
Engineering Ethics
Code of Ethics for Engineers (excerpt of NSPE)
I. Fundamental Canons
Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall:
Hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the
public in the performance of their professional duties.
Perform services only in areas of their competence.
Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful
Act in professional matters for each employer or client as
faithful agents or trustees.
Avoid deceptive acts in the solicitation of professional
(ref. Martin and Schinzinger, pg 352)
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Ethics in Engineering, Second edition, Mike Martin, Roland
Schinzinger, McGraw-Hill, 1989 (good general reference)
Professional Responsibility For Harmful Actions, Martin Curd
and Larry May, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company (DC10
Controlling Technology: Ethics and the Responsible
Engineer, Stephen Unger, Holt Rinehart and Winston
(DC10 case)
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Personal Ethics - everyday
Software piracy
Expense account padding
Copying of homework or tests
Income taxes
“Borrowing” nuts and bolts, office supplies from
Copying of Videos or CD’s
Using the copy machine at work
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Ethical Issues are Seldom Black
and White
Conflicting demands:
Loyalty to company and colleagues
Concern for public welfare
Personal gain, ambition
Ethical standards are usually relative and personal,
there is seldom an absolute standard
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Moral Dilemmas
A County Engineer in Virginia demanded a 25% kickback in secret
payments for highway work contracts he issued. In 1967 he
made such an offer to Allan Kammerer, a 32 year old civil
engineer who was vice president of a young and struggling
consulting firm greatly in need of the work. Kammerer discussed
the offer with others in the firm, who told him it was his decision to
make. Finally Kammerer agreed to the deal, citing as a main
reason his concern for getting sufficient work to retain his current
employees. (Martin and Schinzinger, pg 14)
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More Moral Dilemmas
Waste dumping
“On a midnight shift, a botched solution of sodium cyanide, a
reactant in an organic synthesis, is temporarily stored in
drums for reprocessing. Two weeks later, the day shift
foreman cannot find the drums. Roy, the plant manager,
finds out that the batch had been illegally dumped into the
sanitary sewer. He severely disciplines the night shift
foreman. Upon making discrete inquiries, he finds out that
no apparent harm has resulted from the dumping.” (Martin
and Schinzinger, pg 32)
Should Roy inform government authorities, as is required by
law in this kind of situation?
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More Moral Dilemmas
I have a wife and kids...
Older engineers, in particular, find job security in competition
with ethical instinct. With considerable sympathy, I recall
the dilemma of an older PE, in the shadow of a comfortable
retirement, who was confronted by a new general manager
of the plant in which he was employed as a facilities
engineer. In consideration of plans for a plant expansion,
the general manager insisted that the PE reduce footings
and structural steel specifications below standards of good
practice. The PE was told to choose between his job and
his seal on the plans. Did he really have a choice?
(ref Martin and Schinzinger, pg 212)
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Always the LAST RESORT, it indicates serious corporate culture
Can be internal as well as external
Definition depends on one’s point of view: (Martin and
Schinzinger, pg 214)
“Whistle-blowing” - the act of a man or woman who, believing that the public
interest overrides the interest of the organization he[sic] serves, publicly
“blows the whistle” if the organization is involved in corrupt, illegal,
fraudulent, or harmful activity (Nader, Petkas, and Blackwell, 1972)
Some of the enemies of business now encourage an employee to be disloyal
to the enterprise. They want to create suspicion and disharmony and pry
into the proprietary interests of the business. However this is labelled industrial espionage, whistle-blowing or professional responsibility - it is
another tactic for spreading disunity and creating conflict (Roche-GM
chairman, 1971)
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Examples of problems that might
warrant whistle-blowing
Criminal Behavior
Unethical Policies
Threat to Public Safety
Injustices to Workers
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Moral Guidelines to WhistleBlowing (ref. Richard T. DeGeorge)
It is morally permissible for engineers to engage in
external whistle-blowing concerning safety:
1. If the harm that will be done by the product to the public is
serious and considerable
2. If they make their concerns known to their superiors
3. If getting no satisfaction from their immediate superiors,
they exhaust the channels available within the corporation,
including going to the board of directors.
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Whistle-Blowing (cont)
In order for whistle-blowing to be morally obligatory
however, DeGeorge gives two further conditions:
4. He [or she] must have documented evidence that would
convince a reasonable, impartial observer that his [or her]
view of the situation is correct and the company policy
5. There must be strong evidence that making the information
public will in fact prevent the threatened serious harm.
(ref. Martin and Schinzinger, pg 217)
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Whistle Blowing Examples
C-5A Cost overruns
DC-10 Cargo door
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DC10 Cargo Door
On June 12, 1972 A DC-10 left Detroit with 67 passengers,
after reaching 12,000 ft, the cargo door blew off, collapsing
floor and disrupting all hydraulic controls to tail section.
Only the pilot’s skill and the light load prevented a disaster.
June 27, 1972 Daniel Applegate, Director of Product
Engineering for Convair, the fuselage contractor, wrote a
memo to his supervisors detailing potential problems of
cargo door. The problem was first recognized in Aug 69.
The same thing had also happened in a ground test in
Recognized design flaws - floor, latch
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DC10 Cargo Door (cont.)
After the Detroit near-disaster, NTSB (National
Transportation Safety Board) investigation revealed several
problems and recommended immediate design changes.
FAA did not follow NTSB recommendations. FAA director
John Shaffer and Douglas President Jackson McGowan
reached a gentleman’s agreement to voluntarily fix
problem, but no further official action was taken.
In July 1972, Three inspectors at Long Beach plant certified
that Ship 29 had been modified (but it was not). Two years
later, after leaving Paris, its cargo door blew off at 13,000
feet, killing 346 people.
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Why Did This Accident Happen?
McDonnel Douglas was in precarious financial condition trying to beat Lockheed L1011 to market
Convair did not push too hard, since by contract, they may
have been held liable for the costs of all design changes
Engineers pressed the matter through normal channels to
the highest levels within both companies, but did not take it
any further, Standard operating procedure at McDonnell
Douglas and Convair was for engineers to defer to upper
management, even though they were aware of serious
design flaws
Were the engineers negligent?
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A Reasonable Care Model of
Professional Responsibility
A person, S, is responsible for the harm he or she causes
when his or her conduct fits the following pattern:
(1) as a member of a profession, S has a duty to conform to
the standard operating procedures of his or her profession,
unless those standards are lower than those that a
nonprofessional would adopt in a given situation, in which
case S has a duty to conform to the higher standard:
(2) at time t, action X conforms to the standard of reasonable
care defined in (1);
(3) S omits to perform X at time t,
(4) Harm is caused to some person, P, as a result of S’s
failure to do X.
(ref. Curd and May, pg 15)
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Where you draw the line is your choice
Corporate ethics begins with each person
You can be held personally and legally
responsible for your professional actions
It is important to understand your company’s
attitude toward ethics - it should be a factor in
your choice of employer
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Is Whistle-Blowing Justified?
Class Discussion
Harry and the silent salesman (pg 222, Martin and
Edgerton case, (pg 223, Martin and Schinzinger)
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