

Hot Topics in Technology for

Higher Education

University of Central Arkansas Committee for the Dean’s Council

La’Cresha Henderson

Danielle Joanette

Nu’Rodney Prad

Justin Varghese

What’s Bringing the Heat?

University Spam



LGBTQ Online

Online Safety/Training Blogs

What’s Hot about Spam?


is the the mass-posting of emails sent to Internet users through many copies or different messages in an effort to impose the information onto people who would not otherwise select to obtain it.

Spam costs the correspondent very little to send as most of the expenditures

 Knowing the Harmful issues

 Discussing the benefits of Preventative Measures

 Future Implications

Phishing: A way spam ends up in your inbox


 Phishers are people who attempt to steal your personal information and then your money. The person then sells the data to a "Casher" who is setup to use the data for identity theft, printing credit cards or just stealing your money.

Pretending to be from your financial institution, a legitimate retailer or government agency, the emails will contain a link that looks real, saying something like "Click here to Update your account" or to “confirm” your personal information.

 Typically, the link will direct you to a fake website that are near-replicas of the real one, making it hard even for experts to distinguish between the real and fake web sites.

 You enter your personal information onto the web site – and into the hands of identity thieves.

The emails can look very official, please click to see samples

Issues with Spam on Our Campus

Issue 1: Time Constraints

• Spam also hurts consumers. Many people still pay hourly rates for Internet access, including those who use wireless Internet services and business travelers who download e-mail while on the road.

These consumers have to pay for the time they spend downloading these unsolicited messages to their computer from the Internet.









Click Link


Number of Spam Emails

• It takes 10 seconds to recognize that an email contains spam

• 60 spam emails takes 10 minutes of your time to delete

• When you click “remove from list” it automatically doubles the amount of time it takes to delete spam

• If each student takes 20 minutes a day to delete spam at the University of Central Arkansas that equates to:

20 minutes x 12,000 students = 4,000 hours of wasted learning time each day

Issues with Spam on Our Campus

Issue 2: Harm to Computers

• Most Internet Service Providers (ISPs) also limit the space available in account mailboxes for consumers to store e-mail messages. Spam fills mailbox space that consumers could utilize for other purposes. Viruses, Trojans, and other malicious scripts can attach themselves to spam and infect your computer the instant you open the message.

• Spammers also often push their mail throughout other people's systems. This allows spam creators to offload the real costs

(CPU time, e-mail account user time, disk space, etc.) onto other innocent third parties.

Issues with Spam on Our Campus

Issue 3: Harm to Servers

• Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and other businesses lose millions of dollars and hundreds of hours of productivity as a result of unsolicited commercial e-mail. Spam clogs the Internet, computer systems, and e-mail accounts slowing down operations and at times causing system shutdowns and failures.

The Three ways spam can harm the server is:


Bot or Botnet

is like the biological counterpart —it attaches itself and depends on a

DDOS — Distributed Denial of Service Attack

infiltrate the computer, duplicate and attach itself to as many programs as possible.

been crafted to use up as much server time as possible. A DDOS attack can absorb a server's entire capacity and make it unavailable or “down” to its legitimate users for the duration of the attack.

Benefits of Embracing Anti-Spam Tools on Our Campus

Central Benefit: Minimization of time expenditures, computer and server harm

Important tools include Appliances and Software: designed for the Novell Groupwise

Community with many features


Email Policy and Surveillance

Anti-Virus Tools

Anti-Spam Tools

Virus Defense



Anti-spyware (Attachments)

Denial of Service

Picture Retrieved from:

Future Implications of Spam

User Perception

Spam may affect internet users by causing them to desert many public discussion forums for fear that their e-mail addresses will be harvested and added to junk mail lists. Many are afraid to give their addresses out in even legitimate commerce for fear of being added to and traded among thousands of mailing lists. Genuine businesses, institutional faculty, staff and even more specifically, admission officers are having second thoughts to use e-mail to communicate with their prospective customers and students for fear of being branded Net abusers. This distrust threatens to undermine the acceptance and growth of electronic commerce among the legions of new Internet users taking their first steps online.

Global Implications

Electronic mail is a tool of business and personal communication. It's simple, it's accessible, and it's becoming more and more an essential part of our professional lives. However, there are even more far-reaching potentials of e-mail that have a possibility of being lost if this mode of communication gets destroyed by the increased production of junk e-mail.


• When responsible computing behavior becomes more popular, tools dealing with

Spam Filtering, implementation of spyware and removal procedures, will continue to be strong factors in decreasing the amount of spam created.

What’s Hot about LGBTQ Online?

LGBTQ Online is the phenomenon of providing students with departmental resources through the internet.

• This is a hot topic because cyberspace is serving many functions for

LGBTQ students. These include:

 Educating- consists of collecting basic information

Networking- allows students to connect with a larger LGBTQ network community

 Developmentfacilitates an individual’s ability to obtain knowledge on

LGBTQ issues and explore alternative ways of self-expression .

•Examples of such resources include:

Princeton’s LGBTQ Center website:

University of Michigan’s LGBTQ Affairs website:

Methods of Using LGBTQ Online Resources

Online Searches

Potential students in areas where physical LGBTQ resources are scarce can locate institutions of higher education that are LGBTQ-friendly through online searches.

 Example: “ The Advocate College Guide for LGBT Students” is a book that is easily located on

Online Discussion Opportunities and Services

• Blogs, forums, and websites addressing LGBTQ issues offer 24/7 guidance on developmental issues and support through reaching a larger LGBTQ community.

 Example:

 Example: Pennsylvania State has an online LGBTQ resource center that hosts online discussion groups

Issues with LGBTQ Interactions Online

Issue 1: Compromising Anonymity

The internet is a public space and personal information can be found —therefore putting aspects of the LGBTQ identity online through blogs, facebook profiles, or dating advertisement can have negative repercussions.

Example: One religious private institution used a gay student’s blog as evidence to expel

Issue 2: Personal Safety

The precautions of online personal safety are very similar to protective measures we use in everyday life. However, it is often difficult to identify users on the opposite side of computer terminals in chat rooms or blogs.

Example: Recently in October of 2006, three males were arrested and charged with a hate crime in New York City. These individuals were prosecuted for falsely luring a male through online resources on the pretences they were gay. They arranged to meet in a location where they intended to take personal belongings. When the victim attempted to flee the situation he was struck by a vehicle on a six lane highway.

Benefits of Embracing Online LGBTQ on Our Campus

Benefit 1: Identifying Allies

Web sources will allow prospective LGBTQ Students to identify which institution of higher education is friendly to students of the LGBTQ community.

Benefit 2: Protecting Privacy

Online services allow those who are in the process of coming out, or those who may wish to remain discrete, ways to connect, gain information, and ask

Access to resources may help interpersonal development.

Example: In Chickering’s Seven Vectors model, the vector of

“Establishing Identity” includes becoming comfortable with one’s sexual orientation and the creation of self-concept through roles and lifestyles. Access to online resources and support may help facilitate this process.

Future Implications of LGBTQ Online

Development of the whole LGBTQ student

• Institutions who make it a point to support and provide access to

LGBTQ friendly resources will promote growth and further development of the whole student; especially those identifying as


Development of classes on LGBTQ Studies and incorporation of

LGBTQ online issue into diversity training

• Scholars have discussed that online literacy may be different from academic literacy, and since the using the internet depends on writing skills, there may be a better development in these areas for LGBTQ students than what is seen in the classroom. Making these areas of interest a focus in class work has the potential for further educational development.

What’s Hot About Blogs?

• Blogs have infiltrated every aspect of our lives including

Higher Education and Student Affairs. Faculty, staff, and students are using blogs as an extension of in-class teaching and communication. Blogs have begun to impact both teaching and learning methods.

• The internet blogosphere is incredibly active. There are over 175,000 new blogs every day. Bloggers update their blogs regularly to the extent of over 1.6 million posts per day, or over 18 updates a second. Blogs have changed the face of communication around the world.

• Blogging continues to experience technological advancements within itself that has changed the perception of institutions. Institutions of higher education have started to sponsor and support blogs.

The Basics of Blogs

What is a Blog?

A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and web links .

Blogs are alternatively called weblogs.

Types of Blogs:

• Political (Includes current political topics, commentary and campaign material)

• Personal (On-line journal and diary)

• Business (Promotion, advertising, information)

• Topical (Focuses on single issue or niche

• Health (Medical news, personal accounts with health issues)

• Literary (Focuses on a literature topic including the publishing industry)

• Travel (Travelers share stories and photos)

• Research (Includes research notes and issue discussions)

• Educational (Course plan, discussion and announcements)

• Legal (Legal commentary and case analysis)

The Basics of Blogs

Components of a Blog:

I. Title: Typically reflects the purpose of the site

II. Date and Post Title: Includes the date of publication and overview of the post's subject matter.

III. Commentary: Style and content of words vary.


 Personal

 Opinionated

 Topic-oriented

 Irrelevant

IV. Links: Serve as a kind of works cited page, directing readers to additional sources of relevant material.

V. Blogrolls: Contains links to other blogs and websites, and can typically be found running down the left or right-hand side of the page.

VI. Dialogue: A venue for carrying on simple conversations and disseminating information.

VII. Feed: Every blog is published and broadcasted as a Really Simple

Syndication (RSS) feed.

Feed readers collect and combine feeds to allow readers to browse a central location.

VIII. About: Includes the author, contact information and purpose of the blog

Issues with Embracing Blogs on Our Campus

Issue 1: Security and Privacy

Cyberstalking is a new phenomenon that allows anonymous online stalkers to

Issue 2: Academic Freedom

their lives. The aggregate information in a personal profile can assist someone

Issue 3: Blog Overload

appointments, hiring, and tenure for faculty. Students may be penalized based may experience blog writing “burnout.” This could hinder effective learning and teaching due to lack of participation. Faculty may underestimate the time required for reading postings which may affect research and publication.

Benefits of Embracing Blogs on Our Campus

Benefit 1: Promotes Student Engagement and Interaction

Blogging enhances learning beyond what is typically utilized in course

Benefit 2: Facilitates Small Group Work and Team Building

generated and uploaded solely by the instructor. Blogging places some control and participation in the hands of the students which fosters interaction.

Benefit 3: Encourages Civic Engagement on Campus and within our Communities

on the group blog. The other members can offer feedback and suggestions for while simultaneously allowing student connection with an online community.

Institutionally supported blogs can help individuals connect locally, internationally and globally on common issues and circumstances. Shared

Team Work: Team blogs can be created for groups working on research what is happening globally and in our communities. note pad for the documentation of ideas, a collection of links to outside

Example: Park University's blog on International


can be presented online.

Example: Pace University’s 4NonProfit blog:

Future Implications of Blogs

Institutionally Sponsored Blogs

• The number of institutions sponsoring blogs may increase. Blogging may also be embraced by more disciplines in higher education and academia as a new form of learning.

Institutional Blog Policy

• Institutional revisions of student conduct codes and computer policy may occur to address blogs. The focus could be the content and use of blogs.

Discussion of a blog policy for faculty and staff may be actively addressed beginning with the administrations.

Blog Training

• Blog Training may be integrated into institutional training. Professional conferences and events may increasingly spotlight blogs as a part of sessions including information on new advancements.

What’s Hot About Distance Education?

Distance Education has highly increased over the last decade for students to participate in courses without being present on a physical campus. The following are reasons as to why this trend is occurring:

• The percentage of non-traditional students have increased over the past two decades.

• Distance Learners are able to select a flexible schedule to accommodate a fulltime job.

• There is a huge interest in internet usage by younger generations.

• Higher education outsourcing and partnerships are increasing.

• Instruction is becoming more learner centered, non-linear, and self directed.

• Traditional campuses are declining, for-profit institutions are growing, and public and private institutions are merging.

Distance Education is defined as all credit and non-credit courses and training delivered via electronic means.

Students Using Technology for College Credit

Examples of Technology used includes: Skype, Podcasting, and Webinars

• Skype is a peer-to-peer internet telephone directory service which allow individuals the ability of connecting with one another to conduct online chats and video conferencing. Students and professors alike are able to log on into a designated chat room and hold lectures as if they were in a physical classroom. Most features of this technology are free, thus being a benefit for long-distance students.

• Podcastings are media files distributed over the internet using syndication feeds to play back on portable electronic devices or personal computers.

Numerous professors are recording lectures and making digital and/or electronic notes available for students to download to their personal computer or MP3 players.

• Webinars allow individuals to be interactive in a discussion forum. The term itself translates to seminars conducted over the world wide web. This type of technology allows institutions of higher education to discuss current trends and hot topics that affect campuses. The main benefit is not requiring several universities to make travel arrangements to a central location for the discussion.

Issues with Embracing Distance Education on Our Campus

Issue 1: Distrust of Online Degrees by Potential


Although distance education is becoming recognized throughout the country,

Issue 2: Technological and Computer Literacy

According to a 2006 survey conducted by Vault Inc., fifty-five percent of managers preferred to hire a candidate that received his or her degree the old fashioned way. other necessary electronic equipment.

Benefits of Embracing Distance Education on Our Campus

Benefit 1: Accessibility and Location

Distance education makes it possible for a student to study at an educational

Benefit 2: Diverse student population

time constraints.

Benefit 3: Cost Effective

In addition, distance education courses are not restricted by the limited number of desks in a classroom. The potential to enroll more students in a web course is a way of making distance education cost effective.

Future Implications of Distance Education

• In the early 1990s, Congress created legislation such as the 50-Percent

Rule and the12-Hour Rule to regulate federal aid dispersion and diploma mill issues in distance education.

In recent years, Congress has expressed a desire to remove controversial regulations that limit funding for students of distance education programs.

• Due to fact that technology has been modified and increased in the household of Americans, we believe lawmakers will want to amend the restrictive laws created a decade ago.

• If these laws are reconfigured, we expect a rapid increase in the amount of students enrolled in distance education courses.

What’s Hot About Online Safety/Training?

• Online Training is a hot topic because Higher Education administrators, educators, and staff are often called upon to make informed choices about technology.

• Online Safety is a hot topic because current empirical research strongly suggests that young adults are increasingly becoming both victims and perpetrators of internet crime and abuse.

• Offenses Typical of College Campuses Include :

 Piracy of music

 Academic dishonesty

 Cyberstalking

 Creation of computer viruses

• Higher Education must prepare graduates who can keep America's computing society safe and secure. We must reach out to our schools and employers to assist them in putting instructional programs in place.

Online Training: How do we do it?

• Many colleges and universities are well positioned to add internet safety, information security, and cyberethics training to continuing-education courses as well as to degree-program requirements.

• Higher Education institutions could also offer leadership training to executives of public, private, and nonprofit organizations who have vested interests in having employees who can secure, maintain responsible use information systems.

• Example: The CyberSmart Professional Development Program includes :

 Geared towards educators K-12

 Topics covered are customized by what each person specifically desires to learn

 Includes both online training and on-site learning

Issues with Embracing Online Training on Our Campus

Issue 1: Cost of implementing programs

The cost of the Cybersmart Program ranges between 350-500 dollars per

Issue 2: Placement of the responsibility of technology education

Example: “Most IT departments on campuses see themselves as a service

Issue 3: Effective Programming requires participation


and full support


Example: “The University of Central Arkansas IT Department holds a rarely attended seminar on spyware, which is the cause of 90% of their problems with WebCT.”

( Personal Opinion of an Information Technology professional on Online Training )

Benefits of Online Training on Our Campus

Benefit 1: Serving Student Populations

There is vast potential in how new technologies can better serve the learning

It must be considered that this generation of students will soon be employees.

Online training would demonstrate institutions’ concern for community and

Benefit 4: Developing a Proactive Stance

serve as another source of revenue for institutions.

— and could

Implementing online training could make higher education proactive versus reactive in developing, learning, and teaching online usage .

Future Implications of Online Training

• The federal government has stressed technological, legislative, and lawenforcement solutions to problems being faced in today’s technological world.

• This committee anticipates the focus of legislation to shift from online predators and pornography to self-education, awareness, and responsibility.

• The main intent of federal legislation in the future should be on a systematic approach. Legislators should set guidelines on how to implement educational tools to students on internet usage.

Final Thoughts on Hot Topics…

“Whether students or faculty are encountering spam, utilizing LGBTQ online resources, blogging, taking courses online, or using the internet for entertainment; the millennial generation is plugged in. It is important to address technological hot topics as they arise in order to still be in touch with our student population. We must use technology rather than fear its potential in Higher



The University of Central Arkansas Committee for the Dean’s Council


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