goal setting - MDC Faculty Home Pages

“What ever the mind of man can
conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
Napoleon Hill
What is the difference between a
dream and a goal?
In order for something to be a goal:
• It has to be important to you, personally.
• It has to be within your power to make it
happen through your own actions ,regardless
of the behavior of others
• It has to be something you have a
reasonable chance of achieving.
• It must be clearly defined in positive terms
and have a specific plan of action
• 1. Define the goal . Visualize it.
• 2. Outline the steps needed to achieve it.
• 3. Consider possible blocks and ways of
dealing with them.
• 4. Set deadlines.
SMART goal setting.
• S=Specific : There is a higher likelihood that a specific
clearly stated goal would be accomplished than a
general goal.
• A vague goal can set you up for procrastination since
you may not be sure exactly how to approach the goal.
To help create a specific goal ask yourself the following
• Who is involved? What do I want to accomplish?
Where is the central locale? When is my deadline?
Which requirements or constraints should I consider?
Why do I want to accomplish this goal?
SMART goal setting
• M = Measurable: Goals need to be
measurable so that there are benchmarks of
attainment. When your goals are measurable
or quantifiable you are more likely to stay on
track and reach certain milestones which give
you that boost of confidence to press on.
SMART goal setting
• A = Attainable: Keep your goals within your
control. If you set goals that you do not have
reasonable control over, you may be setting
yourself up for failure. Having attainable goals
is also about identifying goals that are truly
important to you.
SMART goal setting
• R = Realistic:Make sure that you set goals that
you are both willing and able to achieve. It is
important that you are able to make
substantial progress toward your goal.
SMART goal setting
• T = Timely: Goals need a time frame attached
to them. There needs to be a sense of
urgency. A goal that you can taste, touch,
smell, see or hear is tangible and is more
defined. This will make that goal more
Goal setting Activity
• Get yourself a blank piece of paper and in the
middle of the paper put the words "Me".
• Now think about the key aspects of your life.
These might be key aspects such as Family,
Friends, Health and Fitness, Personal
Spirituality, Work or Finance; to name a few.
• Put each key life aspect in the different areas
of your page.
Goal setting Activity
• Think about each key aspect and ask yourself the following
• Where are you now in this key life aspect?
• What type of person do you want to be in this area?
• What is the gap between actual and potential?
• What type of things can you do to reduce the difference?
• What things do you like or dislike in each key life aspect?
• As you start to write you answers on the brainstorming
page, you will start to identify common threads to some of
your answers. This will help you to identify ways to move
from where you are now to a vision of yourself in the future.