Name: _______________________________________ Class: ______________________ Date: _________ Act 5: Reading Comprehension Quiz. 1. Why won't the gentlewoman say what he has overheard from Lady Macbeth? a. She has been sworn to secrecy b. She is afraid of being charged with treason c. It was gibberish d. The words were vile and unrepeatable 2. What disturbing behavior is Lady Macbeth exhibiting? a. b. c. d. Screaming at the servants Weeping uncontrollably Sleepwalking Pulling out her hair 3. Who does the doctor say is the only one who can help Lady Macbeth? a. a. b. c. Macbeth The pope God Macduff 4. What activity does the gentlewoman observe Lady Macbeth engaging in during the night? a. b. c. d. Lighting candles and chanting Summoning the witches Writing letters Stripping naked and standing in front of the window 5. Who does the gentlewoman request come and listen in on Lady Macbeth? a. b. c. d. The doctor Macbeth Ross Macduff 6. What vow is made by the new subjects? a. a. b. c. To never forget Macduff's slain family To follow Macbeth, whatever the cost To overthrow Macbeth and regain Scotland To see Macbeth burn in Hell 7. What military success has Macbeth had? a. b. c. d. Defeating Malcolm Securing Dunsinane Taking high profile prisoners of war Clearing Birnam Wood of Macduff's loyalists 8. True or False: Macbeth's newly-conquered subjects are loyal. a. b. True False 9. What are Menteith, Angus, Lennox and Caithness discussing? a. b. c. d. Malcolm's battle plans Rumors of the ghost of Banquo Seeing Lady Macbeth sleepwalking Sightings of the witches 10. Where do Menteith, Angus, Lennox and Caithness plan to meet? a. b. c. d. At the Tower of London At Macduff's castle Near Birnam Wood On the moors behind Inverness 11. Who comes to Macbeth with concerns about Lady Macbeth? a. b. c. d. The nurse The goodwife Ross The doctor 12. Where is Macbeth in the opening of Act 5, scene 3? a. b. c. d. At Dunsinane castle In his royal chambers at Inverness Alone on the moors, awaiting the witches At the Tower of London 13. True or False: In Act 5, scene 3, Macbeth has begun to doubt the witches. a. b. False True 14. What does Macbeth ask of the doctor? a. b. c. d. To go with him into battle To find a cure for his wife To give him some bandages To concoct a pain serum 15. Despite evidence to the contrary, why does Macbeth feel so secure? a. b. c. d. He is arrogant and wreckless He believes the witches' prophecies have not come to pass He has no ability to accurately assess his situation He feels the troops are loyal and will protect him 16. What terrible discovery does Macbeth make about Lady Macbeth? a. b. c. d. She has lost her mind She is dead She has turned traitor She has fled Inverness 17. What does Malcolm tell his troops to do? a. b. c. d. Alert him if any of them see the witches Play dead on the battlefield Cut tree branches and use them as camouflage Give their lives to save Scotland 18. At the end of Act 5, scene 3, what one sad observation does Macbeth make? a. b. c. d. He can trust no one Life is short He has let his greed guide him Lady Macbeth never loved him 19. What news does the messenger bring? a. b. c. d. The witches are in the castle Malcolm is dead Birnam Wood is moving He has seen Banquo's ghost 20. True or False: Macbeth feels confident that he will defeat Malcolm a. True b. False 21. What does Macduff call Macbeth? a. b. c. d. A murderer A fool A coward A pawn 22. Why does Macduff say the prophecy protecting him from "woman born" does not apply? a. b. c. d. He was born by Cesarean section The witches are liars The witches have no power He is half-god 23. Why does Macbeth urge Macduff to leave? a. b. c. d. He is lying to make him feel more secure He likes him and wants him to live, if not have the throne He wants to give the man a fair chance He feels he has enough of Macduff's family's blood on his hands 24. Who is the first casualty at Dunsinane? a. b. c. d. Malcolm Macduff Macbeth Siward 25. What gruesome battle trophy proves Malcolm is now king? a. b. c. d. Macbeth's thumb Macbeth's eye-teeth The bodies of Macbeth and all the witches Macbeth's severed head 26. The Prophesies Complete the following table: Apparition First Second Third What is it? What does it tell Mac? How does Mac interpret it? How does it come true?