Language Points

New College English (Second Edition)
Integrated Course 1
Unit 5
Work to Live or Live to
College of Foreign Languages
语 学 院
Unit 5 Work to Live or Live to Work
The Glorious Messiness of English
Time Allotment
Key Points
Text A
Students will be able to:
Grasp the main idea (the author tries to define a typical workaholic
in the American corporate world with the story of Phil ) and structure
of the text ;
•Appreciate the writing strategy and style demonstrated in Text A (to
set the tone of irony by choice of words, selection of details, use of
quotation marks,etc);
•Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the
text and learn how to use them in context;
•Understand the cultural background related to the content
•Express themselves more freely on the theme of Work to Live or
Live to Work after doing a series of reading, listening, speaking and
writing activities related to the theme of the unit.
Time Allotment
1st period—2nd period: Pre-reading; While-reading
3rd period—4th period: While-reading
5th period—6th period: While-reading; Post-reading
7th period—8th period: Post-reading; Theme-related
language learning tasks
9th period—10th period: Listening and speaking
Key Points
Words : acquaintance beloved classic compete embarrass
executive favorite finance inquiry instantly manufacture
married monthly odd option replace replacement retire
stock survive
Expressions: and (all) that ask around care for die of give up
grab at look (sb.) in the eye pick out stay up straighten out
Structure: the + adj.
Writing: Learn to write “a Letter of Sympathy of Condolence”
Teaching methods and aids
methods and computer assisted instruction
1. Language focus(P133-138)
2. Home reading: Exercise for Text B (P140142) New College English Watch, Listen and
Read 1: Reading
3. Home listening: College English listening 3:
Unit 9-12
4. Writing: Transfer information into written (or
spoken) language
Unit 5 Work to Live or Live to Work
The Company Man
Teaching Procedure
Unit 5 Work to Live or Live to Work
Pre-class activities
Cultural Notes
Warm-up Questions
1. Work to live or live to work?Why?
2. Please read through section A, unit 5.
Highlight new words and expressions in your
textbook while reading. Remember, you should
learn the sample sentences, instead of
meaning and form of each word carefully;
3. Work with one of your neighbors on your
questions. If necessary, use QQ to post your
questions to the instructor;
Warm-up Questions
4. Please work in group. Access the following websites,
watch and read the assigned clips and articles. You will be
required to summarize what you have watched and read in
the clips and articles. Your brief report should last 3-5
minutes and every student should have a minimum of 3 lines.
Warm-up Questions
5. Discussion Forum: (within 50 words/to give a few
Topic: How to maintain a proper work-life balance?
Cultural Notes
About the Author
Type A Behavior
• Ellen Goodman (1941~ ) was born in
Massachusetts and graduated from
Radcliffe College. She worked for
Newsweek and the Detroit Free Press
before joining The Boston Globe in 1967.
Her column “At Large” has been widely
syndicated since 1976. As an essayist
and television commentator, Goodman
has discussed feminism, changes in
family life, sexual harassment, and male
and female relationships.
About the Author
Her essays have been collected in several books,
including Close to Home (1979), Turning Points (1979)
and At Large (1981).
In 1980, Goodman received the Pulitzer Prize for
Distinguished Commentary. Among other awards she
has won are the American Society of Newspaper Editors
Distinguished Writing Award and the Hubert H.Humphrey
Civil Rights Award. The National Women’s Political
Caucus gave her the President’s Award, and the
Women’s Research and Education Institute presented
her with their American Woman Award.
In 1891
Origin of Workaholic
Alcoholic was first attested.
In the 1960s
A whole new category of taking “-holic”
as a suffix meaning “addict” followed.
In 1968
“Workaholic” was first announced.
Origin of Workaholic
In 1971
In the
The use of workaholic prompted many
writers to start using the suffixes
“-aholic”, “-holic”, or “-oholic” to
describe “all-consuming obsessions”.
More “–holic” words appeared.
Type A Behavior
This is a behavior pattern associated with
individuals who are impatient, excessively
time-conscious, insecure about their status,
highly competitive, hostile and aggressive,
and incapable of relaxation. They are often
high achieving workaholics who multi-task,
drive themselves with deadlines, and are
unhappy about the smallest of days.
Pre-reading Activities
English Poem – The Wasted Tears
Enjoy a Poem The Wasted Tears
Questions and Answers
The Wasted Tears
by Rajaram Ramachandran
They were newly married couple,
A few days went on with no _______
As days passed on, he never turned,
While for his love, her heart yearned
She wore daily the best of robes,
sparkled in her ear lobes,
Diamonds _______
But he had his mind on his work.
keen to have a look.
And wasn’t ____
Her heart, one day, nearly _____
But it was saved from a stroke.
With tears she stood before him,
He saw her face-glow gone dim.
engrossedin his work,
Deeply _________
stuckup to his desk.
He was _____
Elsewhere was his mind
The reason for tears to find.
Suddenly, his mind woke up.
collected , drop by drop,
He ________
In a test tube all her tears,
And mixed some _______
Unit 5 Work to Live or Live to Work
Oh, I found out, my dear,
It is nothing but saline water.
scientist husband,
So said the ________
Still tied up, work bound.
Unit 5 Work to Live or Live to Work
Questions and Answers
1. Why did the newly married wife feel very sad?
Her husband was so engrossed in his work that she felt
neglected and lonely.
2. What is her husband’s job?
A scientist.
3. What did the husband do with her tears?
He collected all her tears drop by drop in a test tube,
mixed some powders and finally found out it was
nothing but saline water.
4. Is the husband a workaholic?
Yes, of course.
Unit 5 Work to Live or Live to Work
While-reading Activities
Phase 1
T Checks on
Ss about
Phase 2
Phase 3
Skimming and Scanning
Skim the whole text and decide whether the following
statements are true or false according to Text A.
1. Phil was one of the six vice-presidents of a large
corporation and one of the three promising candidates who
might succeed to the position of the president. ( T )
2.The company had extended the four-day week for
everyone in the company. ( F )
The company had extended the four-day week for
everyone but the executives.
Skimming and Scanning
3. In order to have some physical exercise, Phil
played golf each month. ( F )
The monthly golf game offered him a good
opportunity to talk or do business.
4. Phil was overweight by 20 or 25 pounds and he
did not realize that he was a heart-attack natural. ( T )
Text Organization
Main Ideas
Introductory part. This part reports the
4 -6
This part describes Phil’s devotion to
work regardless of his health.
In this part, Phil’s role in family,
his relationship with his wife and
his children is described.
sudden death of Phil.
The author restates the cause of Phi’s
death, and the president’s tendency
in his choice of a successor to Phil.
Text Organization
Further Understanding:
Scan Text A to find out “how does the writer show a
typical workaholic Phil?”
The writer gives a list of supporting details to
show a typical workaholic Phil’s.
List all the details to show a typical workaholic
Phil in terms of his relation with his family
Text Organization
Family member
Complete neglect
his wife
1. She had given uptrying to
compete with his work years ago
when the children were small.
2. She must have given up part
of herself which had cared too
much for the man.
Total neglect his
eldest son
Knowing little about his father,
his eldest son researched his
father in the neighborhood
before the funeral.
Text Organization
Family member
Complete neglect
his daughter
Whenever she was alone with her
father, they had nothing to say to
each other.
Total neglect his
youngest son
1. Knowing little about his father,
his eldest son researched his
father in the neighborhood before
the funeral.
2. It was only over the last two
years that Phil began to worry
about his youngest son.
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
Part II
•Para 4-6
Part I
Part III
•Para 1-3
•Para 7-12
Part IV
•Para 13-16
Group Discussion
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
Discuss Para 1--3 and finish the following tasks:
1.What can you learn from the first paragraph ?
The 1st paragraph “He worked himself to death,
finally and precisely, at 3:00 A.M. Sunday morning.
” provides information concerning “who”, “what”,
“how” and “when”
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
Discuss Para 1--3 and finish the following tasks:
2. What are the functions of the two adverbs
“finally and precisely” in the first paragraph ?
“Finally ” suggests the tragic ending of Phil.
“Precisely” highlights the exact time of Phi’s death,
thus stressing his devotion to work.
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
Discuss Para 1--3 and finish the following tasks:
3. The author doesn’t tell the reader the name of Phil
until the end of Para.3. And she doesn’t supply Phil’s
last name or the name of the company he works for
throughout the essay. Why doe the author do so?
By doing so the author may be intending to signal to
readers that she is more concerned with defining the
company man as a type of person than in talking about
unique characteristics of Phil as a particular person
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
He worked himself to death, finally and precisely, at 3:00
A.M. Sunday morning. (Para.1, 3,15)
The writer repeats this sentence three times in this text
to emphasize that he devoted all his energy to work and
everything else was secondary to that. Such repetition
helps set the sardonic tone of the essay.
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
Discuss Para 4--6 and finish the following tasks:
What did weekends mean to Phil?
To Phil weekends mean that he can wear a sports jacket to
the office instead of a suit.
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
Writing strategy: Use of figures
He was, however, one of six vice-presidents, and one of three who
might conceivably — if the president died or retired soon enough —
have moved to the top spot. (Para.3)
He worked six days a week, five of them until eight or nine at night,
during a time when his own company had begun the four-day week
for everyone but the executives (Para. 4)
He had a lot of people working for him, maybe sixty, and most of them
liked him most of the time. Three of them will be seriously
considered for his job. (Para.6)
In this essay, many figures are used to reveal how
cruel the competition in the workplace is, which
helps set bitter tone of the essay.
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
1. He worked like the Important People.
What can you infer from the sentence?
He voluntarily worked overtime because all the
executives in the company considered themselves
too important a group to be allowed to ease up.
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
2. He had no outside “extracurricular interests,” unless,
of course, you think about a monthly golf game that
way. To Phil, it was work.
For what purpose did he play golf monthly?
The monthly golf game offered him a good
opportunity to talk or do business.
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
Discuss Para 7--12 and finish the following tasks:
1. Why did Phil’s wife hide her bitterness in face of
the company president at the funeral?
Because she would need him to straighten out
the finances — the stock options and all that
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
Discuss Para 7--12 and finish the following tasks:
2.What did she mean when she answered “I
already have”?
Being a workaholic, Phil spent little time at
home before he died. His wife had missed him
long before he died.
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
Writing strategy: Use of quotation marks
“survivors” (Para. 7)
“well taken care of” (Para. 8)
“dearly beloved” (Para. 9)
The author puts them in quotation marks for
emphasis or irony, which helps set ironic tone of
the essay.
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
1. A company friend said, “I know how much you will
miss him.” And she answered, “I already have.”
Why did Phil’s wife say so?
Being a workaholic, Phil spent little time at home
before he died. His wife had missed him long before
he died.
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
2. The youngest is twenty, a boy, a high-school
graduate who has spent the last couple of years, like a
lot of his friends, doing enough odd jobs to stay in
grass and food.
For what purpose did he play golf monthly?
His youngest son failed to go in for a college education
and did no more than odd jobs to get enough money for
marijuana and food.
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
3. He was the one who tried to grab at his father, and
tried to mean enough to him to keep the man at home.
Why did Phil’s youngest son try to “grab at his
The workaholic Phil never paid enough attention to the
growth and education of his youngest son. His son
longed for his love and care.
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
Discuss Para 13--16 and finish the following tasks:
What is the implication of the ending
It implies the story of Phil sees no end. He will
soon be replaced by an equally hardworking guy
who ay follow in his steps and repeat the same
tragedy. Boss are always on the lookout for
workaholics and they are never in short supply.
The ending is full of sarcasm and bitterness.
Content Exploring & Writing Strategies
Structure :the +adj.
• The + adj. can be used to refer to all people of a
particular type.
e.g. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
The old are more likely to catch cold than the
2. The +adj. also can be used to refer to a particular
person or persons.
e.g. The accused was acquitted of the charge.
Post-reading Activities
Group discussion: Brainstorm
Autonomous Learning
Post-reading Activities
Group discussion:
Career or family: Which is more important?
Post-reading Activities
Autonomous Learning
A. Pre-lesson tasks
(1) What is your opinion about Romances?
(2) Do you think that cyber love is believable and
reliable? Why or why not ?
B. Read and learn Words and Phrases to Drill
(Page 160) by heart, and try to use them.
C. Group work: Read Text A to get a general
idea about it, and try to find some problems.
Language Points
Language Points
precisely: adv.
1. exactly; just
Planes fly daily over regular routes with timetable
Scientists do not yet know
precisely how insects can
produce their toxic defensive
chemicals without poisoning
Since his own ideas were in flux, it is difficult to know
precisely where he stood.
Language Points
Every lorry indeed is packed with precisely the articles
which each unit will require.
2. quite so
— So you think it was a mistake?
— Precisely.
Language Points
CF: die of & die from 均含“死于… …”之意。
His sister had died of cancer.
More than 15,000 women in Britain die from breast cancer, and about
2000 from cancer f the cervix.
She did eventually die of heart attack, but it was nothing to do with
Smokers are twice as likely to die from heart disease than non-smokers.
The CDC says men who smoke are 22 times more likely to die from lung
cancer than non-smokers.
600 000 people die of lung cancer in China annually
心脏病到艾滋病、肺病等,of 和from都可搭配,可以
Language Points
CF: die of & die from 均含“死于… …”之意。
In the developing countries, more than 10 million people
die from hunger or malnutrition every year.
Often there are people who die of hunger and exposure
in the street.
A large of number of his men died from hunger and thirst.
Many people die of starvation during famines every year.
Language Points
CF: die of & die from 均含“死于… …”之意。
The soldier died from a wound in the breast.
He died of gunshot wounds.
The engineer died from overwork.
A few days ago, a 25 - year - old young people in Huawei
died of overwork
Language Points
CF: die of & die from 均含“死于… …”之意。
She was homesick for Vienna. She felt she would die of misery.
They were much more like to commit suicide or die of despair.
"And if there is a way, " he added, "I will find my brothers. For my
father will surely die of grief if I do not.
And then afterwards he said to me, it will always be difficult, but if
you cry like this every time, you will die of heartbreak.
die of 多用于因悲伤、失望等情感因素(内部因素)造
Language Points
CF: die of & die from 均含“死于… …”之意。
The old man died from a traffic accident.
Did you know that more people die from heat stress than
hurricanes and earthquakes combined?
I saw a hundred children die of fire.
die from 多用于外部因素(死于外力、事故等)造成的
acquaintance: n.
1. a relationship with someone you know, but who is not
a close friend
I have a nodding acquaintance with German.
Our mere acquaintance ripened into friendship.
I have never made his acquaintance.
She recalled the past, trying to bring back to her
memory incidents of their old acquaintance.
2. person whom one knows (less intimately than a friend)
She is an old acquaintance of my sister.
He has a wide circle of acquaintances.
make sb.’s acquaintance
drop an acquaintance
have a casual acquaintance
renew an acquaintance
Language Points
workaholic: n.
a person who likes to work too hard or is unable to stop
He was a lifelong workaholic, who painted dawn to
dusk seven days a week.
In America, it is generally believed that being a
workaholic is unhealthy and harmful.
A group of Japanese men hope to encourage
workaholic husbands to head home early and show
their wives some appreciation.
N.B. 词缀 –aholic,-holic,-oholic 在某些词后面表示“沉
溺于,无法摆脱”的意思。如:shop-aholic,golfaholic,tobaccoholic 等。
Language Points
1. adj. Of the highest quality; having a value or position
recognized and unquestioned
It is very interesting for a Chinese to read an English
translated version of the Chinese classic novel The
Dream of Red Mansions.
The 7-Eleven chain is the classic
example of convenience store.
Language Points
2. n.
1) writer, artist, book, etc. of the highest class
Charles Dickens is a classic.
2) outstanding example of its kind
My watchband is a classic made in 1960 by Robinsons.
He’s hoping that tomorrow’s game will be a classic.
Language Points
day off:
day on which one does not have to work
On my day off, I’ll fix the tipsy fence.
It felt like a big sick joke when the company made us
work on our day off.
There were many Chinese workers on a day off, all
looking cheerful and healthy.
I’ll come over to see you on my next day off.
Language Points
retire: v.
(cause to) stop working at one’s job, usu. because of age
(followed by from)
Workers in China can all get a pension after they retire.
The school had to employ the
retired teachers to give classes.
He will retire from his job
next year and take things easy.
Language Points
1. adj. having the power to make and carry out decisions,
esp. in business
He has been given full executive power.
The US Constitution vests the
executive power in the President.
The President of the United States is
the executive head of the government.
Language Points
2. n. person with administrative or managerial powers
She’s an executive in a computer company.
The executive has been making decisions about the
future of the company.
Language Points
survive: v.
continue to live or exist; live longer than; remain alive
Will the Lunar New Year survive modern living and
competing influences?
In order to survive and develop in the future, we must
seize this rare opportunity.
这次地震中一家人都幸免于难, 真是九死一生。
It is a narrow escape that the whole family survive
the earthquake.
Language Points
CF: survive, continue, remain & last
survive 可作及物和不及物动词,含有“幸免于难”、
continue 为中性词,且不带任何感情色彩,指从开始
remain 指人或物移去、分离或毁坏后仍留在原地。
last 即“持续”、“经受住”之意,特指某事物继续存
Language Points
CF: survive, continue, remain & last
Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the
form where necessary.
1. Ten of them survived
_______ the shipwreck.
2. Little of the building ________
remained after the explosion.
3. She is fond of perfume with the scent that ____
lasts a long
4. He _________
continued reading when I spoke to him.
5. It is believed that usually women ______
survive men.
Language Points
compete: vi.
try to win sth. by defeating others who are trying to do
the same
Athletes will compete against each other according to
the knockout system.
John competed for a place at
school, but he didn’t get in.
We must strive to fully equip
ourselves to seize new
opportunities and to compete
successfully in the global market
as we enter this new era.
Language Points
Although there were only four horses competing, it
was an exciting race.
compete against (with)
compete for
compete in
Language Points
1. adj. dearly loved
He never recovered from the death of his beloved
This man was beloved by / of all who knew him.
Every lover sees a thousand graces in the beloved object.
2. n. dearly loved person
I received a dozen roses from my beloved on my birthday.
He wrote a sonnet to his beloved.
Language Points
embarrass: vt.
make (sb.) feel awkward or ashamed
I’m so sorry to embarrass you in front of your friends.
He was very embarrassed to hear people speak so highly
of him.
Eye contact may convey sincerity and attentiveness
in Western cultures, but too much eye contact may
embarrass people in some oriental cultures.
这是一个尴尬的局面, 但是他们成功地应付过去了。
It was an embarrassing situation, but they carried it
off well.
Language Points
odd: adj.
1. strange; unusual
We always meet in odd circumstances.
She gets odder as she grows older.
Don’t you think it odd that the famous pop singer
should have committed suicide?
2. separated from its pair or set
There was nothing but an odd shoe under the old man’s
3. (of numbers) unable to be divided by two
1, 3, 5 are odd numbers.
Language Points
CF: strange, odd, peculiar & eccentric
strange 普通常用词,含义广泛,指陌生、新奇、奇
The doctor thought her strange behaviour was
caused by stress.
odd 通常指不规律、偶尔出现的人或事物,往往令人
He is rather an odd man.
Language Points
CF: peculiar 常含有令人不快的“奇怪”、“奇异”之
This food has got a peculiar taste.
eccentric 指偏离常规的怪异或怪癖。例如:
If you go to the party in slippers, you will be
considered rather eccentric.
Language Points
1. v. take roughly, snatch eagerly
Since the late 15th century, Western colonialists
started to grab and conquer colonies in a big way.
The boy grabbed at any excuse to avoid doing dishes.
He grabbed the chance to go to the US.
grab a chance
grab a seat
grab at sb. / sth.
Language Points
2. n. a sudden attempt to seize sth.
The boy made a grab at the frog, but it jumped away.
He made a grab at the money on the counter.
Language Points
board: v.
1. get into (a ship or public vehicle)
We decided spontaneously to board a train for Geneva.
Before boarding the plane, Jenny tried once more to
call home.
2. get or supply meals and lodging for payment
I have to board the dog out while I’m away on business.
She arranged to board some students from the
How much is boarding and lodging a day?
Language Points
My uncle is ready to cover my boarding and lodging
as well as other living expenses.
prep. / adv. 在(车、船、飞机)上
adv. 在国外
n. 木板;vt. 登上(船、飞机等)
adj. 宽的,辽阔的;宽容的
Language Points
aboard, abroad, board, broad
Put into each gap one of the above words.
1. The job involves working abroad
______ three months each year.
2. The minister has _____
broad views and does not insist that
everyone believe just as he does.
3. When everybody was on _____
board , the ship sailed.
4. John has never been ______
aboard a plane.
Language Points
decease: vi.
the deceased: n.
the dead person
The property should be inherited by the children of the
The deceased willed his vast estate to his daughters.
The goals and purposes for cloning range from making
copies of those deceased to better engineering the
offspring in humans and animals.
Language Points
CF:die, decease, perish & vanish
die 最普通用词,指某人或某物失去生命而永远不存
I might as well die as marry him.
decease 正式用词,多指法律上的用语,只适用于人。
The deceased left a large sum of money to his
Language Points
CF: perish 书面用词,多指夭折或不幸暴亡。例如:
Hundreds of sheep perished that year because
of drought.
vanish 指某物绝迹、不存在或化为乌有。例如:
Many kinds of animals have vanished from the
Language Points
look sb. in the eye:
look directly and without fear at someone who is near
There is a saying in English, “Don’t trust anyone who
won’t look you in the eye.”
She knew he was lying because he couldn’t look her in
the eye.
He is a person of high moral principles, who can look
anyone straight in the eye.
They want to look you in the eye to demonstrate
interest in the discussion and to show that they are
honest and sincere.
Language Points
bitterness: n.
feelings of anger, sorrow, disappointment, etc.
This legendary man has endured almost all the bitterness
of human life.
When you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock
One’s cry for bitterness is heavenly high.
seek happiness from bitterness
contrast past bitterness with present
Happiness is dashed with bitterness.
Language Points
straighten out:
settle (sth.) by removing the confusions or difficulties in it;
put right
You should straighten out your confused thinking.
His business affairs are in a terrible mess; they will take
ages to straighten out.
Through the reform, we intend to straighten out the
relationship between the rule of law and the rule of
Language Points
finances: n.
the amount of money owned by a person, government, or
She refused to answer questions about her personal
I’m afraid my finances won’t run to a holiday abroad
this year.
Whether it can be done or not depends, of course, on
your finances.
Language Points
national / public / state finances
high finance
an expert in finance
the Minister of Finance
Language Points
option: n.
1. the right to buy or sell sth. in the future
With cash, stock options and the promise of vast
resources, Microsoft has attracted faculty elites to
its research center.
Jones has taken an option on that house.
2. sth. you can choose to do
Analysts say that the launch of the euro offers a new
and attractive option.
Language Points
She has the option of entering graduate school or
starting her professional career.
There are various options open to someone who is well
CF: option, choice & alternative
option 着重特别给予的选择权,所选物常常相互排斥。
choice 侧重指自由选择的权利或特权。
alternative 指在相互排斥的两者之间进行选择,也可指
Language Points
CF: option, choice & alternative
Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form
where necessary.
1. Now you know all the facts, you can make an informed
choice .
2. There must be a(n) __________
alternative to people sleeping on the
options — either he paid or
3. They didn’t leave him many _______
they’d beat him up.
choice .
4. I’d prefer not to work but I don’t have much ______
alternative but to ask you to leave.
5. I’m afraid I have no __________
Language Points
and all that:
and similar things
He looked very smart, very gentlemanly, and all that.
Mary likes to eat fruit — strawberries and all that.
While growing up, I was surrounded with temptations to
commit misdeeds like drugs, alcohol and all that.
Our apartments are perfect in every detail — hot and
cold water, private baths, special hall service for
every floor, elevators, and all that.
Language Points
pick out:
1. choose
She picked out a bottle of wine that she particularly
I’m going to pick out a few books for my friend in
2. distinguish from surrounding persons, objects, etc.
At once I picked out my elder sister in the crowd.
His house is easily picked out from the rest for it has
a large black door.
Language Points
When walking in the company of other men, there must
be one I can learn something from. I shall pick out his
merits to follow and his shortcomings for reference to
overcome my own.
三人行, 必有我师焉。择其善者而
从之, 其不善者而改之。
Language Points
pick and steal
pick out
pick up
pick up with
Language Points
inquiry: n.
request for help or information; investigation
I am making some inquiries about the train schedule.
I suggest that you make a careful inquiry into the
damage once again.
I advise you make thorough inquiry about the enterprise
before you embark on it.
inquiry about
inquiry into
on inquiry
Language Points
replacement: n.
person or thing that replaces another
A good deal of old equipment needed junking and
Robot hands are a replacement for
human hands, and wheels from a car
are a replacement for human feet.
Our shop sells goods with three
guarantees: refund, replacement or
Language Points
replacement worker
replacement ticket
replacement of defective items
Origin of Workaholic
Alcoholic, the parent of all addictive words, has been
with us for over a century. It was first attested in 1891.
In the 1960s, someone had the idea of taking “-holic”
as a suffix meaning “addict”, and a whole new category
of addictions followed. One of the first and most
important is “workaholic”, which was announced in the
1968. The appearance of “workaholic” in a book named
Confessions of a Workaholic in 1971 propelled that term
and prompted many writers to start using the suffixes “aholic”, “-holic”, or “-oholic” to describe “all-consuming
obsessions,” not all of them so serious.