________ NAME PHONE NUMBER Address___________________________________________________________________________________ STREET CITY STATE ZIP Does this patient have any physical condition which would pose a significant risk to the health or safety of others? YES □ NO □ If YES, please specify: _______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Next physical exam is due:________________ (If no date is entered, it is assumed that a physical is required every 2 years.) I hereby certify that the above-named employee is current for all immunizations currently recommended for adults and that he/she is in good mental, physical and emotional health appropriate for the position for which they have been hired. Health Care Provider’s Signature ________________________Date_____________ FOR HEAD START STAFF ONLY: Required every 5 years. Tuberculin Test Screening: Date Test Done: ____________________________ Results:___________________________________ Date Test was Read: ________________________ 25 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS LICENSING REQUIREMENTS – CHILD ABUSE REPORTING EXPLANATION The DPS Board has revised Policy JLF-R – Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection. The Board Policy states that “all school personnel are mandated reporters of child abuse or neglect, and have a legal and moral obligation to make a report if child abuse or neglect is reasonably suspected.” The Board Policy also refers to the “Child Protection Act of 1987” which states “if a child care worker has ‘reasonable cause to know or suspect that a child has been subjected to abuse or neglect or who has observed the child being subjected to circumstances or conditions which would reasonably result in abuse or neglect shall immediately report or cause a report to be made of such fact to the county department or local law enforcement agency.’” This statement is also paraphrased in Regulation 7.701.53B in the General Rules for Child Care Facilities (copy in section 5 of the ECE Handbook). The “Child Protection Act of 1987” is also quoted in the Child Abuse Reporting letter, section 1, page 10, that each ECE/ELC teacher and para must read, sign, date and file for licensing compliance. This Board revision of Policy JLF-R supersedes the previous Board Policy, “Any suspected incident of child abuse must be reported to the social worker, nurse, psychologist, or principal who will then telephone the Denver Department of Human Services…” 26 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS CHILD ABUSE REPORTING ______(Initial) Under the “Child Protection Act of 1987” (C.R.C. 19-3-301) in the Colorado Children’s Code, child care center workers are required to report suspected child abuse or neglect. The law at 19-3-304 states that if a child care worker has “reasonable cause to know or suspect that a child has been subjected to abuse or neglect or who has observed the child being subjected to circumstances or conditions which would reasonably result in abuse or neglect shall immediately report or cause a report to be made of such fact to the county department or local law enforcement agency.” ______ (Initial) “Abuse” or “child abuse or neglect” means an act or omission in one of the following categories which threatens the health or welfare of a child: skin bruising, tissue swelling, or death; any case in which a child is subjected to sexual assault or molestation, sexual exploitation, or prostitution; any case in which a child is in need of services because the child’s parents, legal guardian, or custodian fails to take the same actions to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or supervision that a prudent parent would take. ______ (Initial) If at any time a staff member reasonably suspects child abuse, it is the responsibility of that staff member to report or to cause a report to be made of this suspicion to the local county department of social or human services at 720-944-3000 or the police department. It is not the staff’s role to investigate suspected abuse, only to report it. Persons who make a good faith report are immune from civil and criminal liability. Additionally, the law provides for the protection of the identity of the reporting party. ______ (Initial) A child care worker who fails to report suspected child abuse or neglect commits a class 3 misdemeanor and will be punished as provided in section 18-1-106, C.R.S. The staff person could also be liable for damages “proximately caused thereby.” I have read and understood the above requirement concerning my responsibility regarding child abuse reporting. _____________________________________ ______________________________ Signature Date All cases of Child Abuse or Neglect must be immediately reported. In doubtful cases, a mandated reporter may confer with a Director or supervisor to see if they have “reasonable cause to know or suspect” that child abuse or neglect has occurred. Ultimately, however, the mandated reporter has personal responsibility for making the report, and the mandated reporter cannot avoid that responsibility by asking a supervisor or employee to determine whether the report should be made. The law provides that, if a person does not make a required report, the person may be prosecuted for a class 3 misdemeanor and may be liable for any damages proximately caused by the failure to report. 19-3-304 (a) and (b), C.R.S. (2005). Facility Name: ________________________________________ 27 License # ________________ DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS Employee Name: _______________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________________ Phone Number: ______________________ Employee Address: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Emergency Contact Name: ________________________________ Relationship: ____________ Emergency Contact Phone Number: ________________________ Date of Hire: ________________ Position/Classroom: _______________________________ PERJURY STATEMENT: “Any applicant who knowingly or willfully makes a false statement of any material fact or thing in the application is guilty of perjury in the second degree as defined in section 18-8-503, C.R.S., and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished accordingly.” _____________________________________ ______________________________ Employee Signature Date IMMUNIZATION STATEMENT: To the best of my knowledge, I am fully immunized. _____________________________________ ______________________________ Signature Date POLICY STATEMENT: I have read and understand the policies and procedures for this facility. _____________________________________ ______________________________ Signature Date EMERGENCY TRAINING: I verify that I have been trained in emergency procedures for this facility. _____________________________________ ______________________________ Signature Date 28 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 1 – TEACHERS AND PARAPROFESSIONALS PERSONNEL VERIFICATION FOR LICENSING TEACHERS & PARAS: COMPLETE THIS FORM EACH YEAR AND KEEP IT IN YOUR CONFIDENTIAL LICENSING DOCUMENTATION FILE IN THE CLASSROOM. Date Completed ________________________________ Name ________________________________ Current School ________________________________ Room Number __________ Position ______Teacher ______Paraprofessional Date of Hire _____________ CPR/AED _____________ (Class Date, Month/Year) ____________ (Expiration Date, Month/Year) First Aid _____________ (Class Date, Month/Year) ____________ (Expiration Date, Month/Year) Universal Precautions _____________ (Class Date, Month/Year) ____________ (Expiration Date, Month/Year) DOCUMENTATION IN PERSONAL LICENSING FILE CBI/FBI Fingerprint Response DATE COMPLETED _______________ TRAILS Background Child Abuse/Neglect Response _______________ Physicians Statement of Good Health/Immunization Record _______________ Signed Child Abuse Reporting Memo _______________ Employee Emergency Information _______________ Signed Statements Form (Immunization, Interest, Confidentiality, Perjury) _______________ Verification of Qualifications (College Transcripts) _______________ ANNUAL TRAINING HOURS (15 hours each year; you may not include CPR/AED, First Aid or Universal Precautions training) Class Description Date of Class Hours Attended I read, have been instructed in and am familiar with, the Rules Regulating Child Care Centers, General Rules for Child Care Facilities and Rules and Regulations Governing the Health and Sanitation of Child Care Facilities. I have read and understand the Denver Public Schools Early Education Department Licensing Policies & Procedures and I have copies of the above documentation on file in my classroom. _______________________________________ Signature & Date 29 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS ABC’s FOR ECEPARENTS This section contains the forms (and some explanations) parents need to complete and return to the ECE teacher at enrollment which are filed in ECE classroom student files as well as some that the ECE teacher gives to the parents to keep. These are the forms parents complete and return to ECE: _____ Parent Information and Permissions (REQUIRED) _____ Child’s Statement of Health Status for Enrollment (REQUIRED BEFORE ATTENDING or within 30 days of enrollment) _____ Interest Survey-Topics for Parent Meetings (Optional) These forms are given to parents to keep: _____ Licensing Policies & Procedures (Found in Section 4 of this handbook) _____ Reporting Abuse/Making a Complaint letter _____ Copy of the completed, signed, and dated Parent Information and Permissions Form _____ Copy of Immunization letter (Optional) 30 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS Parent Information and Permissions Child’s Full Name___________________________________ Date of Birth______________________ Child’s Home Address_______________________________ City & Zip________________________ Date of Enrollment_________________ Previous Educational Experience (if applicable)______________________________________________ ______Birth Certificate (Copy) ______District Registration Packet (Copy) ______Immunization Record on CDPHE approved form (Copy) ______Current Child’s Statement of Health Status Form ______Special Diet and/or Health Care Plan (if applicable) Mother’s Full Name___________________________________ Home Address_________________________________ City & Zip Phone (Home) ______________________ __________________________________ Phone (Other) ______________________ Email Address___________________________________________ Okay to text? Yes ____ No____ Place of Employment_______________________________________________________ Employment Address ______________________________________________________ City & Zip __________________________ Phone (Work) _____________________ Any special instructions on how to reach parent/guardian during the hours the child is at the center? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Father’s Full Name___________________________________ Home Address_________________________________ Phone (Home) _____________________ City & Zip _________________________________ Phone (Other) ______________________ Email Address___________________________________________ Okay to text? Yes ____ No____ Place of Employment______________________________________________________________ Employment Address _______________________________________________________ City & Zip __________________________ Phone (Work) ______________________ Any special instructions on how to reach parent/guardian during the hours the child is at the center? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 31 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS Child’s Name________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSIONS 1. List the names, addresses, phone numbers and relationship to your child of persons to whom we may release your child during the school year. Children WILL ONLY be released to individuals designated in writing. In an emergency situation, your child may be released to a person for whom you, as parent/guardian, have given verbal authorization. If this person is unknown to the classroom staff, picture identification will be required. NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER RELATIONSHIP TO CHILD 2. In accordance with Colorado Department of Human Services child care licensing requirements, I and any individuals I have designated will sign my child in and out each day with both the correct time and a complete signature including both first and last name. 3. In the event that a parent or guardian cannot be reached in an emergency, please list at least two persons who will assume responsibility for your child in an emergency situation. NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER OKAY TO TEXT? Yes or No 4. I give my permission for my child to share in food tasting experiences. YES □ NO □ Food Allergies/Restrictions__________________________________________________________________ 5. If I provide my child with a home-made lunch, it will contain only age-appropriate, nutritious foods which do not pose a choking hazard. 6. In compliance with Colorado Department of Human Services child care licensing requirements, I will not send any food or other items with my child to school in a plastic bag of any size. 7. I understand that food prepared at home may not be served to anyone other than my child. I also understand food prepared at home may not be offered for sale. 8. I give my permission for my child to participate with school-approved, age-appropriate computer programs, music, print media, educational videos and G-rated movies if shown in the ECE classroom. 9. I have been advised that Early Childhood Education classrooms in Denver Public Schools accept children that may not be fully immunized. 10. I have received, read and understand the Denver Public Schools Early Education Department Licensing Policies & Procedures. 32 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS Child’s Name________________________________ 11. I realize my active involvement in my child’s education is very important. Therefore, I agree to: support my child’s education attend parent/teacher meetings and conferences at least five times this year and send my child to school every day that he or she is not ill. I have read, understand, and agree to items 1 through 11 as indicated by my signature. _____________________________________________ ___________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date EMERGENCY MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION Child’s Physician______________________________________________________________________ Name Address Phone Child’s Dentist________________________________________________________________________ Name Address Phone Hospital of Choice_____________________________________________________________________ Name Address Phone In an emergency situation, your child will be transported to the nearest hospital and/or if the parents’ hospital of choice is on divert, the Emergency Personnel will select the alternative site. If a parent or legal guardian cannot be notified and immediate medical care is indicated, the school will call 911. However, the Denver Public Schools will in no case accept financial responsibility for care. ______________________________________________ _____________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date PARENT PERMISSION TO APPLY SUNSCREEN Prior to outdoor play, it is a state licensing regulation that sunscreen must be applied to preschool aged children UNLESS a parent agrees to exempt his/her child from this requirement. PLEASE SIGN THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT THAT APPLIES TO YOUR FAMILY: •I agree to exempt my child, named above, from the requirement to apply sunscreen prior to outdoor play. ______________________________________________ _____________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date •I agree to provide sunscreen for my child, named above, to be applied prior to outdoor play. I understand that children who have turned 4 years old may apply sunscreen to themselves under the direct supervision of a staff member. ______________________________________________ _____________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date Please consult with your classroom teacher before signing this option! •This classroom provides ___________________________ brand sunscreen for ECE students. I agree to allow this product to be applied to my child. I understand that children who have turned 4 years old may apply sunscreen to themselves under the direct supervision of a staff member. ______________________________________________ _____________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date 33 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS Información y Permisos de los Padres Nombre completo del niño/a___________________________________ Fecha de nacimiento_________ Domicilio del niño/a______________________________ Ciudad y código postal __________________ Fecha de inscripción______________________________ Previa experiencia educativa (si es pertinente)______________________________________________ ______Acta de Nacimiento (copia) ______ Paquete de Inscripción del Distrito (copia) ______Cartilla de Vacunas en el formulario aprobado de CDPHE (copia) ______Formulario del Estado de Salud de la Actual Declaración del Niño/a ______Plan de Dieta Especial y/o Cuidado de Salud (si es pertinente) Nombre completo de la madre___________________________________ Domicilio_________________________________ Teléfono (casa) ______________________ Ciudad y código postal__________________________________ Teléfono (otro) _________________ Dirección de correo electrónico_________________________ ¿está bien enviar texto? Sí ____ No____ Lugar del empleo_______________________________________________________ Dirección del empleo ______________________________________________________ Ciudad y código postal__________________________ Teléfono (empleo) _____________________ ¿Cualquier instrucción especial de cómo contactarse con los padres/tutor durante las horas cuando el niño/a está en el centro? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nombre completo del padre___________________________________ Domicilio_________________________________ Teléfono (casa) _____________________ Ciudad y código postal _______________________________ Teléfono (otro) ___________________ Dirección de correo electrónico_________________________ ¿está bien enviar texto? Sí ____ No____ Lugar del empleo______________________________________________________________ Dirección del empleo _______________________________________________________ Ciudad y código postal __________________________ Teléfono (empleo) ______________________ ¿Cualquier instrucción especial de cómo contactarse con los padres/tutor durante las horas cuando el niño/a está en el centro? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 34 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS Nombre del niño/a___________________________________ PERMISOS DE LOS PADRES/TUTOR 1. Hacer una lista de los nombres, domicilios, números telefónicos, y relación con su hijo/a de las personas con las que podemos dejar ir a su hijo/a durante el año escolar. SOLAMENTE DEJAREMOS ir a los niños con las personas designadas por escrito. En situación de emergencia, pueden dejar ir a su hijo/a con una persona a la que ustedes, como padre o madre/tutor, han dado autorización verbal. Si el personal del salón de clases no conoce a esta persona, se requerirá identificación con foto. NOMBRE DOMICILIO NÚMERO TELEFÓNICO RELACIÓN CON EL NIÑO/A 2. De acuerdo a los requisitos de licencia de cuidado infantil del Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Colorado, yo y cualesquiera personas que he designado firmarán cuando lleven y recojan a mi hijo/a de la escuela cada día tanto con la hora correcta como con la firma completa, incluyendo tanto el nombre como el apellido. 3. En caso de que no se puede encontrar al padre o la madre o el tutor en una emergencia, por favor, hay que hacer una lista de por lo menos dos personas que se harán responsables de su hijo/a en una situación de emergencia. NOMBRE DOMICILIO NÚMERO TELEFÓNICO ¿ESTÁ BIEN ENVIAR TEXTO? Sí o No 4. Doy permiso para que mi hijo/a participe en las experiencias de probar alimentos. SÍ □ NO □ Alergias/Restricciones de Alimentos______________________________________________________ 5. Si doy a mi hijo/a un almuerzo preparado en la casa, contendrá solamente alimentos nutritivos, apropiados para su edad que no tengan ningún peligro de que se atragante. 6. En cumplimiento con los requisitos de licencia de cuidado infantil del Departamento de Servicios Humanos, no enviaré ningún alimento o ningún otro artículo con mi hijo/a a la escuela en una bolsa plástica de cualquier tamaño. 7. Entiendo que el alimento preparado en la casa no puede servirse a nadie más que a mi hijo/a. También entiendo que el alimento preparado en la casa no puede ofrecerse a la venta. 8. Doy permiso a mi hijo/a para que participe en los programas aprobados de la escuela apropiados para su edad de computadoras, de música, medios de imprenta, videos educativos y películas clasificadas G si son mostradas en el salón de clases de Educación de la Primera Infancia. 1. He sido informado/a que los salones de clases de Educación de la Primera Infancia en las Escuelas Públicas de Denver aceptan niños que no tienen todas las vacunas. 10. He recibido, leído y entiendo las Normas y los Procedimientos de Licencia del Departamento de Educación de la Primera Infancia de las Escuelas Públicas de Denver. 35 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS Nombre del niño/a___________________________________ 11. Me doy cuenta de que mi participación activa en la educación de mi hijo/a es muy importante. Por consiguiente, estoy de acuerdo en: apoyar la educación de mi hijo/a asistir a las reunions y conferencias de padres/maestro por lo menos cinco veces este año y enviar a mi hijo/a a la escuela cada día cuando no se encuentre enfermo/a. He leído, entiendo, y estoy de acuerdo con los puntos del 1 al 11 como mi firma indica. ______________________________________ ___________________ Firma del padre o madre/tutor Fecha AUTORIZACIÓN MÉDICA DE EMERGENCIA Médico del niño/a______________________________________________________________________ Nombre Dirección Teléfono Dentista del niño/a_____________________________________________________________________ Nombre Dirección Teléfono Hospital escogido_____________________________________________________________________ Nombre Dirección Teléfono En situación de emergencia, se llevará a su hijo/a al hospital más cercano y/o si el hospital escogido por sus padres está próximo, el Personal de Emergencia seleccionará el sitio alternativo. Si el padre o la madre o el tutor legal no puede ser notificado y se requiere inmediato cuidado médico, la escuela llamará 911. Sin embargo, las Escuelas Públicas de Denver en ningún caso aceptarán responsabilidad financiera por el cuidado médico. _____________________________________________________ _________________________ Firma del padre o la madre/el tutor Fecha PERMISO DE LOS PADRES PARA APLICAR FILTRO SOLAR Antes del juego al aire libre, es regulación de licencia del estado que el filtro solar debe aplicarse a los niños de edad preescolar a no ser que los padres estén de acuerdo en que se dispense a su hijo/a de este requisito. Por favor, firme UNA de las siguientes declaraciones: •Estoy de acuerdo en que se dispense a mi hijo/a, nombrado/a anteriormente, del requisito de aplicación de filtro solar antes de jugar al aire libre. _____________________________________ ___________________ Firma Fecha •Estoy de acuerdo en suministrar filtro solar a mi hijo/a, nombrado/a anteriormente, para que se lo aplique antes de jugar al aire libre. Entiendo que los niños que han cumplido 4 años de edad pueden ellos mismos aplicárselo bajo la supervisión directa de un miembro del personal. _____________________________________ ___________________ Firma Fecha ¡Por favor consulte con el maestro de su salón de clases antes de firmar esta opción! •Este salón de clases suministra el filtro solar de marca _______________________ para los alumnos de Educación de la Primera Infancia. Estoy de acuerdo en permitir la aplicación de este producto a mi hijo/a Entiendo que los niños que han cumplido 4 años pueden ellos mismos aplicárselo bajo la supervisión directa de un miembro del personal. _____________________________________ ___________________ Firma Fecha 36 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS CHILD’S STATEMENT OF HEALTH STATUS EXPLANATION FOR ECE STAFF USE ONLY! State Rules Regulating Child Care Centers declares that “the statement of health status must be obtained at the time of admission or within 30 days after admission” and that “the center has the right to refuse to admit the child if a statement from an approved health care professional is not submitted.” The form supplied in the Early Childhood Education Handbook, to be given to families at the time of registration, states that “this report is to be completed by a licensed physician or licensed nurse practitioner who has seen the child in the last twelve months.” DPS defines a licensed physician as an M.D. or O.D. only. If a child’s parent is a licensed physician, M.D. or O.D., it is legally acceptable for that parent to sign his or her own child’s form. If the child has been seen within the last 12 months all that is necessary is for the parent or guardian to have the form filled out and signed by the doctor; it is not necessary for the child to have another exam before starting ECE. If the child has not been seen by a doctor within the last 12 months, it will be necessary for the family to make an appointment for a physical to get the form completed. Should the appointment be set beyond the 30 days after admission limit, the parent or guardian must give you a written notice of the appointment date and return the signed form immediately after the appointment. Children who have been in child care may have a physician signed form, dated within the last 12 months before admission, similar to the DPS Child’s Statement of Health Status. A copy of such may be filed in the student’s record as a substitute for the DPS form. The Statement of Health Status form in each child’s file must be kept current, i.e., subsequent statements must be obtained at least annually for each child 2 to 6 years of age. It is the ECE teacher’s responsibility to advise parents of impending deadlines to update their child’s Health Status form. Should a family be unable to comply for financial reasons, check with your school nurse to see what services may be available in your area. Children who have not met this requirement may not attend until the form is completed or, if no appointment is made within 10 days of notification (or a period of time approved by your school principal and Collaborative School Committee), dropped and replaced with a child from your school’s wait list. Please call the EE Dept., 720-423-8212, if any questions. 37 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS CHILD’S STATEMENT OF HEALTH STATUS FOR ENROLLMENT Denver Public Schools (DPS) Early Childhood Education (ECE) Program Children in ECE must submit a signed and dated statement of the child’s current health status upon admission which indicates the child’s ability and/or limitations to participate in a regularly scheduled program in a group of young children. This report is to be completed by a licensed physician or licensed nurse practitioner who has seen the child in the last twelve months. No later than 30 days after admission, this report or a written verification of a scheduled appointment with a health care provider must be given to the ECE teacher. The ECE program may refuse to admit a child if a statement from an approved health care professional is not submitted. Child’s Name___________________________________________ Gender______ Birth Date_____________ Address________________________________________ City & Zip_________________________________ • Date of child’s most recent examination:_______________ Date next visit is required:__________________ • Known allergies__________________________________________________________________________ • Medications being taken and possible side effects:______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ • Prescribed routine:_________________________________________________ • Past Illnesses - Check those the child has had and give approximate dates: Chicken Pox____________ Rubeola____________ Rubella_______________ Rheumatic Fever________ Asthma_____________ Hay Fever_____________ Diabetes_______________ Mumps_____________ Epilepsy______________ Whooping Cough________ Poliomyelitis_________ Other_________________ • If tuberculin test given: • If chest X ray taken: Date______________ Result________________ Date______________ Result________________ • Date of Screening for: Vision_______________ Hearing__________________ Dental______________ • Surgery/Accidents/Illnesses/Chronic or Handicapping Problems:___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ • Describe any physical condition requiring special attention by staff:_________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ • This child is ______ is not ______ physically and/or emotionally able to participate in the DPS ECE program. Comments:_______________________________________________________________________________ Health Provider Name________________________________________ Phone_________________________ Address_________________________________________ City & Zip________________________________ Signature of licensed physician or licensed nurse practitioner 38 Date DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS DECLARACIÓN DEL ESTADO DE SALUD DEL NIÑO PARA SU INSCRIPCIÓN Programa de ECE (Early Childhood Education) o Educación de Primera Infancia de DPS (Denver Public Schools) o las Escuelas Públicas de Denver Los niños en ECE o Educación de Primera Infancia deben entregar una declaración firmada y fechada del actual estado de salud del niño para ser admitidos al programa que indique la capacidad y/o limitaciones del niño para participar de un programa regularmente programado en un grupo de niños pequeños. Este informe debe ser completado por un médico con licencia o una enfermera profesional con licencia que ha visto al niño en los últimos doce meses. A más tardar 30 días después de la admisión, a la maestra de ECE debe darse este informe o una verificacion escrita de una cita programada con un proveedor de cuidado de salud. El programa de Educación de Primera Infancia o ECE puede rehusar admitir a un niño si no se entrega una declaración de un aprobado profesional de cuidado de salud. Nombre del niño__________________________________ Género______ Fecha de nacimiento___________ Domicilio________________________________________ Ciudad y Código Postal _____________________ • Fecha del más reciente examen del niño:___________ Fecha de la próxima visita se requiere:___________ • Alergias conocidas_______________________________________________________________________ • Medicinas que se están tomando y los posibles efectos secundarios:________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ • Rutina prescrita:______________________________________________________ • Enfermedades pasadas – Marcar aquéllas que el niño ha tenido y dar fechas aproximadas: Sarampión____________ Varicela____________ Rubéola_______________ Fiebre reumática________ Asma______________ Fiebre del heno_________ Diabetes_______________ Paperas____________ Epilepsia______________ Tos ferina________ Poliomielitis_________ Otra_________________ • Si se da la prueba de tuberculina: Fecha______________ Resultado________________ • Si se toma la radiografía del pecho: Fecha______________ Resultado________________ • Fecha del examen preliminar de: Visión_______________ Auditivo__________________ Dental______________ • Cirugía/Accidentes/Enfermedades/Crónicas o de Problemas de deficiencias motoras,físicas o mentales: __________________________________________________________________________________________ • Describir cualquier condición física que requiere atención especial del personal: ______________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ • Este niño puede ______ no puede ______ físicamente y/o emocionalmente participar del programa de Educación de Primera Infancia o ECE de DPS o las Escuelas Públicas de Denver. Comentarios:_____________________________________________________________________________ Nombre del Proveedor de Salud_______________________________ Teléfono________________________ Dirección_________________________________________ Ciudad y Código Postal____________________ Firma del médico con licencia o la enfermera profesional con licencia 39 Fecha DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS Complete the circle of protection… Immunize your child TO: ALL PARENTS/GUARDIANS OF CHILDREN ENTERING EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (ECE) CLASSES (3 & 4 YEAR OLDS) FROM: DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS NURSES IMMUNIZATION COMMITTEE ALL ECE STUDENTS are required to have proof of immunizations upon enrollment in school. An immunization record is required on the first day of school. When you obtain your child’s immunization document, keep it in a safe place and retain it throughout your child’s school years. This document will be required at every school your child attends. NEVER LEAVE your copy of your child’s immunization document at the school or with the teacher. Request that a copy be made to be placed in your child’s school health record. If your child needs further immunizations, you may take him/her to the Public Health Department Immunization Clinic at 605 Bannock Street between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. The telephone number is 303-436-7230. You must take your child’s shot record with you. Parents may choose exemption from one or more immunizations based on medical, religious or personal reasons. If you have any questions, telephone your school nurse. COLORADO LAW MINIMUM IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENTS 3 & 4 Year Olds # of Doses DTaP 4 Polio 3 MMR 1 on or after 12 months of age Hib 3/2/1 Hepatitis B 3 Varicella (Chickenpox) 1 on or after 12 months of age DTaP- Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis MMR - Measles, Mumps, Rubella Hib - Haemophilus Influenza B (against meningitis). If child receives any dose at or after 15 months of age, the requirement is met. If child begins series before 12 months, 3 doses are required and one of them must be given at or over 12 months (1st birthday). If child received first dose at 12-14 months, only 2 doses are required. 40 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS Completar el círculo de protección … hacer vacunar a sus hijos A: TODOS LOS PADRES/APODERADOS DE LOS NIÑOS QUE ENTRAN A LAS CLASES DE LA PRIMERA INFANCIA (ECE) (NIÑOS DE 3 Y 4 AÑOS DEEDAD) DE: LAS ESCUELAS PÚBLICAS DE DENVER - COMITÉ DE VACUNACIÓN DE LAS ENFERMERAS Se requiere que TODOS LOS ALUMNOS DE ECE (Educación de la Primera Infancia) tengan el comprobante de sus vacunas cuando se inscriban en la escuela. Se requiere la cartilla de vacunas el primer día de clases. Cuando obtengan el documento de las vacunas de sus hijos, hay que guardarlo en lugar seguro y retenerlo durante los años escolares de sus hijos. Van a necesitar este documento en cada escuela a la que asistan sus hijos. NUNCA HAY QUE DEJAR su copia del documento de vacunas de sus hijos en la escuela o con el maestro. Hay que pedir que se saque una fotocopia para poner en el expediente escolar de salud de sus hijos. Si sus hijos necesitan más vacunas, pueden llevarlos a la Clínica de Inmunizaciones del Departamento de Salud Pública (Public Health Department Immunization Clinic) en la Calle Bannock 605 entre las 8:00 a.m. y las 4:00 p.m. de lunes a viernes. El número telefónico es 303-436-7230. Hay que llevar consigo la cartilla de vacunas de sus hijos con este propósito. Los padres pueden elegir exención de una o más vacunas por razones médicas, religiosas o personales. En caso de tener alguna pregunta, hay que llamar a la enfermera de su escuela por teléfono. REQUISITOS MÍNIMOS DE LA LEY DE COLORADO Niños de 3 y 4 Años de Edad # de Dosis DTaP 4 Polio 3 MMR 1 a los 12 o más meses de edad Hib 3/2/1 Hepatitis B 3 Varicela (viruelas locas) 1 a los 12 o más meses de edad DTaP- difteria, tétanos y tos ferina MMR – sarampión, paperas, rubéola (SPR) Hib – hemófilo, influenza B (contra la meningitis). Si el niño recibe cualquier dosis a los 15 meses de edad o más tarde, se ha cumplido con el requisito. Si el niño empieza la serie antes de los 12 meses de edad, se requieren 3 dosis y hay que dar una de ellas a los 12 meses de edad (primer cumpleaños) o más tarde. Si el niño recibió la primera dosis a la edad de 12-14 meses, solamente se requieren 2 dosis. 41 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS INTEREST SURVEY-TOPICS FOR PARENT MEETINGS __________________ Student Name Listed below are categories with topics that could be presented at ECE parent meetings. Please read all the choices and check five topics that you would like to have presented during the year. Topics that interest you but are not described may be written in the section marked “Other”. Child Growth and Development: _____ Cognitive development _____ Emotional development _____ Motor/physical development Language/Education: _____ Reading to your child _____ Drama, storytelling, classroom productions _____ Language development _____ ECE centers _____ Developing pre-reading skills Arts: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Music activities for home Dance activities for home Art activities for home Make and take activities for home Cooking activities for home Technology/Science: _____ Computers and young children _____ Science activities for home _____ Television and learning Family Services/Parenting: _____ Parent involvement activities _____ Children’s self-esteem _____ Positive discipline/Behavior management _____ Information on community services _____ Building strong families _____ Parenting a gifted child Health: _____ Child health concerns _____ Adult health concerns _____ Overweight children _____ Low-cost health care services 42 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS Safety: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Fire safety Seat belts, child safety seats and helmets Gang awareness Drug awareness Violence prevention Prevention of child abuse Adult Education: _____ College education _____ Graduate Equivalency Diploma classes (GED) Employment: _____ Resume writing _____ Interviewing skills Family Finance: _____ Planning a budget _____ Preparing tax returns _____ Investments Housing: _____ Home loan qualifications _____ Home ownership program _____ Home Energy Conservation Program Legal Aid: _____ Housing issues _____ Child custody and child support issues _____ Domestic conflict _____ Divorce issues Other: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Parents are acknowledged as the child’s first teachers and are encouraged to share ideas and diverse cultural backgrounds in the classroom and at parent meetings. If you would like to share information please list your topic below. Topic of information: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 43 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS ENCUESTA DE INTERESES-TEMAS PARA REUNIONES DE PADRES __________________________ Nombre del estudiante A continuación presentamos categorías con temas que se podrían presentar en las reuniones de los padres. Por favor lean todas las opciones y marque cinco temas que desearía que se presenten durante el año. Los temas que le interesan y que podrían no estar indicados, márquelos en la sección “Otros”. Desarrollo y Crecimiento del Niño: _____ Desarrollo de conocimientos _____ Desarrollo emocional _____ Desarrollo físico/motor Lenguaje/Educación: _____ La importancia de leer a su niño _____ Drama, relato de cuentos, producciones del salón de clase _____ Desarrollo de lenguaje _____ Centros ECE _____ Conferencias padre/profesor Artes: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Actividades musicales para la casa Actividades de baile para la casa Actividades de arte para la casa Hacer y llevar actividades a la casa Actividades de cocina para la casa Tecnología/Ciencia: _____ Computadoras y niños pequeños _____ Actividades de ciencia para la casa _____ La televisión y el aprendizaje Servicios para Padres/Familia: _____ Actividades de participación de padres _____ El amor propio de los niños _____ Disciplina positive/Administración de conducta _____ Informatión sobre servicios comunitarios _____ La formación de familias fuertes _____ Cómo ser padres de un niño dotado Salud: _____ _____ _____ _____ Preocupaciones de salud infantil Preocupaciones de salud del adulto Niños de demasiado pesado Servicios de cuidado de salud a bajo precio 44 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS Seguridad: _____ Seguridad contra incendios _____ Cinturones, asientos y cascos de seguridad _____ Información sobre pandillas _____ Información sobre drogas _____ Prevención contra la violencia _____ Prevención contra el abuso infantil Educación para Adultos: _____ Educación universitaria _____ Clases para Diploma de Graduación (GED) Empleo: _____ Redacción de resumes _____ Habilidades para entrevistas Finanzas Familiares: _____ Planeamiento de presupuesto _____ Preparación de devolución de impuestos _____ Inversiones Vivienda: _____ Calificaciones de préstamos para casas _____ Programa de propiedad de vivienda _____ Programa de Conservación de Energía en el Hogar Ayuda Legal: _____ Problemas de vivienda _____ Problemas de custodia y pagos del menor _____ Conflictos domésticos _____ Problemas de divorcio Otro: _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Se sabe que los padres son los primeros profesores del niño y es por so que se los anima a compartir sus ideas y sus diversos antecedentes culturales en el salón de clases y en reuniones de padres. Si desea compartir información, por favor indique el tema a continuación. Tema de información: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 45 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS REPORTING ABUSE / MAKING A COMPLAINT Dear Parent, Your child is enrolled in a child care program licensed by the Colorado Department of Human Services and by the Department of Excise and Licenses. These licenses indicate that at the time of inspection the provider has met standards needed to operate either a licensed Family Child Care Home, Child Care Center, or School-Age Child Care program. These standards include: Written policies and procedures Communications, emergency, and security procedures Personnel requirements for education, experience, training, and supervision Requirements including procedures for admissions: health care; personal hygiene; physical care; food and nutrition; discipline; overnight care; field trips and transportation; holiday schedules; and fee policies Activities Equipment and materials Facility requirements Fire and other safety requirements Maintaining children’s records Administrative reports and records In addition to the above standards, all licensed child care providers are required to report suspected physical, emotional, or sexual abuse of any of the children in their care. As a parent of a child/children in licensed child care, you may report any suspected abuse by calling: Child Abuse Hotline at 720-944-3000. If you wish to make a complaint or have a concern regarding your provider you may call: Colorado Division of Child Care Denver Public Health Inspection Division 303-866-5958 720-865-5485 Your provider’s State Child Care License and Denver Department of Business and Excise License should be posted and available for you to see at your request. You may also review inspection reports at the facility upon request. We hope the services you and your child/children receive in this licensed child care facility will be both positive and productive. 46 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 2 – PARENTS DENUNCIANDO ABUSO / PRESENTANDO UNA QUEJA Apreciados padres, Su hijo(a) está inscrito en un programa de cuidado infantil autorizado por Colorado Department of Human Services (servicios humanos) y por Department of Excise and Licenses (licencias e impuestos indirectos.) Estas licencias indican que en el momento de la inspección, el proveedor de este servicio cumplió con las normas necesarias para operar, ya sea un hogar familiar para el cuidado infantil, un centro de cuidado infantil o un programa de cuidado de niños de edad escolar. Estas normas incluyen: Políticas y procedimientos escritos Comunicaciones, emergencias y procedimientos de seguridad Requisitos del personal en cuanto a educación, experiencia, capacitación y supervisión Requisitos incluyendo procedimientos para la admisión: cuidado de salud, higiene personal, cuidado físico; alimentos y nutrición; disciplina; cuidado de la noche a la mañana; excursiones al campo y transporte; horarios con los días feriados; y reglas pertinentes a las cuotas. Actividades Equipo y materiales Requisitos de las instalaciones Requisitos contra los incendios y otros requisitos de seguridad. Mantenimiento de los expedientes de los niños Informes y expedientes administrativos Además de las normas arriba mencionadas, toda persona con autorización para proveer cuidado infantil tiene la obligación de denunciarlo si sospecharan algún abuso físico, emocional o sexual de cualquiera de los niños a su cargo. Como padres de niños que están bajo la tutela de un centro autorizado de cuidado infantil, pueden denunciar cualquier abuso llamando a la línea de emergencia 720-944-3000 en caso de abuso infantil. Si desea Ud. presente alguna queja o tiene alguna preocupación relacionada a su proveedor, puede Ud. llamar al: Colorado Division of Child Care Denver Public Health Inspection Division 303-866-5958 720-865-5485 La licencia estatal para cuidar niños y la licencia para operaciones comerciales e impuestos indirectos de su proveedor deberían estar a su disposición para verlas con sólo pedirlas. Asimismo, pidiéndolos puede Ud. revisar los informes sobre la inspección que están fijados en la pared del plantel. 47 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING ABC’s FOR ECELICENSING This section contains the information and forms ECE classrooms must post, maintain or reference to be in compliance with state licensing requirements. Post the following: _____ Current State of Colorado Permanent Child Care License One classroom MUST POST the original license; other classrooms may post a copy. (emailed and mailed from Early Education Dept.) _____ Current City & County of Denver Business-Professional License (emailed and mailed from Early Education Dept.) _____ Daily Parent/Guardian Sign-in/out Sheets _____ Available upon request for review notice for Reports of Inspection _____ Emergency Phone Numbers list _____ Adult/Child Ratio and Capacity notice _____ Immunization Notification _____ To file a complaint notice _____ Visitors Policy Maintain the following: _____ Classroom Licensing Checklist _____ Visitors Sign-in sheet _____ Health Consultant Log Reference the following: _____ Licensing Policies & Procedures A-Z _____ Licensing Violations List _____ What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Licensing Visit _____ How to Respond to a Licensing Inspection Violation 48 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING DAILY PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGN-IN/OUT SHEETS A legal document required by State Child Care Licensing, the parent/guardian signature and time upon a child’s arrival grants the teacher permission to care for him or her. At the end of the school day, the parent/guardian signature and time assures that the child has departed safely. It can also be used to determine student attendance. (For an example of acceptable signatures, see the following page.) Blank spaces, initials, quotation marks and/or unreadable time numbers on the sign-in/out sheets are not acceptable. Sign-in/out sheets are date-continuous. It is not necessary to start a new sheet on the first of the month. The key to meeting licensing requirements is to: provide parents with clearly printed sign-in/out sheets explain the importance of times and full signatures follow up in a timely manner on any necessary corrections 49 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK SECTION 3 – LICENSING 50 2012-2013 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING Available upon request for review are the following Reports of Inspection: Fire Department Health Department Human Services Los siguientes Informes de Inspección están disponibles a petición de los interesados: Cuerpo de Bomberos Ministerio de Salud Servicios Humanos 51 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING EMERGENCY NUMBERS EMERGENCY – 911 Local Police: (720) 913-2000 Local Fire: (720) 913-2400 Nearest Hospital: Phone Number: Poison Control Metro Area: Outside Metro Denver: (303) 739-1123 (800) 332-3073 Health Department: 311 or (720) 913-1311 Emergency Substitute: Phone Number: County Social Services: (720) 944-3666 Child Care Licensing: Metro Area: Outside Metro Denver: (303) 866-5958 (800) 799-5876 Licensing Specialist: Phone Number: (720) 865-5485 Family Support Line Metro Area: Outside Metro Denver: (303) 695-7996 (877) 695-7996 Medication Administration Nurse Hotline Metro Area: Outside Metro Area: (303) 739-1125 (800) 513-0215 Abuse & Neglect Hotline: (720) 944-3000 52 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING The licensing capacity of this classroom is 20 children. State Regulations for adult/child ratios are 1 adult for every 10 children mixed age group 2-1/2 years to 6 years. Our classroom adult/child ratios are 1 adult for every _____ children mixed age group 2-1/2 years to 6 years. La capacidad autorizada de este salón de clase es de 20 niños. Reglamentos del Estado par las proporciones de adulto/niño son: 1 adulto por cada 10 niños edades de 2-1/2-6 años Nuestras proporciones de adulto/niño del salón de clase son: 1 adulto por cada _____ niños edades de 2-1/2-6 años 53 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING IMMUNIZATION NOTIFICATION Denver Public Schools accepts children that may not be fully immunized. AVISO DE VACUNACIÓN Las Escuelas Públicas de Denver aceptan niños que pueden no tener las vacunas completas. 54 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING To file a complaint about this State Licensed Program contact: The Colorado Dept. of Human Services Division of Child Care 1575 Sherman St. Denver, Colorado 80203-1714 311 or 303-866-5958 To file a report about suspected child abuse contact: The Colorado Dept. of Human Services – Abuse Hotline 1200 Federal Denver, Colorado 80204 720-944-3000 Para entablar una querella sobre este Programa con Licencia del Estado, contactar: El Departamento de Servicios Humanos, División de Cuidado Infantil de Colorado 1575 Sherman St. Denver, Colorado 80203-1714 tel. 311 o 303-866-5958 Para poner una denuncia sobre la sospecha de abuso infantil, contactar: El Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Colorado-Línea Directa de Abuso 1200 Federal Denver, Colorado 80204 tel. 720-944-3000 55 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING Parents and visitors are welcome in this Early Childhood Education classroom. Please fill out our Visitors Sign-In Sheet. If you are a visitor unknown to us, we will need to see at least one piece of identification. Thank you! Padres y visitantes son bienvenidos en este salón de clases de Educación de la Primera Infancia. Vengan a unírsenos Por favor, llenen nuestra Hoja de Firmar de Entrada de los Visitantes. Si es un visitante al que no conocemos, necesitaremos ver por lo menos una pieza de identificación. ¡Muchas gracias! 56 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING CLASSROOM LICENSING CHECKLIST 2012 - 2013 Classroom Safety and Hygiene: _____ ECE Licensing Policies & Procedures A-Z (in ECE Handbook and distributed to parents) _____ Flashlight (working) _____ Outlet covers (in all outlets and power strips) _____ First Aid Fanny Pack (complete) _____ All edible consumables, including pet food, must be kept in closed plastic or metal containers on a shelf or at least 6” above the floor. Cleaning supplies and pet food are stored separately. _____ All items labeled “Keep out of reach of children” are inaccessible to children _____ A separate sink must be utilized for hand washing after toileting than is used for any cooking activity. _____ Soap and disposable towels must be available at all times. _____ Children and staff wash hands at appropriate times. _____ Water temperature must be at least 90° but not exceed 120° and/or use is monitored Sanitizing solution to clean equipment and materials: (disinfecting solution is a custodial responsibility) _____ 3/4 teaspoon bleach per quart of cool water if using 5.25% (Regular) bleach or 6.0% (Ultra) bleach (see Percent Chlorine page) but use chlorine test strip to determine 50-220 ppm. Solutions need to be prepared or tested at a minimum frequency of once per day. _____ Water Table is emptied after use by each group of children or at least daily. If organic materials are used in a sensory table, they may be used for a maximum of one week and then discarded. Playground Equipment and Safety _____ A minimum 6” depth of a resilient surface is present under all permanent equipment. _____ Children are not allowed on any equipment six feet high or higher. _____ Children are actively supervised when outside. Pet Issues: _____ No Psittacine birds - parrot family (including parakeets) _____ No turtles whose shells are less than 4 inches long _____ No more than 3 adult animals (does not include fish) _____ No snakes more than 6 ft. long - NO BOA CONSTRICTORS! _____ It is preferred that rabbits do not roam free in the classrooms. SCHOOL DATE SIGNATURES_______________________________ PRINCIPAL TEACHER 57 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING VISITORS SIGN-IN SHEET SCHOOL_________________________ TEACHER____________________________ At least one (1) piece of identification must be inspected for visitors who are unknown to ECE staff. VISITOR’S NAME DATE ADDRESS 58 PHONE PURPOSE OF VISIT DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING HOJA DE FIRMAR PARA LOS VISITANTES ESCUELA_________________________ MAESTRO__________________________ Por lo menos una (1) pieza de identificación debe inspeccionarse de los visitantes que el personal de Educación de la Primera Infancia o ECE no conoce. NOMBRE DEL VISITANTE FECHA DOMICILIO 59 TELÉFONO PROPÓSITO DE LA VISITA DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING Nurse Consultation And Medication Delegation Nurse Consultation and medication delegation services are provided to the Kaleidoscope Corner Program and ECE Program by Denver Public School Nurses. A Denver Public School Nurse is considered highly qualified, licensed as a Registered Nurse by the State of Colorado and as a School Nurse by the Colorado Department of Education. All required licensure documentation is maintained by the Denver Public Schools Nursing Office located at 900 Grant St. Medication delegation and supervision is provided to Kaleidoscope Corner and ECE personnel using the Qualistar guidelines for medication delegation and supervision. Documentation is kept at each site and a copy is maintained in Denver Public Schools Nursing Office. For further information please contact: Jean Lyons BSN, R.N. Nursing Supervisor Denver Public Schools Division of Student Services Department of Nursing and Student Health Services 900 Grant ST. 720-423-3416 60 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING HEALTH CONSULTANT LOG FULL DAY ECE CLASSROOMS: Record on this form the date and content of your monthly consultation with your school nurse (licensed and registered in Colorado). It must include information from one or more of the following topics: training, special health procedures, health care, hygiene, disease prevention, equipment safety, nutrition, interaction between children and adult caregivers and normal growth and development. Date Content Consultant Signature 61 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT LICENSING POLICIES & PROCEDURES A - Z A written statement of the center’s policies and procedures must be made available to parents and guardians and to staff and must include the following: A. The center’s purpose and its philosophy on child care. Denver Public Schools Early Education Department Mission Statement: To create an integrated and comprehensive system of diverse, high quality early childhood education and care services that enhances the development of young children so they are “ready to succeed” when they enter school; to support families in their role as nurturers and first teachers; and to meet the needs and financial abilities of Denver’s working parents. B. The ages of children accepted. 2 years, 10 months-6 years. Children must be three (3) or four (4) years of age on or before October 1 of the year of enrollment and, for Head Start classrooms, meet the income qualification guidelines. C. Services for special needs children in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Children who qualify for ECE are served by the school staff at their location. Preschool children who do not qualify for ECE or whose needs cannot be met in a regular ECE classroom may be served by the district’s Early Learning Center (ELC) programs. All programs are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. D. The hours the center is open, specific hours during which special programs are offered, holidays when the center is closed. Half-day Early Childhood Education (ECE) classes are 2 hours/40 minutes per day and full-day ECE classes are 6 hours/30 minutes per day Monday through Friday except for predetermined days for Parent Meetings and Professional Development. Specific hours of operation are determined by the individual school. Holidays and District Planning Days are determined by the district calendar. Head Start classes meet 5 days a week for a minimum of 6 hours/30 minutes per day. E. The policy regarding inclement or excessively hot weather. If the school administrator determines the outdoor weather to be too extreme, either due to heat, cold or other conditions, for children to participate in outdoor activities, ECE children will not go outside. F. Procedure concerning admission and registration of children. Children must be three (3) or four (4) years old on or before October 1 of the year of enrollment. A legal birth certificate or other acceptable records shall be required for enrollment age verification. Payment of tuition at various levels or tuition-free status is based on family income provided at the time of application. Residents of the city and county of Denver will have priority in filling available classroom slots. Families living outside the city and county of Denver may be accepted at non-Denver resident tuition levels if space is available. Additional income requirements must be met in Head Start classrooms. ECE children register according to DPS registration and Colorado state child care licensing requirements. G. Itemized fee schedule. ECE student tuition is determined by a sliding fee scale based on family size and income. Each applicant is given a copy of the fee scale at the time of application. 62 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING H. Procedure for identifying where children are at all times. Children are signed in and out at the start and end of each class by the parent/guardian or other person for whom written authorization has been given by the parent/guardian. Only full signatures are acceptable on the sign-in/out forms, not initials. Teachers do regular roll-calls and head counts at daily transition times, such as returning from the playground, lining up for a trip to the library, etc. Children are not allowed to leave the classroom or group unaccompanied at any time. Teachers are expected to use reasonable accountability procedures at all times. I. The policy on discipline. Each school’s discipline policy is in effect in the ECE classrooms and is in compliance with the Colorado Department of Human Services Rules Regulating Child Care Centers (a copy is available for review upon request). A copy is signed by each parent/guardian and kept on file in the classroom. J. The procedure, including notification of parents and guardians, for handling children’s illnesses, accidents and injuries. Parents are informed in writing of all illness, accidents and injuries on the day of occurrence unless the incident warrants immediate attention in which case appropriate procedures are initiated and the parents are contacted. ECE classrooms follow Denver Public Schools Policy JLCE regarding First Aid and Emergency Medical Care. K. The procedures for handling lost children and other emergencies at all times, including during field trips. Staff attempts to locate the child informing appropriate authorities, including police, sheriff, etc., based on location from which child is missing. After 15 minutes, emergency procedures, as defined in H, J, and any other related procedures, apply. L. The procedure for transporting children, if applicable, including transportation arrangements and parental permission for excursions and related activities. Parent permission for excursions is signed upon enrollment. Parents are notified prior to all field trips requiring transportation of children. District transportation procedures (see Denver Public Schools Policy JICC-R) are used for field trips and in cases of scheduled transportation of children to and from school in compliance with Colorado Department of Transportation regulations. M. The written policy and procedure governing field trips, television and video viewing and special activities, including the staff’s responsibility for the supervision of children. Parent permission for excursions, media and internet use is required annually in Denver Public Schools and is furnished at registration. TV and/or DVD use is NOT encouraged in Early Childhood Education classrooms. If such use is believed to be relevant by an ECE teacher, school policies, as determined by the principal and Collaborative School Committee, will apply. Computer use in the ECE classroom is designed to support and enhance children’s skills in alignment with curriculum goals. N. The policy on children’s safety related to riding in a vehicle, seating, supervision, and emergency procedures on the road. Public school transportation guidelines in compliance with Colorado Department of Transportation regulations are followed. No enrolled preschool child in Denver Public Schools may ride a district bus to and from school on a daily basis unless their parent/guardian applies for and is granted an exception by the DPS Department of Transportation. 63 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING O. The procedure for releasing children from the center only to persons for whom the center has written authorization. Parents are required to complete a Parent Permission Form when enrolling their ECE child that lists only those persons to whom their child may be released. Children may be released to other people with written parental approval. At least one piece of identification must be inspected (and a copy kept in the child’s file) for individuals who are strangers to ECE staff. Per state licensing requirements, parents, guardians or others authorized in writing by parent or guardian are required to sign children in and out of the classroom daily. P. The procedures followed when a child is picked up from the center after the center is closed or not picked up at all, and to ensure that all children are picked up before the staff leave for the day. Parents are expected to advise the school in advance if they know they are going to be late so that arrangements can be made and explanations given to the child. Children not picked up after class is over will be left with the school office staff and emergency numbers called. If a designated adult cannot be located, the school will follow district guidelines and contact the Department of Human Services. Q. The procedure for caring for children who arrive late to the center and their class/group is away from the center on a field trip or excursion. All children will be taken care of upon arrival by school personnel. A plan is in place at each school that meets the needs of their community. R. The procedure for storing and administering children’s medicines and delegation of medication administration in compliance with Section 12-38-132, C.R.S., of the “Nurse Practice Act.” No medications are stored or distributed by classroom staff. Per Denver Public School Policy JLCD, each school’s procedure for storage and administration of medication as designated by the “Nurse Practice Act” is applicable to the Early Childhood classrooms. School staff trained and designated to administer medications to ECE students will be specified in school nurse’s planning book. S. The procedure concerning children’s personal belongings and money. A limited space is provided for each child’s personal belongings. Parents are advised that children do not bring money or valuables to school. Should a child bring money or valuables or when special event purchases occur, classroom staff collects the money or valuables at the beginning of the session for safekeeping. Valuable items and cash for non-specific uses are returned at the end of the day. T. The policy concerning meals and snacks. Meals and snacks are nutritious and either determined by program requirements, or can be site-based choices. U. The policy on diapering and toilet training. Children enrolling in Denver Public Schools ECE will be supported in becoming independent in their toileting routine. In case an accident occurs, the staff will treat the child with care and respect. Parents will be notified. V. The policy regarding visitors to the center. Per Denver Public Schools Policy KI, visitors must report to the school office when entering, receiving authorization before visiting elsewhere in the building. In the ECE classroom, visitors will sign in with name, date, address, phone number and purpose of their visit. At least one piece of identification must be inspected for individuals who are unknown to ECE staff. 64 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING W. The policy on parent and staff conferences to inform the parents or guardians of the child’s behavior, progress, and social and physical needs. Conferences are held twice a year or as needed. X. The procedure for filing a complaint about childcare (see 7.701.5, General Rules for Child Care Facilities). Posted in each classroom: To file a complaint about this state licensed program, contact: The Colorado Dept. of Human Services Division of Child Care 1575 Sherman St. Denver, Colorado 80203-1714 303-866-5958 OR by dialing 311, Denver City Information system. Y. The policy regarding the reporting of child abuse (see 7.701.5, General Rules for Child Care Facilities). Posted in each classroom: To report suspicion of abuse or neglect, contact: The Colorado Dept. of Human Services – Abuse Hotline 1200 Federal Denver, Colorado 80204 720-944-3000 Z. The policy regarding notification when childcare service is withdrawn and when parents or guardians withdraw their children from the center. In order to withdraw a child from an ECE classroom, parents are required to inform the teacher and school office staff. Individual school procedures for withdrawal are implemented. In extreme cases, withdrawal of childcare services may occur after parents have been informed of steps necessary to maintain services and compliance has not been achieved within specified time period. If a child is absent: 3 consecutive days……teacher calls the home 5 consecutive days……refer to social worker 10 consecutive days…... the child may need to be dropped from the program and replaced with a child on the waiting list (based on Principal/CSC policy). 65 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING ESCUELAS PÚBLICAS DE DENVER DEPARTAMENTO DE EDUCACIÓN TEMPRANA NORMAS Y PROCEDIMIENTOS DE LICENCIA Una declaración escrita de las normas y procedimientos del centro debe darse a los padres y a los tutores y al personal, y debe incluir lo siguiente: A. El propósito del centro y su filosofía sobre la atención infantil. La Declaración de la Misión del Departamento de Educación Temprana de las Escuelas Públicas de Denver: Con el fin de crear un sistema integrado y amplio de servicios de diversa y alta calidad de educación y cuidado de la primera infancia, que mejore el desarrollo de los niños pequeños, de modo que estén “listos para tener éxito” cuando entren a la escuela; apoyar a las familias en su papel de educadores y primeros maestros; y satisfacer las necesidades y la capacidad financiera de los padres de Denver que trabajan. B. Edad de los niños aceptados: 2 años, 10 meses – 6 años. Los niños deben tener 3 ó 4 años de edad el 1º de octubre, o antes, del año de su inscripción, y para los salones de clase de Head Start, llenar las normas para calificar según los ingresos familiares. C. Servicios para los niños con necesidades especiales en cumplimiento de la Ley de Americanos con Impedimentos. Los niños que reúnen los requisitos para ECE (Educación de la Primera Infancia) reciben servicios del personal de la escuela de su localidad. Los niños preescolares que no reúnen los requisitos para ECE o aquellos niños cuyas necesidades no pueden satisfacerse en un salón de clase regular de ECE pueden obtener servicios en los programas del Centro de Primer Aprendizaje (ELC). Todos los programas cumplen con la Ley de Discapacidades. D. Las horas en que el centro está abierto, las horas específicas durante las cuales se ofrecen programas especiales, los feriados cuando el centro está cerrado. Las clases de medio día de Educación de la Primera Infancia (ECE) son de 2 horas y 40 minutos al día, y las clases de todo el día de ECE son de 6 horas y 30 minutos al día de lunes a viernes, con excepción de los días predeterminados para las reuniones de padres y para la Capacitación Profesional. Las horas específicas de operación las determina la escuela específica (ver lo adjunto). Los feriados y los días de Planificación del Distrito los determina el calendario del distrito. Las clases de Head Start se realizan 5 días a la semana, por un mínimo de 6 horas y 30 minutos por día. E. Las normas sobre el clima inclemente o de excesivo calor. Si el administrador de la escuela determina que la temperatura afuera es extrema, ya sea debido al calor o al frío para que los niños participen en actividades al aire libre, los niños de ECE no irán afuera. (Política del bloqueador de sol: Los empleados de la escuela no aplicarán bloqueador a los niños. Los padres que quieran que sus niños usen bloqueador deben de aplicarlo antes de mandarlos a la escuela). F. Procedimiento sobre admisión e inscripción de niños. Los niños deben tener 3 o 4 años de edad el día 1º de octubre, o antes del año de inscripción. Se requerirá presentar un acta legal de nacimiento u otros registros aceptables para verificar la edad de inscripción. El pago de colegiatura en varios niveles o el estado sin el pago de colegiatura se basan en los ingresos de la familia proporcionados cuando se presenta la solicitud. Los residentes de la Ciudad y Condado de Denver tendrán prioridad para ocupar los lugares disponibles en los salones de clase. Podrá aceptarse a los que no residen en Denver, pagando el total de la colegiatura, si hay lugar disponible. Deben reunirse requisitos adicionales de ingreso económico para los salones de clase de Head Start. Los niños de ECE se inscriben de acuerdo con los requisitos de inscripción de las Escuelas Públicas de Denver (DPS) y los requisitos de licencia de guardería infantil del Estado de Colorado. 66 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING G. Desglose de cuotas. Se determina el pago de colegiatura de estudiantes de ECE en base a la siguiente tabla del número de personas en la familia e ingresos económicos. Al tiempo de la inscripción se entrega a cada solicitante una copia de la escala de cuotas. H. Procedimiento para identificar en todo momento dónde están los niños. El padre o la madre/el tutor u otro adulto a quien se le ha dado autorización escrita traen y recogen a los niños al comienzo y al final de cada clase. Los hermanos menores de 18 años de edad pueden traer y recoger a un niño/a solamente si previo permiso por escrito del director de la escuela está en el expediente del niño/a. Se aceptan solamente firmas en los formularios de firma para traer y recoger al niño/a, no aceptándose iniciales. Los maestros pasan lista y hacen un recuento regular contando cada uno en los momentos de transición diaria, tales como al regresar del patio de recreo, al ponerse en fila para una visita a la biblioteca, etc. No se permite a los niños dejar el salón de clases o el grupo sin estar acompañados en ninguna ocasión. Se espera que los maestros usen procedimientos razonables de rendición de cuentas todas las veces. I. Normas de disciplina. Las normas de disciplina de cada escuela están vigentes en los salones de clase de ECE (ver lo adjunto) y cumplen con las Reglas del Departamento de Servicios Humanos que Regulan los Centros de Cuidado Infantil (una copia está disponible para su revisión a solicitud). Cada padre o madre/tutor firma una copia y se archiva en el salón de clase. J. El procedimiento, incluyendo la notificación a padres y tutores, para el manejo de las enfermedades, los accidentes y las lesiones de los niños. Se informa por escrito a los padres de cualquier enfermedad, accidente y lesión que ocurren en el día a menos de que el incidente requiera de inmediata atención, en cuyo caso se inician los procedimientos apropiados y se hace contacto con los padres. Los salones de clase de ECE siguen la Norma JLCE (adjunta) de las Escuelas Públicas de Denver sobre la Atención Médica de Emergencia y de Primeros Auxilios. K. Los procedimientos relacionados con los niños que se encuentran perdidos y otras emergencias en todo los momentos, incluso durante las excursiones. El personal intenta ubicar al niño, incluso informar a las autoridades apropiadas, a partir del lugar del cual el niño ha desaparecido. Después de 15 minutos, se aplican los procedimientos de emergencia, según su definición en H, J, y se aplican otros procedimientos relacionados. L. El procedimiento para el transporte de niños, si es pertinente, incluyendo los arreglos de transporte y el permiso de los padres para excursiones y actividades relacionadas. Se firma el permiso de los padres en la inscripción. Se notifican a los padres antes de cualquier excursión que requiera transportar a los niños. Los procedimientos de transportación del distrito (ver la Norma JICC-R de las Escuelas Públicas de Denver) se usan para las excursiones y en casos de transportación con horario de los niños a y de la escuela en cumplimiento de los reglamentos del Departamento de Transporte. M. Las normas y procedimientos escritos que rigen las excursiones, mirar la televisión y vídeos y las actividades especiales, incluyendo la responsabilidad del personal para la supervisión de los niños. Se requiere el uso del permiso de los padres para excursiones, uso de los medios y del Internet anualmente en las Escuelas Públicas de Denver y se lo entrega en la inscripción. NO se fomenta el uso de televisor y/o vídeos en los salones de clase de la Educación de Primera Infancia. Si un maestro de ECE cree que tal uso es pertinente, se aplicarán las normas de la Escuela, así determinadas por el director y el comité CSC (ver lo adjunto). El uso de la computadora en el salón de clase de ECE tiene el propósito de apoyar y mejorar los conocimientos de los niños en conformidad con las metas del programa de estudio. 67 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING N. Las normas sobre la seguridad de los niños en relación a ir en un vehículo, el asiento, la supervisión, y los procedimientos de emergencia en el camino. Se siguen las pautas de guía de transportación de las escuelas públicas en cumplimiento de los reglamentos del Departamento de Transporte de Colorado. Ningún niño preescolar en las Escuelas Públicas de Denver puede ir en el autobús del distrito a y de la escuela diariamente a menos que su padre/tutor solicite el transporte y que el Departamento de Transporte de las Escuelas Públicas de Denver le conceda una excepción. O. El procedimiento para dejar a ir a los niños del centro solamente con las personas para las cuales el centro tiene autorización escrita. Se requiere que los padres llenen un Formulario de Permiso de Padres al inscribir a su hijo en ECE que enumera solamente a aquellas personas con las que se puede dejar ir al niño. Se puede dejar ir a los niños con otras personas con aprobación ya sea verbal o escrita. Según los requisitos de licencia del estado, se requiere que los padres o tutores firmen cuando sus hijos entren y salgan del salón de clase diariamente. P. Los procedimientos seguidos cuando se recoge a un niño del centro después de que se cierra el centro o que no se haya recogido al niño, y para cerciorarse de que se recojan a todos los niños antes de que el personal se vaya. Se espera que los padres informen a la escuela con antelación si saben que van a llegar tarde, de modo que se puedan hacer arreglos y dar explicaciones al niño. Los niños que no son recogidos después de clases se quedarán con el personal de la oficina de la escuela y se llamarán a los números de emergencia. Si un adulto autorizado no puede ser ubicado, la escuela seguirá las pautas de guía del distrito y se pondrá en contacto con el Departamento de Servicios Humanos. Q. El procedimiento para cuidar de los niños que lleguen tarde al centro y que su clase/grupo esté lejos del centro en una excursión o visita. El personal de la escuela cuidará de todos los niños en cuanto lleguen. Se tiene un plan vigente en cada escuela que satisface las necesidades de su comunidad (ver lo adjunto). R. El procedimiento para guardar y administrar las medicinas de los niños y la delegación de la administración de medicación en conformidad con la Sección 12-38-132, C.R.S., del “Acta de Práctica de Enfermera.” El personal del salón de clase no guarda medicinas ni las distribuye. De acuerdo con la Norma de las Escuelas Públicas de Denver JLCD, el procedimiento de cada escuela para guardar y administrar los medicamentos según el propósito del “Acta de Práctica de Enfermera” se aplica a los salones de clase de Primera Infancia (ver lo adjunto). El personal de la escuela adiestrado y designado para administrar medicinas a los alumnos de ECE será especificado en el libro de planificación de la enfermera de la escuela. S. El procedimiento sobre las pertenencias personales y el dinero de los niños.Se provee un espacio limitado para las pertenencias personales de cada niño. Se informa a los padres que los niños no deben traer dinero a la escuela. En caso de que un niño traiga dinero u objetos de valor o en caso de que haya eventos especiales en los cuales se puede comprar, el personal del salón de clase recolecta el dinero o los objetos de valor al comienzo de la sesión para guardarlos en un lugar seguro. Se devuelven los objetos de valor y el dinero en efectivo para usos no específicos al final del día. T. La norma sobre comidas y refrigerios. Las comidas y los refrigerios son nutritivos y están determinados ya sea por requisitos del programa o pueden ser seleccionados según el lugar. (Ver la norma adjunta.) U. La norma sobre pañales y entrenamiento para usar el inodoro. Los niños que se inscriban en la Educación de Primera Infancia de las Escuelas Públicas de Denver recibirán apoyo para que sepan cómo usar el inodoro independientemente. En caso de ocurrir un accidente, el personal tratará al niño con cuidado y respeto. Se notificará a los padres. 68 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING V. La norma sobre visitantes al centro. Según la Norma KI de las Escuelas Públicas de Denver, todos los visitantes deben decir el propósito de su visita y firmar al entrar en la oficina de la escuela. En el salón de clase de ECE, los visitantes firmarán con su nombre, fecha, domicilio, número telefónico y propósito de la visita antes de visitar cualquier lugar en el plantel. Por lo menos se debe pedir una identificación para su inspección a los visitantes que el personal de ECE no conoce. W. La norma sobre las conferencias de padres y personal para informar a los padres o tutores sobre la conducta, progreso, y necesidades sociales y físicas del niño. Las conferencias tienen lugar dos veces al año o según fuera necesario. X. El procedimiento para entablar una querella sobre el cuidado o guardería infantil (ver 7.701.5, Reglas Generales para las Instalaciones de Cuidado Infantil). Está a la vista en cada salón de clase: Para entablar una querella sobre este Programa con Licencia del Estado, contactar: El Departamento de Servicios Humanos, División de Cuidado Infantil de Colorado 1575 Sherman St. Denver, Colorado 80203-1714 tel. 303-866-5958 O llamar 311, Sistema de Información de la Ciudad de Denver Y. La norma sobre hacer la denuncia de abuso infantil (ver 7.701.5, Reglas Generales para las Instalaciones de Cuidado Infantil). Está a la vista en cada salón de clase: Para entablar una querella sobre este Programa con Licencia del Estado, contactar: El Departamento de Servicios Humanos de Colorado – Línea Directa de Abuso 1200 Federal Denver, Colorado 80204 Tel. 720-944-3000 Z. La norma sobre la notificación cuando se retira el servicio de cuidado infantil y cuando los padres o tutores retiran sus hijos del centro. Con la finalidad de retirar a un niño de un salón de clase de ECE, se requiere que los padres informen al profesor y al personal de oficina de la escuela. Procedimientos individuales de la escuela para retiro están puestos en práctica (ver lo adjunto). En casos extremos, el retiro de los servicios de cuidado infantil puede ocurrir después de que los padres hayan sido informados de que no se han logrado las medidas necesarias para mantener los servicios y el cumplimiento dentro de un período específico de tiempo. Si el niño se ausenta 3 días consecutivos … el profesor llama a la casa del niño 5 días consecutivos … se refiere el niño a la trabajadora social 10 días consecutivos … puede necesitarse retirar al niño del programa y reemplazarlo con un niño de la lista de espera (según la norma del Director/Comité de Colabo-ración de la Escuela o CSC) 69 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING LICENSING VIOLATIONS IN THE ECE CLASSROOM Following is a list, in alphabetical order, of items for which DPS ECE classrooms have received licensing violations in recent years. Please note that many of these things were in teacher desks, closed cabinets or drawers but if not locked could potentially be reached by children. Acrylic gloss coating Adult scissors Ajax Apple slicer Candles Children’ scissors with sharp edges Cough drops Cup hooks Dawn dishwashing liquid Deodorant Extension cords (not permitted!) Eye drops Floss Germ-X Glass jars Hair brush Hair dryer Hand wipes Hand lotion Hand sanitizer (labeled “Keep out of reach of Needles Permanent markers Personal items such as purses, bags, coats Pine Sol Perfume Potato peelers Razors Rodent traps Rubber cement Safety pins Screws Screw drivers Shaving cream Staple pullers Stick pins Tacks Tool box Toothpaste Vaseline Vases Vitamin B Vitamin C White board cleaner Wire (any kind) Wire hangers Ziploc bags (labeled “Keep out of reach of children.”) Hand soap-Gojo brand Ibuprofen Insect repellent Knives Liquid paper Lighters Maalox Nails children.”) Using this list as a guideline, please either REMOVE any item(s) that might be considered a risk to children from the classroom OR keep them under lock and key. 70 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU’RE EXPECTING A LICENSING VISIT If the pitter-patter of a licensing inspector’s little feet is arriving in your near future, how can you be prepared??? 1. DON’T PANIC! 2. You have everything on file from your checklist: ABC’s for ECE-Teachers & Paraprofessionals 3. You have everything in student files from the checklist: ABC’s for ECE-Parents 4. You have everything filed, maintained or posted from the checklist: ABC’s for ECE-Licensing 5. You’ve gone over the list of Licensing Violations and nothing is within reach of children that shouldn’t be. 6. You’re familiar with the ECE Handbook and its Table of Contents as a reference guide for questions that may come up. 7. You’re in great shape! Bring on the inspection… 8. If you do end up with a violation, see the next page for how to respond and simply follow the instructions, 1 – 4. 71 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 3 – LICENSING LICENSING INSPECTION RESPONSE ECE classrooms, as licensed child care centers, will receive annual inspections by the City and County of Denver Department of Environmental Health. The same personnel conduct both the Environmental Health and Sanitation inspection and the Child Care Licensing inspections. The inspector will complete a Report of Inspection on-site which the ECE teacher will sign and date. If the inspector finds any violations, they will be listed on the report and they will leave with the teacher a blank Report of Inspection Response to be completed and returned to the inspector. Instructions for completing the response: 1. List the violation number from the Inspection Report. 2. State HOW the violation was corrected and WHEN (date) the violation was corrected. If the violation is scheduled or contracted for correction, please include that information. The Health and Sanitation Inspection response must be submitted separately from the child care licensing Report of Inspection response. 3. Send the signed and dated response to the address on the Report of Inspection Response. 4. Fax a copy of the Report of Inspection AND Report of Inspection Response to the Early Education Department, 720-423-8260. Examples: Child Care Licensing Report of Inspection Response: Violation: 3. Observed a can of shaving cream stored under sink in an unlocked cabinet (7.702.91C) in the classroom. Response: 3. (7.702.91C) Shaving cream moved to an upper cabinet, inaccessible to children, on 11/6/11. Violation: 22. Observed that provider could not produce documentation on site at time of visit a signed Abuse Reporting statement in 2 of 2 staff files reviewed (7.702.43C). Please correct and respond by 12/1/11. Response: 22. (7.702.43C) Signed and dated Abuse Reporting statement completed and filed in 2 of 2 staff files 11/7/11. Health and Sanitation Inspection Response (Separate Page): Violation: 5. Observed carpet with multi-colored squares stained/unclean (3-103g). Response: 5. (3-103g) A district work order was placed 11/6/11 by building custodian. A request for completion of the carpet cleaning is 11/30/11. 72 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 4 – MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FAX: 720-423-8260 EARLY EDUCATION MAIN OFFICE: TITLE Director Manager Accountant Secretary II Office Support II Office Support II Early Education Specialist Early Reading First Data Manager Teacher Mentor NAME Cheryl Caldwell John Crawford Angela Perea Rosie Nicholls Maddie Henninger TBD Cathrine Floyd Jane Walsh Susan Deutsch Kathy Joyce PHONE 720-423-8207 720-423-8215 720-423-8211 720-423-8213 720-423-8212 HEAD START PERSONNEL: TITLE Project Coordinator Supervisor, FLS Education Coordinator Health Coordinator Health RN Disabilities Coordinator Family Liaison Specialist Family Liaison Specialist Family Liaison Specialist Family Liaison Specialist Family Liaison Specialist Family Liaison Specialist Family Liaison Specialist NAME Jan Burke Stephanie David Diana Rollerson Lisa Golden-Ipson Thuy Nguyen Liz Beindorff Dianne Cooks Nydia Gonzales Pam Villavicencio Karen Labuda Irma Martinez Wali Osborne Fernando Perez Soto PHONE 720-423-8218 720-423-8210 720-423-8191 720-423-8219 720-423-8282 720-423-8936 720-423-8262 720-423-8253 720-423-8237 720-423-8246 720-423-8247 720-423-8021 720-423-8248 EARLY EDUCATION COORDINATORS: NAME Lucy Davis Elise Edwards 720-423-8217 720-423-8209 720-423-8074 720-423-8136 HOW TO CONTACT Email Email 73 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 4 – MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION COMPUTER REPAIR POLICY As the computers purchased for the ECE classrooms age, the Early Education (EE) office receives more calls about repair and inquiries about replacement. We hope that the following information will be helpful in determining a course of action. When an ECE-purchased computer malfunctions, your school technology representative should first take a look at it. If he or she is unable to get it up and running, please call the EE Department, 720-423-8212, 8213 or 8208. We will call Netbuilders, the district’s contractor for computer repair, and give them a Contract Release to pick up the computer from your classroom for evaluation. Should the necessary repairs on a computer that is less than three (3) years old be more than half the cost of a new one, financial assistance from the Early Education Department for a replacement will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please call the EE Department at the above numbers should you have additional questions. 74 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 4 – MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION TO: Early Childhood Education (ECE) Teachers Kindergarten Teachers Requisition Secretaries FROM: Cheryl Caldwell, Early Education (EE) Department DATE: August 8, 2012 SUBJECT: Materials & Supplies Accounts for 2012-2013 This is to advise elementary schools of the account numbers for materials and supplies dollars available to ECE classrooms through various funding sources. These dollars are designated for support to children and families in these classrooms in your building. The dollars in the following accounts must be spent or allocated prior to March 1, 2013. This year, 100% of the dollars (based on capacity enrollment) will be available to you at the beginning of the school year. You will be advised of adjustments to this amount, which may reflect any under enrollment, FOLLOWING OCTOBER COUNT ADJUSTMENTS. COLORADO PRESCHOOL PROGRAM (CPP) FUNDED ECE CLASSROOMS: Each .5 FTE in your school that is funded by CPP, whose maximum enrollment is 16 students, will receive $48.25 for materials and supplies for each CPP-FUNDED student included in the October Pupil Count for your classroom. If you have an all-day ECE and your funding is blended with TSP (see below), you will receive funding for a maximum of 16 students for each .5 FTE. These funds can be accessed through account: 19-XXX-11-0040-3141-0-0610 TUITION SUPPORTED PROGRAM (TSP) (INCLUDES PARENTAL TUITION AND DPP FUNDING) FUNDED ECE CLASSROOMS: The maximum enrollment for TSP is 20 students. If you have a half-day ECE funded by TSP (.5 FTE), you will receive $48.25 for materials and supplies for each TSPFUNDED student included in the October Pupil Count for your classroom. If you have a full-day ECE funded by TSP (each .5 FTE is funded by TSP and NOT BLENDED WITH ANOTHER FUNDING SOURCE), you will receive $96.50 for materials and supplies for each full-day TSP funded student included in the October Pupil Count for your classroom. If you have a full-day ECE funded by TSP and your funding is blended with CPP (one .5 FTE funded by CPP and one .5 FTE funded by TSP), you will receive $48.25 for materials and supplies for a maximum of 16 students for your .5 TSP FTE. See CPP information above for account number and materials and supplies dollars for the .5 CPP FTE. TSP funds can be accessed through account: 29-XXX-11-0040-1913-0-0610 75 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 4 – MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION HEAD START CLASSROOMS: Each .5 FTE in your school that is funded by Head Start will receive support for materials and supplies purchases directly from the Department of Early Education. All full-day Head Start classrooms have blended funding with CPP or TSP. Head Start dollars must be spent through the EE Department; CPP and TSP funds are spent with your school requisition secretary as noted in this memo. Please contact the Early Education Accountant, Angela Perea, 720-423-8211, or Maddie Henninger, 720-423-8212, with any questions. STATE-FUNDED KINDERGARTEN (SFK) CLASSROOMS: Each .5 FTE in your school that is funded by SFK (formerly CPKP Kindergarten), whose maximum enrollment is 25 students, will receive $48.25 for materials and supplies for each SFK-FUNDED student included in the October Pupil Count for your classroom. These funds can be accessed through account: 19-XXX-11-0010-3142-0-0610 19-XXX-11-0018-3142-0-0610 (for K-8 schools only) TUITION-BASED (TBK)/ADVANCED TUITION-BASED (ADK) KINDERGARTEN Each .5 FTE in your school that is funded by Tuition-Based Kindergarten (TBK) or Advanced Tuition-Based Kindergarten (ADK), whose maximum enrollment is 25 students, will receive $48.25 for materials supplies for each TBK/ADK-FUNDED student included in the October Pupil Count for your classroom. These funds can be accessed through account: 29-XXX-11-0010-1912-0-0610 29-XXX-11-0018-1912-0-0610 (for K-8 schools only) EXTENDED-DAY KINDERGARTEN CLASSROOMS: Each .5 FTE in your school that is funded by EDK (formerly General Fund Full-Day Kindergarten), whose maximum enrollment is 25 students, will receive $48.25 for materials and supplies for each EDK-FUNDED student included in the October Pupil Count for your classroom. These funds can be accessed through account: 13-XXX-11-0010-1911-0-0610 13-XXX-11-0018-1911-0-0610 (for K-8 schools only) FULL-DAY KINDERGARTEN CLASSROOMS: Each .5 FTE in your school that is funded by FDK (formerly Mill Levy Kindergarten) to provide a full-day kindergarten classroom, whose maximum enrollment is 25 students, will receive $48.25 for materials and supplies for each FDKFUNDED student included in the October Pupil Count for your classroom. These funds can be accessed through account: 13-XXX-11-0010-1923-0-0610 13-XXX-11-0018-1923-0-0610 (for K-8 schools only) 76 DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT – ECE HANDBOOK 2012-2013 SECTION 4 – MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS EARLY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION TO: ECE Teachers Community Sites Early Education Department Staff FROM: Cheryl Caldwell, Director, Early Education (EE) Department DATE: August 2012 SUBJECT: Using the Instructional Resource Center (IRC) at Fox Street The IRC, located at 1330 Fox Street, 3rd Floor South, phone 720-423-8113, is available for teacher use throughout the school year. They have laminators, book binders, copiers, art materials, an Ellison machine, and much more for your use. When you use the IRC services, fill out your “Lab Tab” as follows: Teachers: Under Account, enter your name (it must be a teacher name, not a paraprofessional name); under School, write your school and “ECE”. Community Site Teachers: Under Account, put “Community Site”; under School, write your center name. EE Staff: Under Account, put “Early Ed. Staff”; under School, write “Fox Street”. If you speak with someone at the desk, be sure to describe yourself as noted above. For questions, please call the Early Education office at 720-423-8213, 8212 or 8208. 77