Template 1 Rationale

Change management tool kit - project management templates
Rationale / business case template
Name of project:
Author / project manager:
Date last modified:
Authorising sponsor:
Overview - desired outcome
What is being considered, and what will be the outcome if the change is pursued?
Bullet points or short descriptions of all the reasons why this change or innovation is being
considered. What will happen if nothing changes?
Put all the options that could be pursued in line with the reasons above, including a “do
nothing” and a “zero investment” (i.e. no cost) option. Include pros and cons for each option
and indicate which option you recommend.
Benefits expected
Express these in measurable and tangible terms against today’s situation.
Key Risks
What might reduce the chances of successfully achieving the goals of the change initiative,
and what could be done to reduce those risks?
Probability Severity Risk Response
(Impact x
(what might go
(Estimate (Estimate
How will the possible impact be
probability) reduced?
Include cash and staff time, etc.
Rationale / business case template
Change management tool kit - project management templates
The expected timescales of the project to produce the required product / outcome and the
timescales associated with the outcome, for example, how long is the new process / system
expected to last into the future?
Cost / benefit analysis
This illustrates the balance between the costs and the expected benefits, over a period of
time. It is important to consider more than the immediate cash costs; what are the
development, operational, maintenance and support costs? Wherever possible, the
expected benefits should be stated in tangible ways. The benefits may start off as intangible,
for example ‘happier staff’ could be turned into ‘less staff turnover and/or less time off for
stress related problems. Both of these benefits can be turned into a likely monetary saving (a
measurable, tangible benefit) but don’t try to assign a cash value to benefits unless there is a
valid way to do it.
How will stakeholders know that the project’s intended outcomes have been achieved?
How will the project team demonstrate this achievement?
Rationale / business case template