
Modes of Discourse
• The Definition Mode allows you to communicate
precisely what you want to say.
• At its most basic level, you will frequently need
to define key words.
• Your reader needs to know just what you
mean when you use unfamiliar words, words
that are open to various interpretations, or
familiar words that are used in a particular
• Important terms that are not defined or that
are defined inaccurately confuse readers and
hamper communication.
Definition Example
Consider the opening paragraph from a student essay titled
“Secular Mantras”:
Remember The Little Engine That Could? That’s the story about
the tiny locomotive that hauled the train over the mountain
when the big, rugged locomotives wouldn’t. Remember how
the Little Engine strained and heaved and chugged, “I think I
can—I think I can—I think I can” until she reached the top of
the mountain? That’s a perfect example of a secular mantra in
action. You probably have used a secular mantra (pronounce
it “mantruh”) already today. It’s any word or group of words
that helps you use your energy when you consciously repeat it
to yourself. You must understand two qualities about secular
mantras to be able to recognize one.
–Keith Eldred, student
• Eldred engages his readers with the story of the Little
Engine and then uses that example to lead into a definition
of secular mantra. He concludes the paragraph with a
sentence that tells readers what is coming next.
There are three basic ways to define a word, and each is
useful in its own way.
1. The first method is to give a synonym — that is, use a
word that has nearly the same meaning as the word you
wish to define (face for countenance, nervousness for
anxiety). No two words have exactly the same meaning, but
you can nevertheless pair an unfamiliar word with a familiar
one and thereby clarify your meaning.
2. Another way to define a word quickly, often within a single
sentence, is to give a formal definition — that is, place
the term in a general class and then distinguish it from
other members of that class by describing its particular
characteristics. For example:
– A watch is a mechanical device that is used for telling time and
is usually carried or worn.
– Semantics is an area of linguistics that is concerned with the
study of the meaning of words.
3. The third method of defining a word is to give an
extended definition — that is, to use one or
more paragraphs (or even an entire essay) to
define a new or difficult term or to rescue a
controversial word from misconceptions that may
obscure its meaning.
In an essay-length extended definition, you provide your
readers with information about the meaning of a single word, a
concept, or an object. You must consider what your readers
already know, or think they know, about your topic. Are there
popular misconceptions that need to be corrected? Are some
aspects of the topic seldom considered? Have particular
experiences helped you understand the topic?
You can use synonyms or formal definitions in an extended
definition, but you must convince readers to accept your
particular understanding of it.
Extended Definition Example
In the following four-paragraph sequence, the writers provide an extended
definition of freedom, an important but elusive concept:
Choosing between negative alternatives often seems like no choice at all. Take
the case of a woman trying to decide whether to stay married to her
inconsiderate, incompetent husband, or get a divorce. She doesn’t want to
stay with him, but she feels divorce is a sign of failure and will stigmatize her
socially. Or think of the decision faced by many young men [more than forty]
years ago, when they were forced to choose between leaving their country
and family or being sent to Vietnam.
When we face decisions involving only alternatives we see as negatives, we feel
so little freedom that we twist and turn searching for another choice with
some positive characteristics.
Freedom is a popular word. Individuals talk about how they feel free with one
person and not with another, or how their bosses encourage or discourage
freedom on the job. We hear about civil wars and revolutions being fought for
greater freedom, with both sides righteously making the claim. The feeling of
freedom is so important that people say they’re ready to die for it, and
supposedly have.
Still, most people have trouble coming up with a precise definition of freedom.
They give answers describing specific situations—“Freedom means doing
what I want to do, not what the Government wants me to do,” or “Freedom
means not having my mother tell me when to come home from a party”—
rather than a general definition covering many situations. The idea they seem
to be expressing is that freedom is associated with making decisions, and
that other people sometimes limit the number of alternatives from which they
can select.
Definition Model Essay
• Read the model essay entitled, “The
Company Man” and take notice of how
the main character is defined.
• In your notes, answer the following
– Based on Goodman’s essay, how would you
define company man?
– As you define the term, consider what such a
man is not, as well as what he is.
– Is company man synonymous with
workaholic? Explain.
Definition Quick Write
A procrastinator—a person who
continually puts off responsibilities—is
very different from a workaholic.
– Write a response, modeled on
Goodman’s, using an extended
example to define this personality
– Minimum of three paragraphs – 6-8
sentences each