2011 - 2012 [PRACTICE READING, MATH AND FACS SKILLS AT HOME] 7th Grade FACS Homework You Can EAT! Name ____________________________________ Block ______ Score _________________________ Home Cooking Assignment1 Websites: http://www.kidshealth.org/kid/recipe s/index.html http://www.choosemyplate.gov/inde x.html http://www.fruitsandveggiesmoremat ters.org/ http://www.spatulatta.com/ Vocabulary: A Few Terms to Know . . . Bake: To cook in a preheated oven. Beat: To mix 2 or more ingredients We have been learning about the new food icon – “My Plate” and the new Guidelines for healthy eating. We have also practiced several kitchen skills, as well as math and language art skills by reading and following recipe amounts and directions. Now it is your turn to practice these skills at home. You may choose a recipe from the listed web sites, prepare a recipe we made in school or try a family favorite. Prepare the recipe for your family and finally clean up your work space. Then evaluate your experience and have an adult family member evaluate your activity. Return this evaluation form and a copy of your recipe by the assigned Due Date. X Detailed Instructions – Recipe Choice: Select a recipe you can prepare with little help from an adult. It should include at least 3 ingredients needed to be measured. (You may use a recipe we have prepared in class. o Title, Ingredients, Amounts, Specific mixing directions, specific cooking/chilling directions and the yield. o Note: If the recipe is a class recipe, you do not need to turn in a copy of the recipe – only the name. with a spoon, for, or electric mixer, using a circular motion. Prepare the recipe for your family. Boil: Heat a liquid in a saucepan until Clean up the kitchen. Evaluate the experience. Have at least one adult family member complete the evaluation form found on the back of this assignment. Evaluate the experience. Each student is to complete the class blog and the evaluation form found on the back of this assignment. Turn in this worksheet and a copy of your recipe. bubbles rise steadily to the top. Broil: To cook under the top heating element in the oven. Chop: To cut food into small pieces. Drizzle: To dribble drops or lines of glaze over food in a random manner. Garnish: To decorate food. Sauté: Cook food in small amount of oil in a frying pan, wok, or special sauté pan over medium heat. Pack brown sugar: Press tightly in measuring cup. Sift flour: Place flour in a sifter or strainer to incorporate air and make food less tough and dry. Learning Target Identify the recommended food groups, foods, the importance of each group, and recommended amounts. Define and practice basic food preparation skills. FCS Recipe Choice . . . 1. What recipe did you select? – Attach a copy of your recipe.( NOTE: your do not need to attach a copy if it was a class lab.) 2. Shade the part of the plate it is classified as being a part of. 2011 - 2012 [PRACTICE READING, MATH AND FCS SKILLS AT HOME] Adult Evaluation & Blog . . . Directions: Ask one or more family member to rate your activity according to the criteria listed on this table. Use a scale from 1 to 4 (4 is the best). The evaluating adult is to include a written comment and a signature. Criteria Adult Ratings & Blog . . . Measuring: Were all ingredients measured correctly? Directions: Were all directions followed? Safety & Sanitation in the kitchen: Did your child follow safe and sanitary practices while preparing the food? Organization: Was your child organized and able to complete all tasks independently? Taste: Was the recipe pleasing in flavor? Clean-Up: Was the kitchen left in a cleaned up fashion? Written Blog: Please write a short statement about the completed activity. Signature: Please sign here indicating that you watched the activity. Thanks! Student Evaluation & Blog: Tell me how things went for you . . . (Complete the sentence. Include successes, learning, difficulties, and/or plans for more home cooking.) 1. Which measuring tools did you use? (Please check all that were used for your home lab.) Measuring spoons Dry measuring cups Liquid measuring cup Straight edge spatula Other: please list: 2. Record a new cooking term that was listed in your recipe. What does each new term mean? 3. Now complete your Blog. Write what successes and difficulties came up. Also, list at least one new thing that you experienced. Finally, what will be your next cooking experience? FCS