Welcome Knight Time • Find a seat and settle in • What would you like to work on while your are here? • Get ready for your next project! Unit 4 Blueprint • Test your knowledge of Unit 4 without the aid of your notes • We will complete 1 page of this blue print each day of KT • Instead of your groups competing against one another, you will compete against hose people inside your groups • There will be one winner from each group Budget Project SHH! Quiz in Progress • All you need is a pencil • Have a question? Ask a question! • Turn in quiz to class tray when finished • Start working on the Unit 5 PreAssessment (half sheet of paper) Warm Up “What Went Into This Candy Bar?” • List everything that went into making this candy bar from the time someone had the idea for the candy until the consumer purchased the candy in the store WELCOME C&E STUDENTS • Find your seat and settle in • Roll Call Question: “Would you rather eat 100 ants or 20 beetles?” • As a group read the Starbucks Article and answer the questions. • Be prepared to share Reminders • Unit 4 Tests • Morning Tutoring • Recovery – Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in Ms. Divina’s room • Peach Pins – – – – 5 = hw/cw pass 10 = Open-Notes Quiz 15 = 3 questions on a test 20 = use a notecard on a test Consumer Sovereignty Reading • Read the following article regarding consumer sovereignty • Complete the questions • Be prepared to share Economics: 5.1 Intro to Economics Identify the basic principles of economics Desert Island • Imagine you are moving to a desert island with no kind of infrastructure. • Write down what you will.. – Want – Need Needs v. Wants • What is the difference between the two? I. Scarcity and Choice A. Economics- the study of how people seek to satisfy needs and wants with limited resources B. Needs and Wants 1. Need- something necessary for survival 2. Want- desire not necessary for survival Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs II. Scarcity A. Scarcity1. limited quantity of a resource to meet unlimited wants 2. This is the driving force of economics B. Goods and Services 1. Goods- physical objects 2. Services- actions or activities that one person performs for another C. Consumer sovereignty 1. power of consumers to decide what gets produced 2. producers meet demands or go out of business III. Factors of Production Resources used to make all goods and services A. Land- includes all natural resources B. Labor- is the effort for which someone is paid 1. White collar workershigh skilled office work 2. Blue collar workers- low skill manual labor C. Capital- any human-made resource to invest to produce goods or services 1. Physical capital- buildings, tools, machines, etc 2. Human capital- knowledge and skills a worker gains through education and experience D. Entrepreneurs- risk-takers who decide how to combine other factors of production to create new goods and services Let’s get in our groups! • You will be looking at different elements that fall under one of the four factors of production. • Your job is to correctly identify whether the element is: LAND, LABOR, CAPITAL or ENTREPRENEURSHIP Name that Factor of Production 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bill Gates Oil Going to school Hammer The night shift at McDonalds 6. Leather 7. Executive Office Assistant 8. A forest 9. 10 years experience teaching 10. Paper factory 11. A 10-year old at a lemonade stand 12. Washing machine Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bill Gates - E Oil - Ld Going to school - C Hammer - C The night shift at McDonalds – Lb 6. Leather – Land 7. Executive Office Assistant - Labor 8. A forest – Ld 9. years experience teaching – Lb/C 10. Paper factory – C 11. A 10-year old at a lemonade stand – Lb 12. Washing machine - C LETS LOOK AT OUR CANDY BAR • Green = Land • Blue = Labor • Yellow = Capital • Red = Entrepreneurship IV. Trade-offs A. Trade-off- the process of giving up one desire in order to satisfy another desire 1. Ex: video game vs. give girlfriend a present 2. Ex: 2 more hours of sleep vs. studying for test B. Opportunity cost- value of what is given up in a trade-off 1. Ex: Dating- cost is not dating some other person 2. Ex: College vs. workingcost is the $ you spend on college and $ you give up from not working C. Immediate gratification- when you give up something in the long-term to satisfy an immediate want Shark Tank • The prize for the winning team: Peach Pins and Use your notes for an upcoming quiz! • I will present your posters to the AP Macroeconomics students and they will choose the product they would most likely invest in Be the Boss Come up with your own business. 1. Come up with a name, logo & explanation of the business/product 2. Explain the factors of production that are used in the development of your business/product. 3. Describe the goods or services you are providing. 4. Come up with two trade-offs to consider in the running of your business/product. 5. What is(are) the opportunity cost(s) of your business/product? Team Evaluations • You will be grading your teammates on a scale between 1-5(6) depending on the number of team members you have • Assign the highest number to the teammate (or yourself) who you believe did the best with this assignment • Assign the lowest number to the teammate (or yourself) who perhaps did not contribute as much or anything to the team • Assign remaining numbers to remaining members based on performance Shark Tank Happy Spring Break! • Be Safe and Have Fun!!!! Welcome C&E Students! • Grab today’s handouts and settle in! • Roll Call Question: What was your favorite thing you did over Spring Break? • Bell Work: – Tell your neighbor what you did for Spring Break Kahoot! • NAME THAT FACTOR OF PRODUCTION!!! Wedding Pics Shark Tank Winners • 1st Block – Fud-Glu – Honorable Mention: Snicker Doodle • 2nd Block – U-Scan • Honorable Mention: Speak Up • 3rd Block – Shower Shoot • Honorable Mention: Pigment of Your imagination Pre-Break Refresher • Let’s review what we covered before break. – Needs v. Wants – Scarcity – Trade-Offs – Opportunity Costs – Immediate Gratification – Factors of Production (Complete the Name That Factor of Production Handout) How Good Are You At Saving?!? • Complete the savings inventory to understand more about your saving habits • Are they good? Or do you need to work on them a little more? Welcome C&E Students! • Grab today’s handouts and settle in • Roll Call Question: Would you rather be completely bald or completely covered in hair? (No wigs & no shaving) • Bell Work: – Explain the difference between human and physical capital – Describe a trade-off you have recently made. What was the resulting opportunity cost? – Start working on the “Name Those Factors of Production” handout Reminders • Quiz Tomorrow! (And Friday – Credit v. Debit, Insurance & Checking v. Savings) – Intro to Econ & Budgeting • Unit 5 Test next Tuesday (11/10/2015) • Morning Tutoring • Recovery – Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in Ms. Divina’s room • Peach Pins – – – – 5 = hw/cw pass 10 = Open-Notes Quiz 15 = 3 questions on a test 20 = use a notecard on a test Unit 4 Test Reflection • • • • • • 4.1 – 1, 2, 3 4.2 – 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 21, 4.3 – 13, 23, 30 4.4 – 9, 10, 12 4.5 – 6, 17, 18 4.6 – 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 5.2 Budgeting Evaluate the costs and benefits of budgeting How do Education and Career Choice impact life? Level of Education and Income • Look over your “Level of Education & Income” handout from today • After examining the data answer the accompanying questions Let’s Take a Look at Salaries Why Do Some Jobs Pay More??? I. What is a Budget? – A. How to spend income v. expenditures (expenses) • 1. Income: Amount of money that a person or business makes • a. Gross Income: Total amount of money made before deductions • b. Net Income: The amount of money left over after expenditures • 2. Expenditures (expenses): Total amount a person or business spends B. Types of Expenditures • 1. Deductions: expenditures before paycheck is received • a. Pre-Tax Deductions • (1.) Retirement Payments • (2.) Life insurance • (3.) Social Security • (4.) Medicare 2. Taxes a. Federal Income Tax – paid to the US Gov’t b. State Income Tax – paid to the State Gov’t C. Types of Bills • 1. Mortgage - owning home / Rent – not owning a home – What is a foreclosure? • 2. Car Payment – a. Gas Payments • 3. Insurance: company “backing” you up • a. Car Insurance: required • b. Home/Renters Insurance : recommended • 4. Phone Bill • 5. Saving: setting $ aside for a later time • 6. General Expenses: – a. Groceries – b. Household Items – c. Entertainment Make Your Own Budget • Take out your Budget Handout • You will be creating your own budget with the information provided to on the walls • You must budget for the following • Housing, Utilities, Car, Insurance, Gas, Phone, Cable & Internet, Groceries, Saving, Household Items, Credit Payment, Student Loan, Misc. • You must have money left over at the end! Quiz Prep • 5.1 – Intro to Econ • 5.2 – Budget • Let’s Practice! – Take the Practice quiz on the back of you College & Career Readiness handout. Shark Tank • The prize for the winning team: Peach Pins and Use your notes for an upcoming quiz! • I will present your posters to the AP Macroeconomics students and they will choose the product they would most likely invest in Shark Tank Come up with your own business. 1. Come up with a name, logo & explanation of the business/product 2. Explain the factors of production that are used in the development of your business/product. 3. Describe the goods or services you are providing. 4. Come up with two trade-offs to consider in the running of your business/product. 5. What is(are) the opportunity cost(s) of your business/product? Splat!!! Need Gross Income Factors of Production Trade-Off Federal Income Tax Consumer Sovereignty Physical Capital Expenditures Scarcity Labor Land Deductions Mortgage Want Pre-Tax Deductions Opportunity Cost State Income Tax Human Capital Net Income Economics LETS LOOK AT OUR CANDY BAR Land Labor Capitol Entrepreneurship