Chapter 17: Warranties and Product
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Learning Objectives
• What factors determine whether a Seller’s
statement constitutes an express warranty or
mere “puffing”?
• What implied warranties arise under the UCC?
• Can a manufacturer be held liable to any
person who suffers an injury proximately
caused by the manufacturer’s negligently
made product?
• What are the elements of a cause of action in
strict product liability?
• What defenses to liability can be raised in a
product liability lawsuit?
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Warranties of Title
• Warranties of Title – automatic in most
sales contracts:
– Good Title.
– No Liens.
– No Infringements.
– Disclaimer of Title Warranty.
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Express Warranties
• Representations of fact about quality,
condition, description or performance.
• Goods must conform to model or
• Warranty must be Basis of the
• Statements of Opinion do not create
express warranties.
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Implied Warranty of Merchantability
• Merchantable Goods: reasonably fit for
ordinary purposes for which goods are
Case 17.1 Shoop v. DaimlerChrysler,
Breach of warranty of merchantability occurs when car
dealer unsuccessfully repairs or replaces defective parts.
• Merchantable Food: fit to eat.
Case 17.2 Webster v. Blue Ship Tea
Room, Inc.
Fish chowder with bones is NOT a breach of warranty
because the bones did not render the food unfit to eat.
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Implied Warranty of Fitness for a Particular
• Arises when a seller (merchant or
– Knows the particular purpose for which the
buyer will use the good, and
– Knows that the buyer is relying on the
seller’s skill and judgment.
• Implied warranties can also rise (or be
excluded or modified) based on
previous dealings or trade usage.
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Overlapping Warranties
• When two or more warranties are
made in a single transaction:
– UCC rule holds warranties as cumulative.
– If warranties are in conflict, courts determine
which warranty is most important as follows:
• Express warranties displace inconsistent implied
warranties (except for particular purpose).
• Samples take precedence over general
• Exact or technical specifications displace
inconsistent samples.
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Warranty Disclaimers
• Disclaimer of Express Warranties:
– Courts view unfavorably.
– Must be conspicuous.
– Buyer must be aware of disclaimer at time of
• Implied Warranties:
– Disclaimer of Implied Warranty of
– Disclaimer of the Implied Warranty of Fitness.
(“As Is” or “With All Faults”).
• Buyer’s Refusal to Inspect.
• Unconscionability.
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Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act
• Federal law to prevent deception in
warranties by making them easier to
• Enforced by Federal Trade
– Full Warranty (free repair/replacement).
– Limited Warranty.
– Implied Warranties arise under UCC -- not
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Lemon Laws
• Cars that are “lemons” and cannot be
repaired properly. Lemon Laws:
– Provide remedies to consumers whose
automobiles under warranty fail to meet
value or performance.
– Seller has reasonable attempts to fix the
defect (usually 4). If not, buyer has remedy of
a new car, replacement of defective parts, or
return of all consideration paid.
• Arbitration is usual process.
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Product Liability-Negligence
• Manufacturers, sellers and lessors of goods
can be liable for a defective good that causes
injury. Privity of contract not required.
• Manufacturers must exercise due care in:
designing the product, selecting materials,
production process, assembly, providing
adequate warning labels. Adequate warning
label for ordinary person.
• Misrepresentation.
– Intentional mislabeling or concealment.
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Strict Product Liability and Public Policy
• Liability without regard to fault or standard
of care.
• Injured party can be 3rd party (not the
• Assumption that:
– Consumers should be protected against unsafe
– Manufacturers and distributors should not escape
liability for defective products, and
– Manufacturers and sellers are in a better position to
bear the costs of injury.
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Requirements for Strict Liability
• Product must be in a defective condition when
• Defendant must be engaged in selling that
• Product must be “unreasonably dangerous”:
product is dangerous beyond ordinary
expectation or less dangerous alternative not
• Plaintiff must incur injury to self or property by
use or consumption of the product
• Defective condition must be cause
• Goods have not substantially changed from time
of sale.
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Requirements for Strict Liability
• Proving a Defective Condition.
– Plaintiff does not need to show how product
became defective, but only prove that when it left
the seller it was “unreasonably dangerous” and
that condition hasn’t changed.
• ‘Unreasonably Dangerous’ Products.
– Products cannot be absolutely safe but courts
may determine product is unreasonably
dangerous if:
• Product is dangerous beyond ordinary consumer
• Less dangerous alternative was economically feasible
for manufacturer who failed to produce it.
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Product Defects--Restatement (Third) of
• Manufacturing Defects.
• Design Defects.
– Plaintiff must show a reasonable alternative
design was available.
• Inadequate Warnings.
– Manufacturer must warn if foreseeable misuse will
cause injury.
– Factors: user groups, content of message.
Case 17.3 Wyeth v. Levine
Injured party can bring state-action product liability
claim based on inadequate warning approved by FDA.
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Strict Product Liability
• Market Share Liability.
– Multiple Defendants involved are liable
based on the share of the market.
• Other Applications.
– All courts extend liability of manufacturers
and other sellers to injured bystanders.
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Defenses to Product Liability
• Assumption of Risk.
• Product Misuse.
– Severely limited.
• Comparative Negligence (Fault).
• Commonly Known Dangers.
– Sharp knives and guns.
• Knowledgeable User Defense.
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