TRAINING & READINESS SUPPLEMENT ORIENTATION Air Traffic Control Facility 2016 Supplement Manager Cpl Bonilla This supplement includes Lesson Topic Guides (LTGs) and Local Qualification Standards (LQSs) for Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point as required by ATC NATOPS and NAVMC 3500.94A, Chapter 8, Training & Readiness Manual. The LTGs detail the reference materials and discussion items that support the Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs) that must be satisfactorily completed in order to assign the applicable qualification or designation. The LQSs are divided into KSAs. The time allowed to complete this T&R Supplement is defined by the ATC Facility Manual and shall not exceed the requirements of the T&R Directive. The actual completion data for each position qualification, to include total number of days and total number of hours, shall be collected and analyzed by the facility’s training branch. These data support Continuous Process Improvement within the facility and aid in projects and planning at the regional level. Knowledge is checked with a written test. All Knowledge tests shall be completed with a minimum passing score of 80%. Skills and Abilities may be accomplished through OJT or simulation and shall be marked appropriately. LTGs and LQSs written in black are those required by the T&R Directive, those written in red are supplemental information specifically for MCAS Cherry Point. The following events are included in this supplement and taught in the associated Lesson Plan: Event ACAD-0500 ACAD-0501 ACAD-0502 ACAD-0503 ACAD-0504 ACAD-0505 ACAD-0506 ACAD-0507 ACAD-0508 ACAD-0509 ORNT-2000 Description Comprehend general ATC knowledge. Comprehend general ATC terminology. Comprehend the airfield layout. Comprehend local area/airfield specific information. Comprehend location of ATC Facility Emergency/Safety Equipment. Comprehend ATC emergency procedures and policies. Comprehend the handling of special flights procedures and policies. Comprehend basic weather knowledge. Comprehend information contained in Local Letters of Agreement. Comprehend knowledge of ATC publications. Demonstrate an understanding of common ATC knowledge applicable to Tower and Radar. Table of Contents Section I .................................... Training Plan Section II .................................... Orientation ORNT ORNT ORNT ORNT ORNT ORNT ORNT ORNT ORNT ORNT ORNT 1 – MCAS CHERRY POINT CHECK IN BRIEF 2 – ATC KNOWLEDGE/TRAINING PROGRAM (ACAD-0500) 3 – ATC TERMINOLOGY (ACAD-0501) 4 – AIRFIELD LAYOUT (ACAD-0502) 5 – LOCAL AREA/AIRFIELD SPECIFIC INFORMATION (ACAD-0503) 6 – ATC FACILITY EMERGENCY/SAFETY EQUIPMENT (ACAD-0504) 7 – EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND POLICIES (ACAD-0505) 8 – SPECIAL FLIGHTS (ACAD-0506) 9 – WEATHER (ACAD-0507) 10 – LETTERS OF AGREEMENT (ACAD-0508) 11 – ATC PUBLICATIONS/FORMS (ACAD-0509) Section III .................................... Progression Benchmarks Section IV .................................... Training & Readiness Events Section I TRAINING PLAN TRAINING PLAN Trainee: Date: Position: Initial Training FWO: Subsequent Training OJT Start Date 25% Date Pre OJF Required 50% Date Simulation Required 75% Date 100% Date Objectives: Trainee Signature/Date Primary OJTI Signature/Date Secondary OJTI Signature/Date Ensure a copy of this training plan is on file in the ATC Training Office. Section II ORIENTATION ORNT 1 - MCAS CHERRY POINT CHECK IN BRIEF Lesson Topic Guide GOAL. Demonstrate an understanding of Cherry Point and ATC NATOPS specific procedures. REQUIREMENT. INSTRUCTOR. Describe the procedures listed in the reference. BI. REFERENCE 1. NKT Facility Manual 1-104 1-105 1-106 1-401 1-402 1-403 1-404 1-405 1-407 1-408 1-409 1-410 1-411 1-412 1-413 1-414 1-415 1-416 1-417 1-418 1-419 1-420 1-421 1-422 1-423 1-424 1-425 1-426 1-427 1-428 2-100 2. Facility Directives and Memos Effective Dates Publication Dates Drug and Alcohol Use Facility Parking Headsets Mail Locker Assignments Messing Facility Tours Airfield Tours Phone Usage Blood Donations Airfield Hours of Operation ATCFO and Staff Working Hours ATC Watch Bill Holiday Manning Additional Duties Briefing Area Operational Crew Briefings Leave and Liberty Uniforms Annual Physicals Climate Control Procedures Food and Drink in the Facility Medical Clearance Notice Cell Phone Usage Procedure Evaluation Board (PEB) Procedure Evaluation Program (PEP) Dispensary Permit Marines Checking In NAVAIR 00-80T-114 1.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.4 2.2 2.3 3.1.5 3.2.2 3.2.3 Control Authority Other Sources of Information Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Documents Department of the Navy Directives Other Relevant Publications Air Traffic Control NATOPS Program Annual Awards Facility Directives Position Logs Operating Initials 3.4.2 3.4.4 3.4.6 4.1 Trainees Watch Team Briefing Emergency Plan Communications Naval Certification Procedures Local Control Ground Control Flight Data Clearance Delivery Approach Control Departure Control Radar Associate Radar Coordinator Arrival Control Flight Data Final Control Local Qualification Standards KNOWLEDGE. Satisfactorily complete test ORNT 1. SKILLS AND ABILITIES. NA Individual has satisfactorily completed all LQS requirements for ORNT 1: Date: _____________ Trainee: ___________________________ Signature: ________________________ FWO/Crew Chief Signature _______________________________ ORNT 2 – ATC KNOWLEDGE/TRAINING PROGRAM (ACAD-0500) Lesson Topic Guide GOAL. Comprehend general ATC knowledge. REQUIREMENT. INSTRUCTOR. Describe the information listed in the reference. BI. REFERENCE 1. FAA JO 7110.65 1-1-1 1−2−1 1−2−2 1−2−3 1−2−4 1−2−5 1−2−6 2-1-1 2-1-2 2-1-3 2-1-4 2-2-1 2-2-2 2-2-3 2-2-4 2-2-5 2-2-6 2-2-7 2-2-8 2-2-9 2-2-10 2-2-11 2-2-12 2-2-13 2-2-14 2-2-15 2-4-19 2-10-1 2-10-2 2-10-3 3-1-13 2. Purpose of this Order Word Meanings Course Definitions Notes References Annotations Abbreviations ATC Service Duty Priority Procedural Preference Operational Priority Recording Information Forwarding Information Forwarding VFR Data Military DVFR Departures IFR to VFR Flight Plan Change IFR Flight Progress Data Manual Input of Computer-assigned Beacon Codes ALTRV Information Computer Message Verification Transmit Proposed Flight Plan Forwarding Amended and UTM Data Airborne Military Flights Forwarding Flight Plan Data Teletype Flight Data Format North American Route Program Facility Identification En Route Sector Team Position Responsibilities Terminal Radar/Nonradar Team Position Responsibilities Tower Team Position Responsibilities Establishing Two Way Communications NAVAIR 00-80T-114 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 General Purpose Training Chief OJTI ATC Training Team Facility Training Program Program Elements Program Tools Skill Checks Controller Currency and Proficiency Program Compliance Definitions Currency Requirements 6.4 6.4.1 6.5 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 6.5.4 6.5.5 6.6 3. Controller Performance Evaluations Documentation Requirements MACCS Performance Records (MPR) General Development and Issuance Transfer and Retention Marine Sierra Hotel Aviation Readiness Program (M-SHARP) Initial MOS and Skill Designators MACCS Training and Readiness ATC Facility Manual 4-100 4-101 4-103 4-104 4-105 4-106 4-107 4-108 4-109 4-110 4-200 4-201 4-202 4-203 4-204 4-205 4-300 4-301 4-302 4-303 4-304 4-305 4-306 4-307 4-308 4-309 4-310 4-311 4-312 4-313 4-314 4-315 4-316 4-317 4-400 4-401 4-403 4-404 4-405 4-406 4-500 4-501 4-503 4-504 4-603 4-604 4-605 4-700 4-701 General ATCFO Responsibilities Training Chief Responsibilities FWO Responsibilities OJTI Responsibilities Trainee Responsibilities Local Qualification Standards Lesson Topic Guides Testing Annual Training Plan Qualifications Training Proficiency Training Requalification Currency Requirements Position Evaluations (ANNUAL SKILL CHECK) Tower Visibility Observers General Definitions Facility Training Requirements Minimum OJT Position Time Selection, Qualification and Evaluation of OJTIs Training Teams Training Plan Lesson Format Performance Skill Check (Trainee) Performance Skill Check (Qualified) Skill Enhancement Training (Trainee) Qualification Skill Check Examiners Additional OJT Tape Talk Program OJT and Qualification Process Flowchart GCA IFR Training Designation MACCS Performance Record LQS/LTG and T&R Events Responsibilities Position Evaluations Disposition of Records and Reports Operating Initials General NAVAIR 655 NAVAIR 655 Progression T&R Supplements Controller Evaluation Board Suspension of Training Discontinuation of Training General IPART 4-702 4-703 4-704 4-705 AT COACH (STARS) Tower Simulator Simulator Position Logs Simulator Training Requirements App E Guide for Position Logs Local Qualification Standards KNOWLEDGE. Satisfactorily complete test ORNT 2. SKILLS AND ABILITIES. NA Individual has satisfactorily completed all LQS requirements for ORNT 2: Date: _____________ Trainee: ___________________________ Signature: ________________________ FWO/Crew Chief Signature _______________________________ ORNT 3 – ATC TERMINOLOGY (ACAD-0501) Lesson Topic Guide GOAL. Comprehend general ATC terminology. REQUIREMENT. INSTRUCTOR. Describe the items listed in the reference. BI. REFERENCE 1. FAA JO 7110.65 - Glossary Terms Additional Services Aerial Refueling Roger Aircraft Classes Approach Gate Final Approach Course Overhead Maneuver Pilot Weather Report Procedure Turn Short Range Clearances Missed Approach Information Request Instrument Visual Meteorological Conditions Expect Departure Clearance Time Instrument Approach Procedure Nonradar Separation Traffic Pattern 2. Advisory Frequency Affirmative Wilco AIRMET Final Approach Fix Decision Height Pilot’s Discretion Preferential Routes Segments of Approach Procedure Simulated Flameout Tower EnRoute Control Service Instrument Meteorological Conditions Approach Control Service ATC Assigned Airspace Radar Separation Traffic Management Unit Vector ATC Facility Manual 1-200 1-201 1-202 Word Meanings Annotations Abbreviations Precision Approach Radar Unmanned Aerial System Combat Aircraft Loading Area 1-203 1-204 Glossary Position Relief Checklist Explosive Ordnance Disposal Airport Surveillance Radar Information Request Local Qualification Standards KNOWLEDGE. Satisfactorily complete test ORNT 3. SKILLS AND ABILITIES. NA Individual has satisfactorily completed all LQS requirements for ORNT 3: Date: _____________ Trainee: ___________________________ Signature: ________________________ FWO/Crew Chief Signature _______________________________ ORNT 4 – AIRFIELD LAYOUT (ACAD-0502) Lesson Topic Guide GOAL. Comprehend the airfield layout. REQUIREMENT. INSTRUCTOR. Given an airfield diagram, draw/label required information. BI. REFERENCE 1. Memorize the airfield layout. to include: a. Draw/label from memory an airfield diagram Runways. Numbering/marking. Length and width. Crash Fire Rescue standby positions. Location of Windsocks. Location of Optical landing systems. Carrier Deck Harrier Pads b. Helicopter landing areas/spots. Name/designation. c. Taxiways. Designation (name/number). Special use areas (hazardous cargo, hot brakes, ordnance Load/ offload, arm/dearm, etc). d. Fuel Pits. Number of fueling points. e. Aircraft wash racks. f. Tenant aircraft parking ramps. Squadron assigned. g. Transient parking ramps. VIP spots. h. Crash Fire Rescue. Location of building and hotspots. i. Hangars. Unit assigned. j. Visual aids. Runway lights. Approach lights. Taxiway lights. Airfield beacon. Obstruction lights. k. Navigation aids. TACAN Checkpoints Compass rose. 2. l. Obstructions on the airfield: Type, height, and location. m. ATC radar types and location. Facility Manual 5-100 3. General Airfield Operations Manual 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. General Prudential Rules Definitions Airfield Description Hours of Operation Hangar and Service Facilities Prior Permission Required (PPR) 6.4. Distinguished Visitor (DV) Procedures Local Qualification Standards KNOWLEDGE. Satisfactorily complete test ORNT 4. SKILLS AND ABILITIES. NA Individual has satisfactorily completed all LQS requirements for ORNT 4: Date: _____________ Trainee: ___________________________ Signature: ________________________ FWO/Crew Chief Signature _______________________________ ORNT 5 – LOCAL AREA/AIRFIELD SPECIFIC INFORMATION (ACAD-0503) Lesson Topic Guide GOAL. Comprehend local area/airfield specific information. REQUIREMENT. Conduct the following as described in the reference. 1. Describe when arresting system operations are in affect. 2. Describe the guidelines for runway selection. 3. Describe local airfield weather minimums. 4. List aircraft type, modex, and tactical callsigns of each tenant squadron. 5. Describe local traffic patterns and no-fly areas. 6. List alternate, divert, and adjacent airfields. 7. List local frequencies pertinent to air traffic or safety of flight. INSTRUCTOR. BI. REFERENCE 1. FAA JO 7110.65 3-3-6 3-5-1 2. Arresting System Operation Runway Selection Local publications Airfield Weather Minimums Type Aircraft Assigned Each Local Squadron (FacMan 2-600) Modex/Tactical Call of Each Local Squadron (FacMan 2-600) Traffic Patterns and no fly areas (FacMan 6-303) Alternate/Divert Airfield Adjacent Airfields Airport Surface Area Description (FacMan 2-610) Facility Frequencies (FacMan 2-608) 3. ATC Facility Manual 2-200 2-201 2-202 2-203 2-204 2-601 2-602 2-603 2-604 2-605 2-606 2-607 2-609 Organization Purpose and Mission Tasks Combining of Positions Civilian Employee/Bargaining Unit Information Airport Vehicles Landing Zones Location Identifiers Airspace and Approach Fixes Interfacility Landlines Intrafacility Landlines Cherry Point Landline Numbers Adjacent Facility Frequencies 4. Airfield Operations Manual 2.2. 2.4. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. 3.1. 3.2. 3.4. 3.10. 3.20. 3.21. 3.22. 3.26. 4.1. 4.2. 4.8. 5.1. 5.5. 6.2. 6.5. 6.6. 6.7. Flight Planning Weather Minimums Stereo Route/Pre-filed Flight Plans Clearance Delays Shipboard Operations Customs and Agriculture Inspections General Noise Abatement Procedures Taxi Instructions Helicopter/Tiltrotor Operating Procedures Hot Brakes Suspension of Refueling and Ordnance During Electrical Storms Personnel and Vehicle Restrictions Air Traffic Control Light Signals Airfield Inspections Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Bird/Animal Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) and Wildlife Air Traffic Control Facility (ATCF) Local Operating Terms Passenger Manifesting Transient Aircraft Services De-arming of Transient Aircraft Downloading of Ordnance Local Qualification Standards KNOWLEDGE. Satisfactorily complete test ORNT 5. SKILLS AND ABILITIES. NA Individual has satisfactorily completed all LQS requirements for ORNT 5: Date: _____________ Trainee: ___________________________ Signature: ________________________ FWO/Crew Chief Signature _______________________________ ORNT 6 – ATC FACILITY EMERGENCY/SAFETY EQUIPMENT (ACAD-0504) Lesson Topic Guide GOAL. Comprehend location of ATC Facility Emergency/Safety equipment. REQUIREMENT. reference. Given a diagram, label the following as described in the 1. Location(s) of all fire extinguishers. 2. Location(s) of the main power circuit breaker. 3. Location(s) of the Fire Bill. 4. Location(s) of the evacuation route. INSTRUCTOR. BI. REFERENCE 1. Facility Manual 3-100 3-101 3-102 3-103 3-104 3-105 3-106 3-107 3-201 3-203 5-706 General Electrical Shock Hazard Fire Bill Cleanliness Elevator Outage Cypher Locks Fire Extinguishers Fire Alarms Bomb Threats Access Areas Control Tower Emergency Evacuation Plan 2. Facility Safety Orientation. crew. Conduct a safety orientation with your a. Locations of all fire extinguishers. b. Locations of main power circuit breaker. c. Locations of the Fire Bill. d. Emergency evacuation routes. Local Qualification Standards KNOWLEDGE. Satisfactorily complete test ORNT 6. SKILLS AND ABILITIES. NA Individual has satisfactorily completed all LQS requirements for ORNT 6: Date: _____________ Trainee: ___________________________ Signature: ________________________ FWO/Crew Chief Signature _______________________________ ORNT 7 – EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND POLICIES (ACAD-0505) Lesson Topic Guide GOAL. Comprehend ATC emergency procedures and policies. REQUIREMENT. INSTRUCTOR. Describe the items listed in the reference. BI. REFERENCE 1. FAA JO 7110.65 2-1-7 2-1-8 4-7-8 5-2-7 Ch10 Sec1 Ch10 Sec2 Ch10 Sec3 Ch10 Sec4 2. NAVAIR 00-80T-114 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.4.5 3.4.6 3.4.7 3.4.8 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.6.4 3.7 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3 3.8 3.8.1 3.8.2 3.8.3 3.8.4 3. In-flight Equipment Malfunctions Minimum Fuel Below Minima Report by Pilot Emergency Code Assignment (Emergencies) General Emergency Assistance Overdue Aircraft Control Actions Facility Operation Hours of Operation Watch Team Briefing Time Standards Emergency Plan Emergency Power Communications Recorders Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) Security of Facilities Controlled Access Official Business Access to Other Than ATC Personnel Unofficial Visits and Tours Commercial Telephones Aircraft Mishaps and Hazards General Guidance Concerning Investigation and Reporting Post Mishap and Hazard Procedures Air Traffic System Hazards (Operational Errors/Deviations) General Severe Air Traffic System Hazard (Operational Error) Routine Air Traffic System Hazard (Operational Deviation) Reporting Air Traffic System Hazards Facility Manual 5-700 5-701 5-702 6-700 6-701 6-702 General Information Requirements Emergency Notification General Information Requirements Emergency Notification 4. Airfield Operations Manual 2.11. 5.2. Overdue Aircraft Procedures Emergency Procedures Local Qualification Standards KNOWLEDGE. Satisfactorily complete test ORNT 7. SKILLS AND ABILITIES. NA Individual has satisfactorily completed all LQS requirements for ORNT 7: Date: _____________ Trainee: ___________________________ Signature: ________________________ FWO/Crew Chief Signature _______________________________ ORNT 8 – SPECIAL FLIGHTS (ACAD-0506) Lesson Topic Guide GOAL. Comprehend the handling of special flights, procedures and policies. REQUIREMENT. INSTRUCTOR. Describe the items listed in the reference. BI. REFERENCE 1. FAA JO 7110.65 9-1-3 9-2-1 9-2-7 9-2-13 Flight Check Aircraft Aircraft Carrying Dangerous Materials IFR Military Training Routes Military Aerial Refueling Local Qualification Standards KNOWLEDGE. Satisfactorily complete test ORNT 8. SKILLS AND ABILITIES. NA Individual has satisfactorily completed all LQS requirements for ORNT 8: Date: _____________ Trainee: ___________________________ Signature: ________________________ FWO/Crew Chief Signature _______________________________ ORNT 9 – WEATHER (ACAD-0507) Lesson Topic Guide GOAL. Comprehend basic weather knowledge. REQUIREMENT. INSTRUCTOR. Describe the items listed in the reference. BI. REFERENCE 1. FAA JO 7110.65 2-6-2 2-6-3 2-6-4 2-6-5 2-6-6 2-6-7 2-7-1 2-7-2 2−8−1 2−8−2 2−8−3 2−9−1 2−9−2 2−9−3 3-3-4 3-3-5 2. NAVAIR 00-80T-114 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 3. HIWAS PIREP Information Weather and Chaff Calm Wind Reporting Weather Conditions Disseminating Weather Information Altimeter Settings Altimeter Setting Issuance Furnish RVR/RVV Values Arrival/Departure Runway Visibility Terminology Application (ATIS) Operating Procedures Content Braking Action Braking Action Advisories Weather Observations by Control Tower Personnel General Certification of Tower Visibility Observers Tower Visibility Charts Facility Manual 6-333 Precipitation Intensity B-102 B-104 B-105 B-201 Weather Definitions Weather Advisories & Warnings Thunderstorm Conditions Sequence Elements Local Qualification Standards KNOWLEDGE. Satisfactorily complete test ORNT 9. SKILLS AND ABILITIES. NA Individual has satisfactorily completed all LQS requirements for ORNT 9: Date: _____________ Trainee: ___________________________ Signature: ________________________ FWO/Crew Chief Signature _______________________________ ORNT 10 – LETTERS OF AGREEMENT (ACAD-0508) Lesson Topic Guide GOAL. Comprehend information contained in local Letters of Agreement. REQUIREMENT. contained. INSTRUCTOR. Given the reference material, identify the key information BI. REFERENCE 1. Letters of Agreement. ZDC ILM ZDC NKT NKT & & & & & NKT NKT & NCA NCA & NKT EWN Tower Seymour Johnson AFB Approach Services Approach Control Procedures Approach Control Services ATC Procedures Approach Services 2. Facility Directives/Memorandums Local Qualification Standards KNOWLEDGE. Satisfactorily complete test ORNT 10. SKILLS AND ABILITIES. NA Individual has satisfactorily completed all LQS requirements for ORNT 10: Date: _____________ Trainee: ___________________________ Signature: ________________________ FWO/Crew Chief Signature _______________________________ ORNT 11 – ATC PUBLICATIONS/FORMS (ACAD-0509) Lesson Topic Guide GOAL. Comprehend knowledge of ATC publications. REQUIREMENT. contained. INSTRUCTOR. Given the reference material, identify the key information BI. REFERENCE 1. FAA 7220.1 Operational Position Standards 2. FAA JO 7110.65 Air Traffic Control 3. FAA JO 7210.3 Facility Operations 4. FAA JO 7340.1 Contractions Directive 5. 14 CFR Part 91 General Operating 6. AIM Airman's Information Directive 7. AOM Airfield Operations Manual 8. ATC Facility Manual 2-700 2-701 2-702 2-703 2-706 2-707 5-400 5-402 6-100 6-300 6-301 App C Agg G 9. General Training Branch Library Tower Branch Library Radar Branch Library Publications Control Publications Available General AOM Topics General General AOM Topics Letters of Agreement Instructions for Completing Position Evaluation IFR Supplement 10. VFR Supplement 11. NOTAMS General Notices 12. AP1B Military Training Routes 13. Local Sectional (Charlotte) 14. NAVAIR 00-80T-114 15. Low Altitude United States. 16. High Altitude United States. 17. ATC Facility Manual Forms. 1-100 2-300 2-301 2-302 2-303 2-304 2-305 2-306 2-307 2-308 2-309 2-310 2-311 2-312 2-313 2-314 2-315 2-316 2-317 2-318 2-319 2-320 2-321 2-322 2-323 2-324 2-325 2-326 2-327 2-328 2-329 Purpose General SUA Violation Control Tower Crash Emergency Call Sheet Operational Discrepancy Air Traffic Activity Reports Class Roster Facility Recommendation FWO Checklist SUA Activation Logs Tower Visibility Log Vehicle Operator’s Certificate Electronic Library Log AVOC Attendance Roster GCA Run Log Position Evaluations Air Traffic Control Specialist Certificate Daily Record of Facility Operation Position Log Initial Incident Reporting Daily Flight Schedules and Air Flow Airfield Activities Weekly Training Report Monthly Training Report Annual Training Report MCIEAST Monthly Report MCIEAST Quarterly SITREP MCIEAST NATOPS Evaluation Internal NATOPS Evaluation ASRS Annual Skill Checks Local Qualification Standards KNOWLEDGE. Satisfactorily complete test ORNT 11. SKILLS AND ABILITIES. NA Individual has satisfactorily completed all LQS requirements for ORNT 11: Date: _____________ Trainee: ___________________________ Signature: ________________________ FWO/Crew Chief Signature _______________________________ Section III 1. PROGRESSION BENCHMARKS Orientation. COMPLETION REQUIRED PRIOR TO BEGINNING OJT Task T&R Event ORNT 1 Test NA ORNT 2 Test ACAD-0500 ORNT 3 Test ACAD-0501 ORNT 4 Test ACAD-0502 ORNT 5 Test ACAD-0503 ORNT 6 Test ACAD-0504 ORNT 7 Test ACAD-0505 ORNT 8 Test ACAD-0506 ORNT 9 Test ACAD-0507 ORNT 10 Test ACAD-0508 ORNT 11 Test ACAD-0509 Completion Date OJTI Initials Section IV TRAINING AND READINESS EVENTS MACCS QUALIFICATION FORM The MACCS T&R qualification form is used to document all event training that results in a qualification. The qualification form is a tool that provides the evaluator a medium to document a trainee’s qualification skill check. Both the trainee and evaluator will sign this form. The WTTP Section will ensure this form is administratively correct and logged in M-SHARP. Trainee Rank / Name: Billet: Exercise / Operation: Date: Evaluator's Rank/Name: Evaluator’s Billet / DESG: T&R Event Codes U 1 2 3 4 Comments ACAD-0500 ACAD-0501 ACAD-0502 ACAD-0503 ACAD-0504 ACAD-0505 ACAD-0506 ACAD-0507 ACAD-0508 ACAD-0509 ORNT-2000 Evaluator’s Overall Comments (Comments on the trainees overall performance to include trends and recommendations for improvement) Legend U = UNSAT 1 2 3 4 Unsafe or complete lack of ability and/or knowledge. Requires substantial input from the evaluator for mission accomplishment. Limited proficiency, does not meet the standard. Requires frequent input from the evaluator. Capable. Recognizes and corrects errors. Requires occasional input from the evaluator. Proficient. Correct, efficient, skillful, and without hesitation. Requires minimal input from the evaluator. Unusually high degree of ability. Requires no input from evaluator Trainee Endorsement Trainee Signature _________________________________________________________________ Date __________________ I have read and discussed this evaluation with the evaluator and I understand its contents. Approval Process Evaluator Signature _________________________________________________________________ I certify that the trainee has completed the training as described on this form. Date ________________ OIC/SNCOIC Signature _______________________________________________________________ Date _________________ WTTP Signature ____________________________________________________________________ Date __________________ Evaluation form is correct, administrative actions have been completed, and event code(s) have been logged in M-SHARP.