RGS Student conference

A2 examinations:
Developing your skills in
extended writing
Bob Digby
Geographical Association
Very good students often underachieve on essays.
Most commonly they show excellent knowledge and
understanding, in amazing depth, but fail to answer the
Conversely a weak student who actually answers the question
set, can do well.
As there is little guidance, with no sub-parts (like AS), it’s easy
to go wrong (or right).
Developing exam skills
Command Words  direct you towards an understanding of the title.
 outline the approach to the question, and include words
such as:
 are especially important in the introduction and conclusion.
 should be used directly in the answer, to show they are
answering the question.
Command words you need to know
 Describe ...
 Explain ...
 Account for ...
 Compare ...
 Contrast ...
 Examine ...
 Analyse ...
 Consider ...
 Comment on ...
 Discuss
 Assess ...
 Assess the extent to which ...
 How far can it be said that ...
 To what extent do you agree ...
 Evaluate ...
 Justify
 Explore
Now for Key Words
 Get to know the key words of the specification - hazards,
tectonic, impact, predict, manage etc.
 These reflect the content that’s required.
 Usually the key words in the titles come straight from the
syllabus - so see the exam board website and download a copy.
 Use the syllabus to make a list of key words and practice
defining them.
 Use word games with others in your class - using flash cards etc.
- to help learn what each set of key words means.
 Look at past papers to see which key words have been used in
the past.
 In the exam, highlight both types of words at the start (key and
command), and make sure ALL are used in the introduction.
 Consider the key words and command
words for two hazards questions (Q3 & Q4)
 Think of a few ideas about what a student
would have to do to gain an A or B on
Question 4
It is not the frequency of natural hazards that is increasing, but
rather our awareness of them
To what extent do you agree with the view that hazard
prediction has done little to reduce the impact of hazards?
Tips for success 1
 Even if you never have before!
 People who plan score better - they stay on track,
don’t ramble, and don’t get mind blanks
 It doesn’t have to be complex or to take long
 It gets marked - so don’t cross it out!
Tips for success 2
Stick to essay organisation!
Introduce the essay
 define the terms, set out the context and outline your
Set out the main body of the essay
 Argue on both sides
 Set out detailed knowledge and understanding
 Organise your thoughts - points in favour of one
argument followed by those against.
 Bring the essay to a conclusion; your answer to the
Definition of key word: prediction
Definition of key word: hazard
Diagram to illustrate
Extension of key word: prediction
Named examples of organisations involved
Actions taken
which relate to
essay title and
key word
Specific and accurate data
Organise a structure
 Case study research needs to be learnt as part of
revision, but in the exam it needs to be APPLIED to
the question.
 Case study research gets you marks for knowledge.
Applying it ALSO gets you marks for understanding
and application
 Use relevant models or theories to give your work
structure, and on which to ‘hang’ case studies.
 Bland descriptions without referring to the question
score low.
Signal a change of emphasis; that you are going to look at places
that do NOT fit what you have said so far
And why this
is the case
Tips for success 3: Keep up to date!
Using old source material and case studies. This
is a growing problem, as many case studies are
endlessly recycled despite their great age. Some
old case studies include:
However, you can update these if
they are relevant - e.g. what
Bhopal, India (1984)
lessons were learned from Mt St
Chernobyl, USSR (1986) Helens which helped in managing
Montserrat successfully.
Mt St Helen’s, USA (1980)
World Series earthquake, USA (1989)
Armenian earthquake, USSR (1988)
There are up to date examples!
Tips for success 4: Language & Style
 “The Kobe earthquake in Taiwan
in 1997 happened when the Pacific
plate shoved into the Japanese
plate. The shoving was caused by
the plate floating on the mantle
towards Japan. The shoving
caused a big earthquake which led
to lots of buildings and roads
collapsing and killed a few
thousand people in Kobe. The
killings were made worse because
emergency services didn’t get their
quick enough and couldn’t get to
places cos of the fires that started
when the wooden buildings caught
fire because they were made of
wood and the stoves fell over and
it was in the night. This shows a
not very good response.”
 Incorrect location
 Poor on physical
 Lacks terminology e.g.
 Factual detail e.g. ‘lots
 Spelling / language
 Punctuation?
Tips for success 5:
Know the mark
 The best way to improve
performance is to practice.
 Get past essay titles, especially
those of the topics likely to come
up, and do these.
 Get to know from past examiners’
reports what the mark scheme looks
 Some essays should be timed
 Evaluate your own work - using
something like this sheet > > >
The 3 things that brought my mark down
The 3 things that brought my mark up
Tips for success 6: use theories/models
 Park’s response model
 The Hazard Management Cycle
Analyse, don’t describe
1. Highlight all the key words / phrases in the
2. Define these in the introduction.
3. Keep using these words when case studies are
introduced, and when summarising and linking
to the next case study in the main bit of the essay.
4. Use the words again in the conclusion.
In this way, there will be a continued focus on the
question, and not drift.
If asked to interpret a resource first, try
to be analytical and questioning:
Example: are hazardous natural events
becoming more common?
 What does the graph appear to show?
 Look at the detail on types of hazard. What
are the trends?
 How might you explain this?
hazards are
not upward
Wind and
More ‘events’ ? Global warming?
More vulnerable people?
Better reporting?
Tips for success 7: Conclusion!
Go back to the question
with examples
Signal the contrasts
Preparing for the exam
 When you revise, look carefully at the Specification. Build up
a glossary of key terms and definitions.
 Brainstorm possible questions in class. Look at past questions
and brainstorm how you could answer these.
 You should also do at least one timed practice question. Many
students run out of time and don’t get a decent conclusion in.
 Prepare your models and theories; can you draw the Park
model for instance, and adapt it to specific hazard examples?
 Learn key facts and figures for case studies. Accuracy and
detail will gain marks. Be especially carefully with dates and
places, there’s nothing worse than starting out with ‘The Asian
tsunami in the Pacific ocean in 2002 …..’
 Prepare some sketch maps – these are a simple, effective and
impressive way of showing information. They should be used
when a sketch is quicker than a text explanation.
And finally
Good Luck!