Do Now If you were to take a poll of V.C. students, what do you think would be the overall opinion of: • School Lunch (Does it need improvement, why/why not? • I.S.S. (Does it work?) • School Activities (Are they sufficient, in need of improvement?) • School Policies: (Sufficient? Need more? Less?) Do Now: Forming Public Opinion • Newspapers and television broadcasters often talk about public opinion. They may say, “Public opinion polls show great support for the war in Iraq.” Or they may say, “According to public opinion, stem cell research should be opened to new cell sources.” Public opinion refers to the general attitudes, beliefs, and ideas of a large number of people in our society about politics and other matters. Public opinion is shaped by many different factors. Answer the following about public opinion. • 1. List at least four factors or forces that influence a person’s opinion. • 2. Which force is the most influential? Explain your answer in two or three sentences Measuring Public Opinion When does your opinion become public opinion? Private opinion becomes public opinion when you go to the polls or speak out on a radio show, write a letter to the editor, etc. The BIG Idea Several Factors, including family, and education help to shape a person’s opinions about public affairs. The family is the first political socialization experience. How is public opinion measured? Election results Personal contacts Polls Media reports What kinds of Polls are there? Surveys; subject to bias by those that create and interpret questions Straw Poll; mail survey that asks a large number of people the same question Telephone Polls: no way to ensure opinions expressed are represented by population being studied Types of Polls Biased Sample: did not accurately represent the population What kind of information do polls gather? • • • • • • • What are the wants and wishes of the public? What are the people thinking about? What is troubling the public? What are the opinions of people on current problems? How informed are people about current issues? What are the voting habits of people, in general, and of special groups within the population? What are the differences of opinion among people in various geographic areas in the country, political groups, groups representing different social and economic levels? What is sampling? Sampling: a group of people who are typical of that general population Biased Sample: did not accurately represent the population Random Sampling: every person in the population has an equal chance of being chosen (most reliable) Quota Sample: chooses certain common characteristics (least reliable) Straw Votes – asking the same question to many people What kinds of polls exist? • The Gallup Poll: Gallup has studied human nature and behavior for more than 70 years. • The Marist Poll: Founded in 1978, the Marist Institute for Public Opinion (MIPO) is a survey research center at Marist College. What are the steps in Scientific Polling? • Government leaders make policy based on public opinion • Winning party and candidate often claim to have a mandate (responsibility to constituency) • Election results indicate public opinion – however Interest Groups often shape public policy • Interest Groups: private organizations that work to influence and inform candidates of their views. • Scientific polls use the “universe” (population the poll means to measure). What are some problems with polls? People that support Polls: tools of Democracy People that criticize Polls: makes politicians reactors rather than leaders and discourages voter from voting Frequent complaints about Polls • • • • Wording of the questions can effect response Reduce complex issues to a yes or no answer Public Opinion misused: candidates can create it Sampling Errors: difference between what sampling result show and the true results if everybody was polled • Answers given may not be reliable • Can’t reflect rapid shifts on Public Opinions unless polls are taken often Summary • • • • What is public opinion? How is it measured? What types of polls are there? To what extent does the media impact public opinion? What is the role of the Mass Media in Politics? • Medium: a means of communication • There are four (4) major mass media in American politics • The mass media plays a large part in setting the Public Agenda – the public issues people talk about • Sound Bites: focused snappy statements that can be aired in 35 to 45 seconds. Photo Ops. What tv network is more conservative? What tv network is more liberal? What about newspapers?