Characters of the Trojan War

Furtive-Intrepid (15 total)
Warm-Up: Vocabulary
 Directions: WRITE A SENTENCE using the following
vocabulary word and DRAW A PICTURE to help you
remember the word. **Use alternating colors to
help you with spelling!**
13. insidious treacherous; crafty; more
dangerous than is apparent
Trojan War Notes
 The most common
explanation for the Trojan
War is the story of The
Golden Apple.
 Do you remember the
goddesses involved? The
judge of their beauty
contest? And what each
goddess promised him?
 Who did Paris pick?
Characters of the Trojan War:
The Trojans
Hector, oldest child of Priam and Hecuba, presumed
heir to the throne of Troy, was the greatest Trojan
hero of the Trojan War, the main defender of Troy,
and a favorite of Apollo.
With Apollo's help Hector killed Patroclus, the best
friend of Achilles, the greatest of the Greeks, but
staying on the sidelines due to a conflict with
When Hector killed his friend, Achilles became
enraged and so agreed to join the other Greeks in fighting against the Trojans.
Achilles avenged the death of his friend by killing Hector, after which, to disgrace
the Trojan prince and to let off some of his steaming madness, he dragged Hector's
corpse around the grave of Patroclus three times. Priam had to go to Achilles to beg
for the body of Hector so he could give him a proper burial. Despite the abuse to his
corpse, the gods had kept Hector intact.
Characters of the Trojan War:
The Trojans
 Priam
Priam was the last king of Troy, son of
Laomedon and Strymo. King Priam was
killed at the end of the Trojan War. His
wife was Hecuba. Paris, Troilus, and
Hector were three of Priam and Hecuba's
many sons.
 Paris
Paris was the son of King Priam of Troy and
Queen Hecuba. Paris abducted Helen (Wife of
Menelaus) and took her to Troy, thereby
starting the Trojan War.
Characters of the Trojan War:
The Greeks
 Agamemnon
 Agamemnon was the leader of the Greek
forces in the Trojan War. He was the brotherin-law of Helen of Troy. Agamemnon was
married to Clytemnestra, the sister of
Menelaus' wife, Helen of Troy.
 Menelaus
 Menelaus was the king of Sparta and brother
of Agamemnon. When Menelaus married
Helen, a promise was extracted from all the
rejected suitor-princes that they would come
to the aid of Menelaus should anyone try to
abduct her. Paris, a prince of Troy was a
guest in the palace of Menelaus when he
decided to steal Helen. The Trojan War was
fought to bring Helen back from Troy to
Characters of the Trojan War:
The Greeks
 Achilles
 Achilles is part of the Achaean
(Greek) force in the Trojan
 Agamemnon leads the
Achaeans to Troy to win back
Helen for his brother
 Proud and autocratic,
Agamemnon antagonizes
Achilles, and so Achilles sits
out the fighting.
Characters of the Trojan War:
The Greeks
 Patroclus
Patroclus was a dear friend of Achilles who
put on the armor of Achilles and led Achilles'
Myrmidons into battle, while Achilles was
sulking on the sidelines. Patroclus was killed
by Hector.
 Odysseus
Odysseus, a Greek hero, is the leading figure
in the epic poem The Odyssey. Odysseus is
the king of Ithaca, son of Laertes and
Anticlea, husband of Penelope, and father of
Telemachus. The Odyssey is the story of
Odysseus' return home at the end of the
Trojan War. Odysseus fought for ten years in
the Trojan War before coming up with the
idea of the wooden horse -- just one example
of why "wily" or "crafty" is attached to his
The Cause and the Ending
 CAUSE: Wife of Menelaus.
 Helen's beauty was so overwhelming that Theseus and Paris
abducted her and the Trojan War was fought to bring her back
 ENDING: Trojan Horse.
 The Trojan Horse is a crafty contraption that allowed the Greeks to
put an end to the 10-year-old Trojan War. The wily Greek hero
Odysseus conceived the project and design for the Trojan Horse; The
Greeks left a giant wooden object made to look like a horse at the
Trojan city gates. Some of the Greeks pretended to sail away, but
actually sailed just out of sight. The other Greeks stood waiting,
inside the belly of the wooden beast.
Themes in Troy (2004)
 Write each of these themes down and keep track of
them as we watch the scenes from Troy. These same
themes will be important in The Odyssey!
 Immortality: The Hero’s Legacy in his Name and Actions
 Don’t Ever Tick off The Gods!
 Odysseus’s Role in the Trojan War
 Think: How is Achilles represented as the Epic Hero?