Evans v. Romer Why Read Plato?... “The less that lawyers know about a subject, the less that judges will know; and the less that judges know, the more likely they are to vote their prejudices.” (Nussbaum p. 3 quoting Posner) Agenda Sex and the State Finnis versus Nussbaum Evans v. Romer: Case and Case-Law Dissonant Harmony? Adventures in Critical Thinking The Arguments: Your Impressions 2013-10-24 Evans v. Romer 3 Sex and the State Evans v. Romer: Case and Case-Law Bowers v. Hardwick (1986) Supreme Court Case Sodomy law upheld “To hold that the act of homosexual sodomy is somehow protected as a fundamental right would be to cast aside millennia of moral teaching” (Chief Justice Warren Burger) 2013-10-24 Evans v. Romer 5 Colorado Amendment 2 (1992) Outlawing… pro-gay/bi legislation Denying… sexual minority rights recognition 2013-10-24 Evans v. Romer 6 Challenge: Evans v. Romer Plaintiffs Richard G. Evans John Miller Priscilla Inkpen et al. Defendants Gov. Roy Romer state of Colo. state attorney general 2013-10-24 Evans v. Romer 7 Federal Appeal… Struck down (5/21/1996) 14th amendment (equal protection) Scalia dissent… 2013-10-24 Amendment 2 as “modest attempt ... to preserve traditional sexual mores against the efforts of a politically powerful minority” Evans v. Romer 8 Aftermath… Lawrence v. Texas (2003) Overturns Bowers v. Hardwick Same-sex marriage Legalized Massachusetts Connecticut California Outlawed Arizona California (Proposition 8, 2008) 2013-10-24 Evans v. Romer 9 Finnis versus Nussbaum Dissonant Harmony? Authors and Aims Finnis, “Law, Morality, and ‘Sexual Orientation’ ” Notre Dame Law Review 69.5 (1994) 1049–76 2013-10-24 Nussbaum, “Platonic Love and Colorado Law: The Relevance of Ancient Greek Norms to Modern Sexual Controversies” Virginia Law Review 80.7 (1994) 1515–1652 Evans v. Romer 11 What say they/you?... Finnis Traditional morality standard Standard Modern (European) Position Moral argument as per Burger Parallel Nussbaum Evolving standards perspective Ancient texts as Homoerotic sex as actualizing no good as per Warren Thought experiments in diversity Interrogations of assumptions Textual-historical validation 2013-10-24 Evans v. Romer 12 Adventures in Critical Thinking The Arguments: Your Impressions The Arguments: Your Impressions 2013-10-24 Evans v. Romer 14