Iliad – Test

World Literature
Ms. Cambio
The Iliad – Test
Score: ____________ / 100 points
1. Answer each question with one or two complete sentences. (5 pts ea)
1. Describe the relationship between Achilles and Agamemnon.
2. Achilles’ honor is hurt when Agamemnon takes away his prize, Briseis. How does
Achilles respond?
3. What does Achilles ask Thetis, a goddess and his mother, to ask Zeus to do?
4. In Book 6, Hector returns to Troy from the fighting outside the gates. What does
Andromache beg him to do, and how does he respond?
5. What does Hector pray to Zeus for his son Astyanax?
6. Aside from being on opposite sides of the war, why do Achilles and Hector hate
each other so much? (Don’t write about them being Greek and Trojan – what are
the personal factors?)
7. Why does Hector decide to stop running from Achilles and turn to fight him? Why is
this tragic?
8. Toward the end of Book 22, Priam wants to beg Achilles from Hector’s corpse. Why
do the people of Troy stop him from going?
9. At the very end of Book 22, what is Andromache mourning, aside from her
10. Briefly describe how “Achilles rage” is manifested (shown) throughout the epic.
II. Essay. Answer the following question. Use your outline, and attach the outline
with this test to hand in. Use this page and the next to write your essay.
Outline: 15 points
35 points (5-paragraph essay format: introduction with a thesis, three body
paragraphs with quotes from the text, conclusion)
Prompt: Argue that Hector is a hero, OR that Achilles is an anti-hero. You may contrast
one with the other, but you are choosing ONE FOCUS for your essay, either Hector as hero,
or Achilles as anti-hero.
Your argument should be made with regards to a) DUTY, b) HONOR, and c) one other
THEME of your choice. You must include quotes from the Iliad to prove your points. Points
will be deducted for not having quotes from the text.
Essay continued: