Task and Content Analysis artifact - Instructional Technology Portfolio

Content Analysis
Content Area
Content Segments
Google Docs
Instructions on how to:
 Create an account
 Share a folder in Google Docs
 Create a document in Google Docs
 Share a document in Google Docs
 Create a survey in Google Docs
o View tutorial for each segment
 Follow each step concurrently with
Examples of Effective uses of Google Docs in
K-12 science instruction:
 Individual student book reports uploaded
and shared with class
 Students could develop their own word
clouds in their groups and then share them
with the class
 Students and teachers can use Wordle for
class presentations
Instructions on how to:
 Access Wordle website
 Review the FAQ’s for do’s and don’ts
 Create word clouds of subject related words
o View tutorial for each segment
 Follow each step concurrently with
Examples of Effective uses of Wordle in K-12
science instruction:
 Students make a Wordle out of the science
terms in a lesson, adding a definition for
each one.
 Collaborate with another class on a science
project using a spreadsheet to track and
compare results
 Teachers can maintain, update and share
lesson plans over time in a single document
Content Area
Mind mapping software (VUE)
Content Segments
Instructions on how to:
 Create an account
 Search, collect, organize, analyze, and
present using VUE
 Integrate VUE with other learning
application tools
o View tutorial for each segment
 Follow each step concurrently with
Examples of Effective uses of VUE in K-12
science instruction:
Online survey tools (SurveyMonkey)
Students can create a concept map for the
issues addressed by an assignment paper
Teachers and students can use concept
maps to create class presentations
Students can create "systems maps" to
learn how to analyze and understand the
concepts related to science(periodic table
of the elements, animal kingdom)
Instructions on how to:
 Create a SurveyMonkey account
o Create a survey in SurveyMonkey
 Advanced Skip Logic Design
 Available question types and
formatting options
o Collect Responses
 Distribute your survey through
o Analyze Results
o Use surveys in instruction
 Teacher surveys
 Student surveys
 Create SurveyMonkey Quizzes
o Create a quiz in SurveyMonkey
o Use quizzes in instruction
 Review the graphical test results
o Review and analyze basic statistics
o Use charts and tables
Content Area
Google Groups
Content Segments
Instructions on how to:
 Create an account
 Setup a group
 Invite people
o View tutorial for each segment
 Follow each step concurrently with
Examples of Effective uses of GG in K-12
science instruction:
 Set up online class community used for
student resources
 Groups can be used for student instructions,
study notes, homework, calendar, online
 Teachers can use for teacher to teacher
Virtual field trips (Google Earth)
Instructions on how to:
 Download GoogleEarth
 Use GoogleEarth features
o View tutorial for each segment
 Follow each step concurrently with
Examples of Effective uses of GE in K-12
science instruction:
PhotoStory 3
Explore city names, country borders, airport
locations, photos, road maps, National
Geographic content, volcanoes
GE can be used to present or share student
Use sky mode for astronomy lessons
Instructions on how to:
 Download PhotoStory 3
 Load pictures to PhotoStory 3
 Create slide shows using PhotoStory 3
 Save and view slide show
o View tutorial for each segment
 Follow each step concurrently with
Content Area
Content Segments
Examples of Effective uses of PhotoStory in
K-12 science instruction:
Wikis (PBWorks)
Digital storytelling
Instructions on how to:
 Create an account in PBWorks
 Set up users
 Create a page
 Edit pages
 Set up side bar
 Upload files
o View tutorial for each segment
 Follow each step concurrently with
Examples of Effective uses of a Wiki in K-12
science instruction:
Student Portfolios
Collaborative Projects
Instructions on how to:
Create a Skype account
Make and receive calls
Use video calling
Make group calls
Share screen
Examples of Effective uses of a Wiki in K-12
science instruction:
Online classroom instruction
Collaboration with student groups
Collaborate with another class on a joint
research project
Teachers can bring professionals from your
content area to "speak" in your classroom
Content Area
Content Segments
Create pod and screencasts with students from
other parts of the world
Study the same book with another class and
hold web book talks
Have students in your class create virtual
presentations for students in other schools
Teachers can attend a webinar with students
(The table below is left so that it will be included for the final document to go along with the
diagram in the document.)
Asynchronous 1. A series of online distance-learning
modules will be developed in accordance
Training in the
with teachers’ main areas of need, as
form of
expressed by the “Integration of
Technology into Instruction” (Coleman,
Based Training
Workshop Elements
The following technology tools were
identified from the survey questions 9 and
10 as needing specialized training:
Mind mapping software
Online survey tools
Virtual field trips
PhotoStory 3
2. Each CBT module will consist of stepby-step directions for utilizing a specific
instructional technology tool.
CBT modules will consist of narrative
how-to steps that will emphasize
demonstration techniques through the use
of multimedia formats such as video,
audio, and PowerPoint presentations.
3. These CBT modules will be hosted via
an online platform.
The Science in Action website
(www.uascienceinaction.com) or an
outside source will store the CBTs
modules for accessibility for the cohort
4. Cohort participants will be mandated to
complete a specific number of CBT
In order to fulfill grant participation
requirements, cohort participants will be
Training in the
form of
allowed to choose which CBT modules to
complete based on their personal abilities
and interests.
5. Short quizzes/surveys will be
incorporated into each CBT module.
Surveys will serve as knowledge
assessment of cohort participants’
comprehension, serve as a tool for
measuring teachers’ perceptions and
attitudes of the online training, and serve
as a roster to document completion of
online training.
1. A series of professional development
workshops will be developed in
accordance with cohort participants’
main areas of need, as expressed by the
“Integration of Technology into
Instruction” (Coleman, 2010).
The following technology tools were
identified from the survey questions 9 and
10 as needing specialized training:
2. Single Training Workshops
Cohort participants will gain a
comprehensive understanding of how to
use specific targeted technology tools in a
series of on-site single training
workshops. Workshops will be conducted
by presenters trained in the targeted
technology tools.
Cohort participants will gain a
comprehensive understanding of how to
use the specific technology tools listed
and will learn practical strategies for
implementing technology in their
classrooms during training sessions
lasting 2 to 3 days. Those who complete
the training process can then help coach
and train other teachers the basic uses of
these technology tools in their school
and/or district.
Annual two-day summer conferences held
at a local school or university to allow
additional training of current technology
tools and the introduction of new tools.
3. Multi-Day Training Workshops
4. Annual District/State-Wide Conferences
Mind mapping software
Online survey tools
Virtual field trips
PhotoStory 3
Networking and collaboration
opportunities between educators will be
made available and is highly encouraged
among participants.
5. Cohort participants will be mandated to
In order to fulfill grant participation
complete a specific number of workshops requirements, cohort participants will be
each year.
allowed to choose which workshops to
attend based on their personal abilities and
6. Short quizzes/surveys will be
Surveys will serve as knowledge
incorporated into each workshop.
assessment of cohort participants’
comprehension, serve as a tool for
measuring teachers’ perceptions and
attitudes of the workshop training, and
serve as a roster to document completion
of workshop training.